Why do Muslims worship a rock?


Mudshits BTFO

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/mahdi antichrist/

Because they worship Saturn like the KIKES

well i heard that Mahdi is supposedly the Antichrist. some guys here on Sup Forums said it before too:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/mahdi antichrist/

its a very Interesting Theory, but the chances are that its a jewish Psyops Propaganda to make you love Israel so you could die in the Middle East as Israeli cannon fodder in Iraq or Afghanistan, or even Syria and Iran (also jewish targets) are very high too.

Whoever the Jews say is their Messiah, is actually the Antichrist.

Whoever the Muslims say is their Mahdi, is actually the Antichrist.

There is no such thing as "anti-chr*st" you retarded, /x/-tier chr*stcuck.

Muslims have never reformed their aggressive ways, they are primitive sandniggers when opposed to chr*stians.

Just get the fuck off my board with your religious nonesense.

Rocks are symbols for society, masons chip away at them to form the shape needed to provide stability to a structure.

Islam is paganism disguised as monotheism

It's better than worshipping a cuck's wife's son.

Because they are retarded sand niggers

It's a meteor. Some say it's a comet from God.

Well, whatever it is, it seems to be of some importance to... whatever these satanists are believing in, is.

Islam IS satanism, though. It's predecessor, to be exact. The real thing comes later.

Punk rock.

Must have been only special thing in their barren desert.

Good read. You hit a nerve there, so it must be true. We all know that sandniggers and kikes are two sides of the same shekel, they both worship remnants of Babylon (who where satanists in its purest form)


yep. get some retarded beduins to worship a rock.

sounds legit.
all sandworms go to hell, just like it says

It's a rain dance because the region is dry AF.

They literally go there to drink water because Mecca is built above a natural water catchment that was probably created by whatever crater was made by that meteorite.

It's a thousands of years old tradition that was stolen from the persecuted Zoroastrians.

best kim should nuke it for the keks

Knowledge will improve towards the end

that's another thing come true from the bible.

Nothing their fairy books tell has ever come true.

Enough proof for me.

Allah was a kike drone anyway.

They worshipped the stars before the kikes turned them. Same with catholics etc

Kike infiltration.

You own this board, Fritz ? No, you don't .
Shut up and go find another thread to haunt, kraut.

whoa. good digits.

he's a kike btw. germoney is stuck with them, they planted them all there after the war....

I thought it's "supposedly" where Muhammad met with angel gabriel(?). Who told him to write the Koran.


>inb4 triggered Muslims

yeah you can do that without worshipping a rock

Lookie here,goatfucker, you worship the pagan " high god " of that cube, and that murderous kiddie didlin' fuck that called himself a " prophet.
Blowing that fuckin' thing off the planet with a bunch of your fellow heathens circling it will be a sight to behold.

You didn't do shabby on the digits yourself , if I may say so.

Well to be fair, the Mohammedans don't worship it, they just (physically) pray towards it, believing that the meteor takes their prayers to Allah.

If you want to upset them, tell them how the shrine was occupied by polytheists for thousands of years.

Why do Jews worship Moloch?

This guy has the bottom of his shoe on the lip of the opening where the holy meteorite is embedded?
I though showing someone the sole of your shoe was the worst insult in Islam.
I find this photo to be very confusing.
Was this photo taken 5 seconds before this man was beaten to death?

whats behind the gold door?

Christards BTFO

Because, like with Christian sites, it was a pagan site before it was a Muslim one, the Muslims claiming later that it was "built by Abraham" or whatever.

It's a meteorite; primitive people saw a rock fall from the sky and thought it was a piece of Heaven.

>like with Christian sites


The Vatican for starters.

TFW it gets blown up in the future lol.

And god knows how many Christian sites in the "holy land".

So how was St. Peter's Basilica used by pagans?

I would like to see a large group of niggers from Detroit and Chicago be released into Mecca for observation.

Did you know there was a Christian Church on the Temple Mount at one time? Muslims tore it down to build whats there now.

Like the Church of the Nativity (built on the site where Jesus was born) or the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (built on the site where Jesus was crucified)?

> angel

Why does the Christian worship a image of torture and eat the body of Christ and drink his blood on Sunday morning?

Why did Indians sacrifice their own to their God as a offering to them in hopes of stopping whatever storm was coming?

Why do Indians from poo land babble and mediate to their statues and Gods with elephants or other weird ass bullshit and bath themselves in the ashes of their ancestors and their own feces?

And finally why do nigger Christians go out and eat fucking grass.



>r*ddit spacing
>implying /x/ is more /x/ than Sup Forums

Maybe you can answer my questions instead of doing this passive-aggressive bullshit?

Constantine's mother "discovered" lots of these types of sites.

And yeah, that sort of stuff, but I'm honest enough to admit I don't know the particulars of those.

Back to le plebbit it goes.jpeg

>I'm honest enough to admit I don't know the particulars of those.

Then maybe you should be honest enough not to spread bullshit

Maybe you should take your giant lie called Christcuckery and shove it?

High-quality post after high-quality post with you, isn't it?

A white and green marble room with 3 wooden columns, some pots and urns hanging from a wire, another golden door, and some decorative writing.

The "rock" were originally worshipped by middle eastern pagans.

Just like Christianity Islam just copy pastes
regional paganism into Judaism

It used to contain several relics from the Great Pyramid. They have long since been removed and stored elsewhere. They were useless mechanical parts anyway, but they held great symbolism at one point.

Early in the area's history, there were goddesses of the stones who Mohammed went into a eplileptic fit and talked to Allah about. Allah said "They will get you lots of popularism, keep them". So he did. Then later he found out that in order to be declared Official Prophet there could be only one god, and so he had another eplileptic seizure and Allah magically changed his mind and said "kill all the followers, smash the stones". Which happened.

Now... there's a theological problem here. Allah changed his mind, which is impossible under Islamic understanding. So they came up with the most amazing sidestep: the Devil intercepted and changed the original conversation endorsing the goddesses!

If you are a muslim and you ask the obvious question: "Well, how do we know what bits are Allah and what bits are the Devil hacking god's telephone?" you will be sentenced to death a la Salman Rushdie.

It's really something like a Arab Pagan/Muslim Pantheon, since it was a polytheistic pagan shrine that once contained a lot of gods, but is now a captive of Abrahamism.

They don't worship a "rock." They believe that Abraham was commanded to build a house of worship to God. Supposedly, while he and his son were looking for a proper corner stone, the black "stone" descended from the "heavens." It is believed by Muslims to be a remnant of the 1st house of prayer and an object sent directly from one of the "heavens." I think saying that Muslims worship a "stone" is very disingenuous. They are the most monotheistic of the Abrahamic faiths.

That's fine. If they want to reuse religious sites, I don't see the problem with it. The only thing I really object to is their saying that directly about it in heaven is a replica of this kaaba. I don't know what was supposed to be going on with this replica of it in heaven while it was a temple of pagan gods, or how it changes in heaven when they've changed it around and renovated over the centuries.

You know, nobody that I can think of off the top of my head in the ancient Near East actually did that, but one of the allegations made against Jesus in the Talmud is that he "worshipped a rock". I wonder if it's just more than an easy slur.


I think the rock they worship looks like a vigina as well

isnt that the marker from dead space?
would explain a lot about islam.

The thing around it does. They were polytheists with gods and goddesses, so that it had some feminine association is completely possible.

I assume its pagan history has been mostly erased but haven't looked into it.

And that is the difference between Catholicism and Islam. We're straight up honest that some of these Saints were promoted to convert pagans, and we took over pagan sites.

Islam has to explain away it's own past.

>goes on religious thread
>says christcuck
come sir, lets leave this thread.

Yup, the inside used to be filled with Arab pagan idols

Not disagreeing with you at all on that. But you know those idiots' interpretive traditions, and especially the poison pills in the Qur'an have them in a bind. I just don't care if they point at and touch a broken rock. If they want to say they're not worshiping the rock, I'll trust them to the point that I trust old Italian ladies who say they don't worship the Madonna.

Carl Jung has some interesting observations about the ritual of circling the shrine if you're interested in that sort of thing.

I think they go counterclockwise three times around and then clockwise three times; Jung talks about how this movement appears in dreams and in other religious rituals and ultimately symbolizes a descent/ascent and rebirth

all junkies worship rock.
crack/women(diamonds), white trash / arabs

Muslims and Christians are all race traitors.

Death to Christianity, the vatican needs to be destroyed to liberate EVROPA FROM SEMITIC INVASION!!!



whats it look like under the black tarp?

I'm not religious, so I'm not sure, but don't Muslims and Christians worship the same God? I thought the differences between those religions were about acknowledging Mohammed as a prophet and Jesus a son of God?

it's Saturn worship. Their paki march around it looks exactly like the storm that rages on the north pole of Saturn. They're devil worshipers

Interesting video, but Christianity probably stole just as much from pagans, in particular both their major festivals - Christmas and Easter - are direct rip offs from pagan Spring and Winter celebrations, complete with a whole bunch of pagan symbology (fir trees, eggs, rabbits)

This just means Islam carried on traditions from before it, so he succeeded in making Islam look good rather than bad.

10/10 post

Euphoric af

>muh fedora
Is this the only argument christians have?

Because god told us to do so

it doesn't matter if there is something special about it or not, there are a lot of things god told us to do, but he didn't tell us how they are useful.

Because they are idolators and devil worshippers.
God hates them and punishes them routinely with immense suffering, poverty and cruelty.
They are just too dumb to get it.


No, we Christians are neither idolators nor devil worshippers like Moslems are.


Must be a coincidence, LOL
"Let's show em" some Moslem will say in response, "Let's cut off some heads to show our love to god"


Why do Christians worship a non-existent dead man birthed by a fucking virgin? Worshiping Jesus is idol worship.

Really, showing compassion to a human being is worse than idolatry and devil worship?
You will burn in hell for all eternity my friend, so will every single member of your family.
God punishes you for a reason you demonic creature.


The adulterous women will be punished by god accordingly, the son will not.
Idolators and devil worshippers like Muslims will be cast into hell no matter what other good deeds they may have done in their lifetimes.
There is only one punishment for devil worship both on earth and after death: Cast it into the fire.
That's why terms like "holocaust" and "shoah" which roughly translate to "being burned completely" are often used by devil worshippers of all kinds (like jews for example) to describe their most intense and greatest fear.
That which shall come to pass for god has ordained it for them. To be burned completely.

Does God talk to you?

No, but his law is clear. Idolatry/devil worship = eternal holocaust.
Since he is a Muslim he qualifies for both, whether he likes it or not.


so this is the power of (((christianity)))

How do you know "god's law"? What makes you think that Bible is not written by some random schizophrenic? Why is bible true for you but koran or some other other religious texts are not?

No this is Deus Vult motherfucker

Because they can smell what he is cooking

Do you really hope that I will argue this with you? There is no argument to be made with people like you.
You just await whats in store for you after death.


everyone pack your bags.

It's not like atheists are presenting something better