Are these Polish prices for real? Canada needs to die

Looking at moving to Warsaw, got a dual SIM phone already. Was doing pricing:

>Metro Pass: 110zl
>SIM 1 (Orange): 10gb LTE/10zl (+10gb/10zl, 50gb/40zl, 250g for 70zl)
>SIM 2 (Virgin): Unlimited EU calling, texting, 33GB data (2.5GB roaming in EU), 40zl
>Orange 100mbps/10mbps unlimited internet + 98 TV channels (including CNBC and BBG), 89zl

Total: 249zl

That's $70.52USD for 43GB of LTE data across 2 carriers with roaming and unlimited talk/text, 100mbps internet unlimited, 93 HD 4K channels

In Canada, this would cost:

>Metro Pass: CAD$146.25
>SIM 1: 10GB Rogers Flex CAD$80 average
>SIM 2: Unlimited everything 14GB data Bell/Rogers CAD$102.50 average ($100/105)
>Internet: Bell 100/10mbps unlimited $84.95
>TV: Bell Fibe $102.95/mo (No CNBC or BBG).

Total: CAD$516.65
Total: 1502 zl

1502 / 250 = 6.00

So literally metro and telecom costs 700% of what it does in Cucknada

Canada 2016 PPP per capita in USD:
>43087.80 USD

Poland 2016 PPP per capita in USD:

Canada has a PPP per capita 67% higher than Poland, yet pays 700% more for basically any services?

LOL, LEAFs are the biggest KEKS.


Other urls found in this thread:

Nuke Canada

The reason for this is that we got connected to the global internet later, so we could use the newest technologies (fiber optics everywhere), generally the whole Eastern Europe has much faster and cheaper internet than the Western one.

Get used to a completely different economy, prices of most things won't be as expected, and won't be relatable to Canada.

Former eastern bloc country operates under a freer market than A western country

turns out its much cheaper to connect 300,000 square KM than it is to connect 10,000,000 square KM

I can see that, plus free competition. Can you tell me which operators are the best for reception in Poland? I'm going to be going to downtown Warszawa, travelling weekly to Kobylka/Wolomin area, and all over. So I want one main SIM with data plus a backup data SIM w/ the best coverage in case SIM 1 fails.

Also what are salaries like in Warsaw now?

The polish food really looks like shit, and I can tell it's cherry picked to be the "best"
I'm not defending Canada in any way, but... why??

>kys Shanqwayway Mohammedia Lee

Canadian telcos cover maybe 100k square kms at most. It's literally Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and a few smaller cities plus lining the 401. That's it

its the same population as poland spread over a much, much larger area. infrastructure is much easier and cheaper to build in tiny european countries where the population is crammed into a few urban centers

>not having eaten babushka cooked polish food

why are you alive

it's literally crack. thousands of years of culinary mastery

Wait till op learns how much a potato cost over in Poland.

Can all the Polish fags please leave this country already? My city is swarmed with Poles and Ukrainians. Ukrainians are fine, but seeing Poles here constantly hate Canada is driving me fucking mad. Yeah, fuck refugees, but if you think Poland is so good why don't you go back you fucker?

OP, I bet you are Polish diaspora too, get the fuck back to Pooland and never come back. I've had enough of your kind. It was all fun and games with you, talking shit about refugees and muzzies, but then you faggots simply had to start saying how shithole Pooland is better than Canada, just fuck off...

This is not the reason for it because:
1. The same cheap prices happen across the whole Eastern Europe, which covers also quite a lot of area.
2. Regarding population spread it is exactly opposite. In Poland population is very spread out, our second largest city has only about 800k residents, in Canada people are clumped in big cities together because of hostile climate.

>quite a lot of area.
with a proportionate population. face it, telecommunications are expensive when you've got to put it through so much empty land. every km of cable is useful in tiny european countries

Shuttup Cody keep building fences

Yes, especially when is older, as I said, I think we have better core infrastructure simply because we laid it down later. Nobody in Canada will be happily replacing all these cables from the dawn of the internet now so you are stuck for some time with it.

user, you are going to be very miserable in Poland without knowing the language to a very high level.

no its not, 95% of Canada's population lives within 100km of the US border

US-Canada border is 8,891 km long. Assuming it's a straight line (which it's not, so coverage would overlap and less towers necessary), that's 889.1km sq max. Now consider the mainly populated area are generally in Van, Toronto and MTL, to the tune of 80% in 2006, closer to 90% today, so 88.9k km^2, let's assume the distribution is a bit wider, so 178k km^2 of coverage at most.

Rogers, Bell, Telus all fix their prices and rip Canadian consumers off because they can.


Identical plans lol.

Look at airplane tickets. Canadians pay 300% of what Europeans pay. It's cheaper to buy a 1-way from Canada to the EU and then fly back with a 1-way from Europe, usually half the total price. If it's the same airline make sure you misspell your name because they keep track of customers via names/IP addresses when quoting prices (Canadians always get cuckcharged 300%).

>Ukrainians are fine
Fun fact cuck:
>2011 Canada's population: 32M
>Whites: 25.5M
>Non-whites: 5.7M

>Whites: 25M (-90K/year)
>Non-whites: 12M (+950K/year)

Enjoy your genocide :) But I doubt you are white, you are probably a mentally ill half-breed leaf on Sup Forums... might as well kys.

By the way, when we are talking about plane ticket prices, I have no idea how it is possible, but assuming you are buying ticket only week before the departure, you can fly from Warsaw to Wrocław for like 40 pln, which is like $10. Actually year ago I flew this connection for $5. It boggles my mind how is this even possible.

Yeah we're getting financially raped in this country

>best coverage in case SIM 1 fails.
You'd need disaster. I think the coverage is 99.9% since early 2000s

Not LTE obviously

I'm Polish, native fluency in both Polish and English (plus other languages)

You're like the twats in the backcountry here, bitching about the lack of infrastructure and high prices that pay for said infrastructure development.

Everyone got fucked on the price of broadband initially. Go back as little as 10 years and your service was 1MB for double the price even in this city.

Or is this the new corporate approach towards monopoly "the internet should be a human right" total bullshit?

I depends what you are doing. If you can work remotely as a programmer, this is probably the best place in the world for doing this.

The driving distance from Toronto, Canada to Montreal, Canada is:

>337 miles / 542 km

>pic related

Because European airlines aim to fill the seats at any cost (since marginal profit exceeds marginal costs). In North America, Canada especially, airlines who have say 20 empty seats could either:

assuming normal cost is $300/seat for YYZYUL

>fill them all at cheap rates ($30 vs $300), and profit
say profit $600 @ $20/seat

>offer 1 seat at $6000
1 out of 9 flights some cuck pays $6000 for a $300 seat

10 flights
>@30/seat (90% off) x 20 = $600/flight profit
>9 flights = $5400 revenue

>@1 cuck $6000
>9 flights = $6000 revenue

Net tangible profit (minus other expenses) $600

The probability models that go into this are insane. My old combinatorics prof moonlighted for Lufthansa, fascinating shit.

Wrong pic

Are you trying to become a Polish citizen or do you just want to live in Poland? If the former, don't be a fuck, understand that your view of Europe/European nations/European politics is warped and probably wrong

What are salaries for say programmers, bankers, investment bankers, quants, etc? I can get a contract for programming at Western wages but I can't program without becoming suicidal. I'm looking for investment banking, Warsaw.. have experience from NYC bulge bracket

Is tax still 18% for

> (OP)
>Can all the Polish fags please leave this country already? My city is swarmed with Poles and Ukrainians. Ukrainians are fine, but seeing Poles here constantly hate Canada is driving me fucking mad.
Hey Ukrainian Canadian here most of us would leave Canada for Ukraine if Russia and Eu would just fuck off and let us be free
we hate Jew we hate niggers we hate Russians and we like the polish
We want Slava Ukraini not Slava jewkraini you leave us be and we'll fuck off but till then we swarm your shit hole and fuck your children till you help our homeland

poor canada

white trash polak diaspora is big and sneaky

For 5 bucks they certainly had a loss on me, but I think this encouraged me to flying with them, so it is being done as marketing. Still, plane connections in Poland are amazingly cheap (like many other things).

I hope everyone in all of North America who is at least a first gen European immigrant returns. The colonies were a mistake.

Where would I return to? My grandparents are either british or finnish, and its only through some miracle there's just the two countries to choose from and not 4

I'm Polish, was born, am fluent, am alcoholic by western standards and have citizenship

Wir sind so wie ein Chamäleon, warum nicht, das lebens ist nicht so lang

Und Hans, das gelt, 1,500,000,000,000


There are other costs to consider, such

>repeat business (at profit)

Which is priceless

But I'm curious, what are usual intraeuro prices, on non-small planes? (I need 4 engines or I'm not flying).

>Und Hans, das gelt, 1,500,000,000,000

(I don't have the Polish one)



Canada is a shithole filled with tired slaves that put on a fake smile and pretend things are great because the grass is green and the streets are clean. 20-25% of the able bodied working population sits idle in every city, everything is excessively overpriced, nobody wants to set up a business here and you get penalized with extra CPP and other bullshit if you want to be self employed, you pay taxes so the government can give the money away to other countries or dump it into the pockets of grossly over payed government workers.

The average salary in Warsaw is $42,000 per year.The average bonus in Warsaw is $1,100.

Is this accurate?

>Looks like shit
>Smells like shit
>Tastes like shit
Its shit, ill stick to my western food and non-retard language. Also, fuck queeurope, fuck quebec, and to hell with all the godless apes flooding across our border while Kathleen fucks over Ontario. We need to get our country back on track and send away migrants like we used to: by parking a dreadnought in their way.


polish girl told me a driving test costs like 400 bucks there

Statistics don't say much really. If you will account for the fact that everything is much cheaper and quite a lot of people work illegally, it's not that bad as it looks in reality. Programmers are easily getting three times that, and if they work remotely for western companies, then they have pretty much western wages with all this cheapness. Everyone who knows what he is doing, is doing really fine, I would only discourage everyone from looking for manual labor, believe me you cannot compete with Ukrainians.

If you mean the whole course with all exams on top of it, then yes.

> lives in poland
> claims its great on the internet
> secretely tries to immigrate to canada
> gets denied based on objective value score
> "b-but Caneda is shit anyway gays"

slavic geniuses at work

I can get $10-20K USD/month coding from San Fran startups through friends (Ivy League CS/Math). But I'd rather work in banking and perhaps start my own bank and help develop Poland. Or arbitrage Polish coders etc.

I'm ok in terms of money in Canada, by Polish standards probably wealthy, family owns multiple apts from commie era so no rent. Only expenses are food+internet/cell/voip.

What are salaries like for investment banking? I imagine I invest. Is the Warsaw exchange developed in terms of futures, options, CFDs, etc?


they are just slavs shilling for their shitholes

people in slavic countries have NO future, i know people with MSC in electric engineering (claiming at least) who rather work as a janitor in Switzerland than slave away for peanuts in their slav shitholes

just ignore them and be happy you are in a first world country and not a slavic cunt

It really is shit though, the only jobs here are shitty manual labour jobs that pay minimum wage plus a dollar or two in a market where the cost of living is rediculously high. Believe me it's not a great place to be, the only nice thing is that it's very clean here (due mostly to a lack of niggers) but this gives a false impression.

> lives in schweiz
> claims its great on the internet
> secretely tries to immigrate to poland to breed with slavic beauty instead of inbred swiss nazi kike
> gets denied by every polish girl based on sexual market value score
>> "b-but Poland is shit anyway poors"
>resorts to fucking horses

swiss geniuses at work

I don't disagree. Most smart slavs get fucked hard salary wise, despite india/paki/muslim "geniuses" in silicon valley raking in 200-500+K USD/year due to Obama's non-white immigration policy

Canada is just fucked. 350,000 Canadians work in silicon valley.

Pretty much anyone with skills in Canada leaves the country immediately as they make at least double net post-tax abroad

Congratulations, you now know why people go to Western EU for work. Earn in € and then pay in zł, makes what you earned automatically 4 times bigger.

>not buying a 90-day public transportation pass for 250zl
learn to optimize nigga

Well at least I don't see Ukrainians around saying Ukraine is so much better than Canada, so despite your feelings I don't really hate you guys that much. But why does shit only happen to Canada? When people immigrate to America they assimilate to the US and forget about their former countries, but in Canada's case so many people talk about their former countries and it's so fucking annoying, especially when they say their country of origin is better than Canada. Fuck them all

>assuming I might have to leave prior to 90 days
>uses complex probability models to model the likelihoods
>calculates expected value of 90-day pass to be less than market value

t. optimization nigga

Why do only Polish Canadians do this? Why are you such unloyal faggots compared to Polish Americans?

Holy shit I thought there were so much more of you. I knew you were taking in like a million shitskins per year but holy fucking Christ.

>have 4'11" indian/kike shitskin mongrel taunt you with white genocide with your own money that was robbed from you at gunpoint

>CBC "comedy"

I do believe you're an Ukie because of your stupid chutzpah.

By the way, never saw any of canadian diaspora getting back even before SHTF and I've watched it since independence, so for 20+ years.

>starting a bank in EE
Good luck man I hope you don't get killed.


Please don't get goaded into discussing vanadia. You know the authorities are ruthless and won't tolerate dissent.

This whole thread is a honeypot.

Durrr I'm Canadian millionaire, gonan go live ikn Poland like king. Until you spend all your money and need to get a low paying job just like everyone else, or until every local squeezes every goose dollar from you because you're too fucking soft to deal with the chavs and crooks because you grew up in a pussified police state and were always a phonecall away from safety.


You should be killed

I'm not an idiot

That's beacuse slav countries are based

I pay around $25 USD for a 1Gbit down / 200Mbit up broadband connection in Budapest.

where exactly are the 12M located?


Bullshit. 60 of canada is uninhabitable. Except to those snow niggers you got for indians and eskimos.

Try again

I have unlimited calling , sms and data for 25 euro a month. 5gb is free in the EU. I pay 40$ a month for 1gbps internet