I hate White People AMA

Am I evil for actually wanting white genocide and being basically fuckin happy about it?

>inb4 I'm leftwing
I'm not I'm really more apolotical but I just always felt like white people fucked up a lot of the planet. Y'know? I'm not stupid, I'm higher IQ than most here.

Feels good man
Pic is a dumb white bitch who called me a racial slur and wouldn't fuck me because she's a fucking neo nazi whore who browses Sup Forums

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No white people are unironically responsible for 95% of the destruction of the world and they have killed billions for their own selfish greed. Hypocrite dogs.

Lol she sounds based


This is true.

White people have killed nearly 100 million people because of two world wars

Two nukes.

Over 10 million Africans killed by the Belgians.

Over 100 million dead Native Americans because of Europeans (Dr. Stannard calls it the largest genocide in human history).

Tens of millions killed during colonization all over the world.

White people have killed more people than any other race in human history, the epitome of evil. And today they're still at it with US foreign policy.

she is a dumb whore who should lose her life

The human race is going through a critical evolutionary shift. Whites will need to adapt enough to develop key evolutionary advantages and have more children or they will be outcompeted by mixed race peoples. It's just a fact; it's not a personal attack on white people or nonwhite people. I wouldn't cheer on or fight against the death of the white race. This shift is bigger than all of us.

lmao this thread was posted literally a couple of weeks ago. Classic bait thread.

The guy was indian last time.

>Y'know? I'm not stupid, I'm higher IQ than most here.

How to spot a larper 101.

same guy here I'm still mad, i repost so what

Being indian doesn't make me stupid.

My IQ is in 180s therefore I am smarter and can declare iq is a retarded metric. It works like that right?

If you hate white people then leave my country, As a native you "stole my land" so give it back, give me your money and land.



>over 100 million dead red Indians

Lolno... stop fuckin lying, there's impressionable children about, you should know better, Canada

Are you the alcoholic kind of Indian or the London sex trafficking of white minors kind of Indian?

Awwww poor Pajeet can't get his small unsatisfying penis up inside the mucus lined stench trench of the beautiful white wimminz he so earnestly desires so therefore all whites should die.
You fucking apes disgust me

lol white people are solely responsible for the modern world

you think a bunch of shitskins could put a man on the moon? they couldn't even invent a toilet. when the gene pool gets blacked there won't be anyone smart enough to maintain the current infrastructure let alone innovate.

its really just countdown to extinction at this point.

rip humans


Indians would have to be the least desirable males to white women. Why don't you try and date a fellow Indian ?

Brothers, race doesnt exist. A satanic regime rules the world and its agenda is to divide us. And we all know we are conquered. Learn to see reality for what it is. The only way to win this war will be through BROTHERHOOD.

The next great war will not be black vs white. IT will be man vs the technocrats machines. And that war is coming sooner than you think.



>No white people are unironically responsible for 95% of the destruction of the world and they have killed billions for their own selfish greed
Says the Communist Jew

Bull-Queers, Mongrel-Theists, & Jews...

Lefty the Lesbian is a Kike-Stooge...

Stfu and fix my internet connection by sending a new signal you fucking sand nigger

Being the pinnacle of technology and civilization means you have a far greater impact on the planet.

> The concept of envy — the hatred of the superior — has dropped out of our moral vocabulary …

> The idea that white Christian civilization is hated more for its virtues than its sins doesn’t occur to us, because it’s not a nice idea. …

> Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible.

> It’s Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself.

> Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared.

> The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don’t grasp what it really means: humiliation.

> The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn’t conscious of it. And, superiority excites envy.

> Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities. …

~ Joseph Sobran (Sobran’s — April 1997)

>"I hate White People"
>posts mudeyed shitskin

Sorry to hear you don't have hobbies and meaningful pursuits in your life, but everyone makes their own bed.

Also, no one's obligated to fuck you. Would you fuck yourself if you could look at your hateful self from the outside? You wouldn't. You'd steer clear.

YOU again?

Fuckin lel

>guy gets rejectd
>f...fuck white women
Back to /r9k/


>I like to shit where I eat
typical nonwhite behavior

Shut the fuck up bong. Indians have better success than pathetic faggot white men.

>I'm higher IQ than most here
seemingly not, else you would have said : "I HAVE a higher IQ"

fuck off brainlet.

Those are pakistanis

>I'm not stupid,
>advocates genocide

Pick one.

Genocide is a viable solution to any problem. It's the solution of last resort for everyone. Can't solve it any other way? Kill 'em all and let god sort them out.

Even the Nazis were smarter than this.

Jews aren't white, they're half mixed away sand-niggers.

I can't help but point out your stupidity. Maybe it's your race?

You hate whites, wish for genocide and hate neo-nazis, but act like Hitler. Do I have that correct?

BTW, that bitch is really, really ugly. Which makes you all fucked up. Consider......

That 100 million claim is provably false. It is impossible for that large a population to have lived in the Americas prior to Colonization. They didn't have the infrastructure to support or feed so vast a population. There were probably a maximun of several million as their total and divided politically population. In the 1400s there were only 4 million English. A country that had undergone several agricultural revolutions and was trading with most of the civilized world. Please actually research History before pretending you know jack shit about anything.

Oh, good, then the blacks can breed with them for their genetic upgrade.
Sounds good to me.
Indians are smarter and more successful than Europeans.
You hear that black people?


so funny I forget to laugh

faggot, white girls wouldnt fuck u either

u are trash

Why are openly racist?

You're a virgin, aren't you?

god, she's hot. honestly I couldn't give 2 shits about white people in general, but gawd damn do I love white women


she is italian blood I think

she only rejected sex from me b/c I'm not a white guy, she is a fuckin shithead

You sound pathetic and you will be destroyed in your attempt go mingle with your own kind filth.

That's a complicated question, user.
Here's a ballpark answer.

rejected BECAUSE O RACISM not because I didn't earn it, white trash

She sounds like a reasonable and beautiful young woman. You run along now stinky Nigger boy. A nice White steer is going to 1488 with her.

t. Common Fagth

She isn't your slave. She makes her own choices retarded nog.

>she only rejected sex from me b/c I'm not a white guy, she is a fuckin shithead

far from the only reason, but it was the most important reason for her to reject you

respect to her for being based (truly based, not reddit based)

1) That girl is a Jew
2) She wouldn't fuck you because you're a shitskin/nigger/some permutation thereof
3) She got Skype?

If you were really honest with yourself, you'd realize that whites are not the problem. The Chinese and the Muslims have killed far more than whites.

indian isn't black people u ignorant racist redneck loser, you lose, I win, I don't have to be a white piece o trash like you are

you are defending her she called me a fucking racial slur to her friend


I don't think so she is a Jew, maybe? I don't think so b/c her last name is italian

Sage in all fields, low quality bait.

>not because I didn't earn it
Fellow shitskin here. Earn it? Earned what? She doesn't want to fuck you because you are not visually attractive to her. Move on, you fucking crybaby.

So? People have preferences. There's nothing wrong with her for not wanting to downgrade by having your dirty nigger semen inside of her womb. Fuck off cunt.

It does make you more undesirable on the whole though. The most respected castes are more "white" and most cultures prefer fairer complexions, India is no different. Are you a southern poo that is mad about not being a brahmin or whatever?

Well then you probably are a nigger.

you're that dumb pajeet right?

she is a fucking white nationalist/neo-nazi and she said a racial slur about me to someone and she said "she will only date a white guy"

she is a stupid fucking cunt

I look fine, its not a "preference" she just thinks its bad to ever date anyone who wn't make a white baby, she is neo nazi

Dumb? Fuck no.

Pajeet? Yea, so what?

smart people know they know not.


Congratulations, you're an autistic beta fag.

whelp looks like you need a redpill. you've been shilled my man. so, here goes - jews are open about wanting to rule the races as their master, since their holy book demands this (yaweh made them to dominate the races) and the only race during the time when slavery was open, as in when whites owned slaves, blacks owned slaves browns and reds owned slaves, everyone owned slaves back then. but whites were the first and only to stop and fight against this. the jews hated the damned crackas for this as this was a threat to them. now they got you and most of the world convinced of the evilness while turning each of us against each other to keep us off of them, just like the prison guards do in jail.

not an argument

especially since i already have a beautiful, white, blonde gf, long term stable relationship - who is just as red pilled as me

pretty sure the chinese killed more than any other race and thats just a single country

if I could just accept that about myself i would be happy

but no it's not that easy, I have the chance to be a badass and kick every aass

Racist trash like you and the white whore are making me think in unhealthy self hating ways and that is because u can't stand to make have me as good as you. You want to insult me because of my race backgrund. Fuck you.

so redpilled she is a racist dumb whore like the bitch who rejected me because she is brainwashed

Nope i hate white people too, the world wud b so much better without them

You'll always be considered lower class no matter what. No matter what you do in life, you'll never be as valuable as a white person.


so both of these women, my beautiful, smart, red pilled gf, and the white girl who rejected you - are "brainwashed", for being independent & thinking for themselves and avoiding the massive brainwashing efforts by society to make them not care about their race?

w-what's her name lad?
Also, I agree, Whites are the worst race.
Selfish fucking assholes.
Perpetrators of their own genocide.
Minions of Lucifer.

Ohhh you're a currynigger, that makes since. On top of being ugly, you're probably also short and smell bad. Just go back to r incels there's no hope for someone like you

good, do something about it faggot. do you still have her number? she actually seems pretty cool.

AKA the bigly winning team

I don't want white people to go extinct but I want all the fucking race and identity politics fags to go. Black, yellow, white, gay, straight I don't give a fuck no one gives a fuck stop acting like you're hot shit because of something entirely out of your control it doesn't fucking matter.

New detected.

>being indian doesn't make me stupid
no it just helps

just fucking up english. maybe she didn't want to get texts about bobs and vagene

5 foot 9 is hardly short

fuck u, I look fine

she blocked me in everything, so no

very funny

so funny I forgot to laugh. cool!

it isn't unhealthy. your self hatred is deserved. you should leave.

he says from america

>5 foot 9 is hardly short
fucking manlet

you are the ultimate jerk

you don't like the facts? you got denied by this chick and some asshole on the internet is fucking with you and you cry about it? you are really sealing the fact that you are undateable.

Nice bait.

you are a loser/hater white trash redneck dumbass, have fun dying off bye bye white trash

go play in traffic u stupid loser,u will have fun!

i am as far from white trash as you are from getting any kind of conscious pussy. what slur did she call you? can i start guessing?

or what stupid brownie language is your natural tongue? do you even speak it? or is it pijin?

did you rage quit life?

Fuck off back to Le Reddit, you fat communist fuck

u don't scare me, u redneck cocksucker, I could kill you with no problem, watch out, u won't see me coming

not communist, idiot

>high IQ
>can't even type English
You really have to go back to /r/hapas

>Pic is a dumb white bitch who called me a racial slur and wouldn't fuck me because she's a fucking neo nazi whore who browses Sup Forums
aww what's wrong virgin sweetie?

get a life, you dumb hatefag, I'm not susceptable to your hate

I'm indian american so my family has some English experience speaking it for 100s of years anyway.