According to a 2008 study...

According to a 2008 study, interracial marriages in the USA between white men and black women are 44% less likely to divorce than white/white marriages.

Why is this Sup Forums? Is the African woman really /our girl/?

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She can't do better. Women are always looking to trade up. Hooking a white boy is the lotto.

I like black women. I just don't think half white/half black babies look good. I'd much rather have a half-latina kid.

Fucking this

The real question is why the divorce rate in white-spic marriages is literally triple the rate of other pairings.

Any man willing to marry a nigger is not going to cheat.

>I like black women.
You're a mentally ill faggot.

Look up some black/white celebrities and tell me most of them aren't very attractive people.

Even if this is true, doesn't this still prove that white women are not necessarilly the ideal for white men? I don't really care either way, but the "aryan" obsession on Sup Forums is so cringey considering the amount of beautiful women from all around the world.

it's because black women know their place in the relationship. They're trading up, waiting to get bleached.

It doesn't mean I want to fuck the gorilla from ghostbusters.

The problem is that your data set already over represents the most attractive people in a society. Every ethnic category is going to have some Aphrodite if you're pulling from celebs.

As I said, from experience, half-white half-latinas are more attractive overall than half-white half-black pairings.

SAGE these threads newfags

>celebrities are attractive

Looking good is literally celebrities' only reason for existing. Show me someone who can look good *without* $50,000 worth of cosmetics, designer clothing, and plastic surgery and then maybe we can talk

Thanks for posting. Here's an interesting and thought provoking tidbit from that article.

Any white people as stupid as you I just assume are fucking their cousin, Becky.

>Why is this Sup Forums? Is the African woman really /our girl/?
Honestly, this convinces me. I'm going in pursuit of a black waifu who won't dump me or audition for a shoot for

African women are actually pretty top tier. They have to put up with their retarded fucking men who are completely useless and nowadays literally leave the fucking country to go to Europe and it makes them pretty cool over all. The ones that come over here usually come from relatively wealthy families (African standards) and are well educated.

Now if that's worth having mulatto kids that's up to each individual but yeah.

Is there a carbon tax that need to be paid by these oil-drillers or is it just when the fossil fuels are actually combusted (like when a woman burns the coal) that the carbon tax comes into play?

Nice gets

>Even if this is true, doesn't this still prove that white women are not necessarilly the ideal for white men?
thats some top tier negro logic. the race here is almost irrelevant, its actually the attractiveness and success difference between the man and the woman that makes the women break up the relationship less often... which is why black females aren't breaking up with their white partners as often.

Are you scared of numbers or something?

>White Husband Hispanic Wife .281
>Hispanic Husband White Wife .265
>Black Husband White Wife .091
>White Husband Black Wife .067

Black women aren't used to have decent men in their lives.
White men are too used to white women who think they're princesses.

>The problem is that your data set already over represents the most attractive people in a society. Every ethnic category is going to have some Aphrodite if you're pulling from celebs.
This all just points to the fact that people that are more attractive, healthy, and intelligent between any ethnicity are more likely to produce superior offspring.


The rarity of white men/black women marriages is down to black women.

It’s a huge misconception that white men are turned-off by black women. All my significant romantic relationships and marriage have been with white men. And this is not just my experience, I have several black women in my circle of friends who are loved by and married to white men.

But there are many other black women who overwhelming prefer to marry black men. Ninety-six percent of black wives have black husbands, while only four percent are married to non-black husbands. Black women tend to take care of ourselves, and remain single, while waiting for a suitable black husband.

Interestingly, white men and black women relationships make compatible marriages, and the numbers of these marriages are increasing. In university, I wrote a research paper on white men/black women marriages, and this is what I attributed to their longevity:


Education: White men and black women have comparable education levels. Black women are currently the largest demographic in college, and because of the under-representation of black men in universities, 71% of black women earn master degrees of all black students. Education is also correlated with an individual’s tolerance of diverse cultures. People with high education levels tend to be more open-minded.
Conservative family values: Black women may vote Democratic, but we hold conservative views. Black women independently maintain their households, and are wage earners, but we are comfortable with patriarchal marriage. We tend to raise our families with Judaeo-Christian values, and we are the highest demographic of church goers. Fifty-nine percent of black women attend religious services at least once a week.
Proximity: Segregation is the biggest barrier to mixed-marriages. However, because of higher education, white men and black women are becoming acquainted and engaging with each other on college campuses, and in the workplace.
My white partner, of almost 20 years, says he would not marry a white woman. He says he feels more comfortable in relationships with women of color. His opinion is black women are good marriage partners because they are loyal, more accepting, and less judgmental. He credits the emotional security and nurturing he gets from our relationship to me as a black woman.

White men do consider black women for marriage, it’s black women who need to start considering them.

once you go white, you know its right

>looks and intelligence are genetic

Umm, no shit?

Anyway, any 8+/10 girl can have celebrity-tier good looks if you throw enough makeover money, professional photographers, and photoshop at them.

>Sexual promiscuity increases the likelihood of divorce
>White women have been taken in by subversive culture
>White women get divorced more often

Stop looking at the symptoms and start treating the disease.
Imagine if you went to the doctor and they treated you based on the quality of your cough rather than what was causing the fucking cough.

Black women are not /ourgirls/. Solve for the disease.

>turr hurr huwhite people inbreds lol!!
Fuck off. Europeans have the lowest rate of consanguineous marriage in the entire world. But keeping demonising homogeneous working class white communities, you slack-jawed cuck.

Interracial marriages are more likely to disrupt than marriages in which both spouses are the same race/ethnicity.

On average, black women have higher rates of marital instability, marry later in life, are less likely to marry and to remain married than are white women.

Black women (37%) had the lowest chances of first marriages lasting 20 years, significantly lower than for white women (54%).

Black women are happy when their man is mature and financially stable. White men are happy when their woman doesn't complain. Black women also tend to adopt the political views of their husband.

Made up kike facts to ultimately push the white genmocide even further congratulations op ur contributing to our ultimate downfall

This is because nobody wants to marry a negress, so the ones that do are very desperate, and hold on at all costs because the alternative is dying alone. And of course the woman just feels lucky to get a white dude. It makes sense that it's so much less likely to end in divorce but ironically it's because they are shit.

Turn threads like this into the opposite of what (((they))) intend: redpill threads.


thomas understant me. no beat me wid big rock. we talk out problem. no udda man i been wid do dat...

How can white women even compete

Damn! Got any nudes?

for the most part, marriage quality is determined by the woman
Only a top tier black woman who really wants a successful life would marry a white guy

the black woman with kids is the black man's fat white woman

neither can do better. The white guys hooking up with black girls are people from Sup Forums who havent touched a girl before

Thank you, very insightful.

>White women have been taken in by subversive culture
So are you admitting that white women are more degenerate than black women?

I'm not talking about Europeans. I'm talking about Americans. My buddy Friederich might not be fucking his cousin, but good old Billy Bob sure is.

Let me explain something to you fuckheads. Niggers hair does not look like that at all shes using some kind of fucking wig trust me. Why do you think niggers always have afros an shit? Its because they have different hair from whites or anyone on the planet. Imagine having sex with and having her wig fall of to rub up against her nasty ass greasy as fuck brillo pad hair. She'll probably give you some kind of STD just from her nasty fucking head.

If you want to blame someone for Multiculturalism blame white women. You don't need to look around to see that.

>Straightens hair
>Wears western (white) clothing
>Western manners


Ever notice how anytime somebody finds a negress remotely attractive they always have hardcore European admixture and try to look as white as possible?

Oh and btw you ever see niggers slapping there heads? Its because they have an itch or there weave s coming out shits disgusting and funny as fuck at the same time.


>According to a study done by kikes who really would rather all Europeans die out, Interracial marriages are totally awesome and way more lasting and fulfilling

It can, but it's a fucking endeavor, you gotta treat it with oils and shit daily

>It's white women's fault!

White men are more likely to race-mix than white women.

I guess if a black woman and white man hook up, it must have some significance to them. White women and black men hook up just for sex and daddy issues.

That still doesn't refute OPs point. You're purposely not singling out white men - black women combo, you're taking a lump average of all interracial marriages and saying "aha, see point proven, GG goyim". Intellectually dishonest.

We should strive for the truth here because after all we're white the correct term is Whit suicide not 'white genocide.'

No hair hatted hooligans for me

See what I mean?

Is this a result of what occurs or simply what they would prefer.

>this delusion
>"N-No she's not attractive, and if she is she has white features. Being attractive is a white feature"
If she was arrested, you wouldn't be going on about these "western manners" or "European admixture" (none of which that woman has, her face/profile is Negroid as fuck. You're just a hypocrite).
Also, literally every non-white other than black and Hispanic has straight hair. Even some blacks have straight hair.

>muh straightened hair


Typical antisemetic rumor. 'Iz da jooz nigga'

Straight hair and light complexion seems to be a worldly preference. I mean I see it in Asia too.

>On average, BLACK WOMEN have higher rates of marital instability, marry later in life, are less likely to marry and to remain married than are white women.
>This doesn't refute OP's point at all! Pointing out that whites women over black women makes you the good goy for some reason


fuck off autist

the guy looks like a spic

how many fingers can you fit in her butthole?

meh. maybe

>33% chance of any marriage to end in divorce
Flip three coins at the same time, they all have to be heads, or you lose.

"Latina" isn't a race. I assume you mean Native American, which would mean you're talking about mestizas, no matter what the admixture ratio is.

>says nothing about European admixture

Honestly, its because men are less likely to think about societal standards than women (on average) when it comes to who they fuck. They're more inclined to go with what is more physically appealing as opposed to someone's status on a totem pole. Obviously this is generalizing, but makes sense when you consider evolutionary psychology with regards to sexes.

For a negress, marrying a White man is like hitting the lottery. Unlike Tyrone, he'll provide a good life for his wife, and he'll actually be around when she has a baby. Why would they ever leave?


The jews have convinced me. I want a black honey

you'd know nigger fuck off outta here. stop taking white culture

nice WIGGGGG hope you enjoy the nasty fucking smell

That stat is false, outdated, and used too small of a sample. You can go to the website where that stat is originally from and see for yourself a more accurate one. I don't have the info pic that I usually post to debunk pro BW/WM shills like you since I am posting from my phone. Seriously, we all know how shitty black men and women are just in general. Do you honestly expect divorce rates not to be shitty with black people involved? Black men and women carry the same shitty DNA for crying outloud.

>Goy, it's not the jews, I swear!
Typical kike response


(As a fellow white person) All you need to know is this: Love is love

This. It's about humility. We could say the same thing about obese women being more loyal to a fit male model.

OP here. I live in DC and there is a huge African community here, who are very peaceful and polite for the most part. Why are Ethiopian women so FINE?

Whats your point? Most black people from the US have European admixture.

>ignores it when it's acknowledged

Same goes the other way around. My fiancé is sexy skinny thick Italian, her sister is a taller blonde hair blue eyes version of her that works out 5 days a week many times multiple times a day. Straight up smoke show! My good friend, black, educated, charismatic, good looking but a big chip on his shoulder about how dark he is. He goes in for the kill trying to holla at my soon to be sister in law. She politely shuts him down but she is to fucking honest, told him she doesn't date black guys. Fucking crushes his soul, and over a year later rehashes it again like it happened yesterday. I just wanted to shake him, and tell him to blame his race, for woman not wanting to marry, date, fuck down. The whole BBC thing is a myth. Trust me I know, we tag teamed two girls back in my single days, again he had this brown mut, I had blonde blue eyes and giant tits. Naked bodies everywhere blonde didn't want to touch him, see his soul die, a month later the mut breaks up with him. I worry about him killing himself. He was lied to by the porn industry, and liberal media.

>yes goy, why don't you marry a nice negress?

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post

I want to eat grits off her tits

>be white man
>marry black woman
>raise nigger sons who will be twice as likely to divorce compared to the average
What a great idea

It's a function of how atrocious white US girls are. Marrying one is a guaranteed divorce. They are only good for fucking. Some European girls are much better for marrying than anything from the US or even UK. Those women are cancer. If I had to chose an american only to marry, black girls are only bad because the children will be retarded and the family is thugs. Going gay would be an option. My advice for the virgins here is to learn some European language and make friends else where, because the american girls are not marriage material. They lack basic coexistence skills and you can't trust them at all.


>Using the same merchant I did


Spot on data, every point, describes my AA significant other.


Why is this Sup Forums? Is the African woman really /our girl/?


The only girl you need is the one you find. :)

stop hiding your flag

I hope I never get so jaded that I fail to recognize sick digits

Exactly correct


>Imagine if you went to the doctor and they treated you based on the quality of your cough rather than what was causing the fucking cough.

Doctors actually do this shit though. Claiming that a whole group of people are to blame for your own people's inadequacies is nigger tier logic fuckwit.

how has no one posted this yet and why are retards bumping this thread

>If she was arrested, you wouldn't be going on about these "western manners" or "European admixture"
Duh. Because she's primarily not white.

>none of which that woman has
How much you bet that woman is American? Do you know the percentage of European admixture among American blacks?

>Sure they're in a country filled with whites but they're really just trying to look like Asians n shiet!
kek the cognitive dissonance is hilarious

Calm down there, turbo.

