What's the best place to start with jorden Peterson?

What's the best place to start with jorden Peterson?
His video lists are confusing
My body is ready

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bible series

2017 personality lectures

I've really enjoyed his bible series so far.

Start here:

Then watch one of his Map of Meaning series, 2017 has better production values, but Peterson is less humorous in it (apparently he had health issues last winter)


Then maybe start the bible series



>watch the entire Maps of Meaning course
>watch Personality course

>Great introductory interview to understand JBP, his positions and motivations

>Good video that lays out many of the Doc's main arguments, and how he came to popularity

>Maps of Meaning 2015 (I'd link 2016 but it's missing a lecture)

>Metaphysics of Pepe

I love "Maps of Meaning."

I got started on them by watching smaller clips pulled from that course.

Excellent list

Both Joe Rogan interviews, those should be the quick rundown. Then watch Maps of Meaning 2017.

Personality -> Maps of Meaning -> Biblical Stories

Doesn't this boomer hate us and think we should "clean our rooms" instead of worrying about economics and white genocide?

Also read the Maps of Meaning book

>Juden Peterson

Don't do it. It's a blue pill you might not be able to let go of. Christianity has been the biggest source of societal stagnation next to the central banks.
He goes on extensively on why the Nazis are most evil people in the world and how Judeo-Christianity is the only way to happiness. Don't fall for it.

he's a gnostic self help guru interested in redesigning humans into robots

go to mass instead, way better.

Pick one, retard

He's also a kike lover but NEETS on Sup Forums should really get their shit together regardless.

DOnt do it, he's bad dumb.
Hes not intelligent in the slightest you will be wasting time just think on your own.

>just think on your own
>said the Jew

The one about his wife

did i call him a 'pragmatist'?

read maps of meaning. classic gnostic dualism in the tradition of jung. spirit good (feminine), matter bad (male), and you are the line of chaos and order. also take my personality test.

what's 'pragmatic' about any of that?




There you go, now you can skip it and listen to grown up philosophers, not liberal leaf professors who pay shills to post here

I watched one of his original maps of meaning series from Harvard first. After that I read his book, then watched the 2017 maps of meaning series. Watch other ones he makes sporadically, but I don't have the time to watch them all.

let me know when Peterson has something to say about McLuhan, and not just the 'alchemist' Norrie Frye.

Im somali jewish only in name ;>

I didn't get the impression that he was religious. More like he's aware of the origins of the religion and the significance. That is to say, they originate much earlier than what the abrahamic faiths claim. I.e. literal god from the bible and the Quran is bs, a metaphor living life healthily.

proving that he doesn't understand the significance of europe, the catholic church, the alphabet.

he instead invites you to join him on a drug fueled quest to find yourself inside a computer, imagining himself to be 'authoring' destiny itself. total dunce!


intellectual masturbation

>did i call him a 'pragmatist'?
He calls himself a pragmatist, retard.

>classic gnostic dualism in the tradition of jung
What a garbage sentence. Jung developed many of his concepts out of alchemy, not Gnosticism. Gnosticism is a particular interpretation of the events in the New Testament. Hermeticism, which is the informal school of thought which includes the commentaries on alchemy of numerous classical pagan authors, is the lens through which *some* gnostics used to interpret Christianity. During the Renaissance the idea of a Hermetic and Mosaic interpretation, one symbolic and the other historical, were widespread in Italy until the Counter-Reformation.

Fuck off

alchemy = self-generated salvation = gnosticism. . .

You have never watched any of his videos right?


Smoke more weed, schizo faggot.
>late Middle English: via Old French and medieval Latin from Arabic alkīmiyā ', from al ‘the’ + kīmiyā ' (from Greek khēmia, khēmeia ‘art of transmuting metals’).

solid book on the subject


talking gnosticism with a small g here by the way. the same sort you find in maya angelou or wired magazine. or the cathars/rosicrucians/puritans/jesuits etc.

Peterson does attempt to replace Christianity with the myth of World War Two. Liberalism is not pro-Logos, it is anti-Logos, as any positive identity leads to Fascism. There is a deep, deep rift cognitive dissonance that causes him to veer away from Solzhenitsyn's and Jung's and Heidegger's path towards Liberal Democracy, which is the antithesis of traditionalism and embodiment of nihilism.

yes - only according to the hermetic traditions, the base LEAD turning into GOLD is your own SOUL (which drugs like pantagruel, mandrake, and ERGOTAMINE were very helpful)

Maps of Meaning
then Bible lecture (which is a lot more than just bible mind you)

instead of diving into dialectics in mono-log, peterson would be wise to considering the techno-structural communications circumstances surrounding the events - or the 'grammar'.

any hitler without a radio & PA system?
any psychological warfare without TV & satellites?
any 'maps of meaning' without the internet & nootropics?

This is the HERMETIC interpretation of alchemy. The Arabs actually believed in real, literal magic that could transmute substances, which goes back to the Semitic folk-belief in the inherent magical powers of words. Read Arab naturalist commentaries and you will notice this. A holistic worldview can be interpreted validly at many levels of reality at once. It is characteristic of Gnostics to deny the literal and insist on the sole validity of the "spiritual": the Orthodox Christians have it right when noticing that Lucifer was too much spirit, not enough body, like a brain in a vat, and connecting this idea with Gnosticism.

The landscape of the human psyche remains unchanged. You're not getting rid of dialectics, you're standing it on its head. Marxism.

This is the only real Western Christianity. Like classical music, the "small g" gnosticism you point out is the only spirituality reflecting the genuine Western spirit. The problem is that idiots take this and extrapolate back into "big G" Gnosticism, which is actually more Semitic than the supposedly Judaic ideas of Orthodox Christianity which they reject.

the landscape of the human psyche remains unchanged? what?

no, in fact, powers of the human soul (english for psyche) tend to form habits & tendencies at early ages. try raising your child without the alphabet and see how well trained his memory is.

what do you mean with your one word sentence "marxism?" i'm a catholic.

>Like classical music
Meant to say, like classical music, which has always been esoteric and accessible to an elite closed circle. Everything characteristically Western European is difficult, hard to get into, and requires its own special brand of jargon to separate itself from the plebeian way of viewing things.

what are you talking about?

have you read aquinas (analogy of proper proportion)? abelard? bonaventure (four senses of scripture)? hugh of st victor (didascalion)? jean gerson? augustine (who defined himself as NOT being a manichean)?

do these western christians fit your view?

"always?" classic music didn't exist before the printing press.

western musical notation as we know it didn't exist until guido d'arezzo.


Open his 2 YouTube channels.

There is no special order.

>earns over $60k per month on patreon

it's so obvious from this alone it's a scam

Who really gives a fuck about some youtube asshole? He's obviously got some sort of an endgame. Fuck him for underestimating intelligence and giving dumb fucks false hope for the future. You won't ever understand anything if it's been simplified and digested for you; the intellectual pursuit takes a lifetime to pursue.

Fuck this canuck and his stupid videos.

Go read a book you fucking imbeciles.

His actions speak for him not against him, and it is this what you can take lessons from.
He goes on extensively on why communists are the most evil people in the world.
And he doesnt say that judeo Christianity is the only way to happiness, in fact he contradicts making statements about absolute truths, which is what made Christianity collapse in its own hands. The christian believe or "way of living" is what he is promoting.

>the landscape of the human psyche remains unchanged? what?
Same biology = same phenotype = same hardware. The archetypes address the "assembly code" of the human brain.

> try raising your child without the alphabet and see how well trained his memory is.
A schizophrenic (someone who cannot distinguish between waking-reality and the unconscious) is the same in every culture.

>what do you mean with your one word sentence "marxism?" i'm a catholic.
You can be a catholic Marxist. Marxism, aka Dialectical Materialism, takes Hegelianism which posits history as the dialectical interaction of ideas, worldviews, and ideologies, and turns it instead into the battle of modes of production, which arrange themselves according to infrastructure. Superstructure, aka culture is epiphenomenal to infrastructure, i.e. the material realities that condition it. With respect to information communication, McLuhan is a dialectical materialist("the medium is the message"), and so are you.

right - and st thomas aquinas cut avicenna's five 'interior senses' down to four because that 'magic' did not stand to reason.

in english we kept the five - common sense, imagination, fantasy, memory, estimation.

fantasy is literally greek for imagination (lol) and estimation is for animals (who can't speak and have no intellectual ability for particular reasoning), cogitation is for humans (who can do both).

Spit out a proper argument, name-dropping retard. Manicheanism is not small-g gnosticism.

>where should I start
Don't bother, he's overrated. Nu-pol gets wayyy too hard for him.


>classic music didn't exist before the printing press.
I was making an simile, you numbskull. There is nothing more exemplary of western art than classical music, yet it is the most esoteric and unpopular of genres. Similarly, the brand of religion which is stamped the most with Western ideals is that which is most restricted in currency.

Read pages 124-128 of Laws of Media and let me know if you still think McLuhan was a dialectical materialist.


I bet you there's a video of this guy taking a cum shot in the mouth somewhere, and as always it won't make it to youtube because of MUH KINKSHAMING

No. fucking. argument. to be seen. Schizos are not well-known for their ability to construct coherent chains of thought.

If you consider classical music to be the most "Western" artform, it seems to me that you're skipping over the crucial medieval period which served as the basis for all of that activity.

There was no 'class' before the printing press, instead, society was organized into three 'estates.' No 'public' to 'publish' to.

I'm not arguing with you dude lol

Just saying to pretend Aquinas or the broader Western (Catholic?) Church believed in magic is a fantasy.

>If you consider classical music to be the most "Western" artform, it seems to me that you're skipping over the crucial medieval period which served as the basis for all of that activity.
Right, because it is absolutely irrelevant to the context of my point.

His lectures playlists. Maps of meaning and personality and it's transformations are both great lecture series

Have you considered that "popularity of music genres" is something that was INVENTED by electricity (namely, the radio)? ? ?

>Just saying to pretend Aquinas or the broader Western (Catholic?) Church believed in magic is a fantasy.
I never said they did. You are too far gone to even interpret simple sentences correctly.

I still do. Now what?

They experience moments of lucidity.

Care to explain how a three-part logical structure is the same as a four-part analogical structure, deliberately designed in accordance with medieval scriptural exegesis?

Care to explain why I should do this, when it has fuck-all to do with my original argument?

Folk music and folk religion far predate electricity.

Sorry -

Did you mean to say that 'small g gnosticism' (in the style of freemasons, jesuits, illuminati, cathars, antonines, et al) is the only true form of Western Christianity?

Or did I misread you?

My need for dick predates language

maps of meaning, if you seen this you seen all of it
he knows how to speak to the public but thats all about him, the guy is a scam repeating the same bullshit all the time

Hey man, you don't have to do anything - this is just bs on Sup Forums.

Just surprised you think McLuhan & I are dialectical materialists, and legit curious how you kept that view after reading those pages.

Who's "us", you faggot?

yea- oral awareness was retrieved by radio, but the print-oriented classification of them into distinct & separate categories (species & genre which are now spotify playlists) seems pretty far from the way those 'folks' would have understood it.

> 'small g gnosticism' (in the style of freemasons, jesuits, illuminati, cathars, antonines, et al)
Even if I were stating that, it would be incorrect because the differences between the Jesuits, Freemasons, and Cathars are vast.

>Or did I misread you?
Yes. This small-g gnosticism is apparent in every aspect of western thought, first manifesting in the early medieval Christian epics of (for example) the Breton Lais, Aquitanian songs, Icelandic sagas, and the works of Wolfram von Eschenbach, then entering scholastic thought with Nominalism, becoming more and more predominant until its intellectual height during the Baroque, until it reaches its essential completion in ethical thought with Nietzsche.

All his videos are like fucking 3 hours long.
I just bounce around youtube suggestions that are edited clips like 12 minutes long.

OK - thanks for clarifying that. That is what I thought you meant.

Yes, the Jesuits/Freemasons/Cathars et al were different 'groups' formed from different circumstances for different ends.

My reason for name-dropping Aquinas/Augustine/Gerson et al was because they seem to be quite opposed to the 'small g' traditions, and represent a canon of orthodox Catholicism through different periods. Even Chesterton had lots to say about Nietzsche's dionysian/faustian philosophy.

I'm discussing the 'magian' angle. McLuhan understood Nietzsche as a poet, and his "God is dead" as a statement of poetic 'fact' under electric circumstances (1882, Thus Spake Zarathustra, and Edison's electric light in Germany).

Also suggesting that i'm amazed to have never seen Peterson discuss McLuhan, his intellectual peer at U of Toronto.

Then watch these.
Peterson's only step one.
The true redpill is that the Third Reich were actually right all along.

The Narrative - Political Correctness

What Is The Jewish Question?

Adolf Hitler's Warning

The National Socialist Revolution

Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs

Michael Jackson about the Jews

The Shocking Jewish Role in African Slavery

Sacrifice: National Socialism

Questioning The Holocaust: Why We Believed

Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The Jew Wanted This War

>My reason for name-dropping Aquinas/Augustine/Gerson et al was because they seem to be quite opposed to the 'small g' traditions, and represent a canon of orthodox Catholicism through different periods
The Romans recognized the distinction between theologia civilis, thelogia mythica, and theologia physica. Aquinas belonged to the first category. His espousal of divine simplicity and Aristotelian realism leads to Cartesianism, however; if ideas only exist in the mind of God, then our ideas has no relation to God because they are multifarious and complex, instead of simple and fundamental. This creates a rift between our understanding and God's understanding, which the Nominalists exploited and which will eventually lead to Cartesianism doubt and dualism (Descartes was a Rosicrucian, certainly a "gnostic" sect if there ever was one).

>McLuhan understood Nietzsche as a poet, and his "God is dead" as a statement of poetic 'fact' under electric circumstances
I'm not saying McLuhan's interpretation is invalid, but you must recognize that it is limited in applicability. "God is dead" was intended to invoke a whole new macrocosmic picture of the relationship between Man and the world, to reduce it to the advent of electric lighting is really a monstrously arrogant thing to do.

But you'll watch complete seasons of bullshit agenda-driven series without batting an eye. You'll never gonna make it.

>to reduce it to the advent of electric lighting is really a monstrously arrogant thing to do.

"My hyperboles are as nothing compared to the events to which they refer."

To speak Thomist/Aristotelian, technologies are often the "formal cause" of ideas, especially when we aren't aware of their structures & biases.

>Aquinas leads to Cartesianism

McLuhan suggested that Descartes meditations, and indeed the Rosicrucian 'inner light' are both inconceivable without a printing press and it's boost of the visual sense in high definition, its tendency towards silent, private reading, and mechanized repetition. Aquinas could have been a small piece of a continuing manuscript tradition if the new form of print hadn't been introduced, and a reform along with a counter-reform.

The shape of the intellectual activity here is informed to a huge degree by networked computers and tv satellites, each medium conceals a unique metaphysics (often felt intuitively by poets). How often have ANONYMOUS strangers been able to instantly shoot text across the world to each other with different tabs open and texts from our friends popping up? Some day an artist will tell us what we've missed about the present. Or more likely, somebody already has.

>technologies are often the "formal cause" of ideas, especially when we aren't aware of their structures & biases.
This is pure inversion, completely contrary to the traditional worldview. To claim that ideas emanate from the material is as nonsensical as saying that light radiates from the earth towards the Sun.

>McLuhan suggested that Descartes meditations, and indeed the Rosicrucian 'inner light' are both inconceivable without a printing press and it's boost of the visual sense in high definition, its tendency towards silent, private reading, and mechanized repetition.
This is a just-so story, justifying events after the fact using the lens of the modernist, blank-slate, technics-obsessed 20th century. You've fallen in love with a particular framework of rigid thinking, which is the path to Hell.

I didn't say they emerge from the material, I said they result from the *form*. Like the alphabet for instance. How do you say "idea" in japanese?

>just so story

Maybe. But this is not a framework, merely psychological context, which is all too often ignored. Context is king. And I'm a Catholic, so i'm not concerned about any 'path to hell' that doesn't involve forsaking the teachings Church.

*teachings _of the_ Church...

>I didn't say they emerge from the material, I said they result from the *form*. Like the alphabet for instance. How do you say "idea" in japanese?
You said technologies are the formal cause of ideas, the archai. This is a vastly different claim from noting that every aspect of human activity is imbued with symbolic significance, an idea which goes back to Goethe at least ("All that passes away is only a reference"). The first cause in this sense is race, lived Being, not technics.

>But this is not a framework, merely psychological context, which is all too often ignored. Context is king.
Intellectual masturbation is not king.

formal cause in greek is eidos aition.
if that is not cause for idea, in the same way that you my audience are the cause of this post, then i do not understand the term.

of course it doesn't live in a vacuum. there's a hyle aition, an archi aition and a tele aition (material, agent and final causes) which the formal cause exists in due proportion to.

that's the structure of a metaphor anyway.

symbolic significance goes way beyond goethe, see the modistae (proto-semioticians) and the doctrine of the trinity.

the age old philosophical dispute between being & becoming was also 'solved' by st thomas aquinas' doctrine of analogy.

but you're right - i am intellectually masturbating in here. was fun at least.

>Fuck him for underestimating intelligence
here comes that real intellectual arrogance
where are your morals though

>how do you do fellow anons
Will you shareblue cia niggers at least wait for someone else to post before you go around double-shilling?

personality stuff first, otherwise you wont understand the rest of it

lol what

>formal cause in greek is eidos aition.
No, eidos aition means 'original species'. To conflate this with the idea of causation is false: causality refers to effects, while eidos refers to that which is responsible for the form of the idea. Archai, as you can already glean from the word, refers to the original or unifying principle. You're blasting through layers of subtlety in order to draw these definitive claims.

>but you're right - i am intellectually masturbating in here. was fun at least.
You know what else is fun? Smearing shit all over the walls and laughing at your parent's reaction when they walk through your bedroom door. About as productive, too.

whoa - who translated that as "original species"?

i'm basing this off the four causes as described & defined in aristotle's metaphysics.

poo/wall is good

eidos means form, species, category.
aition means responsibility, origin, culpability, or "cause" (but not efficient cause). better translation than "cause" would be "because."

ya i didn't mean cause as in efficient cause, i meant it in the 'cause' way.

doesn't morphe mean form? always felt ross' english translation was off to make eidos "form"

did "original species" come from somewhere?

start by throwing him in the trash where he belongs.

We need to worship the roman pantheon

>ya i didn't mean cause as in efficient cause, i meant it in the 'cause' way.
Which makes less sense than efficient cause, because it would be attributing to technologies a mind of their own. You're claiming that the source of forms is the material substrate, which is nonsense. Technology and material relationships is the hyle aition, if we're to use the Aristotelian terminology, which is inappropriate since it is referring to an entirely different metaphysical picture than modern thought.

Morphe means shape, more immediate than form.

not ascribing the mind to technology itself, i'm ascribing that form as inevitable in _our_ minds until the medium's properties are understood via the agent intellect

Joe Rogan Experience #1006 - Jordan Peterson & Bret Weinstein


Larp more. The church is only important only in that we've been duped by it's faux authority.