So I'm in the seminary currently and well >pope says we have to all organize in St. Peter's square to hear an important message >hundreds of people gathered there, can barely fit us all in >wait for like 3 hours in a daze >pope finally shows up. >Waves to everyone >seemingly endless cheering for like 10 mins from the crowd >the pope tells everyone to quiet down. >squints his eyes, carefully looks over all of us gathered almost as if to peer into our souls >dead silence until the mic rings with a loud screeching feedback >suddenly hear him speak one word only
He just realized he's going down, hence the applause.
Jordan Walker
>no proof op is non-truthful and of questionable sexuality
Connor Barnes
anyone want to know why the Queen herself is a Knight of Malta, an internationally recognized military order of the pope. One where participants must swear fealty to the Jesuit Pope
Colton Jones
Yes, tell me nao
Samuel Robinson
The pope has an army? So when are we going to free Jeruzalem from Muslim fags?
Joshua Adams
Luis Young
this cunt of a pope isn't that based mate
Jeremiah Davis
nah not really desu
Henry Wood
Because the pope said FUCK
Colton Cruz
they're Masons mocking the KoM, actual KoM are their enemy
Liam Cruz
What do you expect from a globalist pedophile cult?
Jose Ward
Daniel Brooks
> hundreds of people gather for important announcement >none decide to record said announcement. > weird shit in rome > posts from burgerland
Camden Lee
UPDATE: He's smoking weed and listening to Nu-metal! THIS POPE CAN'T BE SERIOUS
Adam Turner
Tell me about it. I'm not even Catholic, and I heard a knock at the door last night. The Pope was there with two scarlet-clad Cardinals. They barged right in and sat on the couch. The Pope remained standing and, beckoning to me, asked me if I had any weed. I told him, sure, a dime bag, and we got so fucking high.
He was in good cheer and so were the Cardinals so I asked him if he could pull a prank for me. Jet off back to Rome and call an emergency assemblage in St. Peter's Square, and just like sit there and then scream FUCK. I gave him the rest of the weed but only after he promised to do it.
I can't believe he did it. He gave me an indulgence good for everything for the rest of my life, too, it was awesome.
James Adams
oh fuck. I thought it was bad enough he was blasting Dennis Leary Tapes
Sebastian Flores
Strip the King naked. Turn that place into an amusement park.
They're close to Monaco, so that means roller coasters AND go-karts.
Juan Nguyen
The Queen bears the Cross of Maltese
>original Templar Knights were the ones who carried this symbol >military order sworn to the pope, meant to recapture the trade routes of Eurasian >order rebelled and were initially stamped out, persecuted by the Church of Rome
But as we know how that turned out as the Templars crushed the rebellious portions of the Roman establishment. As in the Jesuits gained control which we see in Jesuit Pope Francis. The superior of the Knights of Maltese is stationed in Rome, the Queen herself is the symbolic figure head, and operates the higher order of it, St. Johns of Jerusalem. I suspect the people the Queen has knighted are in fact members of the mystery school/military order
Some other proofs, the Jesuit universities are still prominent in the US and they vet and groom the entirety of the higher echelons of American establishment. Clinton's went through Jesuit Georgetown University.
Some stuff you can't unsee
>British flag has the red templar cross in it, infact many European nations have it, original American union jack had the British flag in where the stars are now >Bank of International Settlements is the heart of the global financial system stationed in a country that has been historically known for grooming international despots, ie Kim Jung II >Jesuits tried to slaughter King James, his family and the parliament in 1605 in the Gun Powder plot, Guy Fawkes was found out to be directed by Jesuit Superior of Britain. A plot meant to return Rome's temporal power
Jesuits themselves have documentaries of their infiltration of both Japan and China. They completely abandoned church dogma in favour of doing whatever it took to subvert the ruling establishments of those nations
Evan Myers
daily reminder that the reason for all the shilling on the board right now is
Kevin Butler
Could you elaborate on this?
Order of Malta is quite internationally recognized
>In order that the Knights of Malta could keep the possessions they illegally obtained they were obliged to exterminate the Order of the Temple, whose knights are actually those who received the degree of Knights Kadosh, or White and Black Eagle. The Knights Kadosh pledged each other, and in the name and presence of the Great and Eternal God to preserve the hatred and enmity towards the Knights of Malta and destroy them when in their power.
Brody Sanchez
Pictorial Memories of the Jesuits in Hong Kong 1926 to 2016 (Full Version), (check out 2:30)
Some giant red pills in there annons. The order helped to rebuild Hong Kong, and other areas of the Asia Pacific in the vision of the order
More like the Jesuits
Aiden Clark
Only muslims are down with the clown
Gavin Scott
When you consider that the Jesuits did TONS of missionary work in the far east, this doesn't seem like that much of a conspiracy. If there is an Asian Catholic community somewhere, it's because of the Jesuits