Some weird shit happened in Rome today

So I'm in the seminary currently and well
>pope says we have to all organize in St. Peter's square to hear an important message
>hundreds of people gathered there, can barely fit us all in
>wait for like 3 hours in a daze
>pope finally shows up.
>Waves to everyone
>seemingly endless cheering for like 10 mins from the crowd
>the pope tells everyone to quiet down.
>squints his eyes, carefully looks over all of us gathered almost as if to peer into our souls
>dead silence until the mic rings with a loud screeching feedback
>suddenly hear him speak one word only


>everybody claps

What the hell guys

Other urls found in this thread:

He just realized he's going down, hence the applause.

>no proof
op is non-truthful and of questionable sexuality

anyone want to know why the Queen herself is a Knight of Malta, an internationally recognized military order of the pope. One where participants must swear fealty to the Jesuit Pope

Yes, tell me nao

The pope has an army? So when are we going to free Jeruzalem from Muslim fags?


this cunt of a pope isn't that based mate

nah not really desu

Because the pope said FUCK