this is fucking retarded
This is fucking retarded
>bolshevik agitators are a new thing
Why don't normies just call them what they are--communists.
It's not hard.
How is it retarded when it's the absolute fucking truth?
They're literally Anti-Fascists.
That means they CAN'T be fascists.
Fucking idiot.
Has Paul Cuck Watson tweeted this yet?
You ever feel like just waiting out the Antifa fad like maybe if you kept on doing what you know is the right thing these disillusioned cunts will just disappear when they lose their audience or when the average american gets tired of hearing them?
someone post his funny catchphrase
The left one hates America because of the massive influx of Jews in top government-positions
The right one hates America because those Jews in top government-positions are telling him what to think.
But fascism is a good thing.
Branco's a fucking retarded baby boomer. Even The Donald hates him.
this is highly offensive
NSDAP would never use such inferior improvised weapons
Oh, and this one's my favorite
Someone has to tell those cucks what to think imagine what would happen if they where asked a real question that required critical thinking...Probably another Berkeley riot
>neo-nazis hate America
Germany never hated America.
You just needed to play world police again and we all see where that ended.
>Nazi Germany
>"we hate America!"
False. Why can't people see past the most primitive of propaganda.
Wow. So powerful
>he's just running the country, most people like him.
We STILL like him.
Antifa terrorist scum detected.
Was this from when Trump 9/11'd him?