9mm service rifle

If this was viable ~60 years ago, could it be viable today?

A 9mm carbine today would be lighter and more accurate, and could take advantage of better ammunition.

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Wrong on all counts. Body armor wasn't pervasive at the time, a 9mm round is not much lighter than a 5.56, offers less range, accuracy, and penetration.

first off

second no, its pretty fucking easy to defend against 9mm. we are working on full bod armor that wouldn't be bothered much by it no matter where you shot,

No rifle/handgun made since the late-19th century is obsolete.

totally viable

>A 9mm carbine today would be lighter and more accurate

9mm doesn't have very good mid-distance range, or am I wrong

I'm sure that's not true.

9mm is heavier than a 5.56. Most 9mm rounds are 114/124gr while most 5.56s are 55-72gr.

If you want to go shoot up a convenience store, sure, if you want to use it in combat, may as well just throw rocks at the enemy.

>more accurate
Please kill yourself. 9mm has a muscle velocity of 1100 ft/second. 223 is like 3000 feet per second. But for the record, there are 9mm carbines, used almost exclusively by niggers

case in point

>No rifle/handgun made since the late-19th century is obsolete.
Lever action rifles are pretty fucking obsolete compared to automatic rifles user

9mm is over a hundred years old

10mm would be better

.32 or lower pistols are damn well close to it. It'll do what you need in a pinch but for a non concealed sidearm it's obsolete.

9 may not be quite powerful enough for modern day body armor. Honestly I think 7.62 is the way to go

Yeah but the velocity of a 5.56 is incredibly higher and does way more damage than a 9mm.

>Talking of guns

No. That would be a submachine gun if you're talking about 9mm Para or some other pistol round.

Russians use a 9×39mm rifle round for weapons like the VSS.

Agreed, just saying that 5.56 is definitely not heavier than 9mm.

no and no and no and no for so many reasons

go ask /k/ why

and fyi 9mm bullet weighs 124gr while a 5.56 weighs 55gr

mm is the shit. Should be the standard again.

The post said the 9mm ROUND was (only somwhat) lighter than 5.56, not the bullet

> What is an MP5

broad statement that is untrue

a lever action rifle in .338 with a scope could be used as a designated marksman rifle

not every fight is CQB room clearing. afghan talibans are using ww2 rifles on us

Lol 7.62xwhat? You clearly know nothing about firearms

A lever action does nothing better than a bolt action, but at the cost of greater complexity and less inherent accuracy. They may be fun, but they are unequivocally obsolete.


ITT: Nogunz

Yeah, SWAT use H&K MP5sl 9mm because they're pretty good in close against unarmoured shitkickers.

For a combat situation where you want a smaller, lighter weapon it's still the best option to use a Carbine with 5.56 or 7.62

The mp5 is a submachinegun, not a carbine.

>using a 9mm as a battle rifle
308 or bust.

"Could it be viable" - Hi-Point featureless carbine is cheap as hell and can be made plenty accurate.

If you ever read about the Six Day war when the Jews stormed Temple mount, a heavily barricaded, tank and artillery defended high point, they carried as many grenades as each man could possibly carry. They spammed grenades the entire way up the mount. Uzi magazine, grenades, Uzi magazine, grenades.

It is a solid strategy. It cost them heavy casualties, but they took the high ground from the muzzies.


Even at our most militarily incompetent moment we never tried to issue our army with rifles chambered for 9mm pistol ammunition, also nice flag leaf

im not that annon, but 7.62x54r is pretty sexy

Even from a carbine, 9mm will be difficult to hit anything past 150 meters. Case in point the VSS

>asking current year Sup Forums gun questions

Your thought process is good. But it's a bad idea. 1) You're thinking of sub machine guns. 2) They were used as primary weapons by armies in WWII along side conventional battle rifles. (Like the M1 Garand or the Mosin Nagant) 3) The modern day assault rifle is the middle ground between the two. It allows for mobility in close combat and volume of fire of an SMG with the killing power of a battle rifle. The tangential increase in range or mobility in close combat do not out weigh the mid point of the modern day assault rifle.
TL:DR your thought process is good, but ultimately it's an idea that would cause more problems than it would solve.

>muscle velocity

Have u ever seen a 9 mm take someone's fucking arm off from being hit in the forearm doubt it. 7.62
May not be quite as accurate but I'd personally rather have that stopping power.

Get the fuck out of here. Your gun knowledge is probably all from Hollywood.

>nothing better
>has the same huge advantage a semi-auto has over bolt gun--can fire multiple shots without taking eyes off target
>can be actuated for a rate of fire equal to a semi

obsolete? gtfo millennial


stop posting you retarded nonguns leaf

>only gun knowledge comes form pubg
>doesn't realize .556 and 7.62 and very accurate at 150meters

Tuckeru Carruson!

Wow. Grenades are a lot more primitive than I thought. Literally flint lock level of technology.

>taking your eyes off target when operating the bolt
literally nobody does this

Mmmhm. There are a lot of these little twats popping up.

It's called body armor you fucking retard. Jesus christ.

7.62 is just the diameter of the bullet user you're not naming an ammo type right now

ballistics of pistol rounds are terrible. even from a 20 inch barell your practical range is 50 meters.

And the Taliban can't engage us in direct combat because of it, that's why they jus blow us up with roadside bombs retard

t. Only knows of bolt actions from COD of duty

We already have the MP7 don't we? It's one of the smallest weapons that shoots a rifle round. Why go backwards?

>not using a rifle made for the opposite handedness
Problem solved nigga.

That's IDF tank crew, it is pretty common for armies to arm tank crews with SMGs.

>if you don't advocate using bolt actions in combat you play cod

>calling me a retard
And I wasn't talking about 5.56 or 7.62 so I don't know why you're bring it up you inbred nigger. I'm talking about how 9mm loads (subsonic or otherwise) aren't effective at longer ranges.
Eat shit

I'm taking 7.62x54 for fuck sake u
Faggots don't know what a short hand answer is. And yeah that round will totally fuck u I watched some one of those things take a guys arm off he was skinny as shit mind u but that round is really no joke don't really care what any of u faggots have to say come feel that hot shit if u wanna try it out

oy vey, is that commander bibi! he looks fierce.

.357 sig

You're touched aren't you?

come home slideman

There's no need to make things unnecessarily complicated. The best designs are often simple and rugged. Fancy high tech airburst grenades do exist though.

I think he meant the combined weight of the cartridge not the bullet, which even then I think 9mm is more or less the same. You only ever take 9mm because you need a shorter round for smaller magazines, you loose a lot for large capacity small mags, I'd honestly suggest scrapping the round altogether and move to .45ACP as a standard for SMGs. Thing is 9mm is great for home defense, as 9mm won't go through 3 dry walls and hit your neighbor beating into to hentai when you miss the nigger robbing your bike, .45acp might...

Depends what you want to do. Speed defeats armor, not caliber. However a lot of late 19th/early 20th century weaponry is still effective and decently relevant today. 7.62, 7.92, don't underestimate a proper rifle caliber just because it was designed to be fired out of a bolt or lever action weapon.

Oh look another retard that doesn't realize it's a weeb or serviceman

>Faggots don't know what a short hand answer is

You need to own up to being retarded. There's more than one "7.62" you faggot ass muh mosin dipshit.

>has the major disadvantage of requiring flat point bullets in the tube for safe operation (so no .338lm)
>has neither the rate of fire and mag capacity of a semiauto, nor the mechanical accuracy of a boltgun
DMRs are typically semiauto or bolt action in every military on the planet for a reason. Maybe you should go try to market a lever action to them and see what they say, seeing as how it's such an effective design.

Or just kill yourself, that works too.

5.56 can punch through soft body armour, can punch through light walls, can be carried in 30 round clips, can be fired from a thin walled barrel, can be used to suppress while standing, and can be packaged in such a way that makes it one of the best room clearing weapons yet one of the best calibers for shooting at up to 400m.

It's the perfect round for service rifles.

Modern military will 9 times out of 10 either use 9.3mm or 12.7mm for anything that a 5.56 can't handle. Which is rare because you almost always have a cannon or bomb you can lay on them if they are entrenched. 7.62 won't punch through modern plate armour and 5.56 will punch through virtually all soft body armour.

Well I guess Americans use the 8mm Lapua rounds and not 9mm rifle rounds. Same shit though, especially since the Americans can drop ordinance anywhere in the world in a blink.

The concept is, the actual execution and materials used are not. The powder train must be compressed accurately in order to ensure consistent timing. Plus, lots of fuzes now use special low gas-producing powder so it doesn't need to be vented. The detonator has been tailored to achieve maximum reliability, and is usually a primary and a booster. The fragmentation matrix and body must be designed and heat treated such that reliable fragmentation results.

The Wright Flyer and a P51 share a lot of similarities in basic design, but one is most definitely not as primitive as the other.


No. Military rifles are chambered for rifle calibers for a reason. This isn't WW2 when self loading rifles were almost inexistent. 9mm smgs do work for law enforcement.

As someone that has used guns for a living, you guys really need to get to the range and quit reading shit online. The amount of obvious nogunz and straight up shitty information every other post is just stunning. Educate yourself on the subject matter and we might defeat the sjw menace. Talk out your ass and we lose.