omg YES!!!!
Omg YES!!!!
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Fuck everyone on that picture except the pinnacle of human evolution master race Canadian
>omg YES
Why aren't you happy with Reddit? Does Reddit not treat you well enough?
Yeah because the hundreds of other comedians commenting on Trump had any effect.
>Implying that Carlin would be against Trump.
Carlin would love Trump as president.
He'd have ripped into Obama if he had any decency to him but listening to some of his old stuff he was more of a cuckold to kiss black-ass than fucking Louis CK.
Broken clock can be right twice a day though that kind of unrestrained cynicism does get rather tedious.
George Carlin is part of the cancerous boomer generation that allowed America to be destroyed on his watch.
Kevin MacDonald is the only based boomer.
i wish the mods would do something
lazy niggers, read your own sticky
I think he'd spend more time rubbing it in our faces for being right about the refugee invasion of Europe.
Carlin died in 2008. Before the Democratic nominee for president was even decided. When the choice was Obama or Clinton...
Why the fuck would he ripped into Obama?
If he was alive during the Obama years, I meant. And he would have ripped into Obama for being a sell-out, another "talk big talk but not walk the walk" type. Rampant drone abuses, surveillance of citizens, targeted killings, bank bailouts, just an oreo old white male.
>> if he had any decency to him
If not he would have overlooked it all and just worshipped obama like other far leftists.
George Carlin was reddit incarnate. He became preachier and preachier by age to the point where his standups hardly had any jokes and instead were him yelling things about muh gubmint muh nihlism.
the fuck did the ever say about the refugee invasion of Europe?
keep this redundant shit on facebook, now gtfo
And Hitchens, we need him back aswell!
jesus christ they have so much carlin reference material can;t they figure out his politics without him rising from the grave to spew them?
>hint, shit piss fuck tits motherfucker cocksucker cunt
I wish he was around to talk about the refugee crisis
George Carlin is the most annoying thing this side of Reddit and Memey.
I've seen so much by Carlin and I wish I saw this obscure shit years ago.
george carlin was an overrated faggot kike.
Fine with me.
That that I'm a Carlin fan, just those three dead would make me happy.
He h out a doubt would be.
Carlin would point out the hypocrisy of the establishment and deep state, and how Trump is literally our guy since you know he's not in the "club," from how they treat him, would likely reference Trump to JFK, and then proceed to tell you and everyone like you how you are a retarded little turd goblin for listening to the media, ever, especially when it comes to politics.
You'd be thoroughly disappointed and more mad than the maddogs of madtown, but I'd be laughing my ass off.
Yeah man, he would totally support Hillary instead!
I doubt he was a kike but he was certainly overrated.
''People are DUMB, yes you I am talking to you, you're listening to this thinking I am not talking about you, but I am talking about you. Everyone is dumb. God doesn't exist. Look at this Drumpf guy. FUCKING IDIOT!''
There you go. You don't need George Carlin alive, just read what I wrote in a silly old man voice.
just like gal gadot
Evolution isn't real but God made Canadians in his image
So that's why you always have to say Sorry?
It really is a shame
Yes please:
>"Trump's just another politician only dumbfucks believe."
>"But you want to hear about something even more pathetic than Trump supporters? Fucking Hillary supporters. What utter fucktards those people are."
He was really smart for an n-person but pretty fucking stupid when compared to a human.
I unironically like miyley cyrus
Trade 2 blondes and sexy Kim for an old edgelord?
No thanx.