is no one going go talk about this?
He said " what a fucking nigger" mid steam.
**I** don't care but this is creating a shit storm larger the IRMA.
is no one going go talk about this?
He said " what a fucking nigger" mid steam.
**I** don't care but this is creating a shit storm larger the IRMA.
/ourguy/ confirmed
Pewds for fuhrer 2018
> OP
what a fucking kike
literally a million threads on it
>**I** don't care but this is creating a shit storm larger the IRMA
maybe for you. but no one over thirty gives a shit about him and no one over 40 even knows who he is.
he's only /ourguy/ if he doesn't apologize
But I bet he will and let his gf get blacked to show that he means it
he had all his contracts cancelled after jew-gate.
they have nothing else to do to him. his subscribers don't give a fuck.
Learn how to use the catalog, newfag.
Mid steam?
How was gaben reaction?
I don't get it. He has said much "worse" before.
OK we have pewds on our side, but even though he has the most subscribers on YouTube, he is not the most watched person on it.
How do we get Jake Paul to redpill the 12 years old lolis and boys?
because nigger has been a no no word in public for ages. plus that nigger gets a bunch of underage viewers for his streams.
He dindu nuffin
>is no one going go talk about this?
Catalog shows 7 other threads already, retard.
This could be good.
>YOUTUBE is forced to react.
>They ban Pewds
>Pewds moves platforms
If the exact same thing happened 5 years ago noone would give a shit
Are you sure....
His eyes dilated after he said it...
It would've been best if he said before....
It's Its possible he is making attention after his friend got shot by actual nigger jews
Everybody is gonna talk about it.
SJWs will run to the cake store with this. I suspect it will explode and become a problem for Pewds. But he has lots of fans.
Guess we'll see.
So fucking what
if a few high ranking jewtubers go somewhere else it could help that somewhere else take off and become a new jewtube.
personally have never said the N word, yes, never ever used that term as a spoken word in any way as a hinge in a conversation, racial slur etc.
When he uses it in such a flippant way, it is obviously in his every day vocabulary as a derogatory racial slur.
He apologised shortly afterwards as he was aware again he was also on live = making money from his stream.
It is absolutely not the first time this waste if space has profited from using racial slurs.
This is why it is important to make every one aware of his actions are not OK. Millions of younger generations still watch his channel and will be educated to use terms such as these in a casual manner and think nothing of the ramifications of their actions.
A casual racist is far more dangerous than a neo-nazi.
And no, it is important to 'blow this story out of proportion' as i have mentioned, it is a long, long line of terms, and jokes he has used in the past which is culminating in to evidence he is pretty much a casual bigoted asshole.
Every time some shit tier media outlet runs a hit piece on him my support doubles! Fuck the thought police, say nigger if you want!
is it even worth roleplaying this much for (you)s?
I agree cant wait to see his empire crash and burn. The bigger they are the harder they fall. He will off himself.
We already talked about this plenty.
PewDiePie was always /ourguy/ and sometimes you can't hide your power level...
too long didnt read you nigger
>goes on Sup Forums, never says nigger
The next generation of voters like him a lot
Why does he always apologise? It just makes him look pathetic.
>A casual racist is far more dangerous than a neo-nazi.
What the fuck did this nigger mean by this?
stop going to every Pewdiepie thread to promote your channel you nigger
>sometimes you can't hide your power level...
I mean if I had "fuck you" money I'd say nigger everywhere
>rappers use it all the time
>he didn't direct it at anybody
>was very obviously not racial
i do this all the time. no one cares aside from the gas inhaler generation (millennials).
I love there are hundreds of people on youtube that say nigger casually every day but it's only a big deal if pewdiepie says it.
Idubbz said it not long ago.
also this guy says is abotu 100 times while talking about it, nobody even commented he said the forbidden word.
>A casual racist is far more dangerous than a neo-nazi.
t. neo-nazi
Do you know where the word nigger comes from originally?
There was some black guy being a nigger so they called him a nigger.
You know mega cuck SJW Louis CK made that joke up?
He's already redpilling them, those lolis fantasise about a fit blonde blue eyed white male insemanating them so there you have it
Do people in other countries use "nigger" a lot when talking to/among friends? I know Nordics atleast use it casually.
Don't care. Made patrice laugh his ass off so it's good enough for me.
We don't have a different word other than negro for them, why would non americans care when we never enslaved them
Just saying it's ironic how these leftists can be the most racist
This is front page news story in the UK
Yes. Almost everyone uses "nigger" (negro) instead of black (nero). It just sounds "stronger" if you know what I mean.
>i dont care
>makes thread
American logic
>all those young Pew fans start getting pissed off at mainstream media
kikes are doing it wrong
pewds only says nigger for the lulz
Wew, day after day living in my country becomes a lot better compared to outside
I say nigger frequently. Sometimes I say shit like "I bet that dude read from the niggernomicon to get them crook skills"
why do white people like to pretend they've never said nigger before
why do black people like to pretend they believe them
>personally have never said the N word
I know right? Recently I've started adoring our nation. We have problems from the feet to the head, but people have no idea how graced they are. Other nations are faring much, much worse
what is the racial slur that we're not supposed to say that basically just means nigger?
Make a word Taboo, then wonder why people use it. If you are semi concious in the world you hear this word every damn day in none racial terms and "Nigga" is the same damn thing. The "N-word" as well. If you have been gaming in the last 20 years you are desensitized to damn near everything and you have heard worse than "Nigger". He didn't say it in a racial way. This constant taboo of the word is what keeps the power. I feel black people want to keep it that way because they want a safe fall back. Get over it and move on.
>makes racial slur
Wass this taken from pigdin?
Yeah but I mean not just when referring to niggers, but more as an expression? Like
>What are you doing nigger?
>Open the door nigger
>That nigger can't drive
>Some fucking nigger ate my lunch
Nothing wrong with that, you're european
Spear chucker
Jungle bunny
I could go on...
>not even any miles on the sign
the cock could be near, just out of sight of the viewer
>N word
Americans are a bunch of sensitive faggots who have to invent expressions like "F-word" or "C-word". I hate you so much.
He should double down, follow Sam Hyde's advice and begin seriously redpilling his huge viewerbase
He would be taking a hit but the shrieks of 'shut it down' would only boost his popularity and invite donations.
Well, not in that way. It's an insult, we use it as an insult. Even for white people. Like "jew".
>is no one going go talk about this
i believe yesterday pol's catalog was filled with pewdiepie threads
in other news if you google "pewdiepie n word" you will find over a hundred articles, people riled up and butthurt about it, Sean Vanaman filing a DMCA takedown on firewatch because "we can't be associated with racists" kek
honestly these people are just looking for free pubblicity, i've watched several streams or gameplays of numerous youtubers and pretty much all of them used racial/homophobic/whateverwordphobic slur in it and that's fine, pewdiepie does it and it's the end of the world.
It's funny because if you are black and say nigger you don't mean it as an offense, if you are white and say that word is because you hate said people. Really makes you think.
Not all Americans you fucking cunt.
We have mafia, corruption, eastern europeans and niggers, but some things here just do not happen. Like cops covering up stuff for fear of being called racists, media getting upset about literally nothing...
It just doesn't happen here.
>Millions of younger generations still watch his channel and will be educated to use terms such as these in a casual manner and think nothing of the ramifications of their actions.
You mean, it's as if the words have lost all their meaning? It's almost as if nobody, black or white, should give a shit about it.
Do you think faggot is an insult? It's not, because the people that we would've called faggots call themselves that- it took 100% of the wind of our sails. This is happening, and has already largely happened with the word nigger, except ((somebody)) won't let it.
That's digital whiteface that nigger is doing.
LoL i mean for real, what is this Neogaf ?
Were censoring what were posting about on here ?
Were censoring what were SHITPOSTING ON HERE ?
Fuck that, il have 50000 nazi threads than one censored thread about Pewds.
People, we are at the precipe of hell.
A dude said "NIGGER" in anger while playing a game,
Is the Mafia still such a problem in Italy?
>When he uses it in such a flippant way, it is obviously in his every day vocabulary as a derogatory racial slur.
thank god.
Yes, mostly in the south.
>is no one going go talk about this?
There has been thread literally all day long about him idiot
Can you imagine being such a bigshot that saying nigger puts you on the front page of all the major newspapers.
King of the world!
What do they do now that makes them such a problem?
No one here calls them 'people of color' or 'african-american' we use 'negroteu' which is basically nigger.
Google translate is pushing for 'negru' (black) but that's only used for colors and not for people the same way we don't call asians 'galbeni' (yellows).
Liberal parents will actually try to enforce a rule on their kids by saying they can't watch his videos
Thereby quintupling their interest in his channel. Nigger becomes the new fuck, all kids want to say it because their millennial parents said they can't
The keks flow like rain upon us
We are literally living the 1930s in America.
Peterson and Weinstein seem to agree, two professors that came under fire, heavy fire from the new proletariat.
It seems amazing to me how history repeats itself, we life in cycle of horror where we get stronger and more prosperous as a species once it ends.
sort of. it's less "evident" as it used to be which is even worse, it penetrated deep into politics and such. but ain't like that pretty much everywhere in the world?
The usual. Sell drugs, kill, bribe. They are not that original.
>we have a really low jewish population
>somehow this changed the way people and media react to things
Really makes you think huh
>be pewdiepie
>go to Sup Forums because he heard of it
>go to /gif/ and start recording yourself laughing at YLYL threads
>enjoy it quite well
>see's "Politically incorrect" section and clicks it
>gets massively redpilled and with time start becoming quite racist
>after a giant shitstorm stop going to Sup Forums for a while
>but he is already redpilled and tainted by 4ch so calling someone a nigger isn't shocking anymore but natural
Sup Forums truly did a number on him, he became one of us. You should have listened
There is 3 right now lol
so that they shut the fuck up and he can continue making vids and dropping red pills in peace
Yes. Daily.
Good, I hope YouTube bans him. Nobody should say words that like when they're mad at a video game.
Louis CK lost career after saying it, so should pewds
>Thereby quintupling their interest in his channel. Nigger becomes the new fuck, all kids want to say it because their millennial parents said they can't
Kinda reminds me of gay or faggot. Remember the commercials they used to air telling people to not say it as an insult?
oh yeah that's so gay
"you shouldn't say thaaaaaat"
Pewd you nigger go back to jewtube
Not clicking that shit nigger
STOP creating a SHIT STORM
Jontron and Pewdiepie dropping redpills.
You niggers are too uptight.
I was there, nobody gave a rats ass.
>down one category in the last few hours
Keep spreading the word of the DMCA abuse, refunds and reviews looking sharp. If it keeps up then we will see some real salt on their twitter about the "ebil internet nazi pewdiepie fans".
It will be almost like the post-Hwndu Shia.