So there's this fake game called Petscop, long story short, it makes allusions to the death of an adopted 10 year old named Candace Newmaker, who was put under "reattachment therapy".
>The rebirthing was an attempt to regress “unattached” Candace back to the time of her birth by re-inflicting the physical distress of the birth process. Experiencing this trauma is supposed to recover repressed memories of the original horror of birth: the pain of contractions, the supposed suffocating passage through the birth canal, and the struggle to be born. By the end, in confronting the trauma, a child is supposed to be reduced to an infantile state and accepting that she is “helpless” and “hopeless” without the mother. So when she exits the flannel womb, she is able to trust, love, and surrender authority to her hopeful mother waiting nearby. Mother and daughter could then begin anew the process of attachment by re-living Candace’s early childhood development.
Feel free to look up more of the horrific details including the script of how she died from this, and how early the convicted had got out from their intended prison time, but I'd like to point out something in particular:
>Two Attachment Therapists in Colorado were found guilty by a jury of reckless child-abuse resulting in the death of 10-year-old adoptee Candace Newmaker during a “rebirthing” session. Both are appealing their convictions, but have begun serving historic 16-year sentences in Colorado state prison. >Connell Watkins, a pioneer in the treatment of “Attachment disorder” in children, and her associate, Julie Ponder, a marriage and family therapist from California, were convicted after a grueling three-week trial.
>Another associate was Neil Feinberg; Watkins claimed in her defense to be working “under the license” of Feinberg. >Videotapes of that child’s maltreatment, shown at Watkins’s trial, revealed techniques similar to those shown in the Feinberg/ACE 1993 videotape.
It's not a porn game, you perverted Jap, it's like... an edgy "Ben Drowned" kind of video series.
Angel Rodriguez
It's still unbirth fetish shit and you are posting it because you are titty latest by it
Logan Allen
>titty latest by it Learn to speak fucking English before you go on Sup Forums, maybe you'd be aware that I'm trying to point out that a Jew is behind the fucked up death of a ten year old girl.
Colton Wright
>won't stop posting abnormal fetish porn fantasy stories you should be crushed in a car cuber
Ryan Russell
If you're into horror stories related to ((((((((doctors)))))))))))) read about Dr.Money and also that crazy jew dentist that MR.Metokur covered.
Isaac Morris
How is that a coincidence? Are you retarded? It's heavily implied it's the basis for the backstory.
Josiah Jones
what the fuck am i reading?
Gabriel Davis
It's not unbirthing, it's not some weird magical vore, it's physical abuse. Five adults covered a girl with a blanket and sat on her for over an hour and didn't listen to her cries for help.
That was pretty bad, but that's nothing compared to this.
Yeah, everybody knows about the relation to Candace Newmaker, it's the (((COINCIDENCE))) that I'm mentioning at the end of the OP.
Anthony Russell
To elaborate a little more: they expected her to have the strength to crawl out, and when she tried to explain that she couldn't, they acted as though she was lying and taunted her, even as she had vomited and possibly defecated herself, and eventually dying.
Ayden Perry
>gook calling someone on perverted porn
projection much?
Juan Morales
Get this lame ass wannabe ARG failure out of pol
Anthony Evans
You don't want to talk about (((Psychotherapy)))? Keep in mind, I've barely talked about Petscop at all.
Noah Gutierrez
This, can somebody fucking explain what this entire post is?
Ethan Powell
I put down everything you need to know in most of my posts, but if you still need something to understand better, I don't know if I can get away with referring to a MatPat video but it kind of talks about the entire Candace Newmaker incident.
David Bell
pretty sure this was done on a Law and Order SVU episode. I think a cunny Elle Fanning was in it
Brandon Gonzalez
I personally have had a first hand experience with a psychopathic surgeon. I asked to have both my ears pinned back in 2010. Woke up after the anaesthesia to find bandages wrapped incredibly tightly around my head. A few days later, started to feel agonising pain in both ears. A couple weeks later, the pain was still present. And again a few weeks later. Turns out I had damage in both ears, caused by crushing the nerves with a pair of surgical scissors. I typed in his name on Google (the surgery was covered under the NHS so I didn't know beforehand who was performing the surgery) and it turns out he's a doctor who specialises in nerve injury. Every single one of his research studies involves >crushing the sciatic nerves of rabbits >nerve regeneration in injury of rats >remyelination of nerve sheath hand injuries Etc.
By the time I figured out what had happened it was too late (I assumed the pain was just the ear healing itself naturally). Now I'm stuck permanent nerve damage in both ears. True story.
Don't trust surgeons unless you've done a full background check
Parker Carter
Fuck that's scary....
Connor Hughes
Oh it is. He looked shady as fuck before the surgery during the consultation but I went ahead with it anyway. When he visited me afterwards I could tell something was wrong just by his nervousness when he came into the room and his eagerness to push me out the door. But I convinced myself for 3 years that time and more surgery would make the problem go away, by which point it was too late to seek damages.
I contemplate suicide on a daily basis.
Jayden Allen
Was he white?
Michael Gonzalez
He was white, actually. White Irish, studied at Harvard. Textbook psychopath. You could tell he was genius tier by reading his research papers, but also very low empathy. I recall he looked at me with palpable disgust when I told him my mother had the same surgery.
Oliver Price
I had a doctor and when I returned to that hospital it was a different man with the same name, I had to get the fuck out
Luke Peterson
I remember there was an episode of CSI about this, there is always a real case behind those CSI episodes
Caleb Rivera
They later sent me a letter saying he no longer worked at that hospital.
Elijah Ramirez
Sounds like you got raw dogged What are you going to do about it? If it's that bad that you consider suicide I think you should consider taking his head
Austin Clark
You did the right thing. I'll never forgive myself for letting a stranger perform surgery on my ears. Unbelievably stupid. I could tell something was wrong beforehand, but went ahead with it anyway because I was 17 at the time and didn't want to have to pay for it. Yet another reason socialist healthcare fails miserably - there's no accountability, and no relationship between the quality of the services rendered and the cost of the surgery.
Matthew Baker
If it makes you feel any better I have really bad tinnitus.Also Theyre trying to make people into shock troops to further the police state.. Also watch alien vs predators that will clear things up for you..
Jackson Wilson
You fucking cuckold, Petscop is a multi layered michael rosen shitpost. Look it up. I am 100% serious.
John Evans
So it's like what Ramsay did to Theon.
Camden Turner
The sneaky bastard his incredibly hard to track down. He even took his personal details off his LinkedIn page when I visited his profile. I made some phone calls around London to track him down, which was eventually successful. Trouble is, I don't know which days he works and I can hardly even remember what he looks like. I could ask his secretary but she won't give me an appointment without a referral. I could always wait in the waiting room until a nurse calls his name. Was thinking of following him home one evening and torturing him to death, but I can't really be bothered anymore. This world is filled with enough hatred as it is. We'll probably die in a nuclear holocaust soon anyway.
Plus I don't quite fancy the idea of prison. I've stayed in prison before and it was pretty terrible.
Robert Johnson
On the topic of psychopaths...
Has anyone seen the video recently where (((Exra Levant))) at (((Rebel Media))) gets exposed by Cailon for stealing donations?
Cooper Davis
Theyre white niggers... they dont understand memes, or themselves.. The evolution of popular culture will destroy them... Just sit back and watch
Dylan Cox
And you never tried to fuck him legally? You're American, you could financially destroy him for as long as he lives if you wanted. Sounds like your convictions are empty from this. I hope he gets what's coming to him, but he won't without direct action. Good luck
Lucas Morris
>done a full background check What's the best way to do this thoroughly? Jesus christ that's scary.
>He looked shady as fuck before the surgery during the consultation In what way?
Dylan Robinson
I kept having dates for surgery pushed back because of university. By the time I considered pressing for damages it was already too late. The pain is considerable, but became tolerable enough after awhile to convince me it would eventually go away (which it never did). I've sort of resigned myself to my fate. With all the pedo rings, false WW2 narrative, North Korea, China, surveillance state, demographic replacement of Europeans etc I realise we're all fucked anyway. Believe me, I was furious at one point but eventually you just stop caring. A peaceful death is all I want at this stage of my life.
Levi Taylor
Just make sure you do your research and choose the best surgeon available before the surgery. Get references and make sure he sounds trustworthy during consultation.
He was looking at me in a funny way and just gave off a really creepy vibe, and looked like he was full of contempt. Hard to explain. I actually considered not going ahead with the surgery just based on his body language and manner of speaking
Nolan Reyes
This is pathetic, I can't be hearing this. Where is your vitality, your honour, your pride as a man? You deserve everything you have received and will get through your apathy and resignation
Luis Morales
I actually decided to not go with a surgeon because he had that sort of contemptuous, no empathy psychopath vibe. Intensely creepy motherfucker. Another surgeon who was recommended to me by a few different places has a shitload of one star reviews on yelp for her conduct as a doctor, apparently she's hurried and unempathetic, but nobody seems to have anything bad to say about her results as a surgeon, so I'm unsure. Time is running out and it's hard to find a surgeon around where I live that specializes in this, so I'm not sure if I should take my chances with her anyway if she comes off as badly as people say at our consult later this month.
Carter Hall
As long as she has good reviews and you can actually find her information on google, you should be fine.
Logan Bell
Why haven't you taken any sort of action against the surgeon, whether legal or illegal?