Notice anything, pol?


the colors are purdy

no, the fuck do any of those abbreviations mean you dumb ancap.

gib back Ostgebiete

germans are so cucked their land keeps voting cuckedly after 70 years without germans

Prussian nationalism =/=polish nationalism

no cause I dont follow polish stuff but this is pretty cool to see the divide. There are obvious cultural differences.

Former German land votes leftist
True Polens vote conservatively
Fuck the eternal Kr*ut


what do you mean by this?

PO = Civic Platform = Liberal Conservatism, Christian Democracy, Liberalism, Pro-Europeanism, Centre to Centre-Right

PiS = Law and Justice = Polish Nationalism, National Conservatism, Social Conservatism, Economic Nationalism, State Interventionism, Christian Democracy, Right-wing Populism, Centralisation, Euroscepticism, Right-Wing

PSL = Polish People's Party = Agrarianism, Christian Democracy, Green Conservatism, Decentralisation, Protectionism, Centre

LiD = SLD = Democratic LefT Alliance = Social Democracy, Third Way, Centre-left.

FYI people in orange area were resettled from east

why the difference remains then?

The german areas are actually voting conservative. You've got it mixed the wrong way around.

Germans always vote conservative. Merkel's the leader of the german conservative party. It's just that "conservative" in germany no longer means what it used to mean.

This map shows that people that are forcibly resettled are cut from their roots and are less loyal to their group and more susceptible to propaganda.

Pic related newest map

that's "christian democracy", not conservatism

This map shows that Russian occupation can fuck up people minds for generations.

he isnt wrong, of course it isn't conservatism, but they are known to be cons.

I mean both exist and use different terms to self-identify, and in some countries both may exist together. Their origins are different too, with conservatives being born from anti-revolutionaires (and being a secular movement although with religious members and values) while "christian democracy" is directly born out of the catholic church and catholic social teaching

It's not usual for a country to have both a "conservative" and "christian democrat" group, and both may end up similar, but they're not the same per se

so PIS is bad?


Why not just move all the leftist back to Germany?

For Poland. Absolutely.

Those people are still Polish though. They're probably just richer due to living on stolen clay that Germany cultivated for centuries. We all know wealth leads to liberal cancer.

Germans are a pox on this world.
Fucking always.

arent they supposed to be based?

Hitler's spirit has descended down on polacks.

His spirit is being an EUcuck?

>vote poo
>vote piss
Yep, that's Germany alright

Its polen actually

Polititians are never based. They always represent someone. Nationalistic parties in Europe are often supported by the Kremlin. This one often looks like it isn't any different in that matter. Also they're socialists. We had enough socialism in the last century.

But they hate Russia


It says Germany there smartie

Fuck, each one of the big ones sounds lovely, PO less so but so much better than our choices.

Its imperial germany superimposed with poliah voting patterns

Yes. Germans submitted.

All the city people voted PO, only rural and suburban retards voted PIS. Btw I'm a woman.

Its amazing how their left pretty much died a couple years ago. They went from a viable force to basically nothing

Those are some huge cities then

these are average results

Stop making me jealous.

Even then, each of the orange ones have big enough cities, but the blue ones don't?

The Prussian connection is more logical

are western poles still prussian descendants?

So whats the actual reason for this?

in the east big cities couldnt compensate for the suburbs. also prussian theory is a bullshit. the reason is different and known
no. they have nothing in common. actually quite the opposite

For the mostern part, no.

Osmosis of cuck genes.

Merkel is not conservative. Both the main parties here are on the left. It's a farce.

ppl from the german part are in fact poles from the east. due to cut roots from their ancestral lands they are more liberal ( and also crime prone desu). thus they vote for more liberal and less conservative parties. it has nothing to do with germany

They say it a lot, but their main focus is on building new conflicts with the west, undermining EU and blocking the development of our the army. Sometimes they say something about demolition of monuments of the Soviet army (I'm ok with that) or something equally insignificant but Russia isn't their main focus. After they won elections, cause during elections they were almost on war path with kremlin :). I wish people focus more on the resoults of the polititians actions than on what they say. PiS is nationalistic (good, bad? I don't care) but also populistic and leftist in economic sense. I'm surprised It has such a support in here. I thought this crowd don't like commies. Maybe "we don't take refugees" meme is enought to convince people. Nothing else matters.

New Zealand National Party - Conservatism, centre-right

ACT New Zealand - Classical liberalism, Libertarianism, Conservatism, right-wing

United Future New Zealand - Social Liberalism, Liberal Conservatism, centrism.

Maori Party - Indigenous rights, centre-left.

New Zealand Labour Party - Social-democracy, centre-left.

Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand - Green politics, left-wing.

New Zealand First - Conservatism, Nationalism, Populism, centre.

What would u change here?

as always, the problem can be traced back to germans.

>New Zealand National Party - Conservatism, centre-right
Globalist scum, only right leaning in their respect of the free market. will sell our future to pretend we're relevant economically.
>ACT New Zealand - Classical liberalism, Libertarianism, Conservatism, right-wing
Further right, exist solely to pad out MP's for National.
>Maori Party - Indigenous rights, centre-left.
What happens when what should be a special interests group pretends they are relevant to everyone.
>New Zealand Labour Party - Social-democracy, centre-left.
Lefties. Need say more.
>Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand - Green politics, left-wing.
Hippies and dole bludgers, content to destroy us all to feel good about the environment.
>New Zealand First - Conservatism, Nationalism, Populism, centre.
A little too lefty but still better than the other cunts.

Germany looks good there though, except for gommunism

More like

>PO = selling the country for the highest bidder
>PiS = christian socialism, hurrah-patriotism incompetence
>PSL = nepotism, coalition with whoever is currently ruling
>SLD = justifying the communism, trying to win their voters back from PO

Because west Germany is full of Muslims

Why is northern russia and russian hoholand more degenerate?

Any small meme party that's relevant?

No one is based? How can poland be based then?

We're not. You just think we are because we're generally slightly more conservative than the degenerate West.


There is The Other People's ideas party.

>No one is based?
Whoa, did you just discover how democracy works?

Pol says poland is FUCKING based and PiS are ourguys tho

Are you two degenerates, polish version of pidorashkas, poland-haters who suck western cock or are the memes false?

Does it always have to end on sucking someones cock with you guys? World isn't as simple as 15 yo Sup Forumstards would wish it to be. PiS can be both - west-hating and east like-retarded at the same time. PiS supporters by definition can't be based. Not with all the thick propaganda in TV and socialistic interventionism they are ready to sell their country for.

PiS isn't based, it's more that our society is somewhat based and you can't pull off batshit insane politics like in the West, so even thieves and whores have to be decent.
We seriously need not-meme nationalist capitalist party

I'm a nationalist who has a critical view on his own nation. I can't consider PiS based because it's making fucking too many dumb decisions. Chairman KaczyƄski is probably the only competent politician in the entire party. He's personally gotten rid of everyone else because they were a threat to him. Their international policy consists solely of screaming that we want something and throwing a fit when we don't get it.

I'm the closest to Ruch Narodowy -- National Movement -- but they're fringe and their tendency for infighting leaves me little hope. Kukiz'15 could become a big force, but it's a movement basically revolving around being pissed at politics. At least they're opposition to PiS that isn't shitting on Poland itself, like PO and Nowoczesna are doing.

With PiS it's kinda the same as it is with Orban in Hungary. They're bad but they aren't traitors like most of their alternatives.

I'm from west and I voted for LiD

tfw bongs are right about poland



You'd only give it to Mohammed

>germans are so cucked their land keeps voting cuckedly after 70 years without germans

Cuckedly? The western part is just richer and doesn't vote for socialists (ok both parties are socialist but the nationalist one is much more socialist)

Nothing that Macierewicz does looks like a
treason to you?



>libcucks still insist borders are just lines in the dirt


Yeah, we should have our own Merkel or Schulz instead, they are not as bad and are at least not making the country "isolated from the world".
>NATO summit
>Trump visit
>Prince Goerge and Kate Visit
>Intermarium Summit

Yes we are isolated as fuck.

Becuse they were resettled you dumb shit? They're squatters and feel no attachment to the place they live in unlike people in the east that lived in a single place for centuries (or at least multiple generations).

West is full of dumb people and criminals

>Does it always have to end on sucking someones cock with you guys?
He's American. American mind can only understand extremes. Nothing in between.

This confirms my theory that it is the land that makes the people. Germans wwere expelled from there and the area repopulated with eastern Polaks. And look.

Same story for the Balkan btw. The land is cursed, Greeks and Romans already knew this. You can genocide the whole area, transplant white Germans there and in a couple of years they'll be killing each other on the tunes of turbofolk.


East is full of poor retards, poor people are the worst, they always vote for some socialistic shit like PiS

racists dont deserve land


NATO summit - result - The rotational presence of US troops established under the previous administration.

Trump visit - result - prestige of being visited by American president. Nothing else.

Prince George and Kate visit - seriously? what about it?

Intermarium Summit - summit of states none of whom supports the current government in Poland. Even Hungary only uses us.

I'll add some more points to Macierewicz:

- Destruction of almost all plans of modernization of the army (helicopters, leopard tanks modernisation, navy equipment modernisation all sacked)

- Destruction of our counterintelligence. Disclosure of our own active agents abroad. After that - destruction of nato counterintelligence unit in Poland.

- Buying airplanes for vip without the tender procedure (corruption?)

-Spending majority of our military budget on sunday soldiers called National Defence.

-Numerous and proven contacts with people from the circles of Russian mafia.
(normaly if someone accuses a polititian of somethin like that it all ends up in court. Macierewicz is afraid to sue the jurnalists, why? We know why.)

-Yes, he does some unefective but spectacular actions to be seen as a anti-russian nut-job but in all, Russians are probably very happy he is our minister.