Why are Russians so smart?!
Literally 4 out of the top 10 of the best University programming teams are Russians
They have to solve a set of challenges in record time, so you know only the hypersmart suceeded , majority russian
Why are Russians so smart?!
Literally 4 out of the top 10 of the best University programming teams are Russians
They have to solve a set of challenges in record time, so you know only the hypersmart suceeded , majority russian
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Bump for intelligent discussion
Also poles second
Basically the top5 are only slavs
Eh, programming contests are a meme.It's mostly just brain teaser stuff and it really doesn't have a whole lot to do with the practice of software development.
Well not entirely koreans are in the top5 also, my bad
>Best programming challenge across unis in the world
>Just braintaser stuff
>A meme
I'd like to see how your doing , faggot
Mongol rape genes.
Education programs in the west have degraded due to jewish influence, whereas Russia has been steadily improving by holding to traditionalism.
"Toxic masculinity is how mongol rape genes affect transsexuals today."
Russians are fairly adept at breaking systems, it's their strategic forte.
maybe because nobody has heard about this challenge. what is this?
Russia is very strange. THey have immensely talented people, but they also have the slav squatters, caucasian islamists, 10% AIDS, korkodilists, soulless miles-o'-cock women, etc... strange country
ahem, we slavs are just of a superior ilk.
Some slav universities practice these types of tests ask the time, it's how they do so well
The talented people's talents are amplified by wanting to get away
"Russians are fairly adept at breaking mongol rape genes systems, it's their strategic forte"
"Some slav universities practice these types of mongol rape gene tests ask the time, it's how they do so well"
Smart people run by dumbass oligarch Christians.
slavic education systems use tests to put people in subjects they are good at, they have no freedom of choice. these kids may hate coding but they were chosen because they're the best.
another broome rd capcha.
Are you sure? I remember i was asked if i want to join and i declined.
Mongols who rape baby Slavs can into meme brain teaser stuff because they fart on systems non stop.
Hackers scene is full of russians.
They love being bad goyim on their pc.
Yeah, you must be wrong. Americans know everything about any country more than any native. It's an easy mistake to make though, so it's ok.
I am actually curious to know why Slavs are so good at programming. You pay a few of them and they can work wonders.
Meanwhile you can hire a lot of Indians and still get no where close in result.
why don't you post overlal university rankings? cause not a single slavic university is in the top 50
that's why
fjucking slav shills
Being is the only way to escape that shithole.
See, this is why I still live in Russia.
Post the actual question list nigger.
its been really long time since i have seen bullshit of such magnitude
I was part of a team that placed first at an ACM regional. I had a chinese prof that assigned previous years problems for his classes. When you break the problems down, they literally are just brainteaser problems. Very little to do with actual software development.
what the fuck were problems H and J
Checked. Slavs confirmed to being the smartestest.
whenever a slav shills for anything, keep in mind they are over 1 billion people and can't even produce a single top 50 Uni
they have to do with algorithmics and optimization. Computer science that you learn at uni has little to do with software engineering in general, mostly because you rarely develop new groundbreaking algorithms.
t. have masters in CS from University of Warsaw.
yes, so they have absolutely nothing to do with being a good university, just a question if you can find enough retards to go and participate and prepare
bolander spotted
pierogi kompot
>uni rankings
>meaning anything but (((prestige)))
Yeah, good for amerifags that they have all the gender studies colleges up there and Stanford/MIT can't get a good programmer squad for ACM to compete with slav universities with a tiny fraction of their humungous budgets
Many of those top-rankers are the same univers that encourage "diversity", "woman studies" and other useless and unscientific bullshit with bogus degrees.
slavs are subhumans
Slavs got hit hard by communism. Do you know any universities in the west that were founded 30 years ago?
Our education systems are less fucked than others. One thing communism did well was education in technical subjects and math, it takes a lot of time for jews to tear down the foundations we have. Meanwhile in the west they've been doing that for the last 70+ years.
you got to be retarded to think that being good at algorithmics has nothing to do with the school being good.
Our alumni just flood the top IT companies, like google, amazon, fb, ms, etc.
fuck you jew
they dont have feminism and the other factors to shit up their success. they are fuckin good tho
I wish I had seen a post like yours when I started college. Would have saved me a shitload of money, so much time wasted on shit you aren't ever going to need to know in the workforce. Don't get me wrong, academic CS is cool and all but it isn't what I was looking for.
cheeki breeki
...what do you consider Poles?
that's not true, you said yourself, you rarely have to find a new algorithm (due to there being already most efficient ones) , so it's basically just a brainteaser as that burger said
math olympiad is different to this f.e. where you have to come up with unique solution most of the time
and Pajeets also flood these companies, so that means absolutely nothing lol
slavs just can't compete, never could , and neve rwill be able to
and? if you have good people it doesn't matter, you realize the nazis purged a lot of jewish mathematicians and physicists and germany from 100 years ago still beats every modern slavic country easily
so you would be even better than them, right? Why is there not a single uni in top 50 ranking, if you are better?
Poland Stronk
arent almost all the oligarchs (((greatest allies)))?
1945 is different from 1990. Its a whole two generations that passed. Western Germany had time to recover while Slavs were still communists.
imported visa researchers
as i said, it doesn't matter, if you have good people, they will come through
slavs simply don't have the talent, and if they do, they are generally JEWISH (grigori perelman f.e.)
> nobody from outside wants to come and do reserach with us because we are irrelevant
> but we are secretely the best
Time limit 6 seconds wtf?
Switzerland can pay good money to researchers, with all its stolen WW2 jew gold
You must know, ITMO takes only BEST students from the whole country.
It totally does matter because communism suppresses the very type of setting that a good university consists of. You can't expect a university to catchup with western universities that developed in free countries during a short period of 30 years.
>Why is there not a single uni in top 50 ranking, if you are better?
Because it's not we who making those bullshit rankings and put bullshit univers who support (((their))) agenda at the top.
You need fire and heat to make bricks out of clay
Sauce: icpc.baylor.edu
if the program can't give valid output in that time
> investing in research is a bad thing
> give 1 trillion becaues muh joos
communism isn' tan excuse for not producing geniuses , slavs in general are just not a very creative people, and their work is generally low quality
and how many of your top students are jews? It's most likely 90% of the STEM researchers in slavic countries.
Non jewish slavs are completely trash tier.
They're all probably Jews living in Russia.
They are not smarter than us. This is just stupid meme for stupid go*s.
They are literally 90% of the profs and notable scientific achievers in slavic countries.
Has always bene this way.
The top 5 are slavs
Glad to be a part of Master race
Russia will lead the way forward
Very obvious reasons if you're local:
1. Moscow and Piter unis sucking all the top brains. All the guys I've been @math fights, math olympics and chess clubs had predisposed path from like 7th grade. And even back then nobody dreamt of becoming mathematician solving math's great many unsolved problems. Everybody was into PC/gaming and solving shit. Even some tasks were delibarately stupid or not fully explained so that you would think "outside of box". And sometimes it meant actually thinking like a normal human. Example of this was unhappiness of travelling down/up stairs where you have to choose what floor elevator should go for minimum unhappines. Everybody were so fucking math-mode minded that they forgot you can just walk upstairs from 1st floor IRL. All these dudes who were getting 1st places were under control of local Ph.D who gave them extra work. If they were up to it you would get into good uni's even if you fail our version of SAT.
2. Predisposition to hacking from being in Runet. We were probably the first (before chinese get in on this fun) with need to hack something to use it. In US/Eur it was for true bad boys, here it was norm. Lots of good stuff like modding for PC games grew from it. Runet is still somewhat competitive in some areas which is fucking crazy if you think about it.
3. Diverse brains. We have lots of "isolated" living areas which prevents domination of region over another (outside of current financial from MSK/St.Pet.) This allows people to skip pressure of choosing wrong in smallfish+bigpond/bigfish+smallpond problem.
4. Some slav existence predisposition probably. People become escapist autist too easily. On one hand it leads to success in things like competitive gaming on other bunch of toxic noobs that rage like game is the only thing that keeps them for kys. That determination certainly helps to "crush the wall with your forehead" attitude that is needed in hacking/coding, esp. at early stages.
It's got nothing to do with education, you can't make a person smart through schools, only communists believe it.
Slavs have simply more people of high intelligence.
That's why a single country of them can be a counterbalance to the whole West.
There are almost no Jews left in Slavic countries. All expelled or put into very remote places.
ah yes, the high intelligence of slavic people
pic related , inb4 MUH GOMMUNISM
Autistic but Russian or Ukrainian. Meanwhile US teams are 100% East Asian.
yes, thos epeople exist in every country, but slavs don' thave any special conditions that favours geniuses, it's quite the opposite
most inventions coming from slavic countries are utterly trash tier and never even reach the market
name one product that slavs produce that another coutnry can't produce BETTER
>It's mostly just brain teaser stuff
You mean like IQ tests?
>and it really doesn't have a whole lot to do with the practice of software development.
Nobody mentioned software development before you. Nobody said this was a test of who can develop the best software.
The "practice of software development" is mostly just following a bunch of buzzword set practices that people have decided are the best way to develop maintainable software. It doesn't require a particularly high IQ to just do what you're told 80% of the time because there's a pattern that thousands of people have already specified for your exact situation. Nor is memorizing these practices any proof of intelligence, the average London taxi driver has memorized far more streets than you'll ever know.
Sounds like you ran into a statistic you don't like and have to find something to discard it within 5 seconds or your world view might be hurt.
nr 1 3 and 4 are obviously jews , look at their eyes, lips and noses
>It's most likely 90% of the STEM researchers in slavic countries.
There aren't enough jews to be 90% of STEM researchers in our countries anymore. Anybody who could pass for a jew or just lie that his great grand grand papa was a jew but burned the documents confirming it because of 'dem pogroms an sheeeit had got free ticket to Israel in the 90's.
Maybe 10% left. I remember one jew professor who taught field theory at my uni. The only thing he impressed me with was the fact that he somehow managed to make 2 bastards in South Korea, was open about it and his wife(back in Poland) didn't left him despite of it.
>talks about intelligence
>shows a wealth map picture
you cant make this shit up
no, it's just applying algorithms which you learn in university
anybody could compete there, if they prepare long enough and care about it
most people simply don't care and are more foccused on solving actual problems (which will also net them actual money/prizes)
Wow, someone's been triggered. Oh nooooo, Russia btfos the West for 500 years on its fucking own. Still can't be beaten to this day.
Surely all just subhumans hahahaha
It's because slavs are the real master race.
wealth is closely correlated to intelligence, smarter people are usually also much more wealthy than dumber people
you don't have to be an open jew to be one racially
it's obvious if somebody is a jew , and most of the profs from slavic countries are definitely jewish or part jewish
jesus christ
>name one product that slavs produce that another coutnry can't produce BETTER
The most important product that allows us to survive here - vodka.
not really, this competition means absolutely nothing, and anybody can prepare for it given they are in a CS course
the only reason you compete at something like this, is when you can't compete in the real world where the big bois play
so not one single thing, yo ucan do better than anybody else, and yo uwant to make everybody believe you are the master race
Poles are Asians, look up Sarmatism. Our friendship is actually a brotherhood.
>Has always bene this way.
That's because Russia had a shitload of people.
In 1900 they were world's third most populous country (which includes many territories that aren't Russian now). Lots of "Russian" scientists were from other ethnicities.
I'm willing to bet most of those slavs are jews. Let's see some family names.
It's the autistic anti-slav albo, eternally mad because Serbs rekt his little village in Kosovo. Sad
The answer is simple, IT is the only area in which having no money for proper equipment doesn't matter. So smart people leave other fields for IT.
Or didn't, until recent AI advances where thousands of gpus are needed to produce record-breaking results.
yep, i know
i don't even mind slavs but this retarded shilling for them really needs to stop, their countries are major shitholes and anybody who lived in a first world country wouldn't want to live there except for a vacation
yep, this is nonironically what is true, it's very easy to spot russian-jewish people
albos are slavs , too, we whites don't discriminate between you subhumans ;)
Rankings are a meme
It's a meme plus every other Slav has some Scytho-Sarmatian blood, one of our progenitor tribes were the Antes - a result of slavization of those Sytho-Sarmatians.
not really, they are at the very least a sign of how much money is spent for research
slavs can't produce any high ranking uni, because they lack talent, and they can' timpor tpeople, becaues they don't focus on research and/or are too poor to
>albos are slavs , too, we whites don't discriminate between you subhumans ;)
It's really sad seeing you shit over your own people just to "prove a point" Toniblerim