>Americans bomb thousands of muslims to death
>Muslims retaliate
>"wtf muslims are evil terrorists!!"
muslims are terrorists for a reason
Americans bomb thousands of muslims to death
>Pic related
>there is no god but god
You guys like to contradict yourselves don't you?
If you're not LARPing, can I get a rundown on Islam?
They've been causing terror since their religions inception
Saged and hidden, terrible bait
>believes the creator is one not three (pure monotheism).
>believes in the messengers Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them).
>many modest women that dress like the righteous virgin Mary (may God be pleased with her).
>has God's law instead of man-made, conflicting laws and ideas.
>currency of gold rather than paper.
>provides basic resources for Christians and Jews that pay tax (food, clothing and shelter etc).
>pagans are sentenced to death if they refuse to abandon their pagan beliefs.
>if there are sufficient witnesses, a death penalty for homosexual activities, rape, adultery and murder.
>if there are sufficient witnesses, lashes are received for fornicating, drinking alcohol and taking drugs.
>if there are sufficient witnesses, the hand is cut for stealing.
>destroys racism.
>destroys tribalism.
>destroys nationalism.
>unites people under one flag. ("There is no God worthy of worship but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God". See flag above).
any happening is Allah will, right? Right.
bombing mudslims is too, right? Right.
It seems that God do not love you at all.
If you say bombing you is not Allah will you're not muslim.
Sounds pretty redpilled, but you lost me at the globalist segment.
you're a libertarian, you don't believe in borders
Did Indonesia bomb arab countries before Muslims started blowing up Indonesians? How about Nigeria? The Phillipines? You assholes blow people up no matter what, and then scream "intolerance!" when people wake up and fight back. It's just what you do to spread the hate cancer that is Islam.
>unites people under one flag
Meanwhile, the Shiites and the Sunnis hate each other and fight neverending wars against one-another
9/11 was before iraq
sh*a dogs are not muslim
>bomb afghanistan
>morrocans retaliate
why is this happening?
You shouldn't have invaded Europe in the 700's.
Well I suppose it's time to send in some 8 year old suicide bombers to take care of the Shiite problem then, right?
Assuming the trinity isn't one being. lol xd
kys Islamocuck
You will fall to the vaginal jew. Every Muslim I have met was a deviant faggot irl.
>pic related
oh no i'm so offended :(
Allah doesn't mean "god", that's just a leftist lie.
>"wtf muslims are evil terrorists!!"
But Mohammedans ARE evil and terrorists. I dunno what's so hard to understand. Even fi you think you have a good reason, you are evil and a terrorist.
That's a funny way to spell "jews and Obongo"
Osama bin laden addressed this in his letter to America. America is supposedly the land of the free. They freely elect their leaders, thus American citizens are directly responsible for the actions of the government.
Why is monotheism better than polytheism? Genuine question.
Also, claiming Islam destroys tribalism is hilarious considering that tribalism and sectarian fighting practically defines Islamic countries.
i agree , sadly. I used to be a big supporter of the US growing up. But now I kind of think they are bringing this shit on themselves.
unfortunately, you wont like my solution: let the towel heads kill themselves and lock down our borders.
>Muslims massacre 3000 americans
>americans retaliate
>"wtf american imperialists are so evil"
We killed a shitload of
and we haven't seen anything from the groups like we've seen from Islam.
The Qur'an doesn't say you can't drink alcohol it says khamr which means grape wine. ( Learn your own religion)
It creates tribalism Sunni Vs Shia
Rape is justified (including the rape of children)
It is a violent idealogy which has been spread by the sword throughout the ages starting with your tyrannical warlord Muhammad
What pisses us off is that it is not the average AMERICAN CITIZEN that is hurting you. It is the American Government. Why don't you idiots attack THE GOVERNMENT instead of attacking civilians instead?
Are you imbeciles not aware that we have no control over our own government no more than you over yours?
>Did Indonesia bomb arab countries before Muslims started blowing up Indonesians?
Indonesia is like 99% Muslim.
>Assuming the trinity isn't one being
>>Muslims massacre 3000 americans
Are you the same brit going into every thread to protect Jews from being implicated in 9/11?
yes the idea is that we get this war going full fletcher. right now we're covertly genociding you guys for obvious reasons. wat we need is for muzzies to escalate so that this whole process can be made more efficient
>musims muzz
>people put them to their place
>muslims retaliate
>people put them to their place
>muslims retaliate....
it's been happening for 13 centuries now, it's nothing new
isnt raping little boys completely ok to them but not girls, they just blame the girls when it happens to them
Mohammed didn't peacefully march into mecca on a donkey and preach love and tolerance and sent his apostles out to peacefully spread his word. The muslims then werent being oppressed by the byzantines or sassanids but they conquered them in self defense and muslims never hurt anyone until evil USA and Israel turned up to the Middle East.
>le jews 9/11 haha guys look at me i'm such a good nazi on Sup Forums 4channel's best board
Why would you think the Jews were involved in 9/11?
>>believes the creator is one not three (pure monotheism).
Good, but you worship the desert moon god Hubal of the Arabs. The word Allah was only used for the moon god. He was worshipped with all the other gods at Mecca at the Kabbah Stone. Yes, the Trinity is pagan but so is Allah. That's why the symbol of Islam is the moon.
>>believes in the messengers Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them).
Moses, Abraham, and the prophets believed in the Messiah and the need for a Messiah. Did Muhammed?
>has God's law instead of man-made, conflicting laws and ideas.
The laws in the Quran are based on the Bible. Muhammed just plagiarized the Bible.
>currency of gold rather than paper.
>provides basic resources for Christians and Jews that pay tax (food, clothing and shelter etc).
You must think we're stupid to fall for your Taqiyya. You're talking about Jizzya. Those resources belong to them in the first place. Your "provisions" is just racketeering.
>pagans are sentenced to death if they refuse to abandon their pagan beliefs.
This is wrong under Christ.
>if there are sufficient witnesses, a death penalty for homosexual activities, rape, adultery and murder.
>if there are sufficient witnesses, lashes are received for fornicating, drinking alcohol and taking drugs.
>if there are sufficient witnesses, the hand is cut for stealing.
All wrong under the Covenant of Christ.
>destroys racism.
>destroys tribalism.
>destroys nationalism.
>unites people under one flag.
Explain the Arab Supremecy and how they are the best race. Explain the Shiites and your mistreatment of them. Explain all the other sects.
>Why would you think the Jews were involved in 9/11?
Have fun kike.
I am genuinely surprised by the quality of this post aussie good job
Islam has been the enemy of western civilization since it's creation. This isn't a new thing.
This is true. Every NATO country is getting what's coming.
>inb4 b-but it was the gubernment!
In a democracy the people are always the ones to be held accountable. You made your bed now lie in it. What's worse, you didn't even attack the right countries (SA).
Your attacks only made muslim more savage and primeval.
>I'm completely ignorant of history
Not surprising when you spend your free time destroying statues and burning books, abdul
What do you care, Jew?
That is absolute nonsense. Our leaders are not freely elected. Both Left and Right belong to the same body of shadow elites behind the seens. Our laws are written by lobbyist and corporations. That's why we have mandatory vaccines, GMO's, and no electric cars and no cures for cancer. That's why we can't collect rainwater and grow our own vegetable gardens in some places. You're using that as an excuse to justify killing innocent civilians who live under a totalitarian government. We are no more free than the DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC of NORTH KOREA.
You imbeciles seem to forget how Americans were against Vietnam, the Korean War, Iran-Contra, the War in Iraq, the War in Syria and many other conflicts. We protested the shit out of them and nothing happened. The last president to do anything got a bullet in the back of the head.
I'm not sure on raping males as this is an act of homosexuality which if witnessed is punishable by death.
Raping women is ok (take what your right hand possess
If a woman reports a rape to her family they'll most likely kill her
If she reports it to the police she needs 4 male witnesses
>We are no more free than the DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC of NORTH KOREA
I think the prisoners of the North Korean concentration camps would argue with you.
I think israel did 9/11 to get support in a war with iraq, there were numerous israeli secret service who were arrested on 9/11, some with white vans with explosives and some recording the wtc, if you want to know more read david dukes jewish supremacism book
You're probably right but America has the largest prison industrial complex in the world. We have the most prisoners. We have come to the point where if you install your own wind mill on your property and harness your own electricity you will go to jail for it. We go to jail for bullshit drug laws for marijuana. I don't even support smoking weed. I think it is degenerate, however, I do know that it is illegal because of its' potential to cure many diseases and replace cotton and trees for textile. That's why people go to jail for here.
not just males but little boys, i forget where i saw it but there was some documentary that talked about US soldiers getting really pissed about being told to not react to all the little boys clearly being molested by the local military they were training. and there is some difference between getting off on boys as long as its not a man
>there is some difference between getting off on boys as long as its not a man
Preach sister (said in over the top gay voice)
Can you elaborate on this image?
>muslims killing and bombing since 1300+ years before america was even known land faggot
You forgot about the part where Muslims hijacked a bunch of passenger Jets and used them to kill thousands of America civilians.
Get fucked by a pig. Muslims started it.
>Muslim Scum.
Don't you have a child bride to rape and an important building to bomb?
From the looks of it, the image is promoting Egyptian paganism as the one true faith.
>Muslims bomb other Muslims
>"WTF America"
Allah is his name, ilha means "god" in Arabic.
There was a time when I thought like OP.
But in the end, we must eradicate islam.
That's all there is.
Never happened like this.
Inside job
Muslims have always been terrorist and slavers. It's in their religious doctrines. Go taquiyya somewhere else.
Right, but who are the respective gods for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?
I'm too smart for primitive Islam to be my religion youtube.com
all not whites must die. it is god's will. manifest destiny will resume!
I'm fairly certain that this is the only reply you will get to your post. Good work user. The silence is deafening.
I don't think they are in this image. Instead there are only crazed prophets and zealots to put Egyptian paganism in a better light. I think.
Allah is not "god", it is specifically the Muslim god as opposed to every other deity.
Similarly, "Allahu ackbar" does not mean "God is great" as in "praise god", it means "Allah is greater", as in "Allah is greater than your god".
Everyone here should take the time to educate themselves on Islam, pic related is a great start
Wait, so who do they worship?
>destroys racism.
More like destroys the meaning of words 1984 style. It's hard to be 'racist' when you can abuse a black 'servant' who you pay $2 a day because blacks aren't considered people if your particular nations laws say so.
>destroys tribalism.
>destroys nationalism.
Islam is so Nationalistic it basically goes full circle. Tell me what sounds worse, "Wanting to preserve your nation and keep all outsiders either out or extremely limited' aka Nationalism or "Wanting to spread your nations ideals by sword until basically the whole world is your nation" aka Islam.
It's like how liberals want to end 'racism' by making all races mix till there's only one mongerelized race, not realizing how fucking evil their actions are because they have 'good intentions'.
>unites people under one flag
Anyone who wants to 'unite the world under one flag' is completely evil. Simply put, if one nation wants to keep their flag the only way you can 'unite the world under one flag' is if you kill them.
Islam is just like Communism, Zionism, Liberalism and all other political cancers that have world domination in their M.O, they seek to destroy all individuality until the whole world is like them. Just like cancer cells, and just like cancer cells they end up making everything shitty.
This is why I honestly love everything about Nationalism/Tribalism. If Nationalism 'spread across the globe', it'd make the world even more diverse and different.
>muslims are terrorists for a reason
And we will keep killing them for fun. Its good for a giggle anyway.
Prove it.
You do know akhmed if oil was not an issue we could have just glassed the entire desert and been done with it ages ago instead you roaches still get to breed and breath and invade Europe be thankful for that
Here you go nigger.
>Wiki spooks
Real reliable source there, leaf. Does it mention the lizard people, too?
Dumb nigger gonna nig, let me get my links from whitehouse.gov
That would be Jehovah or Yehowah. His name means "He Causes to Become." Not that nameless Lord or LORD that the Trinitarians worship.
Islam worships Hubal, the moon god. The primary god of the Middle East during ancient times. The word Allah was reserved just for him. He was worshipped at Mecca at the Kabbah Stone. He's the same god as Bel, Baal, Chronus and Saturn, hence the cube theme. They just dressed him up with Christian/Judaism themes just like they dressed up the old pagan triads with Christian themes as well.
Where the fuck did the paneling go?
Fuck I did not even know they had electricity in east africa let alone internet
>>destroys racism.
>destroys evolution
Nice ad hominems
So you can't prove it?
Great video.
>ad hominems
Implying that you are human.
Implying that I am arguing with you.
Mate, I do this for fun.
We have all that, plus slaves.