Daily reminder that before he decided to run for president, Trump was grabbing women in Moscow(!!!) and offering them to fuck in his hotel room.
Daily reminder that before he decided to run for president...
Sweeping this under the carpet will not work.
Reminder Trump is a deep state puppet.
Fake news kys
sure it will. you think the prigs care about morality?
b but clinton
this is old news. the senate has known about this for months but they don't wanna release it.
1 senater said they couldn't release until trumps lawyer saw it. trump's lawyer said no no it's ok, it's your evidence. go ahead
the pee tape is real
There are several groups of witnesses of the incident with prostitutes too.
> "These include an American who’s said to have seen a row with the hotel security over whether the hookers would be allowed up to Trump’s suite."
that was a month ago. notice the pee tape still hasn't been released?
does anyone really believe the morality squad will care? they're probably telling themselves it will hurt the country if a republican outed for sex
it's not the sex that bothers the left it's the hypocrisy. but I don't think hypocrisy or sex will bother the republicans
the right were so offended to this day by what clinton did. but not gingrich for doing the same. he's forgiven. he even made a run for prez
I say the hypocrisy is less bad than that a dictatorship can blackmail him with those tapes.
Big if true
I'm sure this was a message to Trump before his inauguration.
So basically they have a rich old man acting like a rich old man?
They're moving nukes to the Korean peninsula.
Trump will totally start a war if this scandal breaks out bigly.
> grabbing women in Moscow(!!!) and offering them to fuck in his hotel room
All presidents should do this except king nigger, who should go into the jungle and offer to fuck female orangutans.
trump's lawyer said release the video. that takes some power away.
I bet running beauty contests was a good way to find hot young pussy. he's a perv lol
hey, trumps father was orangutan
Who wouldnt? are you a fagfag or just easily triggered
>rich guy made a half-assed attempt to bang a supermodel
Is there actually someone out there who honestly thinks anyone would give a shit about this?? (Excluding the people who get red-faced-outraged every time Trump scratches his ass, of course)
I'd rather get shot down by pic related than have Monica Lewinsky in the same zip code as me.
>trump's lawyer said release the video. that takes some power away.
You don't know what the Russians have. Several incidents were confirmed by independent sources.
I wouldn't.
Alpha as fuck. Righteous president
>offering to fuck
>he didn't just order them to
I can't believe I voted for him
Bet you spent most of the Obama years mocking Glenn Beck/Alex Jones/etc. for being crazy conspiracy theorists.
>people literally believe the pee pee tape meme
This shit never stops being funny
he's just taking advantage of them.
Who cares?
So you want to say, that he has shit taste in women? How can this damage his presidency?
[spoiler]Also, at least change flag, you can't shitpost that often with bait threads with the same flag.[/spoiler]
You have to be a legit troll. No one is this stupid
man's gotta eat.
It's the fact that he was filmed in Moscow doing those things.
This makes all his denials and statements that he was aware of the Russian practices to compromise important people worthless.
He did that too
he even said so. when your rich and famous they let you do anything. otherwise they'd probably laugh at him. he seems kinda shallow
It's not a conspiracy if there's so much evidence. It fits the character too.
I literally can't trust a single thing in the Jewish media anymore. How can anyone even believe anything that's said anymore when they've already been caught in staged panels, debates, and outright lies? This world is so evil. Where do we find peace?
really dude? samefagging just for a (you) take it and get out of my face
You know it's true.
access hollywood is dumping the infamous 'nigger' tape this week
screencap this. it's over drumpftards
So...what exactly am I supposed to be outraged about here? That he hit on a supermodel? That he went to Moscow once? That someone may have been recording him during a party?
Bruh you couldn't fill up a tenth of Glenn Beck's chalkboard with your """"""evidence"""""".
The Russian tapes are also coming out soon. They are bored of just toying with him, now really want to hurt America.
What does a man wanting to fuck have to do with leadership ability? Character assassination is the prime indication of a progressive liberal or someone losing an argument.
I don't think anyone will care .
There is plenty of evidence and it's not fake arrows pointing to Soros or whatever you were bullshitted with but independent intel sources.
Follow BBC reporter Paul Wood, he has nothing to do with your American politics.
Women spontaneously wet their flaps when they are within 10 feet of the Holy God Emperor of Mankind. Even the ones who pretend to hate him, cream their pussies in their sleep.
wtf i hate trump now
The hotel room it supposedly happened in doesn't even have cameras.
This is the most meme theory on the left right now and I genuinely, sincerely hope you guys keep pushing it as it is worse and more destructive to your side than the birther stuff was for the tea party
Character assassination?
I said from the beginning it would prove the right had shitty character judgment
I heard a lot of rightwingers were calling him daddy now
What does wanting to fuck women have to do with running a country properly and lawfully? The literal only thing that should matter when electing a US president is if he will follow the Constitution of the United States, has integrity and honor. Again what does fucking women have to with anything. That's a persons personal life. When you hire a person at a job do you inquire as to their sexual habits? No you don't give a fuck because its none of your business.
Cool, I like him even more now, thanks for letting me know.
What a loser.
>Follow BBC reporter Paul Wood
>european media isn't actually *more* biased than american media
he takes advantage of young girls
The literal only thing that should matter bjs mattered for clinton
fucking women have to with anything. infidelity not a problem for you but if he could cheat on his wife...
That's a persons personal life. That's a persons personal life. When you hire a person at a job do you inquire as to their sexual habits? No you don't give a fuck because its none of your business. bet clinton wishes people knew that. but to this day clinton is a perv
see, if the same people don't think trump is a perv, wtf were they bitching about?
those ppl aren't going to admit they're hypocrites. the right trapped themselves
think of the children lol
>trump is a perv
Remember 1998? (were you alive in 1998?)
>Clinton swore he wasn't a perv
>dems defended him
>proof came out he was a perv
>no one gave a shit anyway
>hypocritical partisan nutjobs impeached him anyway out of spite
>impeachment trial was a sad, depressing, doomed shitshow
>Clinton's poll numbers went *up* 10% through it all
Funnily enough Lindsay Graham was on the losing side of that one as well.
Even if the tape exists and buzzfeed got it tomorrow and put it on the internet, absolutely no one will abandon Trump over it, and the media's and democrat's image will get flushed even further down the toilet.
were you alive in 1998? yes
>>Clinton swore he wasn't a perv. trump said the tape wasn't real.
>dems defended him. did they?
>proof came out he was a perv. he wasn't hanging around teenagers.
absolutely no one will abandon Trump over it, he could shoot one of his followers on park av and none of his supporters would care, i know
everyone knew trump is a perv. the morally superior don't care. they save their righteousness for the opposition
European media is professional.
There is worse than the pee pee tape.
>>>trump said the tape wasn't real.
Which only proves that it is real!!!1
>>dems defended him. did they?
>>proof came out he was a perv. he wasn't hanging around teenagers.
Kata Sarka was 26 in 2013. Lewinsky was 22 the first time she blew Clinton.
>absolutely no one will abandon Trump over it, he could shoot one of his followers on park av and none of his supporters would care, i know
And he could cure cancer and solve world hunger tomorrow and you'd still hate his guts.
Whats the problem?
Ben Franklin used to fuck french whores on the reg and he was a god damned american icon
btw, that line I could kill my followers came from an evangelist. a women I forget her name at the moment
>European media is professional.
>These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.
>journalists trying to hide the fact that they got bamboozled by a Twitter sockpuppet with a shitty fanfic
>b-but it's real goys, look at all this big nothing we have on him, it's the Russians!
pee pee tape is claimed to be in an entirely different timeline, this was from when Miss Universe was held there in Moscow
Why do you think I voted for him?
>dems defended him.
I don't remember that. I know some people were saying it was 2 adults and betweent them and hillary but I don't remember much defending.
even some dems went after him
it's almost like a pattern
>I don't remember that. I know some people were saying it was 2 adults and betweent them and hillary but I don't remember much defending.
So what would "defending" look like to you?
>even some dems went after him
You're right, there are absolutely no parallels between that and Trump.
LOL that website was created by somebody who believes that Jesus walked with dinosaurs and the Earth is 6 thousands year old.
yawn, next
>Trump did a thing the thread
Have the Muslims cleansed your continent yet?
cri moar
A pattern of Trump hitting on hot girls? Of him being in Moscow for business?
Maybe if you could explain it in chalkboard form.
It's the second jewgle result when I search 'ir.net', right after the site itself. And if fucking Google is calling you out as left-wing propaganda....
>pee pee tape is claimed to be in an entirely different timeline
Not really but Trump visited Russia many times.
Y'know who else visited Russia many times?
And Hillary is responsible for war crimes in Benghazi I'll take the man who continued to support the worlds oldest profession over some cucked bitch any day of the week
I don't remember much defending of clinton
my point is that people saying it's nothing for trump probably said the same for clinton.
I thought it was phony outrage then and now
I thought prostitution was a non issue in the Netherlands
>miss hungary
this gypsy girl lies. hungary and viktor are allied with russia. orban is putin's gay friend. you can't trust hungarians, they are russian shills. trump should declare orban the enemy of europe.
republicans won't impeach one of their own over such a minor offense.
You know that it's not google. They show it to you because they can see all your previous browser history and know that you're a nutjob too.
Same thing shows up in a private window.
Yes, we all drink water like Hitler and you will point out every little thing except what matters to the conversation because you're a stupid fat troll.
It's based on your IP(s).
>alpha male does alpha shit
no one really cares except the prigs, and they only care at certain times.
didn't all that grab em by the pussy come out long before the election? the prigs only care if it's a democrat. which proves the right are hypocrites. nothing to see here folks