alright, Sup Forums. Pretty sure I heard footsteps downstairs, but Im in a blue state without castle doctrine and with a duty to retreat. remember, over 90% of home break ins are done by misunderstood black youths. wat do?
Wat do?
I've got my ar15 loaded, safety off, fuck I'm amped. I'll shoot a bitch if he comes up the stairs though. fuck me
Defend yourself. Even in California, people ignore this law and just brush it under the rug, so to speak.
Almost every household has this little golden rule. If you kill an intruder with a knife, put the knife in his dead hands.
If you REALLY want to do things a more legitimate way, call the police, but tell them you're going to engage. They'll be there ASAP compared to saying "There's a guy downstairs and I need help."
There are no playground rules in life or death.
i haven't heard any noises in a minute.... wonder if he knows something's up
judged by twelve over carried by six.
Thanks user
spread your ass like a good goy
you got what you deserve for living in a blue state
shit is I'm applying to jobs in Pennsylvania and Ohio trying to gtfo
i can smell the remains of gunpowder on my rifle...went to the range about a week ago.... fuck this, I'm gonna go downstairs
shit, more foot steps, I've got my door half opened just waiting
Just don't do anything stupid. Even as a gun owner, I would never want to have to use it on someone. It's only available if I absolutely had to use it.
is it bad I'm a veteran trained to kill but worried about legal gall out I haven't gone down yet?
frankly this may be it user. I'm just waiting for him to come up the stairs. then it really is life and death
Bayonet him while screaming banzai for the emperor
heard the neighbors dog barking. maybe he sees something? the guy walking back outside? why am I posting on a Filipino ensymada cooking guide board when I have a home to protect?
should I do the dead grandfather's nazi uniform meme?
If you have a gun, shoot the bastard. Worry about the legal shit later.
Just say you have a gun and the spook will run for the hills.
If not it's some psycho who had bad plans for you anyway and you'll end up have to shoot them anyway.
Im waiting for him to come up the stairs. my dad's a cop and says that's pretty much a golden rule in terms of me getting away without any legal questions
Fill 'em full of lead. Do you want to live or be raped or something?
that's what I'm afraid of. some misguided youth is bad enough, having Dexter in my ground floor is horrifying
Im not a Swedebro. This rectum shall know no nigger
I hope you get tied up and ass raped for wasting my bandwidth
honestly I'm posting on here because I'm scared shitless. thanks for the bants bros meme onward if I don't make it
you as well, fellow burger
>a suspect flees
I just yelled down "if you go out now I won't kill you", silence. now we wait
Channel your inner Hyde user. Stay frosty
Will do. I've been up almost an hour now. I'm about to picketts charge this bastard
at that point law wouldn't literally matter to me
faggot larper
yea. im being a cuck aren't i
u wot m8?
yes, american citizenship is wasted on you, in your place I'd be posting phitos of dead niggers on Sup Forums
Dont give up cover and a kill zone to go all jap yuh dingus
Fight for your home!
Guns or no guns!
If there's a nigger in your house, then your life is at stake, you can get out of jail, you can't resurrect.
Pic related
>If you kill an intruder with a knife, put the knife in his dead hands.
what would this accomplish?
Maybe the cops would think the robber suddenly felt guilty
>the perfect crime
alright bros, window was open, a few things moved around, tv and electronics were unplugged, missing alot of my vidya and a few small other things but he must have been moving slow to try and stay quiet and managed to get out quietly before I could shoot him. smells like Newports.
now I guess I call the cops?
console fag
If you're not lying (you're lying) you disgust me. At any rate you disgust me I'm pretty sure.
fair enough
in other words a nigger broke into your house while you were at home and armed, stole shit and got away with it?
>no pics of dead dindu
It's probably nothing, or the house settling. Just last night I heard a loud noise downstairs that scared the hell out of me, but it was just the broom falling over.
Im in a blue state, i would probably go to jail for a hate crime