Would places like Mt. Druitt and Woodridge (slums of Australia) be as bad as Compton if Aussies had guns?

Would places like Mt. Druitt and Woodridge (slums of Australia) be as bad as Compton if Aussies had guns?

Used to live in Mounty, wouldn't be nearly as bad unless it became a boong majority.


Theres barely any Africans

What's worse, mounty or woodridge?

lakemba, greenacre, bankstown


Where do you live?

>Barely an Africans
>Pick one.

Sunnyvale is a fictional place.

Housos was filmed in Mt Druitt.

Can't say m8, only know Mounty.

>1 off

Hey, aussiefags. No it wouldn't. Niggers are horrible. You would probably have some whitetrash doing criminal shit but at least they have standards. Niggers will kill you for exactly ZERO dollars. Maybe some bogan will rough you up but you aren't going to die for not having any money. Don't try to pretend that you could understand the mind-set of american blacks.

I'd really like to have a show like Wifeswap but instead of swapping wifes, you swap a white Australian living in a majority boong suburb for a "white" American living in a nigger den.

You cunts have no idea what we're dealing with.

There was a machete attack in my old neighbourhood and the next door neighbour died of a drug over dose.

Aussies had guns since the founding of Australia and it was fine

I live near Woodridge.
Tbh no I don't think so. Majority of people there a white. Most people have their own housing commission home.

However there are many Africans in Woodridge. Still in Woodridge most people live in their own government housing. No one is litterally living on top of each other.

Also most bogan aussies have standards.

Question for those ITT who've had experience with both, what's worst boongs or basket ball americans?

The aboriginals who live next door to my mum have a baby and whenever it cries all they do is yell "SHUT UP YOU LITTLE CUNT!".

I feel sorry for that baby, it's probably going to end up in jail.

We have easy access to spearguns and it's extremely rare that people shoot each other with them why would guns be any different

I've never had any problems with Africans in Aus, still fucking don't want the cunts here but I've been jumped by noongas so many times.

Usually just slap the cunts about but once I gave a cunt my wallet because he held me up with a syringe full of blood.

>Majority of people there a white.

Is this actually true?

It certainly doesn't feel true.

Abbos aren't that bad tbqh, they will try and bludge smokes and money off you but they don't tend to be violent.

>Still in Woodridge most people live in their own government housing

So basically just like in Compton?

Lots of public housing in woodridge, to the point the gov is trying to deghetto the place. Tell ya from first hand experience woodridge is not that bad at all. Surprised its on same list as mount druitt. Suburbs in ipswich or a couple between brissy and gold coast are way worse.

Oh wow. It's like you think thats a big fucking deal.
OP asked if a bunch of poor Ausfags had guns compared to compton niggers. It would absofuckinglutely not be as bad.
Just look at Baltimore or Chicago. Niggers are the absolute worst or the worst.
>machete attack
pretty bad. I'll admit. Should purge, indeed
>equal to 500 shootings in a weekend in chicago
Nah, m8. American niggers are living a totally differently reality than the rest of us folks. I've lived in 3 major cities in the U.S. Shit isn't just a fictional tale.

mt druitt's never given me any trouble, the inner west though is a much bigger degenerate slum

I have had aboriginals threaten to beat me up but I have never had them actually do it.

I have said to them a few times "Okay then bash me because I am not giving you any money so fuck off" and they actually just go annoy someone else...

I don't get it.

There are good aboriginals too though.

It aint like compton at all. Its not even the africans that are the problem its the islanders and muzzies.

Every time I have went there I have had problems.

Aboriginal children chucking mud at me, junkies following me around etc...

It's actually really really bad.

>be bum
>do nothing
>get annoyed when people don't give you something for nothing

>Possibly Tasty Milk

Sweet EF mate

But you were saying that woodridge isn't like compton because of government housing.

I was just pointing out that's actually a similarity not a difference.

However the majority of homes have a backyard. A parent still works on a very low income.

You don't have people literally living in a 3 storey jail.

EF civics are noice.

Criminals always go after easy targets. Does this happen to you anywhere else? I used to work directly with the worst of the worst and countless times was I alone inside their homes. Fuck do I have some stories. There is a big problem of governmemt enabling these people to never rise above their circumstances.
And why would they. Everything we work for everyday get handed to them.

needs more niggers

Well they weren't in the 90s. But since all the mudslimes have been let in they have guns anyhow.

Give us back our guns so white people can defend themselves.

Compton houses have yards too.

> A parent still works on a very low income.
I'm not sure how true this is for a lot of housos.

A lot don't work at all.

No once you lose them you never get them back, maybe in 200 years? If we're lucky

no shit

Government housing isnt the cause of compton like behaviour. Theres way more public housing density in southport than woodridge but it doesnt have the same bad reputation.

Yeah nah yeah Cunts at least the negros of Compton can be more organised with their crime the coons and white trash bogans of mr druit struggle standing in the line at Centrelink

I wonder why then.

Housos was also filmed at ermington
You know
That DHA place across the river from silverwater prison

I joined the Australian Liberty Alliance cos gun rights are in their manifesto. Few weeks ago had an argument with their secretary (((Ralf Schumann))) due to their stance that israel is the best thing in the world. Knew it was too good to be true

I swear I saw the housos bridge they walk across in mt druitt.

I could be wrong though.

Spot on the money, user.

I have a thoery i've been mulling on but if its true i wouldnt want to go down thay road.

The environment plays a big part on peoples' mentality. Ive noticed over the last few uears that undesirables in worn down houses within worn dowm neighbourhoods creates an atmosphere of not caring. The undesirables that get put into brand new complexes tend to (on average) improve their socio economic status.

I however do not think we should reward the worst by putting them up in good clean homes. Catch 22

Cunt where are you from ? I grew up near Baryugil and was constantly having trouble with the bunjalung tribe noongas
Bunch of violent petrol sniffing shit skins Fucking this
Splitting image this
Cunts are either having a domestic about bread and smokes money getting spent on the pokies or little fucking tiddalik the meth baby is screaming

You don't have a drug war so no.

I grew up as a bogan but when I was a teenager I started travelling around on trains and busses.

I think seeing other people were who not dressed in rags helped motivate me to not be a bogan when I grew up.

I know it sounds really funny.

We have an ICE epidemic at the moment.

Lower class people are getting hooked on it.

Yeah nice. Thats exactly what ive been mulling over. If u put a coon tribe, say, im Raby Bay and all they saw all day was civilised people with no loose cunts acting up they will be less likely to act up. With coons its not even the coon thats the problem. Its not being able to say no to their coonfam.

I'm in Sydney, so I've only ever really come across urbanised abos, never really dealt with tribal abos except one time when I was down the south coast near Bermagui camping with some mates, there was some abos having a corroboree, full on shaman dance shit around a fire, they invited us to join them and we all got pissed, was pretty good time.

Worst part is my mum tries to get them to mow her lawn for money.

I hate being from a bogan family... Bogans do retarded shit all the time and when it goes wrong they get all depressed and go "Why do I have such bad luck in life, poor me".

This right here. Fuck me i was so pro drugs 10 years ago. Now the locals have been blighted by ice and its turned from "fuck yeah drugs are fun" to "i need this shit daily and dont care how i get it". Shits fucked man ive never hated drugs until recently. Yes i used to smoke n sell it years ago so not talkin out my arse