Have you any idea what this is ?
Theocratic Distributism
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it means you want a theocracy and you support distributism, aka catholic ideology that says private property = good but big corporations and people with too much land = bad so distribute land (mainly and originally this) and break big corps (more recent, not everyone agrees) so everyone owns some property. They say they're so pro-property they want everyone to have property, and every peasant should have 40 acres and a mule and shit
read the servile state by hilaire belloc
society based on catholic social teaching
private property
guilds w mentorship
subsidiarity (nothing bigger than need)
1/3 of population praying & studying
1/3 of population fighting
1/3 of population toiling
aka medieval europe
hope this helps
daily reminder that the reason for all the shilling on the board right now is Also, reply if you will to ensure I'm not shadowbanned.
Isn't that more like a Rennaissance Europe instead of medieval Europe ?
Belloc is based. A damn shame he isn't that well known
nah - renaissance was very 'undistributive'.
im talking about the carolingian renaissance, widespread literacy throughout generations. these grounds eventually fostered the first universities on earth.
first corporations came c. 1500 after the printing press transformed the shape of society- and the word FACT came to meant a deed recorded in a book. around the time the brits auctioned off the Church land (1st estate) to sycophants with titles (2nd estate). totally reshaped things. not to mention the insanity in germany.
think he will be. only a matter of time until Sup Forums gets bored and learns some actual european history, starting with paganism = slavery to a priesthood (yes, even for 'whitey').
u gay xD
Your not a nazi, fag, I'll tell you that.
>is it ok to murder your own child?
>answer to every other question?
>do whatever the fuck you want
>results say you have an 80% lean on the authority axis
(((8 values)))
Same result, quite happy with it.
Yes, it is a form of Christian Socialism popularised by GK Chesterton.
>Christian Socialism
Its explicitly anti-socialist sweetie
whoa whoa whoa let's not say socialism
key reading
the servile state by hillaire belloc
what's wrong with the world by GKC
particularly the chapter on HUDGE (capitalism) and GUDGE (socialism) — yes, both economic philosophies work against Catholic social teaching. . .
Okay, you may not like the S word, but it is still a valid description. Distributism aims at creating social justice by using government intervention to disperse the means of production, typically, in the form of cultivable land.
"I WILL whisper in the reader’s ear a horrible suspicion that has sometimes haunted me: the suspicion that Hudge and Gudge are secretly in partnership. That the quarrel they keep up in public is very much of a put-up job, and that the way in which they perpetually play into each other’s hands is not an everlasting coincidence. Gudge, the plutocrat, wants an anarchic industrialism; Hudge, the idealist, provides him with lyric praises of anarchy. Gudge wants women-workers because they are cheaper; Hudge calls the woman’s work “freedom to live her own life.” Gudge wants steady and obedient workmen, Hudge preaches teetotalism — to workmen, not to Gudge. Gudge wants a tame and timid population who will never take arms against tyranny; Hudge proves from Tolstoi that nobody must take arms against anything. Gudge is naturally a healthy and well-washed gentleman; Hudge earnestly preaches the perfection of Gudge’s washing to people who can’t practice it. Above all, Gudge rules by a coarse and cruel system of sacking and sweating and bi-sexual toil which is totally inconsistent with the free family and which is bound to destroy it; therefore Hudge, stretching out his arms to the universe with a prophetic smile, tells us that the family is something that we shall soon gloriously outgrow.
"I do not know whether the partnership of Hudge and Gudge is conscious or unconscious. I only know that between them they still keep the common man homeless."
~G.K. Chesterton: What’s Wrong With the World.
it was G. K. and Belloc's way of saying they wanted the CHURCH back.
It's a tragedy how the concept of 'social justice' has been appropriated by the left and debased of all its original meaning in terms of Catholic social theory.
Do they conflate social progress with technological/scientific progress?
Progressivism = progress 4 them
A very good question!
No not especially - though their biggest fan Marshall McLuhan was a big advocate for Understanding Media.
Hilaire Belloc's The Road is a good book to check out too.
what do you think of mine?
Is this an 8values thread I see?
Could Be