Race war now


This bong nigger KSI with 17m jewtube subs is openly calling out Pewdiepie as a racist. He's a huge SJW and apparently has had some sort of beef with him since the WSJ hit piece back in February.

Let's add fuel to the fire like the Milo/Leslie Jones situation and bombard this social media with as much offensive content and memes as possible, with the objective of directing his hate toward pewds.

Push him to the edge, and sit back with some popcorn while watching the dumpster fire burn.

Other urls found in this thread:


Nigger with his nigger hat

>says honky/cracker/whiteboy
>whines about someone saying nigger


What a POS time to get on my personal twitter and shame this monkey back up the trees
They look so stupid, like toys

>custom flag
fuck off

Its going to be pathetic if THIS is what ultimately ends up causing the race war.

>eceleb bullshit
>nazi flag

yeah nah fuck you

Isn't he fucking a mudshark?

I've never even heard of this CSI nigger before. What does he do?



Not your personal army CIA shill, nice try


Remember the Jews are controlling them

>look up this KSI nigger, never heard of him
>his most watched video is a stereotypically niggerish music video of him and his lamborghini


That like/dislike ratio fills me with despair. I hope most of his audience is non-whites.



I can be arrested in my country for posting on Sup Forums, sadly.
Celeb bullshit is the bread and butter of shitposting.


why is this guy so popular? isn't he just another nigger that makes a living off of calling people racist and saying how oppressed he is?

Why can't the hatred be aimed at KSI and not pewds?

worse, he's famous just for acting like a stereotypical nigger

PEWDIEPIE shold act as if nothing happened and wait for a new happening for SJW to obsess over

Its 2017. Its progressive to say nigger.

Just another Jew-enabled nigger who would just be looting and stealing under normal circumstances.

And I'm using nigger in the culture sense, not race. Implying that only black people come from Africa is racist.

Hell, if it wasn't for "white" intervention black people's numbers would've fallen drastically. We're talking about a race that kills/sacrifices albinos. Inherently racist.

>He's a huge SJW
Bitch please, that negro is known for molesting models on game expos. That's like the last thing that comes into my mind when I think of SJW's.

thats big business right now goy


We need to get KSI and his base riled up, and you know how easily niggers get triggered. The beef will blow into the mainstream since the media will latch on anything to do with racism, and will most likely blow up in their face when people start siding with Pewdiepie.

>he thinks hiding your flag hides your IP
m8, you are already on their list

>I hope most of his audience is non-whites
You're in for same bad news

>I hope most of his audience is non-whites.
HAHAHAHAHA. I got news for you...This is the top of western culture

Learn to use a VPN?

The few times I've seen this nigger he's been responding to something from pewdie. It's blatant clickbaiting


I said nigger at an all black cookout once and no one did shit
>be me
>be 11
>aunt divorced puerto rican uncle is dating a black dude with three kids
>she has 5 kids with puerto rican dude
>we wuz brady bunches n sheit
>we gon have summer bbq
>we gon invite all the peeps
>little anonself always went over aunts house to play with 5 rican cousins
>house is now filled with niggers
>ay what yall niggers doing
>OMG user JUST SAID NIGGER WITHOUT THE ER littleniglettattletale.jpeg
>I just stand their \o/
>Everyone laughs
>little niglet furious white boi not in trouble!
>tries to get back at me by suckerpunching me during pinata
>It stings but I am a big boy
>hold him down and let my cousin smack the shit outta him
>boys will be boys
>We pretend to be three ninjas on the nigg kids
>call them idiots say they can't be ninjas
>say they have watermelon on the brain
>got to bully niggers like a nigger
>best party ever

>Laughing over the decline of your culture

Are you a leaf or a german?

>Niggas getting angry because their special word only they can say is about to be normalised
They act all angry about it but really they love the power of that word and the only way to take that away is to keep saying it.


>aunt divorced puerto rican uncle is dating a black dude with three kids

>using a FREE VPN
The lmao at you. Hope you know how that VPN is free. They sell your info to any agency.

>but its not free

Check 'em

This will work.

>thinking this helps
>thinking your VPN provider won't Jew you out at the drop of a hat

Shits going down. I bet SJWs are going to attack PewDiePie all at once. Already seeing shit blow up.


Is he going to double down?

you don't have to tell me how fucked it is, I lived it

KSI IS A NIGGER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck off Keemstar nobody cares.

stop promoting youre channel

>rich white guy vs sum nigger
dis gun be gud

Hey, Pewdiepie, if you're reading this, don't respond to anyone about this. Ignore it all and act like it never happened. Replying to the SJWs and getting in arguments will only drag this out.

Just transition to a black man right before saying it.


my contribution

I hope this pewdefaggot gets blocked, his content is too autistic

>doesn't use open source vpn and analyze the codebase to turn off phone home

back to plebbit you go

This nigger is ugly, and deserves to be bombarded with pure hate and degeneracy.

>people still buying into scripted drama
in the year 2017, people still haven't figured out that yt is the new reality tv? anons, please. people overreacting for views/likes is goyim grab 101. you guys are being played into focusing on the wrong issues. wake the hell up already.

It doesn't matter how it starts. It only matters how it ends.

It's been boiling over all night, most people were focused on Irma yesterday but now that the hurricane has passed it's time to get back to the narrative.

Already starting to see the outrage on MSM sites like google and yahoo news, it will be a full blown dumpster fire tomorrow.



wow you really told him.

>yeah lets hype up the nong even more and enable him to get more renown and recognition which will make him even more successful !!!
Good thing this is not politically motivated so just sage



>is openly calling out Pewdiepie as a racist
what's wrong with being a racist? Why is this an insult?

I added to it, you salty fucker. I am not a racist asshole I just tell it like it is

Best response ive seen to date

straylan bantz are weak today :/


you're a retard. pewds is vital to our cause right now you dolt.

He raps, dressed up in a gold body suit and played the saxophone, he shows off his cars, and he's a rich cunt
Pic related would be more productive then watching one of his videos

How the fuck has this bullying stayed on even this long, do I need to call an admin myself wtf

>jew puppet is vital to the cause



niggers aren't even human, i don't know why they'd care about us using a language they can't comprehend and calling them what they are, filthy nigger savages. it's giving them too much credit if you ask me.

Why do niggers try to challenge superior white men? Pride? Low IQ? Power?


>and he's a rich cunt
wow, so oppressed, poor nigger

>PewDiePie Says NIGGER (N-word)

Screaming monkeys are musics in western countries...

he hurts the right if anything

i wish niggers would all die of aids so we wouldn't have to see their retarded twitter posts.

>muh jew puppet don't suppor-
Back to WaPo shill.

>doesn't use heartbleed exploit to take over vpn server with spoofed packets, gaining access to the data of all the other vpn users and blackmailing them

looks like r/faggotplebs is leaking again

This KSI guy had a coal burner gf who was fairly attractive. Britain is so cucked, their most favorite YouTuber is a nigger.

Niggers HATE being called monkeys.
Just send this negro gorilla memes and he'll cry himself to sleep at night

>pretending to be part of the cause
larper, please. no one cares about yt celebs. he only cares about money and fame.

Look what you make us do
is this it?

>Niggers with Britshit accents
The absolute worst


Reading some of the replies to KSI's tweet is fucking hilarious. You got people saying that only black people can say nigger, and that people who are depressed deserve discrimination cuz they choose to cut, while nigger is such a bad word cuz it has history.

>open sourced VPN
at the end of they day you use a VPN from california that leads to a government server.

You are retarded

anytime a nigger gets a bit of money he triumphantly parades around his white 6/10 gold digger

why is he using digital whiteface

I saw a cunt on twitter who was defending him claiming he's at less of an advantage then a homeless white guy, fucking sjws

is funny because they think they sound smart

>caring about ecelebs
Fucking millennial and gen z trash.

sounds fun. operation name the nigger.

KSI should shut the fuck up he was never a slave he's a free african nigger his ansestor where probably the niggas that caught the other niggas and made them salves who then sold them to some (((white people))) and sand niggers.

When did racism become like the worst possible thing a person can do? There have been famous athletes get in trouble for rape and even manslaughter and make comebacks, but if one says the word nigger he gets deleted from history forever. It makes no goddamn sense.

>I can be arrested in my country for posting on Sup Forums, sadly.
bullshit! if thats true then godamn this fucking society! everything is backwards!

Can't be against the grand jewish plan