>tfw too smart to let my wife get fucked by just one man
Tfw too smart to let my wife get fucked by just one man
Other urls found in this thread:
You cropped out the jewish authors name you piece of shot aussie cuck
This has got to be satire?!?
No wonder everybody gets stupid...
Send them to fema camps for re education
nah. virtue signaling liberals are so far gone they'll believe just about anything...
liberal women are whores and generally proud of it ('don't slut-shame me!'). liberal men are terrified of having access to sex taken away if they step out of line.
Time for archive archive.is
(((they))) are mentally ill.
big news.
(((Anneli Rufus)))
Everytime pol, everytime.
>wanting another man to fuck your girl
>not fucking other women while making your girl watch
The fuck
Forgot to spell too as to
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
i cri eveytiem
Anyone remember during Sup Forums posted in a cuck thread on /soc/ that it was "the thinking mans fetish"?
I blame him for the explosion of that degeneracy.
I may be dumb but at least I'm not a cuck
maybe for men who think they're wimps
She says she believes she lost because she never took the time on Good Morning America to attack Trump lol
*During Sup Forums harbor
Now that I think about it he did seem to have a huge obsession with cuck porn what with the looped recording and all.
Only rural and suburban retards fuck their wives. City people watch DeAndre do it.
I'm speechless and a little sad.
>"Competition gets them hard," says sex therapist Susan Block, who operates a phone-therapy program especially for cuckolds to fine-tune their fantasies and strategies.
Lmfao the therapists are in on it.
So long and cancerous that I read it entirely
>Nature is conservative, so your testicles won't work any harder than they know they have to. But if your wife has been away at a conference and there's a chance that she's had sex with another man, you'll get a stronger erection when she comes home. If she has had sex with another man, that makes you really hard."
Cuckolding is scientific lmfao westerners are so fucked
If I jerk off with my left hand and my right one watches does that make my right hand a cuck hand?
>Turning this dynamic into reality through cuckolding is a mental workout "because it involves getting your mind past the jealousy"—past that touch her and I'll blow your head off reflex. Jealousy, Block theorizes, is a social construct based on the notion that husbands own their wives, and is thus "much more recent, evolutionarily speaking, than the competition that turns guys on. That's why it's mostly intellectuals who are into cuckolding: because other guys are crippled by jealousy. They're aroused and upset and don't know why."
Sup Forums BTFO!!! Cucks are the REAL men you fucking weaklings!
These dumb cunts are all going to catch HIV, Hepititus and die.
Pro tip: keep yourself safe and don't fuck around.
>tfw roo smart to keep property
Give me your house.
Ayyy lmao
Why isn't this more of a thing senpai?
You would only find this shit in white cultures.
>Visually implying anyone would fuck that land whale of a women.
Not even cucks should be that hard up
Thank you based Norbot.
>literal cucks
No. White. In any latin culture the most insulting thing you could ever accuse a man of being is a cabron aka a cuck. Worse than being called an idiot, traitor, liar, thief, etc.
Cuck is literally the lowest tier of scum and older generations will straight up fight you.
The only equivalent I can think of calling a black person a nigger (IRL lol). Sorry but whites need a healthy dose of Machismo.
Attempted legitimisation of beta males.
And yet white culture cucked you into submission.
Oh yes the fabled latin "culture" of Latin America, consisting of getting raped and killed by Spaniards, then developing into a communist and cartell shithole with shemales and AIDS. Take the rich culture of Puerto Rico for example, being the US' latin american bottom bitch.
What confuses me is that most of the time cuckold stuff gets posted it's interracial with a wimpy white guy's super hot white wife getting fucked by a black dude. I don't get the interracial element.
You know damn well what the pattern is and why. You're just looking for someone to publicly call it out and make the general public question the Jew's methods.
>No. White
I know that American education is shit, but don't you know that all this cuck shit is Western. I don't see Hungary or Poland having cuckold articles. Also, as much as you seem to despise white people, your culture is based off one.
The only time an open relationship is acceptable as a man is if you are rich, famous and sterile.
Normie open relationships is mostly a beta man who lets his GF fuck as many other dudes as she can whilst he may, very occasionally, get a pity blowie from some other slut in an open relationship.
If I had a GF and she asked me if we could do this I'd break up with her on the spot.
You have no idea how the world is outside of the internet, do you?
I love white people. I'm like, 70% white lol. Most latins are white. But it's a fact that "pure" whites are susceptible to crazy shit that simply would not fly in other cultures.
Wanna see some more?
>But it's a fact that "pure" whites are susceptible to crazy shit that simply would not fly in other cultures.
I am saying that you don't see this shit in Eastern Europe and the Balkans.
>Most latins are white
The vast majority of Puerto Ricans aren't
t. Live in Orlando.
this is how I do it my dudes
Why doesn't she have a Beautiful Black Baby™? Is she racist or something?
It's not a good idea to bash a culture and call it weak when your own culture practically got erased first by Spain and then by the US.
>written 10 years ago
>author not Jewish
what makes your think she's jewish? rufus is not a jewish last name.
She's salty because despite being an ivy league prof she looks like Gollum.
There are so many things wrong with you post.
I want to answer it by the only things that comes to my mind is "kys faggot".
Lurk for at least another decade, at least by then you'll be over 18.
You uneducated faggot, "my" culture is not the indians that lived in PR before the spanish. Ricans are 50-100% of Spanish decent with variation.
So your attempt to troll me backfires, because I identify with the Spanish lol.
You obviously don't know what you are talking about burger.
>because I identify with XY
So you're one of those genderqueer furries only with race?
the author is jewish I checked bruh
I have no idea what the fuck "genderqueer furries" is. I assume its common in whatever country you're from.
post proof. I checked also, no mention of it. Usually if it's a Jew they write it on the wikipedia. No mention of it.
This is unironically true though. Swedish girls do need real men. Not whitebois! u mad?
That you monsters are raping and murdering our women who we love?
Yeah man, I'm pretty fucking pissed about that.
Pretty fucking sure you would be too.
>Chose to give birth to niggers
Its literally a troll dude don't even bother responding to nigger flags they are all aussie cucks shit posting
Everyone involved in the process of creating and broadcasting this needs to be killed
WTF. How is this even possible? I haven't watched the electric jew in 5 years other than some movies. When did it get so extreme?
I've expected more than this cheap-ass "I know what you are but what am I" response, even from a double-digit spic cucked to eternity by the US like you are
>b-b-but my great-grandfather was a spaniard and only my mother was an alpaca I'm w-white guys
Why do you love them? you realize they are rancid whores who would sell you out if they though it meant marrying someone with slightly more money or social standing, regardless of race. Only small dick beta males with no personal accomplishments obsess over something silly like "race". In fact I just balled out a white wife while her husband was at a trump rally. Winning!
nigger google the authors name with jew after ffs it aint hard
It's obviously a joke you retard. also enjoy your ban for posting porn.
send nudes.
In that tweet she says she's areligious and hasn't celebrated hannukah since teen years. Obviously not Jewish, she's an atheist. Boy youre dumb aren't you whiteboi!
Yes, it's a joke goyim. We didn't just show a nigger fucking white woman on TV, it's just a satire.
>look up the show on wikipedia
>season 1 had a 65% rating
>season 3, where these webms come from, received near-universal acclaim from (((critics)))
>pretending to be a retarded and a nigger at the same time
The noun is actually retard. I'm not pretending I really am a Jewish nigger. why are you mad or something?
Bruh, you're obviously bitter about something. Idk what it is. Did a rican rico suave your waifu? Actually, I doubt you ever had one, let alone meet real humans on a regular basis.
And you keep trying to go with the US "cuck" angle for some reason. Idk why, culturally im super american desu. Also, PR welcomed the USA when they took over from spain. It's not some senitive spot. I suggest you improve your knowledge of history.