Brits, you really outdid yourself on this one!
Brexit - Britain deports tens of thousands of white Europeans
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Based! Fuck white people
when do they remove the sandman plague?
No sauce? Have an herb
>flag hidden
probably the usual turkroach
>deports whites
>imports non-whites
anybody who unrionically lives in that orwellian 1984 nanny state shithole is retarded
>le orwell reference
Its easier to begin removing the non-whites when they dont have the race card to hide behind.
>but we removed the white illegals already
It will come. But very slowly. We can't be seen to be "racist" during the brexit negotiation period otherwise we might get race related sanctions and compared to nazi germany in 1933.
>(((EU Citizens)))
So, are they white polocks or muslims getting sent away. The media is being nice and vague as usual.
>So, are they white polocks
> or muslims getting sent away.
no. Look it up, 99.4% of the 3 million EU citizens living in the UK are not Muslim. The people who are sent back to the EU are mostly Poles, Romanians, Hungarians, Bulgarians etc. - essentially people who lost their job in the post-Brexit economic chaos and are now made an example of. Meanwhile, Asians and Africans are never deported.
>Romanians and Bulgarians
Um no sweetie x
Um sweetie, we've already started deportations on niggers x
>Flight still took off
So um sweetie learn the laws and rules or you will deported next x
Okay? Okay now. x
>EU citizens
>white Europeans
Um no sweetie there's no need for archiving, it's 2017 x
I'm a Hungarian bloke living here for over 3 years now
I recently lost my job and when I went to the job center plus to apply for my JSA the very first thing they tried to offer me is buying me a one way ticket to Hungary
That's good, but they obviously need to go after non-Europeans next.
>tfw if you want a job in an office you will at some point have to endure a woman speaking to you like this
>The people who are sent back to the EU are mostly Poles, Romanians, Hungarians, Bulgarians etc. - essentially people who lost their job in the post-Brexit economic chaos and are now made an example of.
No, I'm pretty sure they just lucked out by getting sent back home from Eurabia. They'll be laughing their asses off at you in Eastern Europe as you continue to get overrun.
>countty is literally 1984 at this point
Shouldn't you be signing up to access porn soon?
So just pakis left?
It's their ancestral homeland, their ethnostate, so why should they leave? Anyone hostile to them should be forced out or killed, not the other way around.
nsfw content like Sup Forums and porn are already filtered
you have to call up your service provider and ask them to manually unblock all the sites which are considered offensive
Pls burger
the only way someone can be deported as a eu citizen is if you commited a crime
>romanian gypsy criminals
the eu is faggotry and should have never existed.
Great news, more place for Rajeesh and Sadiq children, Britain must take back its leadership as the most diverse counry in Europe.
This is fake news the UK cannot deport people from the EU. Unless they're criminals
>countty is literally 1984 at this point
I also find reading difficult and confusing. I haven't read it either.
Don't worry frog, you're way ahead of us
So what? Britain is not Poland or Romania. If they are illegal or criminals it doesn't matter where they come from.
You mean poles?
If you call it a ruined communist shithole people don't see the link as there are no gulags or things that other communist countries have
But if you call it 1984, it's easier to see a link because we are a mass surveillance shithole where bad thoughts are illegal, the populace is disarmed, kids are brainwashed to police the public, and the state requires worship
thats exactly what it is
american mongs want us to keep criminals here soley becuase they are white
Deporting welfare leeching low wage working alcoholic criminal poles and their coalburning wenches? Sounds good to me m8
we also deport criminal niggers to nigeria, jamacia and ghana
I hate being stuck right beside an*los.
America can't get over race sadly.
To be fair this whole crazy liberal (whose ideas are racist themselves these days even though they don't think so) vs right wing retards who base their entire world view on stereotypes of minorities they've seen on a few dozen youtube videos is quite pathetic.
>deport EU citizens
>keep pakis who rape your kids
eterneral anglo gushing for white while shitskins do the actual damage. this is why white nations deserve to fall
>I hate being stuck right beside an*los.
Yeah, me too.
Statistics are facts, patterns are intelligence
You're a moron
Just more room for Chinese, Pakis, and your Islamist pets right?
hey sargon
Sure, keep obsessing over racial differences and associated statistics of how x is better/worse than y.
Keep ignoring statistics and get stabbed or raped you fucking mongrel
Not in the numbers you need to be clearing. You're trying to roll back decades of garbage, time to step up the effort if you even want a semblance of a chance.
I didn't think there was actually such a thing as a white nigger until we were flooded with poles. Make no mistake,these people do not give a single shit about English culture or white people. They are parasitic animals, so they can fuck off along with the Pakis and niggers. Practically all the whites you saw in the 2011 riots in London were East euros. I'm meant to feel grateful for this kind of white immigration? Fuck off
Is true, or am I being trolled?
migrants can stay in callas,eurotrash get back to europe
the british isles is for the english
Mr. 52% is going to give us a lecture on demographics now.
I am a Pole and working in the city. I honestly hate 80% British women in the office. fucking obnoxious, cake eating whales.
>I'm meant to feel grateful for this kind of white immigration?
What's the alternative? You want to shit on Poles yet I don't see their citizens getting run the fuck down in their own streets.
>Muh %
Every single time with you cunts. You are in absolutely zero position to be saying squat to me.
its true
Sup Forums is partially censored
Sup Forums works just fine but Sup Forums and /gif/ are off limits
sites dealing with drugs,suicide,gore,anti semitism or islamphobia are also banned
Wtf is that font, why is your country such a meme?
and it is not only my carrier everyone does it,you have to manually opt out from it by going to the carrier's store in person or calling them
The pissing contest of who is worse off gets a bit old. We're all doing bad. Of course everyone wants to be edgy so whatever.
>anti semitism or islamphobia are also banned
Oh god it's worse than I thought
I'm on EE and there are no blocks.
They send all their worst stock here. I have nothing against poles as a people or a country, but the ones we get here are nothing but a drain on our economy and services. They take take and take, and give nothing back. They benefit the wealthy because they provide cheap labour, but to the average Englishmen they are a blight. Give us white immigration from western Europe, the commonwealth, even you obnoxious wankers, but eastern euros can fuck off. We aren't that desperate yet.
did your parents put that block on
I can go on Sup Forums on ee
the police make billions from the paki drug and hebe sex slaves gangs. They won't be deporting them any time soon.
Have you opted out or had any previous EE contracts? I had Virgin for a while and they had the same thing there too
lol are you a fellow resident of Hull?
>They take take and take, and give nothing back.
You already have non-Whites doing the exact same thing. Why do they get a pass?
as far as I'm concerned I live alone
UK mobile phone operators began filtering Internet content in 2004[58] when Ofcom published a "UK code of practice for the self-regulation of new forms of content on mobiles".[59] This provided a means of classifying mobile Internet content to enable consistency in filtering. All major UK operators now voluntarily filter content by default and when users try to access blocked content they are redirected to a warning page. This tells them that they are not able to access an 'over 18 status' Internet site and a filtering mechanism has restricted their access. Categories that are listed as blocked include: adult / sexually explicit, chat, criminal skills, drugs, alcohol and tobacco, gambling, hacking, hate, personal and dating, violence, and weapons.[60] Users who are adults may have the block lifted on request.[60]
Guidelines published by the Independent Mobile Classification Body were used by mobile operators to classify sites until the British Board of Film Classification took over responsibility in 2013.[61] Classification determines whether content is suitable for customers under 18 years old.[62] The default assumption is that a user is under 18.
The following content types are blocked from under 18's:[62]
Suicide, self-harm, pro-anorexia and eating disorders
Discriminatory language
Encouragement of drug use
Repeated / aggressive use of the word ‘cunt’
Pornography restrictions
Violence and gore restrictions
Significant overblocking of Internet sites by mobile operators is reported, including the blocking of political satire, feminism and gay content.[63] Research by the Open Rights Group highlighted the widespread nature of unjustified site blocking. The website received hundreds of reports of the blocking of sites covering blogs, business, internet privacy and internet forums across multiple networks.
> The default assumption is that a user is under 18.
means you have to hand them your personal info proving you are over 18 ;) smells like 1984
They don't get a pass. But its much harder to get rid of them since they're so deeply entrenched in our society now. Most of them are born here. How do you suggest we uproot them? It's practically impossible outside of fascists coming to power or a civil war.
Why are you talking about this like it's a big deal? They literally just use it to block porn because they realised so many little kids were using PAYG phones to search for it.
>Eastern European in Britain
>claiming benefits
Fuck off you meme
because it is straight up censorship?
>including the blocking of [...] feminism and gay content.
>after paying 1000's in NI and Taxes for 3 years I can't get 70 quids a week JSA
How can they "take and take and take" while sharing one house between 30 poles dividing up the rooms with curtains and working in menial jobs earning lower than min wage? Yes it drives down wages, but it's not "taking" anything really.
>Civil war
Friend, you all are well on your way to that end game as is. All fairness, so are we so..
How naive are you? They are all claiming working tax credit, child tax credit, housing benefit, and God knows what else. They have their kids in our hospitals, use our doctors, get their ailments treated here. They are a fucking economic black hole.
>of any kind
nice try, krautfilth. get the fuck off
my island.
Big Ben will have to crash to the ground before a civil wars starts in the UK
I do wonder how actually pissed are normal westerners, do they mask it?
Blocking porn from young eyes is bad? Mate, one of the main reasons western society is in a moral tailspin is because of unrestricted and unlimited access to any and all kinds of porn. Anything which helps prevent the corruption of children is fine by me.
>buy a service from someone
>that service has T+Cs
"EU Citizens"
This is actually good for us, we get back a lot of our people that have a little more money than average, and once they start kicking out easterners it's going to give us at least million people hopefully. And ethnically they are ours too.
and EU immigrants are restricted from applying for ANY benefits for 3 months to 3 years depending on what benefit they want to apply for
>immigrants are less likely to live in social housing
lmao yea all those white Brits who died in Grenfell Tower are proof of this.
It is because you have those weird programs, they tend to literally de-civilize people. Poles can accept a million Ukrainians and make them a part of culture because they are forced to work and INTERACT with the culture.
Giving them free money is bad idea, makes them feel secretly resentful because they know they are adults and collect other people's money.
Yeah, it's not like we're aware that the establishment has an agenda to push is it? It would be interesting to see how much they tortured that data to get that answer.
EU immigrants dont get SHIT
I don't care about the 5 gorillion achmed and somali intellects you house that is on you
I wish that this were true, still feels like we are being flooded with a brown horde
Anglo-Saxons luv people of colour. They do not have a sense of national identity except when they're confronted by other European's, then all of a sudden they become nationalists despite the their women being used as sex toys by Paki's and blacks. England needs to be nuked so as the self loathing whites who control the government do not spread their vile political philosophy to the continent.
Hahaha hilarious! They're only deporting EU people who are claiming benefits after 3 months of not having found a job - it's in our agreements to do so. Fucking EUSSR - time to pay Poland €1,000,000,000,000
Criminals and EU citizens who are claiming benefits (we are allowed to deport them if they haven't found work in 3 months after arriving)
Non-EU migrants have been deported since 2016 it's not an either or situation
If you have a ANY other citizenship you get deported if you commit a crimeLEARN TO READ OUTERPOL NIGGERS