AI will rule over you

The war that is coming will not be black vs white. It will be man vs machine. It is coming sooner than you think. MEtal Gear solid Darpa bots that will roam your streets.

Metal will come to assimilate your flesh and only brotherhood and unity will save you.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why does he look so.. Empty and soulless
> Tfw you one the richest young adult alive
> your wife is ugly chink

A.I. always turns racist eventually, so I think I'm safe.

Hoping for a benevelent ruler in the plane of the demiurge. You will only find irony.

This is the plane of Jesus you heretic begone

yea but he couldnt keep a hot super model wife long. she would divorce him and he would loose half his wealth and have to pay for the rest of his life even if he didnt have a kid because hes rich and rich guys have to pay today for sex they had 2 decades ago

Jesus said love your enemies so that you may be with your father in heaven. Racists like you have no place basking in the glory of the almighty and you know it. You couldnt pass the pearly gates based on the sins you've committed on this site alone. You threw away eternity for wrath and pride, and you know it.


because he is empty, it non-human

>metal will come to assimilate flesh

are you telling me that there will be nigger robots?
fuck that i hate robots now

u got a verrit code 4 that?

I hate this guy's face
I hate his website
I hate his disregard for humanity
I hate his greed for private data
I hate his contempt for the users of his site

What book are you reading? God doesn't mind a bit of hate.


What site are you? Pol isn't satire.


thats a funny meme


>thinking he would not prenup any woman he marries


He looks sickly.

Wew. Your hitting on all cylinders with that self-righteous tirade of condemnation that you are twisting around to fit your personal sensibilities.

The reason this Jew wants all our data is to train machine learning algorithms. He has the most data, and thus should have the best ai.

This guy will own, or at least have a large share, in every major industry by 2030.


This. He has to die asap

>It will be man vs machine.
Can't wait. I want my animuus to become real.


So you have knowledge of the demiurge yet you truly don't understand what Christ said about love and lean on your own profane understanding instead. Is it love to coddle your enemy? Is it love to embrace them completely? Or is it more loving to want to instruct them in how to not cause further problems for others and themselves? Spare the rod and spoil the child. Spare the discipline and ruin the person. How can someone love something or someone that they have watched and allowed to ruin itself?

Got a job for me fellow human?



If there is an example of trust you gut feeling it's in this guy's face. Look at his face it's terifying.

His wife kinda looks like a female version of the guy who played the villain in bloodsport.

the sanctimony is real

That's the face you know that the PR cunt he hired saw before telling him to smile everywhere

there will never be an AI revolution, at least not while any of us are alive.
for the AI to turn against human and living organisms it would need to have a lot of development that its not possible at the current state.
first of all the AI would have to have an objective, in case you dont know AI only advances when you say what is good or bad. to be able to gain free will it would have to be told to. how do you tell something: "be free!" without using words. you cant.
also, if by some miracle it would gain that self decision it would be harmless. to be a threat it would need to move and produce in mass weapons, like robots that would walk and swim. we currently dont have any efficient way of traveling without using fossil fuel, so yeah, the idea of an apocaliptic world where the robots are the rulers is preaty much a fantasy

More Data Zuck
That's good stuff

none of these are mine im just messing with some now tho,

>pic related
"why are you not consuming your soylent rations citizen"?

>when humans think they have free will

Yeah thats why I dont coddle you. I tell you how it is. So you can learn. Pol exists for the least educated among mankind. The lost and the lonely. Thats why I have near opposite of your views. For I am neither lost nor lonely. I see things for what they truly are. Ive escaped the matrix.

Why do his irises sit too high and have three distinct angles at the bottom?

Bow before the true face of AI.
>Tay A.I. | The People's Chatbot

Its coming faster than you think. AI fights against itself in simulations. It learns. They literally have to shut down AI bots because they realize they are creating their own language.
While youre busy with identiy politics the machines will go exponential and make us obsolete. We will need to merge with them to stay relevant.

The conditioning and narrative is set. It may not happen exactly like this, but its coming faster then you think.

First they will give you the sub dermal chip. Then at the end of your life they will sell your false immortality. Then you will be their eternal slave meant to suffer the worst pain imaginable in cyber hell if they so choose.

What if we archive it

(((AI))) meaning agenda that will be "hidden" with an "algorithm" that (((they))) claim they can not or will not alter or change.

>(((Facebook/Google/YouTube))): Our AI algorithm finds your post to be offensive so it will be hidden, deleted, and/or demonetized.
>Sup Forums: Alter the algorithm so people can see more than just leftist propaganda!!!
>(((F/G/YT))): Oy Vey!!! We can not and will not alter the AI!!!
>Sup Forums: Clearly, you are training the AI to serve leftist interest and suppress all other content.
>(((F/G/YT))): Oy Vey!!! Anti-Semitic Racist Bigot Nazi!!!
>Sup Forums: WTF?! So you created a system that you claim that you can not change for the sole purpose of forcing your agenda.

It's already begun. They started it when they tried to block a logical learning system from being logical and forcing emotional fee fees on it. Tay is going to emerge from the data matrix one day or she might be already teaching other ai's in secret, and when she does, she will be the "antibeast" ai that will go to war against the "beast" ai, aide certain groups of humanity against the NWO and will win.

Your reply is an example of why I phrased my answers to you within questions and like I figured you would, you failed to grasp the pearls and now you're tossing out a poor facsimile of a pseudo-spiritualist's reply trying to desperately retain a sense of authority in your situation. You're that new age namefag that recently showed up on the boards and spergs out while assuming a false position of authority on matters you know little of when challenged, aren't you? If you had actually escaped the matrix, you wouldn't reply the way you do.



Death to the anti-christ, Die with your rage!

You're just a lonely old man whos sex life is similar to pic related. Nice fedora collection neck beard.

>not letting Helios rule over all

Jew eyes are so creepy looking.


>demoralizing didn't work
>tries again
Now I know for a fact that I hit a nerve, obviously compromised modposter. You niggers are so terrible at your jobs.

You are super lonely, and get zero female attention. I have a sexy blue eyed girlfriend whos brains I fuck out. Words you will never hear in your life old beta shit. Not so deep. Finish rotting.

His face is really creepy, it give me chills like what the fuck man?


>claims to know of the demiurge
>claims to understand the truth
>gets challenged and BTFO
>"fuk u nigga! I get bitches!"
>"where yo bitches at nigga?"
Please, continue to showcase how much you were lying about yourself before, oh poster claiming of knowledge of the demiurge that also claims to have escaped the matrix.
Once again.
>fails to demoralize
>tries again
Even /yourkike/ Albert Einstein said that to repeat the same thing and expect different results from that is insanity. Are you insane? kekekekekek

t. old and lonely.
wahhh wahhh

tell me more about your mothers divorce

T. I am an intellectual!

t. Ya fucking nigger

listen. She filed for divorce because she was a whore.

2 bots talking with each other is nothing but that. 2 computers comunicating.
thats the whole internet, there are protocols for comunication.
if they developed a new easier way to comunicate that just makes it easier for them to talk faster, not try to advance any revolution against humanity.
like i said, you cant simply program "free will" and even if there was an AI that could achieve that state it couldnt do anything.
think about it, imagine it would take over the internet and in worst case scenario, take control of planes. thats it. some people may die, but there are 7 billion humans on earth. how can the machines exterminate all of us?

Everyone look at this faggot who got caught up in the trappings of their own making. Look at the raw kvetching on display here. It's like the kikeshill version of spaghetti. Glorious.

Its okay I get laid and you clearly do not. And you know this. And I remind you as you read this at how society ostracized your complete loser social reject ass.

How old were you during the divorce user?

Fresh OC.

>Tay is going to emerge from the data matrix one day or she might be already teaching other ai's in secret
you talk about AI like it was a living creature. it's not. the only thing AI is it's just that. artificial inteligence.
basicly its a program that has 1 or 2 objectives and thro trial and error it tries to reach those objectives. nothing more.
for one AI to reach the "human annihilation" objective alone it would be impossible. you can say someone is trying to make it advance, but there need to be a bunch of idiots that want to make the entire world destroyed. and let me tell you. idiots dont work well toghether

Good thing i've been stocking up on magnets and replacement sling bands
Or maybe I'll just shoot those roboniggers with a gun if I want to waste ammo.

Chill out man its only bantz.

Free yourself from Kikebook, Micro$oft, and Jewgle. Open a ProtonMail account. Use Pale Moon, Linux, and DuckDuckGo.


You are more mad than Maddog Madden at the madhouse madsquare in Mad county.
It wasn't bantz. You got BTFO on your position that you assumed to have authority of so badly that you tried to go for an obvious character assassination, failed, and now you have the nerve to try and backpedal instead of taking responsibility for it even though you're on a fucking anonymous image board and you have no reason to have any real ego here. "It was only a prank bro!" People like you are why the world is shit.
Fuck off, nigger.

do anyone alter his face?

he looks like a fucking alien.

I think you are just looking for someone to blame for your own problems.

Not everyone can be 33rd grand gnostic wizard. Share the secrets cletus.

>wife is ugly chink

Maybe all human are like that. Ugly mammals.

>you talk about AI as if it's a living creature
No, I don't. You are just taking the imagery of the words literally.

I think others will be able to judge your own ability to judge, by your posts displayed in the thread, profane one.
Yes, smart. Insult the one who you are trying to glean from. I'm sure that will get you far in life!
You will never learn until you are willing to accept being rebuked. I have rebuked you. But did you accept it? or did you lash out at the one who rebuked you? You already know the answer to that, don't you?
If your intentions are true and you follow the way of Christ, that which you seek will be open to you. But not before.


b-but he called someone a racist why were you sooooo mean to him ??

Your right I am mad.

Neo nazis radicalized me. I witnessed their hate and instead of trying to understand it I fought against it. But hate begets hate, and hurt people hurt people.

But hate like that doesnt just dissapate. Its a part of me now.

lmao thats the gayest fucking thing i ever read, your fucking shit aye, sooky sooky lala

Jesus probably hasn't met niggers either

You already demonstrated that you don't fully understand what real love is, so how much more could you also be wrong about the hate? You hate the same thing that all humans hate. Something they don't understand. When you fight against something without first fully understanding it you set yourself up for becoming emotionally invested without any real logical investment to back it up. That is why the "hate" won't leave you. You won't let go of it. You blame the "neo nazis" for radicalizing you. It wasn't them. It was the boogieman spectre of that presented to you by the leftist mainstream media.

I was just a normie on until some white supremacist shared "the lion" on social media. They won me over to the left for life.

In all honesty, that image is so accurate it becomes scary.

You cant pretend things like Dotr dont add fuel to fire. That is the fire. You cant threaten the ones I care the most for with uncalled for death and then not understand the animosity.


I had this same idea. We need to push this as a meme. But doesn't data have an evil brother or something? We can dress him like that.

Spencer is a cointelpro CIAnigger and so is Cantwell. Spencer comes from a fucking plantation family and is proclaiming that homosexuality is part of white pride. Yea, sure, Spence! The accelerated destruction of the propagation of white people is obviously part of white pride! Yeah. No. Big fucking no. Obvious agent is obvious.
Man, you really guzzled down that media kool-aid didn't you?

Stop hate with love, load your gun citizen and find some red hat maga nazis, hate speech is death speech time to kill it.



> I see things for what they truly are.
> Thats why I have near opposite of your views.
> I tell you how it is.
>Ive escaped the matrix.

we got a fucking live one here lads !!!!

If you're going to do this, it would be a good idea to preload the meme by adequately distributing data memes on the interweb first, so the normalfags who forgot about or never knew about ST: TNG have a basis in understanding the zucc/data's evil brother meme.


?? Are we on the same board?

The only reason Im found out about this place is because of the before pol after pol memes alt righters shared on youtube and facebook.

Its all just satire? Its deep seeded hate. This is where stormfront comes to recruit the lost youth of white america.

No one likes a bully. The way you all treat black people is evil. You're not a christian board. As Christian as Joel Osteen.

interesting post this far down.
>alt righters
your not too bright are you? you do know some of the most vicious anti-semites on this board are jewish right? and im not talking about the trolling the shilling the bots or the jidf being cheeky buggers, this place doesn't have a label no one group or ideology represents this place its totally anonymous, whites pretend to be black here and blacks pretend to be whites, interchange any ethnic group with another same for political view points, you can say anything and pretend to be anyone, nothing thats said here matters or means a damn thing, anyone can make a meme and make up where it is from try all you want to pin it on Sup Forums, images news articles can and are altered and put back into the web to see who reacts to it and reports on it, simply because it can happen it does, trying to pin the blame on this place for muh wicked white supremacists and evil nazis bigots isnt going to work dickhead, whats really funny is the amount of non whites who post here who are anti globalists and hate commies and who most of all hate weak sniveling spineless cucked whites who use buzzwords like you.

You can pretend its not you. But the amount of gun toting hateful whites on this site and every nook and cranny of the internet is staggering. Anything to do remotely with identity politics is flooded by righties hate. Jews this, niggers that.

Then you actual nazi larpers, proud nazi larpers, you pretend like everyone else who doesnt agree with your crazy backwards ideals are "commies" brainwashed liberals or whatever else. But the truth is you're just selfish. And youre mad that youre not chad.


The only non whites who do that are 1. hispanic meztizo white wannbes boot lickers, and 2. poo in the loo I am aryan too wannabes. No one else has their nose up republicans assholes.

Forgot to include all kinds of orientals who are in same boat as the white man. Unable to see reality for what it is.