>be me
>learn that I have mongrol Irish genes in me
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
It's ok the individual is what's important not their genetics
>be me
>be person with kekistani flag
kill yourself faggot
Irish are reverting to paganism and sottomy
outside of ireland, the irish are truly potato niggers and we hate you all. don't breed.
Are you Russian or something? It's not that bad
Come on in brotha we got bootiful keki women
fucking based
I know user I promise ill only have a gorillion kids max
Irish people are white..... Fuck off with your xyz isn't white bullshit,
I have a cross of irish-czech families, It could be worse.
So awkward. So autistic. So Kekistani.
Shadilady, sister!
>be Irish
Still better than the betrayer Jews.
I'll take you niggers over them any day.
nothing wrong with being irish. just stop shagging goats.
but it feels good on my massive potato cock
how big is it bro?
This song's for you OP
stockholm syndrome!
You had them before.
What's the difference?
>be me
>think im about 50% british even though i have an irish surname and y haplogroup
>do ancestry.com test
>30% irish, 3% british plus some other shit
>still dont feel that irish