Brit/pol/ - The Wii remote Edition

The fuck guys
1 hour no Brit/pol/
Phone posting only have a Wii remote

>Theresa May "should have walked": Top Tory Donor‘hopeless-and-weak’

>Chief whip Mark Harper set to enter Tory leadership race

>Downing street wank themselves off to how good their responce supposedly has been to Hurricane Irma

>Argentina have ‘ceased to be a capable military force’, Britain wins by default
>MPs to begin scrutiny of vital withdrawal bill

>Scotland’s deficit figures show that the UK works

>School bans girls from wearing skirts as it brings in gender-neutral uniform

>Rees-Mogg defiant over abortion row: Catholic Tory MP says it is wrong to abort babies - even in rape cases

>Paul Holywood makes a joke, promptly apologises

Other urls found in this thread:

No triplords no Brit/pol/
Fuck you anonymongs for letting it die

REEEEE Jacob Rees-Mogg opposes abortion in rape cases???? Doesn't he know the only way to make a rape scenario less awful is to kill the resulting innocent child!!


Off to work lads.


Why is it so quiet?
What am I supposed to do at work if there's no Brit/pol/?

>Welsh Westminster VI:

>LAB: 50% (+1)
>CON: 32% (-2)
>PC: 8% (-2)
>LDEM: 4% (-1)
>UKIP: 3% (+1)
>via @YouGov, 05 - 07 Sep

The Tories were ahead in Wales ~3 months ago. The next government will be a Labour one, get used to it now and plan.

i never fast this time in the morning

Labour took wales by miles in the genral

>The next government will be a Labour one, get used to it now and plan.

That is my feeling too unless the Torries put a great candidate up , but knowing them they won't. i'm hopeing that they hold on for a few years myself since i want to move house

>corbyn crashes the economy
>we become Venezuela
>pakistan becomes richer than the uk
>they all scurry back

Was communism the solution against white genocide all along?

theres no turks in east germany or poland is there?

Not outside Berlin.
>wtf I love MLPD now

No. Communism is globalist, the only reason the USSR wasn't flooded with muds is because it they never got a chance to amalgamate their countries them. At best you could say Internationalist Trotskyism was.

But they were ahead in the exact same poll that YouGov did a few months ago

you guv is all over the place
they got the national poll right but fucked up the local ones

Check Sky News.

They're talking about trannies.

the utter state of publicly funded journalism

Where does PJW's accent come from?
Or is it just autistic RP

Probably all the dick he sucks

>the cause of the biggest genocides of white people ever recorded is the solution to white genocide


I thought I'm the one who's supposed to not get the jokes?

>literally a labya heartland
Sure thing!

>I'm a nationalist
>The NHS needs to be privatised

Pick 1.

When did this star spreding to our schools?

Who's watching Victoria Derbyshire?

STFU tripserf. Keep making our threads for us like good little peasant

New (((are tommeh)))) video

got these two bumbling christians on to make an example

why did they think it was a good idea to go on tv?


oh and now we have two brit/pol/ ambassadors

Everyone knows that the average punter is retarded. Going after low hanging fruit like this proves nothing. It's pandering garbage

I can easily see someone picking both.

He sounds Yorkshire to me

It comes from gargling too much of Alex Jones' semen

Shitpost and call anyone that posts anime a nonce

Slags BTFO

It's fair and balanced, unlike the BBC


I've just been lurking occasionally instead of posting for a while.

Does seem to have slowed pretty significantly outside of shit like QT, but that tends to happen in election dry spots.

It's been good. A slowdown always does this place well.
Though recently there's been a lot of shitposting from Preusse and his alts.

Fuck this degenerate decadent country I want off this sinking ship.

Ohayou senpais

But the tripfags added nothing of any consequence. At least YKTD would engage in political discussions, none of his tribute acts ever had the wont nor intellect to do so outside of 'b-but Peter Hitchens once said-'
Better to have a slower general that is at least mainly about politics than a fast-paced minutiae dump for a bunch of lonely fuckers we don't care about.

how many of you are small government advocates?

either libertarian, ancap or conservative or anything else that's for small govt.

Check my archive and you might be surprised. I have frequently discussed my position on here which is pretty distinct from Hitchen-ism (though he's always an interesting read) and the general moggmentum/mayfly garbage most on here spout.

Nah fuck off
People are fucking retarded and need to be governed with an iron fist
freedom is a fucking gateway to degeneracy because you dont inhibit peoples degenerate behaviour

You're interested in the wrong thing.

neutral host my arse

tripfags moaning about tripfags,
if you want to walk and talk like an anonyking, then drop the trip you little faggots. you think you're all that, dictating to the masses. we''ve stopped replying to you because we've all filtered you. stay buttmad nerds.

are you the same flagfag who's here every day?
what do you think about the right to bear property?

it would help if you understood the meaning of degeneracy
iron fist =/= moral purity

Farage Q&A in Germany lads, pretty good.

>Iron fist =/= moral purity

ok I suppose countless antiwhite MPs elected in the house of commons who want this society to become an islamic state with added gay rights and feminism, are the epitome of moral purity, because its all very democratic goyim democracy equals morals :^)

This desu. Bring back the aristocracy

I really really dislike americlaps lads

To be clear though, I don't mean all tripfags - specifically I mean the ones that would get into trivial conversations about their lives and show little if any effort to ever engage in political talk, even when there were clearly many things to discuss.
Mainly I was talking about the ones that came after YKTD left but have since moved on and seemingly no longer post as COPE mentioned. They are no loss.

Watching now, heard about James O'Brien moaning over this.

>They are no loss.
In agreement there. There are still more that need to go though.

He does get a little civic in some places, but because he admits "otherwise, we will lose". So it's kinda fair enough but fuck, it sounds a lot more dangerous of a time now that we're in.

You only want small gov in order to loosen restrictions on loli, you nonce cunt.

New to Brit/pol/ but I have a question that I think only Brits can answer.
>the only country preventing Britain from reclaiming her former glory is a rebellious former colony
>ironically, it is also the only country that has and continues to guarantee British maritime exports make it to their destination unharmed, ultimately guaranteeing economic prosperity for the very distant future
>this country also shares all intelligence and is willing to sacrifice her own men for Britain's continued survival

Seems like a fair trade to me. We are the superpower and have all the money while you have the culture and history that we are willing to preserve at all costs. We literally love you.

So I have to ask, why do Brits hate American again?

britain is about as socialist in foundational ideology as a "first world" nation gets

need a job lads

It's neither. It's hyper partisan, but that is okay. Problems arise when only one side gets to do this. Tommy can do better, if only marginally.

you're funny, do go on.
the real problem for humanity, regarding degenracy, is if our bodies degenerate before we have bio-mechanical solutions
we can't emulate an immune system, we can't emulate a human brain
"degenerate" activities like being gay or following another religion, are a DISTRACTION, same with abortion. the real issues are arms peddling, human trafficking. You are blaming the private choices of individuals, for the global effects of systems; you will remain buttmad until you widen your lens.
The "degeneracy" at the bottom level is a reflection of the systems in which the individuals exist in.
Plus there's precious little you can do about it. I doubt you're anywhere near smart enough to become a lecturer / speaker so, stay mad friendo


france was the most socialist first world country but now marcon BLAIRED france it would be spain or italy

How do you feel about hooking? Pair of fishnets and you are good to go. No formal interview plus you get to pick your own hours

spain and italy aren't first world
i'm not really talking about politics, i just mean that british people (especially older generations) seem to have an extremely strong classical socialist tilt

The left in Europe sees Britain as the most right-wing European nation

>Should boys be allowed to wear dresses?- Sky Newa

Well if that were the case it would be justifiable to suspend democratic rights to fix this mess.

Gina Miller is the most powerful woman in the country

you know, you're probably right. i was just dreaming that the grass was greener outside

>democratic rights
looks like they've been suspended for a while now.
and the mess isn't getting fixeder

They haven't been suspended and nobody in power wants to fix anything

I love Americans. It's just a lot of them on this board unrelentingly hate us. But in general you lot and probably the aussies are who I identify most closely with

Is that word common usage, 'hooking'? I mean I've heard 'hooker' but never the verb-ified form. Interesting shit. Meh, fishnets would be a bit restrictive and make me look daft as a big guy but would perhaps emphasise my nice muscly legs. Plus I'd only want to shag attractive slags and I don't think they'd really be the clientelle. I'll give it a pass.

Post your fav wii games lads:
>Wii Sports
>Fifa 09 All Play
>Sonic and the Secret Rings
>Mario Kart
>Pokemon Battle Revolution

They should be allowed, but put in a special needs class for their own safety. People get bullied at school for the stupidest things, wearing a dress is putting a target on your back. Not to mention you are forcing all the other kids in the class to create confront concepts that they are too young to deal with.

The fact that the parents that are taking legal action against the school are being vilified for it, goes to show just how pozzed this country is.

You get the fuck out newfag I'm an honorary Brit (ask Rightly) who's been here since RWSS and HWNDU making new threads at the bump limit and contributing to the website with high quality and engaging content/pictures.

David Kurten or Peter Whittle?

>Is that word common usage, 'hooking'?
I don't think so. Probably why I found it funny

David kurten is actually socially conservative but peter whittle would be better when it comes to elections

I agree with you to an extent, but when there's literally no thread for 2 hours then it's gone past the point of just slow

isn't he talking about actual fishing with a rod and/or a net

no you can fuck off you cunt
see pic related; tripfags have 0 authority here.
>I'm new here
>I'm the same turd who's here every day trying to bait brit/pol/ giga-kekk
or provide some of the
>engaging content/pictures
you purport to post

2nd/3rd tier tripfags have killed this general in recent days - offtopic posting, race to the bottom neetposting

I haven't seen a decent debate here in days, it gets derailed into ego contests, ancap flag, usa flag, tripcode, it's all ego

why does a drop-down menu flag that anyone can use trigger you so much

Kurten obviously
If he's right for Farage and Banks he's right for me
Plus he's good in the assembly, so hopefully he would be good in commons

But we don't get a slower thread dedicated to politics, we get Anonymongs talking about what they had for breakfast and Honk & other animeposters spamming anime and /r9k/ /soc/-tier shit. Stop pretending that one side is good and one side is bad, there's shitposters on both sides and the threads would be better off without them.

I did enjoy the way it read
That changes everything. The last times I went out for mackerel I caught like one or two in the whole day compared to the 15+ I'd get 10 years or so back, even then a bloody seal was nicking them off the line and coming up to have a giggle of me. Considering I could sell the mackerels for like £1-2 I don't think it's too lucrative an engagement unless you're doing it on the large scale lad. I'm going to have a crack at putting up some dog walking posters and see if anyone goes for it.

Anons are predominant, so your post only points out what should be the obvious.
You're lying to only yourself if you truly believe the threads in these past few weeks were not absolutely ruined by tripfags failing to engage in politics though, and making every single thread (and I do mean every one) about themselves.
I am not one of those who says 'kill all tripfags' but it was way, way out of hand.


Whittle seems like an establishment shill and the embodiment of the "ABSOLUTELY BASED MUSLIM RAPING WHITE GIRL WHILST WEARING A UNION JACK T-SHIRT" mentality

The first two things that come up when you search Kurten are tweets including the words "globalist shills", "fight cultural marxism" and a link to brietbart

i know who'd get my vote

>It’s time to stop claiming immigration depresses wages, because it doesn’t

Every time anyone actually studies immigration the conclusion is always "the effect on wages is either zero or so small as to be negligible", but explaining that requires a more complex answer about the nature of supply and demand, economic growth, and the bias towards youth that immigrants tend to have. It's always far easier to suppose that people from poor places = willing to undercut locals. It requires zero understanding of economics. It sounds simple.

The other things immigrants get blamed for (housing squeeze, strain on local services) is a failure of government planning. Our housing market is run by a cartel and strangled by byzantine planning rules; immigrants tend towards working age individuals whose taxes should be supporting an expansion of local services. Take out immigrants and things like the health service become more strained than they are now anyway, as it has a particular reliance on immigrant labour: you'll lose more in capacity through staff loss than you'd gain in breathing space through patient loss.

oh yeah it's the anonymongs who are shitting up the thread.

but desu, just insert some politics as often as possible. here.

>The Rohingya narrative is shifting
The global news networks have realised people aren't buying the genocide line and the tide is turning on the Rohingya story.
It'll be interesting to see if any normies wake up to oil pipleine politics and furthermore
>Britain's colonial legacy in nations like Burma / Myanmar

lmao keep believing that you're enlightened you pompous, self-satisfied fuck
talk about that shit to real people they will laugh in your face or walk away

I bet you feel very high and mighty having transcended the need to care about your race being genocided

>tfw to intelligent to think degenerate stuff is degenerate and not a product of arms trafficking

can someone explain that comic to me

so you're saying Polish blue collar workers like construction and plumbers DON'T undercut their British competition?

And you're saying the Indian IT that Silicon Valley is bringing over aren't being paid a fraction of what these companies would pay Americans?

Why would Disney hire a bunch of Indians, and have their old white IT staff train them, and then fire the old staff, if they weren't paying them a lot less?

Are you seriously this retarded?

Besides, your economists also say that immigration does not improve a country's growth as most immigrants either don't work, get paid under the table (no taxes) or send the money to their families back home.

Yeah most of the tripfags are utter cancer now.