Sam Harris turns black man into sobbing, suicidal mental case
iq can be taught though.
if only they would fucking pay attention in school.
too bad he's too stupid to understand that
actually, not really
damn son. Truth is brutal and not what we want it to be, but it's the only way we can deal with the problems we face. Is why the left has made almost a religion of NOT TO KNOW. And why they are hostile to anyone who "disagrees" with them by telling them stuff they don't want to hear. As he points out he almost hates him for telling him this stuff.
an absurd amount of shit he says about personal responsibility have been said by others before, i wish i could think of some off hand.
and it 's not because people like sam harris hates HIM, no he hates people like sam harris for telling them things they don't want to hear. Few hate people as much as leftists do because of this. It's almost like self defense to them for not wanting to know, and the big problem about not wanting to know is that you can have an altruistic "not want to know" mentality where you believe people are better than what they are, but the pitfall ofcourse is when you ignore what the truth and facts are, you can ALSO risk developing a very sinister mentality, because when you ignore facts and reality to your own delusional wishful thinking, then the sky is the limit to either good or bad, because this can easily be hijacked, since there is no underpinning of what the fact of the matter is for those who do this noble lie kind of stuff that the left does. IT CAN EASILY BE HIJACKED by nefarious forces and the people believe it no matter if it's true or not. And lo and behold that's exactly what has happened. And they want to keep leftists just dumb enough so that they will go along with anything the majority of their mob wants, regardless how terrible it might be.
That reads more like a white person false-flagging as a nig.
>That reads more like a white person false-flagging as a nig.
Every islamic terror attack, 31.711 attacks globally in 30+ nations since 2001
>it's not muslims it's the cia and white people
when a black person murders someone
>it's not black people it's white people
That's very interesting.
Ok ok we all know that you wrote this. It is obvious that some Sup Forumsack is behind this.
>Ok ok we all know that you wrote this. It is obvious that some Sup Forumsack is behind this.
So what you're saying is that no matter what, no smart black person is able to have any personal accountability and self scrutiny about themselves and their own communities. And it has to be someone else. Well played! Notice what leftists fear the most is honorable black people who have self scrutiny and self reflection and wants to improve themselves instead of blaming everybody else.. BLACK PEOPLE NOOOOOO
Environmental factors like severe malnutrition or being feral/never being socialized can clearly impair cognitive development, but otherwise it looks entirely intrinsic.
and here you have the reason why liberals/leftists will completely tune you out, explode emotionally, and resort to violence when you point out facts that are disagreeable to them
nice blog post nigger
sam went full 1488
Guy sounds pretty smart. He should work on his insecurities. He's not them.
sleep is key to strong thought.
Baste BLACK man
Chances are, if you are capable of understanding the race and IQ question you are not an average below 90IQ idiot.
I do not know why black people take this information so personally, it would actually help blacks if all of them accepted and understood it.
I have met quite a few black people that are very intelligent but the problem with that is the collective black culture does not value intelligence.
>you're out of the woods you're out of the dark you're out of the night.
>step into the sun step into the light
>keep straight ahead for the most glorious place
>on the face of the earth and the sky
>hold on to your breath, hold on to your heart hold on to your hope. Walk up to the gate and let it open.
Whilst the adaptation is different from the original which people were dissapointed of, it's far from terrible. The part that gets me is where they get to where L is from and they have this room with black and white squares on floor and black and white lines leading up to the ceiling, and then walk into a room with mosaics on both sides of the ceiling, with a triangle and a serpent in the roof, and on the bottom is a double headed eagle, playing into the alledged montauk/point pleasant experiments of latent human psychic abilities. And ryuk laughing his ass off. After saying earlier when L calls out light/kira for messing with powers he does not understand going "i really am rooting for this guy" and light goes "would you shut the fuck up".
HIGHLY recommend you find some way to watch that movie. Satan is a death god. The subtlest beast of the field and the author of death, and not your friend or toy.
Actually yes. Education increases your IQ significantly.
Link to podcast?
The groupthink is powerful. It's more comfortable than to have to consider one's self an individual with individual merits and individual faults.
>damn son. Truth is brutal and not what we want it to be,
An IQs are only averages. The guy in OP's post doesn't seem particularly stupid. He should focus on what he in particular is, not what his race is. There are blacks who are more intelligent than average whites, there are just less of them.
That's wrong though
Source on that?
Oh my god pol at least dont make it obvious that its you larping as a black dude. fuck me
iq cant be taught. its your innate ability to process information. basically for the most part you cannot increase the rate at which your brain can learn. however if stephen hawking with his iq of 300+ never ended up going to school never ended up learning how to read or do math he would not be as "smart" or know as much information as someone with an iq of 80 who went to school learned to read and do math. this is the problem with this reddit post as well. with hard work you can overcome personal deficits. to learn certain subjects some people need to put in more work than others thats just the fact of life. some people find writing easy some people find math easy some people find it easy to navigate social situations. you have to find what your good at and work at it. heres a more concrete example sure the average woman is weaker than the average man but someone like rhonda rousey who has trained everyday could easy rip the arm off the average dude in a regulated mma match.
actually IQ is decreasingly affected by environment as you age. By 25 years old environmental effects are erased.
So education only temporarily alters IQ.
Just like physical height can be taught in PE class, am I right?
This is how I feel as a mediocre 100 IQ white guy. Unless you're Jewish, you will always feel insecure about the intelligence of your people. We are all on the same boat, although I'll admit blacks are at a much worse disadvantage.
After adolescence, IQ is extraordinarily stable barring disease or trauma.
As mush as I hate niggers, I was thinking the same. Most oogas wouldn't even be able to wrap their head around any of the statistics/charts and interpret them correctly. They definetly have the same self awareness as a common house cat too, I'm surprised they can use mirrors without getting paranoid and shooting at it.
Being a self aware black has to be one of the biggest struggles on earth. I honestly feel for them.
>tfw I unironically feel like a handicapped brainlet subhuman because unlike whitey I would have never figured out physics, calculus, space travel, quantum computing and other complex shit
Surly this is a real black man not a shill post by a member of your cult!!!
I have an in-person tested IQ of 120 and I still feel inferior, not just about my people but about me.
120 is okay, but the people who make a real difference in this world are much better than that. When you get to the world-class level in any intellectual pursuit, you aren't going to find anyone with an 120 IQ.
It makes you feel like an inferior breed of human. I can't change that someone with an 145 IQ is just far, far better than me intelligence-wise on a raw genetic level.
Worst part has to be being pulled down by "community" of "your own people", while everyone else assumes you're dysfunctional.
No, that's like saying you can teach an old computer to perform better with subpar dated components. It can only perform within the limits it was designed for, a person is the same way.
Apparently you didn't learn in any of your classes.
Oh yeah man, when you look at it they really have no way of winning because they will either go against their community or go against society so they are going to piss people off no matter what they do. Kind of like being someone who cares about the white race but doesn't believe in lynching everyone.
I lived through integration of our schools and there two black guys who I was friends with that were tip top. They went to a 98% white majority school, all their friends were white and all their activities were the same as ours.
They seemed like fucking geniuses compared to their parents. Their parents were legitimately retard level.
Environment does play a bigger factor than most Sup Forums users want to admit. If a black person is removed from black culture they do fine.
Good call.
Faggot put a meme flag on.
>iq can be taught though.
Sadly that's not true. more over even if you get a head start earlier than other children, you will do better than them, but by the time you're teenager the difference that made will be neglible
Then again, the dude from plebbit should think about himself as an individual, not a part of a group, because that's a faulty way of thinking. I'm fairly intelligent but I know I have nothing on people like Gauss and such. So me being white doesn't mean I can appropriate his accomplishments. He's on the right side of the Bell's curve and he should be happy about it.
dude most of physics and calculus was invented by newton. thats 1 guy. you cant give all white people credit for physics and calculus when it was mostly done by 1 uber genius. as for space travel that was all nazi science and according to the well respected history channel came from aliens.
It's not even a matter of going against. The "community" will pull you down for trying to make something of yourself, or being successful. Crabs in a bucket aphorism is very appropriate.
Except that the brain can learn and establish new pathways making it more efficient.
Unlike humans you can't "teach" a computer anything It just follows a program you make.
You really shouldn't worry about that. I'm in the 145 area and I'm sure a society made of people like me would collapse immediately.
Sup Forums seems far more redpilled about IQ than it was just a few months ago
The Ultimate Black Pill. The one whitey can never take.
You can at most grow to your genetic potential. You won't make a genius out of average man. Still growing to it and maintaining it after is a worth cause.
I'm sure people with lower IQs are necessary but it doesn't comfort me much.
And I think higher IQ people would be more functional in general if their high IQs didn't alienate them to the vast majority of people
Also to pitch it a little bit further, at the antechamber to enter the archive underneath the hexagon and the two headed eagle under an ouroboros and two sinister looking pyramid mosaics, that L's protector/friend forced by light via ryuk to "obsess about the identity of L" when he enters the facility, the viewer finds that its derelict things just sitting around like someone got up in a big hurry and left, that they might have unleashed something/something went wrong, and they ran like hell and closed the shit down and never looked back. And ryuk laughing his ass off.
Also to all the self aware civilised nigs out there, just know that we are about a generation away from embryo selection, and a few decades away from designer babies and cyborg tech. Within this century, we will fix the intelligence problem. No need to kill yourselves over things you can't control. Just wait till we have the means to augment ourselves. In the new time, fix up your fucked up community and stop fuelling SJWs with all this BLM shit, which is funded by Soros and co. Your community is being used by (((them))) as a pawn against whites and greater America
120 has some advantages... That lifts you out of a lot of normie failure modes without thrusting you into the misery of a discontented Socrates.
yes you can sorta increase your "processing power" but it takes a really really long time. there was a study done where they had people memorize as many cards as possible in a deck both number and suit. it took 2 years but there was a significant increase in the amount of cards they could memorize.
>You won't make a genius out of average man.
I think the difference between average and genius is obsession not smarts.
proper nutrition in early development can obviously increase IQ, but overall a significant percentage is heritable. Can the gap be reduced? yes. Will it be completely bridged? No, it probably never can.
But memorization is a fundamentally stupid metric.
I don't deny that there could be exceptions in every genetic pool but let's be honest and come fourth with the fact that even in 1st world countries including the government aid, average blacks still manage to spill their spaghettis at the slightest chance they'll get and it just so happens to be greatly studied and documented that they're not exactly the calmest most law abiding bunch and I think we can agree that such actions have to come from their 'cognitive' roots.
But generally your anecdotes aren't that good of an argument.
You're wrong then. Geniuses operate on a different plane of abstraction. You won't be able to comprehend some things with your normal brain. That can't be thought.
I'll give you an example of a typical IQ challenge. You have some images and you have to guess what's the next one. The sums and differences of them are easy enough for any semi intelligent people. But the sum of one with a 90 degree transformation of other one or its negative is beyond what most people would be able to solve in a sensible time limit.
Just look at what IQ tests look like. They're abstract. You can't teach higher levels of abstraction thinking. At most you can teach how to solve faster what you would be already able to solve.
If you can lay out a set of rules "90 degree transform" then it isn't abstract and can therefore be taught.
Calculus was really fucking abstract before I learned how to see the pattern in the madness.
No idea who Sam Harris is but good job redpilling that nigger.
Blacks on average are dumb cunts right?
So a bunch of dumb cunts create dumb cultures.
If you took a single black baby from birth adopted it out to a traditional Swedish household in a majority swedish town and it was expected to keep to the same standards as every other swedish child it would grow up to function fine in Swedish society.
The problem is when they group together and create dumb black subcultures within Sweden and the stupid liberals hold them to a lower standard than white Swedes.
The differences in race are not so large that they can not be overcome is all I am saying.
but that was just an example thought up by me. These transformations are random in these tests.
>people are finally waking up to Scam Harris
The guy is a genocidal fascist
I think you misunderstand. They don't tell you what type of transform is applied on an a test like that; they don't really tell you much of anything.
Well if he was smarter than his fellow africans he would understand what an average is. Just cause his community is retarded as a whole does not mean individuals like himself are.
If the transformation is random then how is there a right answer? It follows a set of rules. The entire reason you can be tested is because it follows those rules you are being tested about those rules. So even if the rules are random for each question if you can teach people how to identify which rules are being applied to the current question then you have taught them how to get it right.
He should be glad he's an outlier.
>If the transformation is random then how is there a right answer?
You see? You don't understand. You wouldn't be able to solve it. But there are people who notice these patterns even without being made aware of them earlier.
Good god, I genuinely feel for the man.
He really poured his heart out.
Fuck, that one hurt me a bit.
>But there are people who notice these patterns even without being made aware of them earlier.
What's the difference between someone who was taught how to get the answer right and someone who already knew? Nothing! They both get the right answer.
How so? He's actually pretty moderate, he just says what facts back and both sides whine about him because of it. Also the topics he discusses are controversial so the positions he takes will be controversial.
Very high IQ makes you overthink everything to the point where it makes you indecisive. That stands in my way more than alienation, that and paranoia that also stems from overthinking.
No you idiot. IQ measures how good you are at working with information. You can't make yourself a genius just like you can't make yourself retarded.
it's a difference between someone more and someone less intelligent. Like the difference between you and me
No it doesnt. Putting dumbasses into Harvards wont make them smart.
>neocon jew advocating for his own genocide
how are those seed of abraham studies holding up buddy-oh-boy? keep clutching to those IQ "studies", the Goyim know it's a cover for nepotism and Deutsch-schekel reparations
>you can't make yourself retarded
It's called alcoholism
Nothing in that study suggests that IQ is set in stone from birth.
>t. Brainlet
There are actually many things you can do to influence your intelligence. You've never been drunk before, or taken nootropics?
>Someone like Sam merely in with his aptitude and mastery of the English language, has bewitched us (sic).
Someone have those QWEEN memes with the gagged slave claiming she can kill with speech? LOL
I feel legitimately bad for this guy. The problem with an atheistic outlook is that there isn't a counter argument to the claim that intelligence is the primary determinant of a persons intrinsic value. If you lost the genetic lottery and ended up on the left half of the bell curve, well... too bad. What could you do in that case? Sit and sulk? Being part of the 'dumb' demographic seems especially heartbreaking if you don't have a transcendent ideology to escape into.
it is set in stone from birth though
The higher intelligence individual could comprehend, and synthesize rules himself, while taking the test.
this guy smoked weed and lost 20 IQ pts
>Calls for a nuclear first strike on the Arab world
>Calls for profiling muslims
>Supports muslim ban
>Supports killing people for "bad ideas"
>Supports torture (literally wrote an article called "in defense of torture")
Seems he really said this, I thought he was better than that. He's literally not only advocating for thought crimes, but saying some thought crimes should be punishable by death
it's never ethical to kill someone over a belief, it's only ethical when those beliefs are put into actions or attempted actions.
>The problem with an atheistic outlook is that there isn't a counter argument to the claim that intelligence is the primary determinant of a persons intrinsic value.
You're a moron.
Even the dumbest bastard on the planet can improve their knowledge and intelligence, assuming they aren't literally disabled.
Yeah, it'll take 1000% more effort than a non-idiot, but it's still possible.
Yes but subcultures will always be there, a black person will never truly feel at home until he's his tribal instincts are quenched and he is unified with his own people/culture etc. He'll look at his hand and then look around him, what he'll see are mere strangers and with today's technology he'll just swipe open a samsung and listen to the latest and greatest hip hop propoganda peace victimizing him on how he's miss treated and he can invent flying pyramids were it not for whitey intervening.
I do agree on a total "black culture" infiltration and a subversive operation to completely rid away with the crime glorifying, black victimizing sex induced degeneracy the culture is pumping out and doing more harm than good for honest blacks trying to actually make a good image of this underdeveloped race.
Goal is why bring that baby to a Swedish household when it could perfectly be done in an african house, if it's gonna take electro shock theory to stop canalizing yourself and prosper in a civilized matter than so be it, maybe western colonization of Africa wasn't such a bad idea after all.
>An entire thread of idiots trying to define what intelligence is.
It's both. It's both inherited and trainable. You can increase your ability to think just like you can increase you reflexes with training. There are also limitations based on your genetics, epigenetics, and how you were nurtured. It means you're going to turn a retard into Einstein, however you can get an average individual into the "bright" category and a "bright" person into genius without enough effort. There are limitations to this and not everyone can. If you think ANYTHING else but this, or try to argue it's ONLY one or the other, about intelligence then you don't actually know what intelligence is and get the fuck off my board.
What you're seeing is a biased sample, not environmental effects, Broer.