Refute this image, Sup Forums I dare you.
Refute this image, Sup Forums I dare you
>antifa are brats
>pedes are brats
>both are faggots
Anti is useless without help from local police. They won't be getting that support, those cowards won't leave their basements again. Not for a real fight.
Even if the left part of the image were 100% correct, it still wouldn't justify attacking people. There's a distinction between violence and words that hurt your fee-fees, you know.
Why are leftist "memes" so bad?
>unironically thinking people care about Dick "Controlled Opposition" Spencer
You can never trust a man with two first names.
>pol is one person
Such a great straw man meme, stay pleb.
refute this image, you leftyfaggot
Meanwhile, some bitch posts on twitter that she's going to "go collect some nazi scalps" and then immediately turns around and cries to everyone that some guy punched her in the face.
Imagine being Arnold.
> left hand = "pushing their buttons" and intellectual warfar
> right hand = physical violence
2/10 for making me reply
This is pretty true, LARPers out there with guns not ready to shoot into the charging crowd deserve what happens to them
Although I do kinda with the left would stop confusing civic nationalist with us
I guess I can kinda relate with the communists here, they hate being confused for leftists
Can someone explain this meme to me?
That shit was glorious, checked
name one time right wingers have ever crashed a left wing event and been violent
They sold out their neighbor for their misguided beliefs, we could just wait until things get too bad, then there is reckless home invasion, like the Balkans. Love thy neighbor, not someone else's neighbor on the other side of the planet.
The issue is reckless belief in unproven ideology, and the belief that any suffering that might occur is justified. Don't tell anyone about helping refugees, illegal immigrants... until your neighbor has a job and home. Until then, PTFO, charity starts at home.
Also, it is absolutely 100% necessary to push their buttons as much as possible. Their crybully tactics are a form of tyranny, They were successful for a long time pushing their agenda by screaming and crying about their poor little feelz every time anyone tried to raise a sensible objection.
They've deliberately made it so that reasoned discussion is not possible, because they know they always lose that game. They're spoiled brats used to throwing tantrums, and they expect the adults in the room to cuck out and surrender to them like their parents always did. The only way to defeat this is to go on the offensive, trigger the fuck out of them and show them that they're not getting their way any more, like their parents should have.
we dont aim for the knees. dont beg us to shoot.
vox go home
Exactly, everyone thinks this is new, I remember this same crap twenty years ago in college, and then starting off in government and corporate work. This after working through school in construction labor, where if you can't perform, there is no human resources, or school administration to cry to.
I won't defend it, the bible says Jesus came to bring the sword, God tells us to smite our enemies with the sword.
Sup Forums was more like... "YES, RACE WAR"
/letfypol/ trying to be edgy
>Refute this image, Sup Forums I dare you.
drumptards are retards, OP btfo
>"i define my views narrowly through opposition to the left's weakest arguments and representatives"
Why did the meme-baker here include? Why are lefties so bad at memeing?
Because it starts off with the pretense they had any arguments or representatives of strength to begin with.
>Some people on the Internet were maybe serious about hurting people, so it's okay to indiscriminately attack anyone that has similar views.
Just add a pussy hat and switch the panels around and you'll have your refutation
Fight fire with fire. Still... they started it!
>soshuliss r da reel fashiss
No, it's the other way around. Spencer is a surname, it's people with two surnames you cannot trust. Or, worse, people with a surname as a first name and a first name as a surname
>I dare you
Hey, anyone remember assdip-chan?
well, antifa have police, media and policital protection, they can murder anyone they precieve as a "nazi" and they will be hailed as heroes
while any rightwinger is presented as the second coming of Hitler if he dares question any left wing idea and deserving of abuse and murder
no matter which way you spin it, the right wing are the legitimate victims
don't liberals always say only those with power can be oppressors and not oppressed? how can anyone stand behind such hypocrisy?