Questions for National Socialists & KKK members

>A race based nationalist movement sweeps the nation you live in
>But after they become the law of the land, in fighting starts happening between two groups
>One side wants a big strong secular government, a government not afraid to take resources from undesirables and give it to the true natives who are down on their luck.
>Their differing policies are national healthcare, strict laws against animal abuse, and they will have tight control on who does and doesn't own a gun
>The other side wants a small religious government, a government that likes to leave most decisions down to the local level and is more respectful on property rights
>Their differing policies are no gun control, no abortions what so ever, and the only social services they'll provide is schooling and social security
Which side would you side with? Also can you tell me the differences between Nazis and KKK? I tried researching them, but everything I found was about calling Trump those, without an actual comparison.

Fuck yes, no 404 this time.


you do know that the KKK has about 5000 members nationwide correct?


if you can't find information on the german nazi party before and during ww2 you suck at internetting. fun fact about the klan is that hillary clintons mentor (her words) brought something like 150 individuals into the klan in one year.

Yes, why is that relevant?


I ment a place that comparses the two groups side by side.

>strong secular vs weak religious

why no strong religious

You want a theocracy?

well that's one way of putting things


your title seeks to attract one of these 5000 people, slim odds fren.

open two tabs.

I was trying to go with the classic conservative values vs traditional german nazi values. I went with this because the last group of nazis I asked told me that the KKK was more into small American government type of stuff.

Doesn't hurt to try.

The scenario you describe has occurred in all revolutions.

you never know.

Race is the only nation so what do you mean by race based nationalism?

What would nationalism mean if it wasnt race based?
It would mean nothing as it isnt real but race is real.

Most folks these days believe if you have a birth certificate from a country, that means you are from there. It's like a black man born in scotsland, legally he's scottish, but his ancestry is from africa. I find a few Fashies have a hard time grasping this concept.

What does a paper have to fo with nation?

If the big government kills or imprisons the undesirables as you call them, then I'm fine with giving up my guns.

I'd be torn.
I like animals, so I like animal abuse laws and I also approve of abortions.
But I also like the idea of minimalist government.
Good thing I won't ever have to deal with that, being in NZ - becoming one of the most cucked places on earth.

Nations organize who does and doesn't belong depending on their papers.

>mfw this thread

Holy shit... QUADS.
I'm too tired to answer your thread. No, I don't see myself as KKK at ALL but I am Nationalistic about 'Murrica, I would not want to be lumped into KKK... and they wouldn't want me considering even many European countries aren't even considered "white". Anyways, 'murrica first, always. I agree to gas the Kikes because they are the source of so much evil in the world. Israel is our enemy (tho everyone thinks its an ally... fucking idiois), and I think niggers need to take stock of themselves and actually try to be American instead of NIGGERS. Elevation of culture and competence.

Strong government every time all it takes is parasites to vote for freebies to get rid of small government anyway

Found it.

What he means to say is that KKK is a long-dead movement that has literally 0 relevance these days. You're unlikely to find any KKK members here because quite frankly, there are no KKK members. Any mention in media these days is there because they desperately needed a boogeyman and calling someone alt-right isn't enough these days.