Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Maria L. Prozess Edition

Upcoming elections:
15.10.2017 Regional election in Niedersachsen
15.10.2017 Austrian legislative election

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents in english

>AfD's Basic Program (in german)


>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory
>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check
>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Einzelfall-Map (Isolated cases - crime map)

>Resources from the 2016 election

>Gather lurkers
>Make memes
>Spell-check memes
>Spread memes
>Come up with new ideas
>Ignore the shills

If you can spare some shekels:

They accept PayPal



Weidel leaves ZDF Debate
Storch vs Bushido
Nigel Farage speech
Email Leak

Other urls found in this thread:

For german Anons who want to go the extra mile:

The AfD is still looking for people who can spend some time before the election to placard posters, distribute flyers and stuff into mailboxes, man info booths (together with experienced guys, of course), help prepare locations for speeches, look for posters being damaged/stolen, go to local meetups to discuss plans/ideas etc.

Also if not even more important apply as Wahlhelfer to prevent election fraud. (Check your local deadlines at your town hall) You get even some money from the government for this, between 60-90€

Or if you don't want to spend the entire election day at the polling station, please go there as Wahlbeobachter. Every citizen got the right to be there when they count the votes! Just go there a few minutes before 6pm on election day. You don't need to do anything else.



This has meme potential


SPD under 10% when?

I'd pay to see her take the BBC


A syrian terrorist was building bombs or had a methlab in a hotel room kitchen, police didn't seem to care for over a month.

You really must be a spd voter

Our police is a mess



Warum schauen AfDler eigentlich alle aus wie Untermenschen?
Macht mich denkend....



Du denkst an den durchschnittlichen Grünenwähler.


Obligatory thread theme

>Maas attackiert Rechtspopulisten

>AfD-Programm ist in Teilen verfassungswidrig

He is blaming his actions on weed and alcohol.
Greens BTFO?

>Hussein K. entschuldigt seine Tat mit Haschisch- und Alkoholkonsum:

When will they ever learn...



How much prison time do you get for publicly expressing right wing opinions in germamy?

up to 5 years

Depends on what you say and who heard it.

Oh man, we really need also a unit that appeals to the upper middle and upper class voters. Pic is not going to fly with them.

Who cares? It's just campaign bs.

Sane right wing things like having borders and don't giving welfare or citizenship to random people? Or just Nazi stuff?

Some people from anti-Merkel protests in Bitterfeld a jew days ago.






At least they aren't voting die Linke

>get high
>murder and rape a woman
420fags btfo?

True. And they're not representative of AfD. But they're gutter trash and we should make sure not to associate with them.

Jeder weiss, dass auf der Seite der antifa nur absolute Musterexemplare sind.

i just realized how fucked up this is

if i had to flee to another coutnry, i would give them my data, who i am, my age.

But their are so many that just give the wrong age and don´t even have their pass. and people just don´t care.

this guy isnt wrong tho


They don't "have to" flee.
They're mostly criminals from tunesia and other maghreb countries who conveniently drop their passports and then tell the naive german authorities they're 15.
A lot of the refugees have the first of january as their birthday.
Because they're too retarded to even make up a convincing birthdate.

>to even make up a convincing birthdate.
and they rarely score in the double digits if they do a hero.
Just think how fucked we would be, if japanese decided to go all out Allahu Ackbar

Holocaust Denial can give you 5 Years.
Other stuff like burning asylum shelters can get you more. But only if you are ethnically german. Shitskins can probably do both and will face no consequences

>a jew days ago

Translation of Sub reads
"When you see how she (Merkel) orders her refugees with the cardboards"

>pic related

Bring dich einfach um Nazischwein, dann hast du auch kein Problem mehr mit deiner Ethnie.

45 witnesses who say he a gud boi!


>Bring dich einfach um Nazischwein
Und werde dann als Jude oder Neger.
Nein danke

>be me
>in germanistan with germanistan gf
>see pic related
>wtf is this?
>she explains what a 'Stolperstein' is
>make a joke about the six gorillion
>walk away
>police approach us and speak in kraut
>gf spends 10 minutes speaking to cops they keep looking at me
>they tells us to leave
>gf is pissed and tells me no more bantz about kikes when other people around, someone who was standing next to us when to police and said I was making holohoax jokes

I'm sure this wouldn't have been a problem if I was a shitskin

Your gf is a whore and youre a cuck.
Shoulda have doubled down on it

oh shit, i just realised why the terrorist attacks are so fucking low energy
They are too stupid
not just too-stupid-to-operate-a-weapon stupid

i mean, they are to stupid to come up with a plan and wait for the ride moment. they DON´T care about killing people. All they care about is themselves. They just want to become a Martyr for Allah and receive eternal pussy. Their life sucks so much, they jwant to be an hero as fast as possible. And their overseers can´t hold them back, because these faggots might rethink about killing themselves. It would be enough if they found a funny videogame and suddenly they would have something more entertaining than becoming a terrorist. They are only driven by their own needs.

just look at the evidence:
Niice - dude planned everthing ahead, checked out the place - almost scores in the tripple diggits
Berlin - faggot takes a random vehicle and doesn´t even scout out where and when to attack - 12 dead

Bernd? ;_;

And you are just another "Stolperstein"
Another brick in the wall

Komm schon, die Menschheit kann erst erlöst werden wenn du dich umbringst. Erst dann sind wir glücklich. :3


>Voll muttiviert
That's so bad.

>I'm sure this wouldn't have been a problem if I was a shitskin
Probably they wouldn't dare or care.

probs for shooting the shit
kill your gf, she is a racemixer
source: i guess you are not german

>Berlin - faggot takes a random vehicle and doesn´t even scout out where and when to attack - 12 dead
Wrong. He did scout it out. The truck just ran into one of the Christmas booths and so he lost track, otherwise he'd driven down the path and would have killed approx. 80-100 more.

>impliziert ich wäre Jude
Du landest vor mir im Gas.

Ich hab ein Problem mit Cucks wie ihm.
Für ihn ist das nur ein Spass und er lacht drüber und hört sofort auf wenn seine Rassenmischer Hurenfreundin ihn schimpft.

What did they mean by this?

>t. non Kraut

Is it true the creators of krautchan got arrested?

literally to stupid to come up with a plan, that doesn´t fail because of a christmas booth. i bet he did a swing, because he wanted to hit someone, that was dodging him.
also look at all the terror attacks in London. just running around with knives and random stabbing.
The 13 year old refugee in germany that was to stupid to build a bomb last year

Ah than this is a misunderstanding
Also write english plox

literally to stupid to come up with a plan, that doesn´t fail because of a christmas booth. i bet he did a swing, because he wanted to hit someone, that was dodging him. No immagination of what the reality would look like
also look at all the terror attacks in London. just running around with knives and random stabbing.
The 13 year old refugee in germany that was to stupid to build a bomb last year

Calm down Hans, if anyone is getting cucked it's you.
I'm the non German with a German gf

Weidel the top candidate had a email leak

Called all politicians pigs who do the WW2 victors' bidding and flood us with migrants to keep the population internally occupied in an email from 2013.

Nothing she wrote was wrong. People still cry out.

>i bet he did a swing, because he wanted to hit someone

And it doesn't matter whether the mail is genuine or a fake. It's just part of the smear campaign two weeks before the election.


Schön vor der Wahl. War so klar

Obvious fake is obvious

willste mir nochmal erklären wann "an" und wann "a"
t. incapacle on working out anything on my own


t. Kothaut

Es gibt überhaupt keine Debatte darüber das wir mit weniger von deiner Sorte schon das Weltall kolonisieren würden

incapable of*

macht nichts ronny. du volltrottel, brauner!

Ist das das Goldstück aus Freiburg? Sieht mehr nach Chang als Hussein aus.

FDP Linder's wife Dagmar Rosenberg is vice editor-in-chief.

>zecken banter

Bundestag, hier kommen wir!

hazara afghan
even afghans call them scum

Interdasting. I thought slant-eyed were based.

worth reading

other countries other habits kek

Oi!! What happening in Frankfurt?
I heard someone got gassed.

ahh richtig geil..

Will we ever have good gun rights again?

>supposed to prepare for law exam
>reading up on Afghan ethnic groups instead
tickles all my shota fancies tbqh

nothing special. go and play taharush soab

His wife is seven years older. Is he the German Macron?


They always do that and our incompetent judicative keeps falling for it. You'll get punished harder for hoisting a flag your ancestors fought and died under than some brown person raping and killing someone.

>Airport police said in a tweet that the gas was sprayed by an 'unknown person' and that investigations are still ongoing.
>Fortunately nobody was seriously injured, and airport police have declared the airport to be 'all clear'.


To be fair to the pic-series, they make sure to always interview the stereotypes.

It's nost just the authorities being naive, churches and NGOs and foreign governments are all in on this scam.

That's not always possible and permanently denouncing them doesn't help anyway. Just say they're victims of the circumstances of globalization and deserve help.

It gets weirder

>krautchan is down ? Was it the government or the "General"

Will we be prosecuted for posting?

Where are you from that you're so woke about the 6 gorillion?

Is there still a party left that isn't riddled with Jew bootlickers?

Oy fucking vey.

welt reported the welcomehippymädel had heavy internal injurys. he literally fisted her to death because he couldnt get a boner.

i love how other news sites dont mention the savagery.