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Nothing funny about 1488 IQ
into the trash it goes
post the article what journalist makes fun of a kid
jesus christ these people need to be gassed
>not posting the link
His IQ is said to be 136
136 for an 11 year old is pretty damn high
IQ is always highest when you're young.
how do i get my iq that high? I wanna be smart
starting your iq test on fire with your mind is no laughing matter.
IQ has to be high for a time-traveller so makes sense.
IQ is normalized by age. 136 is about what you'd expect for a mega rich kid who was forced to actually learn things as a child. Good on Trump for making sure the kid got an education.
ya mixing up fundamentals like you just did leads me to not be surprised the uk has gone to the shitter
you know nothing user
but belgium is a 3rd word country anyways.
the IQ test takes age into account.
136 would still be pretty high
>trump's autistic kid scores high IQ
The IQ Jew. You are an absolute low IQ if you believe IQ data.
No it's not you stupid nigger. Especially since he's rich and has all the nutrition and sleep that he could possibly need. It should hover around 180.
The kid is shit-tier.
iq wasnt supposed to depend on wealth?
Only 136? What a brainlet.
more important is spiritual power and command of the astral realm
Insults aren't arguments
How low has this board gone when both those attacking Barron and those defending him are pasting clickbait from advertising farms?
Good schooling increases someones thinking skills
>Refinance Gold
Surname aside, who the fuck calls his kid Refinance?
>Over 180
Wrong scale
There the stanford way and another way
One has 130+ being gifted, the other is closer to 160+ being gifted.
Gifted being top 1%
180 on the stanford scale is Galileo level.
IQ score is estimated by American psychologist Dean Simonton
136 is damn good. That's gifted territory.
yep all these faggots ramble on about iq between their 15 minute breaks at their shit tier min wage jobs
no one here even knows the definition of intellect which is tendency to view things in an objective manner, which if a sane person had would deduce they are a fucking loser for working minimum wage, attending comm college, etc.
but they have egos kek (which interestingly enough was a term derived by shit tier players in wow)
see the trend faggots? loserdom isn't something you can escape
Iq is literally just problem solving and pattern recognition
Learning games like chess and playing them often, or doing sudoku puzzles are the best ways to improve.
It's the name of the site. refinancegold.com is a known advertising farm. One look at the site, and you'll see what I mean.
You just got schooled you fucking chimp lmao cya.
Isn't Barron 11? Wtf is wrong with you op
i don't give a fuck kid you're a loser and should seek psychiatric help if you think otherwise. don't you uk faggots have free healthcare
>He is fluent in 2 languages; English and Slovene
Why waste his time teaching him a dead language like Slovenian? Yea I get its his mom but Mandarin would help him more in life.
Who wants to learn chink shit? Fuck chinks
Why would anyone want to learn mandarin? They cant even speak you just eat them.. are you fucking cooked cunt?
>mfw he's as intelligent as I am
he'll go nowhere in life
Cause he talks to his mom
Ne jebi pedr
Good leafpost, faggot.
Fuck off and stop repeat that Mandarin bullshit people keep recommending.
so you can insult dumb americans in 2 languages
crkn jebeni burger
you arent the son of one of the most powerful man on the world
>implying anyone wants to work with chinks
u fucked up
Does Barron write on windows?
His autism needs to be weaponized
Ho ho
>elementary quantum physics on m-muh window
Fuck outta here.
>blind hatred for Trump
>attack a little kid
>claim superiority over Trump because of attacks on said little kid
>this is why the Dem Party is dying.
Barron is not an elected official, he did not choose to be in the spot light. It is shameful to attack him.
I got 138 at 12, but that doesn't even mean I have an IQ above even 130 now. The younger age IQ tests are more forgiving and lenient and the same group of kids that get scores in the high 130' and low 140's barely scrape 130 in an IQ test by the time they're 20.
No he plays with spinners.
Absolutely fellow ledditor, my IQ is an objectively proven 148 and it's completely meaningless, why did I even mention it haw haw haw, now pardon me while I write a thesis on how race and IQ only matter as far as saying conservatives are dumb and blaming white people
why would that make anyone laugh?
its pretty high
Why would you make fun of him that's very disrespectful iqphobe and discriminating
So it's true. He will be Emperor.
But does not increase ones IQ
It's normalised so the average is 100 at all ages.
(example with completely made up numbers, and don't forget proper tests are timed) getting 90/100 questions right when you're 12 might get you 130, getting 75/100 right at 30 might get you 130, getting 50/100 right at 70 will get you 130
believing these "IQ leaks" is fucking stupid.
But previous monkey president had nigger girls.
How is anything lower than black female ??
Being able to speak a language american cuckolds cant speak is very useful.
So what I'm getting from this is; all of the memes about Barron being a super genius and the brains behind the 5D chess were true?
fuck chinks
My iq is 300 and I'm a feminist
all wasted on harry popper
>tfw trilingual 146 IQ 4d chess grandmaster here
my boi
Barron is going to out trump all the trumps one day. In that time we will all be saved.
hello Kees
101/707 or something like that? What do they mean? Yea 101 is pretty bad desu, I knows it's right on the average but avg is pretty bad desu
must be good genes and young father
>Why waste his time teaching him a dead language like Slovenian?
I know right?
>Mandarin would help him more in life
There won't be any Chinese left to talk to by the time he's grown up.
>tfw my IQ was 134 when tested at 9yo
>tfw mum made me practice piano for 1 hour a day or be flogged with belt or rolling pin
>tfw mum made me do swim lessons 2 times a week for 1 hour each
>tfw also have ADHD
Did this contribute to high IQ?
The tests are adjusted by age. When you reach adulthood the result is usually +/- 1-2 IQ points.
My IQ was estimated to be 128 when I was 9. That does not mean my IQ exceeds 140 today. It's in the 126-130 range.
No, but it likely contributed to your autism.
>Do strict parrents contribute to their kids being smarter, better behaved and more disciplined?
Gee. Take a guess.
High IQ isn't always good.
I've got an IQ of 178, but also have autism and suffer from severe anxiety.
I can't go outside on my own and I have difficulties in concentrating on things that I'm not interested in.
I literally work at a school and can't believe the shit the kids give the teachers.
WTF happened to even 10yrs ago when you got in big shit for swearing at a teacher?
All the kids do is destroy everything and whinge when nothing works.
WTF went wrong??
if you learn chinese, then you are the one chosen to do business with the chinese.
would rather be dumb
regression to the mean confirmed
136 for any age is high, it's way above average
136....his IQ is estimated 136.
We can use google too,you know.
>US flag
>doesn't respect his own heritage
The eternal mutt strikes again
Is this bait?
Because his mother is Slovenian and he should preserve and honor his ancestry ?
Here let me show you
Ubij se imbecilu.
What's living in Slovakia like user?
Eastern Europe is the home of the white man. Him knowing Slovene will make it a lot easier for an autist like Barron to get a white woman and produce more white children.
Hillary Clinton
> Slovakia
You mean Serbia ?
Economy could be better, I don't get along with my youth generation but there are quite decent people imo.
Post more questions and I'll answer.
Chi ho
136 is extremely high like top 0.01% even adjusting for his age.
This. How else is he gonna get a coding job. Barron will become a NEET.
Why does your politicians allow Belgrade mafia to flood Western Europe with heroin?
>IQ score is estimated by American psychologist Dean Simonton
>With an IQ of 136, calculated by Simonton’s estimates
IQ based on some external estimates. Wow it's fucking worthless