Does anyone on Sup Forums have a family or even kids?

Does anyone on Sup Forums have a family or even kids?
Are we all just jaded teenagers or do we have some familymen here as well?
If yes, tell us how you found this place!

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grandchild have inform me of Internet address make error claim regard battle of Nanking
a fierce batter involved with many Chinese warriors
a turth should be know by all

Congratulations on your fuck trophies.

the world is going to end soon.

there is no point.

Go kys then, faggot. Stop trying to force your blackpills on people its disgusting.

Season 3 when?

My wife has a biracial son

Father of a 1yo son, I love him deeply and work 50 hours a week to provide for him. We're trying for another.

Been on Sup Forums for over a decade, I read Sup Forums off and on. I preferred the Ron Paul season over the current one, given that I'm Asian and my wife is half-Jewish.



>my wife is half-Jewish.
Why would you want to be a father to minikikes?

Otaku neighbor in 2004. She was hot. Also stileproject

I'm married with a 3 year old son. I'm in my mid thirties and I come here to waste time.

get lost faggot

Thanks for your bump, friend!
Have a good day

Nope. 37, no kids. I'm not wasting the American taxpayers money in starting a family. I sure as fuck can't do it on retail and hairdressers wages/tips.

I quite literally raised my younger brother because my parents were shit people. At least I got that out of the way.

I see myself as a fascist father.

4 children, been here for years, can't recall quite how. Just glad there is somewhere that seems normal compared to the 'reality' of our crazy world.

roastie or fag?

I'm the retail wagie. My wife is a hairdresser. We only bring in a combined $45k a year.



No. Women have been ruined by sjw bullshitery. Fuck all you want, just don't get it pregnant.

Been on Sup Forums awhile. Decided to not post as an user anymore. Loving wife. 2 kids. Fantastic daughters. Spend my work hours looking after people with issues that require support (disabled) and home hours with the kids then comes 9pm. Bang the missis. Game abit and repeat #nothingtohide

Oh yes im sooooo badass btw i put an apple sticker on a samsung phone. Fuck the system

Dead hopefully

I unironically love Nazi dad.

Father of three here.
Feels good man.

>It is expensive as fuck raising kids though

Oh this is gold. I wish Chinks could post on 4chin under their own flaggots.

Budget. Stop being selfish. Dont drink. Dont smoke. Even on a low wadge we can eat like kings. Stop in your local supermarket each day and check the reduced to clear section. We have lamb shanks... steaks.. tesco finest food all on the cheap as it has to be cooked that day. With 1 main weekly shop

kekekek lol

If it's timed the same as it's first two seasons, the end of this year.
No confirmed date, but confirmed third season is happening.

I'm ugly and women don't like me. I've no problem making male friends so I don't think it's a personality thing. I tried to introduce myself to a girl in a couple of my classes I ran into out in the supermarket and she physically cringed away.
So I'll just freeze sperm and play vidya

Father of a beautiful white son. He's 2,5yo. I've been on Sup Forums since 2004ish and been redpilled ever since breivik's actions in 2011 made me start looking into this shit. I was always fairly race realist and WN. I started frequenting Sup Forums because it felt natural to me, now I just come here for the news and shitposting and dank memes.

I commend you for your responsible decision making. You'd probably make a good parent just by virtue of understanding that children need a financially sturdy foundation to build upon.

Did the show runners make this so gloriously enticing on purpose?
Was it supposed to be off putting?
This show is awesome.

reminds me of wolfenstein.
would love pop some skulls there

literally had my first child on aug 30

It's not hard to make and stick to a simple budget.

28, married, have a 2 year old daughter. Probably try for another one in a couple years.

If you're white, and physically and psychologically healthy, have some fucking children. Time is running out.

29. No family, no kids. Have no interest in them because modern women are worthless leeches.

As my interests started to align more with Sup Forums and I got more and more
>Go back to Sup Forums
so I just went to Sup Forums.
that's it. no real story to tell. I went from anarchist/libertarian edgelord to legitimate authoritarian by becoming a jaded asshole.

>modern women are worthless leeches.
Know how I know you're a retarded shut-in?

Better yourself, and then go find a woman who is not a worthless leech. They're out there, if you know how and where to look.

All of these posters are:
Liars (80% likelihood)
Total losers

If you've real world social success and still gravitate to this shithole you are a pathetic faggot

27, no woman no cry. all polish qts escaped to turkish ubermensh

Only if you are not too ugly to offend their sensibilities and photogenic enough to get shown off to their social media network

That would require giving them the benefit of doubt.
I've had too many bad experiences for that.

Stop picking up human garbage in bars or on dating sites.

Plenty of oldies on here and remember some of them lived when times were more naturally based when you could go to a bar and jokes and banter were basically what you call pol tier now and have to hide in basement to post.

Single dad, I have three girls. Really shot myself in the foot.

Why would you assume that was the case mr ancap?

Another liar

shill please...
fathers tend to be much more conservative then nu-males with no sex life,tryin to impress damaged females by being zeta
(maybe they will let me lick their pussy if I'll be more like pussy...dream on fag)

father of 5 & 2 yr old
been here for a while now.

I've got two toddlers. I've been here before either were born. I used to post on forums but it was hard to not get banned. So I came here. I want to kill all of the jews

Would you let me marry one for a dowry?

why do you think they had to shut it down?

Roasties don't want to settle down or are coalburnt niglet ranchers. Should have gotten the abortion desu.

I'm the shill because I don't want newfaggots trying out babbys first internet lie on muh forum

What is the name of this series? is it a movie?

It's not though. It's renewed for a third season.

The man in the high castle.
Amazon Prime Series.
2 seasons 10 eps each.
Worth it.

I'm 29, Ice been on Sup Forums for 5 or 6 years now and I'm going to have my first child in march. I married a ginger amd

Depends on what the leaders of the Western Nations do.

I'm sorry.

Only 2 kids? You're a failure. Why even bother?

Married and having kids next year.

>being this butthurt

>If you've real world social success and still gravitate to this shithole you are a pathetic faggot

having kids is not real world social's just a normal thing people gives meaning and happiness to life struggle.

this place is opposite to shithole...freedom of expression without identity BS.I call it paradise.

yours shilly fantasy that Sup Forums is full of NEETS and you can trigger them by calling them social kek.

now, fuck off to place where you came from..and you migh as well KYS

i had stumbled upon chonmemers earlier but i had dismissed them as being too uncouth
i regret it now
as a result i only came to Sup Forums in late 2009
i'm always late to the party
since 1998 when i got online i've always gravitated towards free speech places so this was a logical outcome

as for your pic you fell for the jew meme
fascism has always been on the Left: they're socialists in a hurry, just like commies are
hitler and mussolini were marxists

no such thing
either her mom is jewish (and grandmom and so on) or not

Of course. Growing up in poverty, this is a no-brainier.

Her kid is black. If you miss water with feces, it's feces, not half water. The only way to get water is to mix water and water.

>tfw I'm aryan, and so is my fertile wife.


>Also stileproject
led to Sup Forums?
omg that may be where i saw those chonmemes

you're being stupid

You are a pathetic newfaggot and know nothing of chan culture
A "normal" thing to do makes you by definition a normie you moron
Take your feigned superiority to r/eddit and facebook where they belong


we all do normal things in life(eat,sleep,work,fuck,die..have kids), just because you have kids or use word "normal" - it doesn't make you normie faggot.

on the other hand refering to this place as shithole and calling other people liars+reading from your shilly manual about Sup Forums culture, that makes you shilly faggot

yeah you would call me a "total loser"
but with a net worth of like €800K thanks to inheritance tell me why i would bust my ass

Coming on Sup Forums to brag about your family life makes you far lower than a shill. You are an oblivious redditfag who got lost trying to collect le upboats.
Shills at least have a place here. You are just a loser, a liar and the world would benefit if you offed yourself.

Bro 800k is nothing. The tribe will bleed that away before you even notice

Man in the High Castle, watch it. After the compulsory oy vey's in the first episode (muh ash from cripples) it gets really good. Nazi dad is the best character BY FAR, the revolutionaries are portrayed as larping retards. Season two is even better, lots and lots of fashy /aesthetic/ in Berlin. Its a miracle it got through the kike censor.

yeah well you aint seeing me bust my ass for minimum wages anwyay

Then the pathetic faggot calling me a liaru should go get his fucking dick wet you queer retard. Had enough of hollowing out pickle for a good wet fuck toy you peice of shit. You know nothing of me

how honoraburu

Get ya dick wet fool. With that she man spick cunt you call momma

>3rd season will turn out to be a full blown kike propaganda

Suprise , suprise

In ten years, or less I hope to be happily retired.

My five children have all grown up, and moved on with their own lives
I would like to spend my retirement hunting and fishing.

The first few episodes are great because that Jew artist gets thoroughly wrecked every few minutes, I just couldn't stop laughing when he got his sister gassed

And the best part is that every bit of misfortune the main characters have is all their own fault

I'm a father, I love my son, I will fight to the death to ensure he has a shot at enjoying everything I did (with less debt, even). I'm also a sysadmin, so this place is always up in a separate browser. Found this place a few years, got hooked when I found out I wasn't the only one who thought the world was proper fucked.
Quit being a faggot, it's unbecoming.

braging and lying at the same time, sure thing retard, my guess is that you virgins sit next to each other while working 6$/h trying to influence teh interwebz.

Did you just fucking use Google translate ?


If i remember the first season correct, that nazy guy was actually a family man who worked hard and a lot of people found this character a lot more symphatethic than supposed main characters.

>It's a "let's pretend Sup Forums is still just part of Sup Forums" episode

This shirhole is literally the largest and most active forum of unfiltered right-wing discussion in the history of humans

Just for you. Can give ya somethin to wack off to tonight

Father of 3 and almost 1 year olds. Came to Sup Forums after Habbo and before Chanology. I come here to waste time.

They made a literal nazi the best role model on TV in years kek. I still can't figure out whether all of it was by accident or if the creators are actually redpilled.

great user keep up the good work. You are doing in a huge part in making their lifes bareable.
I hope in your nation people like you get payed better than in germany.

Was doing better before but since the "living wage" came into play im basically on minimum now

It's a soccer mom type "let's pretend it isn't" episode
How soon until we get profiles and likes