>people are shocked when a guy who became famous with rape jokes and who said nigger multiple times in swedish in his older videos says something offensive
Do people forget Pewdiepie was never family friendly, he was always edgy
People are shocked when a guy who became famous with rape jokes and who said nigger multiple times in swedish in his...
What is it with Americans and their obsession with race?
Why are you edgy when you say Nigger, but are regular teenager when you use literally any other insult?
I blame that South Park episode that portraid him as a savor of "family time"
>Rapes a kid, shoots a police officer, robs a store
It was a mistake, it was the enviorement that made him do it.
>Says a word he's heard on 9999999 songs
Poods is reddit
>Germany is flooding itself with shitskins to prove they're not Nazis anymore
I've been watching his videos ever since he started doing shitty CoD videos.
He's really evolved and matured over the years.
Some things I dislike about him and others make me think he's a pretty cool guy but all in all he's just another youtuber/streamer you watch for 10min while eating your lunch.
Anyone loosing their shit over some shittalk deserved to get necked.
Sweden aka cuckistan cries over pewdiepie uses the "N" word in PUBG stream
now he's worse than a closet racist !!!!¤!¤!=)¤!=
I tried to post a few memes with pewdiepie "what a fucking nigger, snowflakes meme, triggered meme" and all got deleted, if someone wanna spam & overload them then lets!
Comment section
he says nigger because he wants to act like a black gang member he sees in films and rap videos. His avatar is a black woman. It's the same reason he says Japanese weeaboo shit. He likes that stuff.
Niggers should be grateful someone enjoys their culture.
My f2f and i I had an argument after pewdiepie
>me: your just saying that because some other guy who had about 20 years of practice made so many jokes. Until something somebody flew your tissues.
>her: take that back! I never actually had a sense of either degrading each bafoniy sandwiches that sliced from nothing into its sensual late on behalf hours.
> me: go ahead! Smash my car! Here is the bat
> her: fuck you Ron! * goes outside home* smashes doors and windows on his car*
> me: What did you do??? What's wrong with you?
> her: oh my gosh...what have i done
> me: I keep telling yoh...stop believing into something that doesn't trade at least a decimal of your quantafets within your dermis ...idiot!
> her: stop confusing me....
> me : dmn jews
*The story ends...kinda...and yes....they didn't had any sex those 3*
He's a fucking YouTuber for little gamer kids. Why do Reddit fags keep posting about him on pol? He is no way a political figure.
I am genuinely curious
He would be saying nigga instead of the er if that was the case. And no we don't give a fuck what culture this asshat likes.
I really hope he acts like it never happened, if he apologizes it just gives all the media another story to milk.
Saying nigger isn't a big deal.
>niggers only say "nigga"
nice gaslighting you fucking nigger.
He said 'what a fucking nigger'. Not in some Wannabee nigger way. Have you even seen or are u still in some drunken stupor since Friday?
That's what I say every 3 minutes I play HoN.
You are this buttmad because he thinks Irish are degenerate scum.
We're addressing your people a question. Stop deflecting it by pointing out others' issues, that's for another thread.
They can cry all they want, Felix is one of their most famous nationals, more famous than their royal family.
Does anyone actually give a flying fuck about this cunt other than 12 year olds and reddit fuckwits?
This, end the usage of the world if you want it to be taboo. I am not even defending Pewds here, I am just tired of the double standard.
personally have never said the N word, yes, never ever used that term as a spoken word in any way as a hinge in a conversation, racial slur etc.
When he uses it in such a flippant way, it is obviously in his every day vocabulary as a derogatory racial slur.
He apologised shortly afterwards as he was aware again he was also on live = making money from his stream.
It is absolutely not the first time this waste if space has profited from using racial slurs.
This is why it is important to make every one aware of his actions are not OK. Millions of younger generations still watch his channel and will be educated to use terms such as these in a casual manner and think nothing of the ramifications of their actions.
A casual racist is far more dangerous than a neo-nazi.
And no, it is important to 'blow this story out of proportion' as i have mentioned, it is a long, long line of terms, and jokes he has used in the past which is culminating in to evidence he is pretty much a casual bigoted asshole.
God dammit, shut the fuck up you butthurt nigger.
Nothing matters when the media decides what happened.
Not the original poster, but the US has deep-seated, repressed racial tension. This tension largely lies with the extreme left-wingers and the general population that has accepted their agenda as the norm. The people it largely lies with like to pretend that we are all equal, but in reality they know for a fact that the races, on average, are anything but this (and there are many examples through affirmative action, skewed data that shows individual races as victims but knowingly leaves out key points, and hiding races when crime is involved except in the case of the rare white person being the perp) and they (the lefties) are generally the most racist people out there--they're just in extreme denial.
It has been common place for blacks to be victims by default because they are seen as lesser and need protection. The word nigger is seen as a serious affront and people want to play the parental role to these large children by jumping in to protect them. The media knows this is a spicy topic, and further perpetuates racial tensions by playing off of any and every event and molding them into what they know will be seen as "white bad, black good and need justice" just for more hits, all the while pretending to have no idea as to why racial tension is getting worse in the US. PDP saying nigger out of context is a perfect example of this. Anyone with half a functional brain knows he was just venting, but painting a racist article will bring in hundreds of thousands of hits, no mind to the fact that it hurts the guy and creates yet again, more racial tension.