Why the fuck it is the niggers always who are looting when a disaster occurs What causes them to do this?
Niggers looting during Irma
false flag
It's because of racism, clearly.
>A fucking leaf
Because they're niggers
>I hate the way they portray us in the media. If you see a black family, it says “they’re looting.” If you see a white family, it says “they’re looking for food."
Im sure hes just using those adidas boxes to carry food and water for people in need
they are just protecting the air jordan you dumb pos. after things normalize they going to return it to the respective places
Come on.
You all secretly would love to loot a store. Free shit.
Those nogs are living the dream.
>niggers stealing 5 brand new Adidas
>just lookin fo food, famalam, we starvin n sheeit
"ok" eurotrash
Low IQ + cultural Marxism.
this is clearly a reaction to the pewdiepie niggergate
I'd loot the shit out of any store I could find. Fuck this natural disaster-free area I live in.
cause dem programz dont work yo
Because you are a piece of shit nigger.
This is the real reason behind "black twitter"...
Coordinated looting.
niggas gonna nig
this isnt enough to explain. this level of nigging is not sufficient even for nigger science to explain. why would niggers loot a store full of shit that wont help them survive a disaster, you see it all the time, stealing shit thats basically worthless. tennishoes etc like if i was a niggger and wanted to loot somewhere why not big 5?
they've been at the window, like dogs, lusting after the shoes, knowing they can't just take them or they'll get in trouble.
the moment they know their masters won't be there to catch them, they are in, stealing the shoes, to run off to their dens and hide them
its because they've wanted all those shoes for such a long time, and now is their chance!
Give it 2 weeks and they'll be looking for food, but the white people will have stolen all that first.
Not looting
Nigger wants, nigger takes. Whart are you going to do about it white boi?
Nice try, bygot.
The term "looter" is offensive and bigoted. These are merely undocumented shoppers.
>niggers survive by consuming expensive sneakers
Learn something new every day.
They are living the nerd's dream. Playing video games in real life.
B-but there this one in twenty guys looting who is white or hispanic!
At least they aren't smart enough to loot say, a gun store.
I always loved Mike Myers look of holy shit what is this motherfucker saying
Personally I've always wanted to loot shit, but not because I wanted any of it
I just like the post-apocalyptic feeling of it
Everything is quiet, nobody is around and it's just you walking through places that are only echos of humanity and what once was only days or weeks ago
P.s.- went outside to check the oil in my generator and the mosquitoes are twice as bad as they usually are
Fuck you irma
You're not wrong, they basically use it as dub-channels to coordinate attacks on people, looting, organize robberies, crash birthday parties, etc.
They can get shoes that are worth $300-400 online and the price on them goes up if they get discontinued (which happens often)
Literally the teenage son of my old boss would wheel and deal Nike's because he knew all the people that worked at the stores and got the half price. Made a comfy living off it so much as soon as he got to he in HS he dropped out, lucky fucker inherited his dad's ability to sell almost anything
I will excuse looting/theft of food/water/medications in reasonable quantities; because that shit WILL get written off by the store (and insurance will pay for it); and immediate survival in life-threatening conditions is more important than property rights of big (((companies))), but nogs don't even do *that*.
Niggers either do home invasions (which places humans at immediate and life-threatening risk, it's not like breaking into an abandoned supermarket) or fucking steal fucking shoes. The term "basketball-american" has never been more fitting.
This isn't a desperate act taken just to ensure survival (most every legal system has an idea of a "necessity defence", with some stringent conditions usually like "(a) the harm he sought to avoid outweighs the danger of the prohibited conduct he is charged with; (b) he had no reasonable alternative; (c) he ceased to engage in the prohibited conduct as soon as the danger passed; and (d) he did not himself create the danger he sought to avoid"), this is just opportunistic predation and pure unfiltered TNB.
Niggers survive on weaves, sneakers and televisions
>nigger looking for food
>in a fucking shoe store and not kfc
eat my shoe nigger
How do you know there's no bread in those Adidas?
Holy fuck those chimps and their precious air jordans.
Obviously they don't have supplies that's why they're looting those shoes to sell the shoes on ebay to buy supplies to ride out the disaster.
Apparently somebody tried it and the store got hit by multiple rounds before they surrender.
What is it with niggers and shoes? Most nigs at my uni are so vapid and superficial, only defining themselves by their clothes and apple products.
There was one white guy, he was caught stealing paving stones.
Was probably going to use them for a job.
Even the white looter has work ethic. hahahaa
it's a german company, presumably the german would know that adidas in fact sells sportswear and sneakers, not bread and baked goods
If you haven't figured it out by now i cant help you user.
It's a joke. See youtu.be
Straightforward and accurate. This guy gets it.
Even the propagandtastic BBC TV news mentioned the looting - so it must have been pretty severe.
Takes me back to watching fat black police women straight after Katrina as they looted. The journo asked WTF and they said it's every nigger for themself. They love it.
are you allow to use gun to protect your property in florida?
>shoes, not necessities
darwinism at play
If I wanted to loot a garden ornament and it was located at the extreme edge of your property, even encroaching on the public sidewalk a little, would you be allowed to shoot me?
>Crocodile Dindu gets shot while holding a plastic pink flamingo
I'm not a Floridian, I was just thinking about the travon case where zimzam got to be animal control. They have Castle doctrine. That being said, I'm not sure. I'd think that if you where in possession of my property unauthorized. Pew pew nigga.
American has state laws so I don't know
The rule in Texas was you can shoot dead any looters, doesn't have to be your property.
I remember after Katrina too, they said it was no crime to shoot looters so there was never any investigation into all the blasto'ed nigger looters
this is what happens when they lack Koreans
fucking based
Don't be a faggot.
Its fine to loot stores, when they go into houses they need to get shot. Freedom to shoot niggers is dreamland. Fuck this disaster free shithole i live in.
>Cameras in poor black neighborhood
>Poor black people looting
>Same thing happening in poor white neighborhood
>Ignore to be fake outraged
Why do you try to make yourselves angry?...
Why is the video from an thai guy? Aren't americans allowed to show the truth anymore?
Yes, all those pictures of white people looking for foot in a Footlocker Store.
The story not being reported is the armed looting happening in the Caribbean islands. St. Thomas and St. Croix got wiped the fuck out, and the niggers are taking everything left, at gunpoint.
Nah. They're stealing NIkes. Nikes are currency, in the hood. They can sell those a month from now, for top dollar, especially since the store will be closed at least a month as the insurance companies and company duke it out.
If it were me, and I were a morally bankrupt person, like a nigger, I'd hit white people currency - Apple store. Stacks of TVs, Macbooks, iPads. Sell em all a little at a time off Craigslist, for cash only. I'd hit jewelery stores, shit like that. Oh, wait - that actually happens, it just doesn't get reported. The news washes their hands of any of it, because then they'd have to judge niggers, and they're not doing that.
White people loot, too. They're just not dumb at it, like Niggers.
Everything in those stores will be replaced by insurance, anyway.
>when reality doesn't follow your narrative so you just lie about instead
In Texas, yes you are allowed to do exactly that if you feel your life is in danger on your own property. It's a bit of a stretch, but any nigger that sets one foot on your property may kill you.
>irma fucking shit up
>better loot shoes instead of shit that will help me survive after the hurricane passes
LOL I'd loot the fuck out of that place, if you puss out because a bit of rain scares you and you up and leave town you're asking for it. Plus these guys are poor af and basically doing a Robin Hood.
>inb4 store owning middle class boomers dindu nuffin
>Everything in those stores will be replaced by insurance, anyway
you sound like a nigger who doesn't understand how insurance works and thinks its just a magical unending flow of gib-me-dats.
It makes feels so happy that city liberals will get torn apart by niggers in a SHTF scenario.
send them to Auschwitz
Das rite - da stores don't be havin' no cameras in da white 'hood
No, I'm a white person who understands how companies and insurance work, dummy. If it's a state of emergency, those companies can write anything off - and if that store is damaged by the storm after the looting, it will all be covered.
You should go clean the sand out of your vagina, it's making you post shit like a woman would.
Funny vid
They think it frees them from consequences. Which usually remains true unless they fuck with armed people.
You are pretty good at thinking like a nigger. Are you sure you aren't one familia?
Found the wigger
so what happens when companies and home owners write up billions of dollars in losses? lets see where this is going, jerome.
Finnish media is playing this card:
When natural disasters happen, blackies go for shopping without money.
Lived among them. Not hard to do, in the US. They're pretty dumb, and work on base instinct, so it's not hard to figure out how they think. Everyone in the hood had at least one scam going at all times, and selling shit on the black market is the easiest thing in the world. If you know the right people, you can get anything want. As I was told many, many times, "Niggahs don't pay retail or sales tax".
Plus, Nikes don't have registration numbers.
Check em...definitely a wig nog
The same thing that happened in other natural disasters that had looting. Like Katrina. Most big companies got insurance money, Federal relief money, and wrote it all off on taxes.
What, you think corporate America doesn't have this shit figured out to the smallest angle? If it were that important to save the sneakers, the Footlocker parent company would have hired Pinkertons to watch the property, and hired people to haul that shit out of there - you could load up a box truck with sneakers in an hour with 10 guys.
But what happened is the store employees were told to evacuate, and don't worry about the fucking sneakers.
Look, i hate niggers and looters as much as anyone - more, as I was stolen from by niggers when I lived around them. But this shit ain't hard to figure out, unless you're a naive autist.
The good news is, your country will be learning all about this kind of things, as you import more and more niggers. Have fun!
Because niggas need fresh threads baby
Survival instinct which the white man clearly has lost...
>country gets invaded
>Tighten chastity cage
>Hurricane hits
>tighten chastity cage
>Get shit on by the media constantly and literally blamed for all of societies problems
>tighten chastity cage
Why don't you delusional faggots stop ranting about niggers and worry about the garbage within your own race? It's not the Jews, it's not the niggers, it's not the spics, it's fucking cuckold faggots and it's RAMPANT in Europe and America. If you disagree then you are delusional.
My BIL shot up a car full of niggers during the LA riots. He didn't kill anyone but they got the message and got the fuck out of his neighborhood.
>>Poor black people looting
have you seen the cars??
they're not exactly from a ghetto neighborhood
My friend unloaded his shotgun a couple times after the Northridge quake in LA - some houses in his neighborhood got damaged, and he and his neighbors stayed up all night patrolling, especially the houses were elderly lived. They knew they were on their own for a while, so they scared off carloads of niggers looking to loot. They didn't shoot anyone, but he said they put some nices holes in the side of a couple cars.
I've heard stories of looters getting shot, like after the Loma Prieta, and Northridge quake, and the cops not doing anything about it.
That's why a shotgun is part of my quake kit.
Havent been near a ghetto, huh?
Those rides are nothing, for the hood.
If the store is under water, let them loot. Dont tell me any respectable owner wouldn't count his inventory as a loss and have insurance for it. If i'm sold some moldy shoe, I'll sue. Better if looters take it.
>random jew boss doesn't get to make money because nogs stole some sweatshop labour made shoes
Who cares?
it's true that in the ends (((they))) are getting what they asked for
Cut off day feets