If Jews are behind everything why would they allow this site to operate? seems like its primary purpose is to breed jew hate
If Jews are behind everything why would they allow this site to operate...
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because the jew fear the samurai
cant answer the question?
He did though.
Because the jew fear the samurai
They need a way to know what people are really thinking because nobody wants to deal with them. pretty sure thats why worldstar exists
No, he just posted an irrelevant saying that does not make sense because Sup Forums was breeding jew hate long before asian moot took ownership.
Sup Forums literally believes jews fear a group of Japanese swordsman who don't even exist anymore
Because the jew fear the samurai
The Jew fears the Samurai
So Sup Forums doesnt actually hate the jews and think theyre behind all the world problems
But they do fear the Samurai
KEK! PEPE 2020
The Samurai, Cleetus.
The Samurai.
The Jew is not behind everything, they just have America by the balls, which is still a lot of power but not quite all of it
prove it guy
The Samurai
Because no matter how much power you have someone can always resist.
This website still being functional.
Your move, Cotton Eye Joe.
This is why we can't have good discussions.
Perpetual memery.
The jew fear the samurai
but if they have the amount of power Sup Forums claims they have why would they allow a site whose primary purpose is to generate jew hate to continue operations
>Perpetual memery.
Where do you think you are?
Contamination zone for the bread and games that is internet political discussion.
This, more or less. Jews have enormous influence in the West, but they don't run things like governments. They only have very large influence, however they do control the media and the entertainment which give them influence over the people.
because they fear the samurai
Because the Samurai don't fear the Jew
Jews need jew hate, so they can pull the jew card when they need to.
>but if they have the amount of power Sup Forums claims they have
And how much power is that, Mr. Strawman?
So in other words this site is full of shit and the fact is the Jews aren't behind anything
Its too late.
Sup Forums is itself a meme.
If this place is touched everyone on the internet will know they crossed the rubicon and their intention is the end of free speech.
Our culture reaches from pewdiepie to bibis son.
From street niggers to racist CEOs.
We are the final boss of the internet and the jews fear our samurai
Because everyone here is a self hating Jew.
Based on what ive read here jews have complete control over literally everything in our lives
Fuck off maldraw, you're the only faggot that larps using the confederate flag to bait. Don't you have to be at your Muslim prayer you filthy Malaysian
Do some fucking research you jew
It didn't used to be like this user.
It can be sorta ok once again if you try.
You forgot about the PRESIDENT kek
>Well, I heard it from a post of a post.
Well, I'm convinced! You sure showed me!
Why would they fear a country they nuked and had victory over
Listen here, Goldberg. If you're trying to hide behind a confederate flag, that's fine. If you're trying to "infiltrate the alt-right hacker known as Sup Forums", that's also fine. But please stop with this low quality bait. It's getting sad now.
>Our culture
If jews are really behind everything really why would they allow this site to operate , i dont understand
You got your answer already. You just keep trying to strawman.
You clearly know nothing about the Samurai
Because if they tried to exercise power over everything they'd lose their power.
A person can own $10 billion dollars in a company's stocks. A person can use that power wisely, or they can attempt to cash out and watch the value of those stocks plunge. Same concept. Jews aren't dumb.
because the jew fear the samurai
you didnt answer the question, why do jews not shut this site down if they're behind everything? my guess , theyre not behind anything
Delete this and make a new explanation using samurai you nigger
that's a nice gondola
>hurr durr so mysterious and all knowing
Answer his fucking question
Yes. Breed Jew hate IMO. Or keep us all compartmentalized.
Keep in mind that Israel PM's own son (or something) has been using /pol memes in his twitter posts to look more edgy, and thus will draw even MORE attention to the board.
Pic is JIDF proof that Sup Forums has been in their Kike crosshairs for years. And since the 2016 US election, we have Shareblue, CTR, and other SOros/DNC- supported speech groups scouting the place and probing it. Keep your eyes peeled.
>you didnt answer the question
Yes I did.
>why do jews not shut this site down if they're behind everything?
You got your answer. Scroll up.
>my guess , theyre not behind anything
It's not either/or.
why would they allow a site that has a primary purpose of teaching Jew hate to kids be allowed to continue operations seems like the money wouldn't be worth it if some kind of 4th Reich is developing from it
>theyre not behind anything
Do you honestly believe this? Even native americans and gypsies are behind some things
Also why waste time shutting down Sup Forums? there are thousands of websites and even nations that hate on jEws. THey have bigger fish to fry
>Australians get that guilt trip of not having accepted any Jewish refugees in the 1930's
>Melbourne is somehow full of Jews anyway
>Melbourne is the San Francisco of Australia and is corrupting the rest of the country
>what is the Streisand effect
>what is a containment board
In this last of meeting places
We grope together
And avoid speech
Gathered on this beach of the tumid river
glad to see the jidf is alive and well
>help keep the fight alive
This site has resulted in white pride events why would jews want white to come together?
>Implying (((they))) don't profit from Jew hate, too
Who else will pay taxes?
>If Jews are behind everything why would they allow this site to operate?
because contrary to the "muh frog cartoon won the election" narrative, this site is utterly irrelevant in the grand scheme
do you think trump is controlled? to make us feel like we're winning?
no. israel will fall.
I fucking did answer the question, jews use jew hate and pull the jew card, to manipulate the population without a backbone. Omg you said what about the jews, the holocaust was real! You're a racist. We should totally listen to the jews now they're innocent! Said all those pussies. Jews need jew hate.
I'm sure they are working on it, I feel like they have been pushing for antisemitism laws here in the US.
I believe a Jewish company that Kushner is involved with a data-mines this place. Sorry I don't remember the name of it.
I've thought about your question before, sometimes I wonder if it's so they can eventually get antisemitism laws past or to smear all non-SJW types. I'm finding myself drawn to the European identity movement, but then I wonder if that is a trap.
Come on guys, you're better than this. Stop bumping obvious bait, make the shills work for their $0.02.
I'm sure they are working on it, I feel like they have been pushing for antisemitism laws here in the US.
I believe a Jewish company that Kushner is involved with a data-mines this place. Sorry I don't remember the name of it.
I've thought about your question before, sometimes I wonder if it's so they can eventually get antisemitism laws past or to smear all non-SJW types. I'm finding myself drawn to the European identity movement, but then I wonder if that is a trap.
The only thing Sup Forums has ever really done was fuck with shia labeouf
>to make us feel like we're winning?
if you feel like you're winning you're tremendously wrong. even if he is on your side and wants what you want (which is certainly not guaranteed) his entire agenda is being sabotaged and he is getting none of his desired policies through. the Republicans will likely get blown out in 2018 and 2020, having disgusted their own base through having accomplished absolutely nothing despite having all three arms of government under their control, and the Dems will continue their undermining and ruination of your country in their next terms.
The reason sites like this and "nazi" websites etc are kept open is because with Unit 8200 and Talpiot along with cambridge analytica etc they are monitoring the flow of information what people are saying/feeling online to then socially engineer the masses.
Hence why recently we have seen unite the right etc which was organised by (((controlled opposition))) I personally think this is due to them seeing a large influx of people seeing through the holohoax and the international jew so they have to make the normies outraged
and keep that divide n conquer narrative a flowing
>many such cases of self hating Jews
It's an interesting study in how the "melting pot" and "multi cultural" society works both ways. (((They))) infiltrated us in order to destroy us and at the same time they had to drink their own cool aid. That's why Tel Aviv is fag central.
Now lots of "ethnic" Jews are more goyim than the goy and lots of goyim are more Jew than the Jews due to the Jewish influence on our culture..we are now mostly in a state of dog eat dog and societal meltdown..same reason Islam is taking root unchallenged.
Non religious Jews who were born and grew up in the west can now see what their own "tribe" has orchestrated and many of them are not on board with any of it..especially when they know there ultimately is no real difference between a no religious Jew and a gentile and the destruction of western society is their own destruction likewise. If western Jews loved Israel over the west they would have fucked off there decades ago. The Jews here with the positions of power can and will start acknowledging what Jews have been doing all along. Sup Forums is the birth of the neo Jew. Truly gods chosen people.
Oy vey
its pretty obvious you have brainwashing thousands of young men into hating Jews, i don't know why you don't realize this, Jew hate is spammed 24/7 on this board
lol No it isn't. We've done plenty. You're just too newfag to remember any of it.
bogpill me, please
Those eyes, open them.
eyes are open, everyday, and all i see is non stop jew hate on the board every hour of everyday if you think that has little effect youre a fucking noonga, especially to young men who are particularly vulnerable
It's a meme you dip
a hate meme spammed literally 24/7
Listen kid, you're going to believe whatever it is you want to believe. Beat it with that goofy crap. Lurk moar.
if you actually believe this kys
>a hate meme
Why don't you believe Sup Forums is a primarily Jew hate board? when something is spammed 24/7 its clearly more than a meme its powerful propaganda
Pol believing CIA larpers and obvious meme flag morons.
why did a major political discussion forum rise from an anime image board? Because the "direct" political forums have all been compromised.
Also, post Trump election about 80% of pol is lobbyist propaganda.
>shut down Sup Forums
>prove to the world that the jews really are behind everything
>shitposting is decentralized and jew hate spreads to all corners of the internet
They have everything to lose from doing this.
If jews are behind pol it means they want hate?, this site is nothing to be laughed at its a propaganda machine and its probably influenced hundreds of thousands of single mother raised men to hate Jews
wew its been a while since JIDF was openly active here, I thought you decided to let reddit dilute the board culture into oblivion?
ps the confed flag isn't fooling anyone Moshe, try with a pirate flag or an ancap flag next time
More jew hate , how Sup Forums it is primarily a jew hate website after all
hey goyim ..
guess what
the nose knows
Because it's useful. I would argue the Jews are actually using us to some capacity. By allowing us as a focal point they are able to delegitimization us easily. Consider the average normie now has some conceived notion of a poltard. Nazis, frog memes, kek etc. also by our very nature it's a fertile breeding ground in meme wars and psyops. Yes meme warfare is a thing.
That's the thing with conspiracies like this, your (((enemy))) is always in a weird superposition of being all powerful but at the same time not powerful enough to stop you and your "movement"
this is why the whole thing is bullshit, it makes no sense and is self-contradictory