

Some retarded news outlets here in Sweden have talked about how dangerous Russia is and how they're going to attack Sweden. Of course Sweden needs a strong enough army to fight of invaders. But russia, really?

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100% true
Painting out my t-80 into sweden terrain camo

Plz invade, we'll give u a strip of land up north for mobilization

You need a strong army to fight for your country when Rinkeby invades.
As for Russia invading Sweden. Uhm... yeah, sure. Wait..., why would we do that exactly?

Rinkeby? What are they going to do? Rape us?

To steal our mad dota stratz

I'm sorry, swedebro, I didn't know you're already used to it.

Did you ever find those imaginary submarines the americans told you about, lmao, sweden getting played

Only way to save Sweden is a Russian invasion anyway. Any chance this might actually happen? What is Putin planning after he is done in Syria?

Don't let the Cavalry flank you.

They did, actually.
> A sonar signature, which Swedish military claimed to be crucial evidence of a foreign submarine’s presence near Stockholm during the 2014 hunt, came from a “Swedish object,” the country’s defense minister has admitted.

sauce: sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=83&artikel=6451552

Its sad how Sweden-Russia relations have gone so bad in the last 4 years. Almost back to cold war levels with minimum diplomatic interaction. I don't get triggered easily but our foreign minister and her plan to "run feminist foreign diplomacy" has really fucked Sweden.

I know, right. If it helps, there is absolutely no animosity towards Swedes among Russians.

Guess who is behind it all
There is someone telling Sweden who our enemies are.
Telling us what we need to do to fend off an invasion and how we should conduct our training with them.
They don't want us to be neutral in this war, they want us on their side so they can use our land and assets.

Fuck that, I didn't sign up for VDV to get raped by 20 nogs the moment I hit the ground.

kys cuck, every Swede should hate the R*ssan subhumans.

Havent they always? Every military need an enemy, a reason to exist and Russia is the best attempt we can find in finding an enemy because we have a history and losing our dear Finland to them gave us mental scars that will remain forever.

Beside Russia would have a W/O if they came here, not because they are strong but because pretty much noone is willing to defend this clay any more. Who is stupid enough to die for the Swedish government? Not the new Afghan/somali swedes anyway and definitly not the old swedes that where betrayed by the swedish government, the ruling class. The civil war cant come soon enough.

Don't worry, you can hire enough invading Arabs and Africans to form your army protecting cucked to death Swedes from Russia.

Why is that every shill swaps out a letter for * when describing nationalities, ethnicities, etc?

Nah, it's not. Russian invasion would never work here, you'd see guerilla forces holding up in the wilderness of Lappland for a thousand years, seriously it's one of the most well suited areas for guerilla warfare in the world. Swedish archipelago is too.

Thing is, there have been way too many wars between Russia and Sweden in the past as well as us having been fed anti-Russian propaganda for so long ( during Soviet times it was justified, but now it's just feminists and cucks that hate Russia). After the 2018 election if we see a victory from SD which is almost guaranteed at this point, diplomatic relations with russia as well as our neighbours will dramatically improve.


Most Swedes hate Russians like the pest, rightfully so.

What I mean by this just to clarify is that it would never work as in it would just be another Vietnam or Afghanistan. Russians would essentially capture every important city and position and then you'd have Lars, Björn and Tor sitting out in the gigantic forests just doing guerilla shit for all eternity. Russians would never gain popular support for their invasion basically.

FYI Sweden has already been invaded.

Lurk moar cockfag, and you'll see what I mean.

Yes it's an Sup Forums meme from this one turk autist who always wrote K*rds instead of Kurds, maybe you need to lurk more.

Why would you hate them? Hate the niggers and muslims that invade our country instead of people who share history ( albeit a bloody one) and to some extent, blood, with us.


I hate both equally much because they're the same.

>meme flag

every fucking time

You a are target of opportunity, Sven.

That's fucking retarded.

t. never met Russians

They behave like niggers in every single way. They're about as intelligent, as violent, as egoistic and as evil aswell.

Don't be so sure.
Israel (USAs greatest ally) is SDs top financial backer, they won't let SD make Sweden pro Russia.

This desu.

Russians are basically white niggers with imperialistic ambitions

Dagens Nyheter have NATO shilling pieces every week. In a recent editorial about the Aurora 17 operation they tried to paint a significant portion of NATO opposition and criticism as "suspect" and people are labeled as "Putin lackeys and anti-democrats". It would be nice to be able to read nuanced articles about these issues, but Swedish newspapers just keep embarrassing themselves.

Why would any country act like they have an army. They will hide behind America, criticizing and condemning the entire time. "Look how successful we are, and we don't spend x amount of bux on military." Cept GB and Aussies, u guys still cool.

You didnt know Rus(sia) (Bela)rus come from warrior/vikings that moved to that area? Russia is a multicultural mix that include viking blood and history. Its also said that Oden came from the east, (Russia). Cant see any reason to hate russians.

Why are you home at this time, shouldnt you be at school studying history?

Show your flags...

mfw people think "sweden" exists

Sounds like a good excuse to increase military spending.
Not a bad idea.

Just put another gay neon sign on the bortder and you'll be fine.

This. The current Russia narrative is entirely manufactured by our kike media and kike puppet government.

Estonian russians aren't that presentable, but St petersburgian russians are extremely civilized.

GO RUSSIA!!! Шaйбa Шaйбa Шaйбa


> Russians the same as niggers and mudslimes

Sure, let's alienate Russia and make up stories about muh impending Russian invasion, after all who the fuck do those filthy slavs think they are. Sweden stronk! How's those famous Russian-controlled no-go zones doing? Many rapes by Russian immigrants? Thought so.

Fucking imbeciles, instead of uniting against the common enemy faggots like you just want to face them on their own. How's that been going for you, Sven? Still begging Ahmed to use anal lube or has your arsehole widened enough by now to do without?

lad...you cant even fend off the invaders coming in right now whom are unarmed

at least we keep ours in calle france,feels good to be an island

>Fighting off invaders

You let it the third world on the tax payers expense, that is far worse than invasion, you have actually enslaved yourself to the enemy.

There is no nation on earth which has exhibited a more cucked behavior than that.

Here in finland establishment trolls divide people by - Uneducated racist russobots- Enlightened and environmental loving liberals.

Sven I hate to break this to you but you guys were successfully invaded years ago.

If not Russia than who? Estonia?

Sweden would use us as a shield as always.

If Finland falls,Sweden would surrender without fighting(they would anyway lol)

Russia should nuke Sweden, it's the only way

Lmao have you never been in the army? When I was in we were told our entire function was to stall the russians for 17hours while waiting for the US to come save us


Good thing that Sweden gives shelter to all those poor, oppressed ISIS and Al-Quaeda fighters on its soil. They will do great as a backbone of new swedistanian army - their experience in battling and killing kuffar will prove quintesential in defending from Russian aggression.

our army would fail in less than 5 minutes, its made up of a bunch of faggots because our army has to be diverse. also lets not forget the niggers.

What a coincidence. I just read a tweet that discussions about opening up trade between us and russia will begin tomorrow.

When I was visiting some Finnish friends and we got drunk they told me that most Finns (apart from some old people) have nothing against Russians, it's just extremely frowned upon to express that opinion publicly.

Pragmatism is the key word here, spooks like a russian threat is pretty lowbrow and many know it.

It's good to have polite friends.

I see what you did there, but
> drunk finns
> polite and pc

sure, mate.

:) no, but realy, I know You guys can be bros on personal level. But people are concerned about your country for a reason. Even in Finland.

source that they finance them? it makes a lot of sense but i'd still like to have proof so i can present it to SD fags

Hope to God we're not going with the retarded globalists and yankee cock suckers by joining NATO. Russia is not our problem and has no reason to be our problem but NATO is anti-Russia military alliance so it'd ruin our relations and trade with Russia.

This is nothing new, it's been known and discussed for years over on swedish forums.

And what reason would that be? Like, an actual rational reason without factoring in media hysteria and the need to have an enemy to justify any decision you want. You can't seriously believe that Russia would invade Finland/Sweden/lolbalts/Poland etc., can you? So what is it? Ancient leftover USSR history?
(still the same user from different device)

You've just invaded Ukraine. Russian army train nuclear strike on Warsaw, Berlin etc every year. Russian gov is financing extreme parties all across Europe. I don't think you'll attack a NATO member or Finland in the nearest future though. But not because you don't wan't to.

>Swedish army
>offering their supple fuck holes to their enemy to pacify them
>Implying this stopped the Russians in Germany after WWII

I'd bet thats because they are the real, native, huhwhyte russians. Thats why their fucking city is the richest in Russia, the most developed and one of the best cities in the world, not a gopnik-vatnik-churka ridden city that has 50 % of its gdp in producing Krokodil and drinking-grade bath lotions

> invaded ukraine
I see. After their democratically elected president was overthrown in a coup that the EU/US had absolutely nothing to do with. Are poles taught in schools that USSR invaded peace-loving Germany during wwii yet, Wacław?

Your military is defending a degenerate shithole. I wouldn't be surprised if they defected.

the "army" will then actively work with the EU, because its actually EU army, filled with people of questionable skincolor

and its target is small resistance hotspots in sweden, first called racists, later when there is not many of them anymore labeled as "russians" and after 100years nobody think of the the resistance as racist swedish people, but russians

dont believe me? see how they changed the whole damn history and continue change it hard that every person ever in history was a black person if the person is looked as heroic in any way

:) So you at least agree, you invaded Ukraine. To the secon part of your comment where you changed the subject - No. They teach us that Germany attacked USRR. But before it happend you guyes and Hitler were allies.

being invaded by ruskies seems like an upgrade to somalis

das rite, we partitioned and butchered poland with the commies.
Probably one of our lowest points in history, close to the blackening of Europe

swedish people need a big bad enemy to project their hatred onto. and since its socially unacceptable to be "racist" to non-whites, eastern europeans and russians became the victims of that hatred.

Sweden should be greatfull if Russia even tried to salvage the muslim wasteland.

Somalis rape and pillage do it because they're animals. Russians just want to systematically hurt anyone who isn't them.

>swedes fighting
You cunts haven't been in a war for 300 years

Besides, it doesn't even matter if Russia invades. They're the least of your worries as far as the future of Sweden is concerned.

> EU/US overthrows democratic government
Good. Muh freedom.
> Russia tries to protect its interests
Bad. Muh occupation.

Hard to argue with that logic. Good day to you.

>Yes goyim, protect against the huge Russian invasion that they're planning. They're going to destroy your country and rape your women!

Fact is, anti-Russia shills are probably among the worst enemies against the Swedish people that exist right now. Russia isn't threatening Sweden and are a complete non-issue right now, especially considering all the other problems that exist now. Being taught to hate other white and Christian people, while at the same time being told to show tolerance towards Muslim subhumans is just a too obvious Jewish divide-and-conquer.

Not to mention that it's incredibly immature to be butthurt about a war that was literally lost several hundred years ago, which wasn't even fought in the Swedish heartland.

Having strong army doesn't hurt, even if the reason for it is stupid.

Where do they get the idea that Russia wants to attack Sweden anyways?

Sweden was neutral in WW2 and the Cold War.

Russia liked it that way and there's no reason for Russia to have this change.

What part of Ukraine was invaded?

Well, Sweden has a lot of Jihadis now. They defeat the Soviets once.

Just remember them that russians aren't white and it would stop working.

>implying Swedes have the guts to fight anyone

Whatever you say, Fez :)

You have a tendency to change the subject every time you feel the arguments aren't going the direction you planned.
But playing along: Yes, I do believe there is a difference between supporting the democratic changes (with money and know-how) and armed invasion to "defend your intrests".

Not saying that it is alway a case with USA. There are plenty of countries in South America and middle east that don't like US cause they did something similar that you are doing in Ukraine. In this part of the world though, US involvement is very positive. Find one place on Earth where they would say - oh yes, It was great when Russians came :D

Your argument that you can do bad things cause someone else olso does bad things is retarded beyond recognition. But at least you are honest agian about your countries bad intentions.

I hope you'll have a great day as well.

Crimea and some eastern territories.

use your power of tolerance and diversity to fight against russian army.