
How many genders and sexualities even are there?


Poo on a dick is a rainbow because luv.

a lot

Genders only 2
Sexualities? Only 2 and a shit load of deviants

gender is a spectrum, asking how many there are is stupid, you have to define what level of granularity you're damanding, the most abstract you can make the gender spectrum though is
People with more intersex traits
and people with less intersex traits

sexuality is a gendered trait so it is subject to the above. technically you don't need any more information than that, anything else is just bonus information we decide is important because lol humanity. the idea that evolution is static when it comes to the sexes magically is a right wing reactionary retarded idea, because supposedly intellectually superior men are still competitive enough that they feel threatened that dumb sjws being wrong about something makes them feel like they cant be even more wrong about something.

Women are objects.


All I'm reading is "We don't have x mental disorders, we have how many disorders fit on the autism spectrum."
There are 2 genders, and 2 sexes.

>what level of granularity
For 200 000 years we did just fine with the binary distinction and there is no good reason to start hairsplitting over "intersex traits" now. The vast majority (meaning 99.9%) of people fit the category of either biological male or female.

Why can't we just agree that people fall in love sometimes and not have to define a trillion sexualities to cover every possible relationship?

Wow, wow where this fucking antifa communist fags came all of the sudden?

Gender has no spectrums, there is 3 fucking genders period.
And in the case of some species and individuals hermaphrodite.

There is no spectrums, there is no light core dykes and hard core faggots, even then you are a deviant, someone who deviated and a mental case

Genders? 2
Male and Female.

Sexualities? 3
Straight, gay, bisexual
And I'm being generous with the second and last.

Everything else is either a progressive meme or an undiagnosed mental disorder.


>durr i'm so retarded i cant even count the number of people with intersex traits
you should just kill yourself because nobody deserves to deal with someone as bad at math as you are.
you're litterally the obamaonmuslism of intersex shit
>muh 99.9% of muslims

>muh buzzwords
nice arguement
>muh nuh uh
evolution says differently you dumb nigger
how you passed 8th grade biology is a mysteryl.

We are all of one gender, the Human Gender.

How do we stop the bestiality problem among white women?

ok rate my opinion

genders: cis and trans, with some rare exclusions like bigender or agender, most people are cis

sexualities: heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual (pansexual is the same but if you're bi you usually have preferences, and if you're pan you just don't care about pertner's sex and gender, i don't think this should be a separate sexuality), asexual

Because it literally multiplies by itself every single minute. It's impossible to keep track of 83878375890371802923 mental disorders. Also, some antifa/commie faggot is triggered. This is why you don't come to this board with your progressive/anarchist/leftie bullshit.
>being autistic
Checks out

Look you fucking faggot I know you want to bring your gender studies here but in this board we usually deal with facts instead of whatever made up shit your comie teachers are regurgitating to you on a daily basis just do they don't feel bad they are childless and single in their 50's.

But their is only 2 genders and hermaphrodites who have both genitalia but even they are sane enough to identify as either one or the other, just because you fuck dogs and everything that crawls doesn't mean you discover a new gender, it means your sick in the fucking head and probably sick in the ass too

Gender refers to genitals, there is only 2 types of genitals in human species, there is no spectrums unless you count the size of them

you can't /thread yourself
but i agree

le german cuck

Infinite, my child.

2 genders
4 sexes.

Trans people are just extreme homosexuals.

But most of the EU are either cucks or asking for sheckles. And then there's Germany, who's running Europe for either the 4th, 5th or 6th time in History.

>mfw spell check changes ruining to running
>mfw Jewgle likes Jewmany
>kill me

Think of it like religious denominations but for sexual identity, basically anything goes and theirs a title for each different variable sets. If there isn't all you have to do is make a name for it. The ability to alter their sexual identity is the god of this religion because its the only thing they live/express themselves by. It's the only thing that brings them happiness and comfort is to share communion with this deity that represents their preferred version of sexual liberation.
Unfortunately, with all religions their comes a level of insanity and cult fanaticism. Enemies of the cult are considered outsiders to their religion and equal to a demon. Normalcy is the only thing that challenges the happiness they perceive in their religious experience. It just so happens that the right does a great job of being that threat.
These people need help and someone to care about them on a familial level as they are not able to find sanity on their own terms or the toxic ideologues they surround themselves with daily. So thus, their insanity will continue until their actions reach a point of death through intention such as suicide or self harm generated diseases or killed off by an external threat that has deems their personal safety more important.

gender refers to self-identification, sex refers to biology
(or i'm stupid bc in my language "gender" only means genders and it's a loanword, while in english it also means sex)
> no spectrum

This many.

6 million

Leave it to France to try and explain faggotry

Never seen that barcode before

2 sexes = 2 genders
>male, female

2 orientations
>heterosexual, abomination

There is no self identification you fucking idiot, you don't classify your self just because you're feel special.

Liberals are supposed to be the smart ones and respect science in science there are rules and one of the rules are the one of classification, you don't brake rules just because you're a special snow flake and feel entitled to your very own cubicle.

You're classified according to your evolutionary traits and you either have a dick or a pussy, there is no in between except in those freaks who have both.

There is no spectrums, you don't send science in to chaos just cuss you feel special

You're right, the actual number is probably closer to 99.99%, intersex people are incredibly rare and statistically insignificant. It's fine to discuss the phenomenon in biology or psychology class, but we shouldn't reorganize our societies to cater to an extreme minority.

Good goys! You listened in college!

Try looking up Gender in the dictionary.

>The state of being male or female; the members of one or the other sex.

Virtually none of trannies have these conditions. We should find a way to meme transgenderism into a mockery of actual disabilities, just like it would be insensitive to pretend to be blind or crippled.

2 but there is a spectrum between them.

Nine hundred and eleven of them, faggot.sage

This are not spectrums, this are diviatons aka birth defects, this are kids born with either pussy or dick but the dick is all fucked up, like the one with the euretra opening along the shaft

Chromosome xy :man
Chromosome xx : woman

Atleast that what I know

2 genders = sex

Men and objects.


Hey, fuck you man.



There are 2 (two) genders, that's not exactly difficult to understand. Regardless of the number of masculine or feminine traits you posess, you are either male or female, there are no other options.

Sexuality is a bit more complicated, because sexuality itself is loosely defined, some people say having a kink or fetish affects your sexuality, your lifestyle affects your sexuality, etcetera, but for the sake of convenience let's say that sexuality defines the gender you're attracted to the most. According to this definition, you can be either Heterosexual, Homosexual, or Bisexual.

So, in theory, if we're being somewhat reasonable, there are two genders and three sexualities.

Once people start programming sexbots, how many of them do you think are going to end up programmed as Ladettes?

2 genders. 1 sexuality that actually matters.

2, but birth defects might deform you into a third or fourth. Those aren't evolved genders though.
Two; straight monogamous and straight promiscuous, but birth defects might deform you into any of a large number of sexualities. Those aren't evolved sexualities though.
Fair enough?