Serious question. Why the left fear to this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Looked fun as fuck. Dues must be a bitch tho. I bet they charge over 1k a semester

Everyone needs a Boogeyman, except for pol - that never happens here

We have real stances and ironic bogeymen. The other guys have ironic stances and real bogeymen.

The fear Chad Nationalism

I'm going to give your post a genuine chew. You may have something there

Really boggles mi joggles

>ywn be american and experience frat life
>why even live?

because look at them they are in better shape that the left will ever be save for like a handful most of the left are all fucking twigs,fats,fags & women who the fuck do you think who'd win in an all out war?

why do americans shave their chest? are they faggots?

That picture is So. Fucking. Gay.

What do you mean "are they"?


Someone make a pikappa Chad walk meme

Because the Left's leaders are beholden to (((globalist bankers))) who make their wealth by selling the West to the rest of the world.

I've never seen a guy with a shaved chest. When using the term "Americans", keep in mind you're speaking of the 3rd most populated country on earth.

I don't get it honestly. I don't do it.

>Half of the guys in the picture have varying degrees of gynecomastia.

I've never seen something more superficial than this shit

Body hair is gross, you fucking monkey. Male or female.

Maybe some light hair on arms/legs is tolerable, but nothing too caveman-ish, especially for girls. Face, armpits, torso, crotch, and ass ALL need to be either diligently de-haired or permanently hidden from view.


No, it's not. Girls find it masculine you weak pussyboi. Are you even able to grow a mustache?


What's even more bizarre: They shave their entire bodies, except the armpits and dick, which are the only places that actually need to be shaved due to hygene
Fucking subhuman faggots

Goddamn, they are so ugly, not even trying, even potato people look better.

>Girls find it masculine

Clearly they do over there, just look at who they're dumping you for.

We shave our dick, but not our ass like you do. It's also very easy to be well groomed even though you have hair on your chest and face.

Surrender to Chad Nationalism m8

This. Pic related is the peak form.

Because their chest hair grows in patches due to high amount of xenoestrogens they consume. Its like when you start going bald, its better just to shave it all.

The average American youth today:

I see one black guy on the photo.


>Who is more responsible to inequality : frightened white kid waving some flag or A banker , businessman like warren buffett and jeff bezos , zuckerberg?

Because Left only serve corporation elite

fucking democrat keep saying "Evil white men do this, do that"
but never mentioned "evil corporation" do this or do that

what they want is White working class and minority fight each other

meanwhile elite live in gated community laugh at people

having luxury life without any interruption what so ever

Frontal baldness absent?
What do you mean Ahmed?

To hell with these backwards-hat wearing, dindu-music-loving drunken d-bags. Retards.

now thats a thinker

Serious question:

How many times has this young lady been passed around?

Chad nationalism wars now gas the betas!!!


I wager she's sucked every dick in that house.

Have gay shills taken over frat houses too (or just that one), and modifying then with gayness? A lot of that looked like it was made for gay demographics, especially the end. Like an introduction video to a new gay porn studio.

I wouldn't be surprised, what with how these gay faggot shills here go on.

I can honestly say this is the chad-est video i have seeing in my entire life

don't miss the 'playing xbox' instead of any Japanese console

I am impressed, desu