Stop saying black man, there are no such thing as black men. Some men may have a darker complexion (Portuguese, spaniards, Greeks) but they are not "black" any black skinned creature is evil, full of sin and a beast of the field.
Stop saying black man, there are no such thing as black men. Some men may have a darker complexion (Portuguese...
> any black skinned creature is evil, full of sin and a beast of the field.
So, niggers?
Let's start with the basics, what is a beast of the field? In Leviticus chapter 26 they go into detail about what the beast of the field actually is.
In verse 21 God has this to say "And if ye walk contrary unto me, and will not hearken unto me; I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins."
If you walk contrary to me, I will bring seven times more plagues upon you. Right afterwards I'm verse 22 he says " I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children, and destroy your cattle, and make you few in number; and your high ways shall be desolate."
He will send beasts, who will kidnap our children, they will kill our cattle, they will make our population fall, and make our high ways desolate. Some of this sounds familiar, let's compare these verses to a situation that has happened in recent times
I'm breaking this up into multiple posts, I have done a lot of reading on why niggers and possibly others are not actually human and I will explain my reasoning. Give me a chance to post I won't reply to posts very quickly
> I have done a lot of reading on why niggers and possibly others are not actually human
Don't think it's such a complex problem, but you might surprise me.
What distinguishes man from beast? Do niggers have it?
I think answering those two questions suffices.
In South Africa, what was once a country that peaked at 40% white now has very few whites, what happened?
Well if we go back to the 1950's at the time Africa was only about 40% of Europes population, and at that time South Africa was one of the safest and wealthiest countries on the planet, it was considered a first world, civilized western country, in the 1950's something terrible happened though it's called secularisation.
In the 1960's Europe started to become largely secular and liberal, this started in the 50's but went into full gear in the next decade it was after this point africas population grew tremendously and now surpasses Europe by a few hundred millions.
Going back to South Africa, we can see some of the warnings from Leviticus apply to the situation there. I will send wild beasts among you, most of the niggers there are not native theyre foreign, they will rob you of your children many children were murdered in the European genocide that took place many probably kidnapped as well, destroy your cattle look at he destruction the niggers did in the farms, this image I found by searching South African farm murders, I didn't search for cattle! They will make you few in number the white population of South Africa is maybe 10% today compared to 40% of the total at its peak, make your high ways desolate, today South Africa is extremely poor and extremely unsafe there are travel advisories against going there when at one time adverts for holidays there were extremely common.
I will get into it don't worry, I always thought niggers were just dumb humans but I saw the truth in Gods words and the predictions from Leviticus have come true.
We have literally only covered two verses, there's still a lot more but I hope already you guys are seeing the connection. Let's continue with Jonah,
In Jonah 3:8 we see this "But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily unto God: yea, let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands."
So it says here let man and beast be covered in sack cloth clothes, so there is a type of beast who wears clothing that is obviously man made, I don't think people back then made little coats for their dogs like they do today. It goes onto say cry mightily unto God, so there is this beast he wears clothing, and he can cry unto God? And look at the last two, let him turn away from his evil ways and the violence in his HANDS. it doesn't say paws or anything, it clearly states hands. This has to be a humanoid type animal such as an ape, or a nigger.
am I supposed to have a dark complexion? what went wrong?
In 2 Peter 2:12 it says this
But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
It clearly states some type of beast they speak evil of things they don't understand, there is a type of beast that can speak in our language that is human language! We know parrots can talk but they imitate what they hear, they can't have a proper conversation, but there is a type of beast that has hands, is violent, and can cry to God he can obviously speak if he's crying to God. It says they shall perish in their own corruption, well look at the continent with the most corruption, the continent with the most poverty it's Africa, but wait there's more.
2 Peter 2:14 says "Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children:"
These brutish, corrupt beasts, they commit adultery and in their hearts they are covetous. Look at Africa again this time in Zimbabwe, what did Mugabe want? He wanted the whites out and for the niggers to have what they had, he couldn't understand how they got it just he knew that's what he wanted for his kind.
One last verse from 2 Peter, in Verse 17 of chapter 2 it says "These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever."
"Darkness is reserved forever"
What could this mean? It could mean their physical appearance? compare the nigger to Europeans, Orientals even Injuns his skin is black as coal, he is covered in darkness. Even when mixed the children still retain the dark skin, aboriginal Australians when they mix within 3 generations will look entirely European, I think you guys are smart enough to connect the dots here.
Many Greeks do, some don't South Europeans are definitely darker than Northern Europeans that's just a fact,
A lot of us already realize we have a relic population of homo erectus living among us. Now figure out how to prove it to the libtards.
Funny thing is there are black people that look like that picture , especially the kid
I write whole paragraphs on why niggers are not people, and you still call them people. I hope I wasn't wasting my time and I get through to at least one person.
>Portuguese, spaniards, Greeks
Yes but they are obviously men, our skeletal structure is the same as theirs, we don't have the same skeletal structure as a nigger that alone should be enough to separate the two of us.
i just call them apes
True they are the sons of Ham who mixed with the last daughter of Cain.
They're an evil race cursed by God.
They are a type of ape
>I saw the cursing of Cham. But Sem and Japhet received from Noe on their knees the Blessing. It was delivered to them with ceremonies similar to those used by Abraham when giving over the same Blessing to Isaac. I saw the curse pronounced by Noe upon Cham moving toward the latter like a black cloud and obscuring him. His skin lost its whiteness, he grew darker. His sin was the sin of sacrilege, the sin of one who would forcibly enter the Ark of the Covenant. I saw a most corrupt race descend from Cham and sink deeper and deeper in darkness. I see that the black, idolatrous, stupid nations are the descendants of Cham. Their color is due, not to the rays of the sun, but to the dark source whence those degraded races sprang.
Russian in denial
This is what it could mean when it says they're cursed with darkness. They were cursed with their dark skin, I need to do more reading on the subject but I just wanted to show you guys what I found. Early morning Sup Forums is a lot better because all the shills are asleep and liberals sleep in everyday
look up the visions of the blessed Anne-Catherine Emmerich
Not true.
> faggot soviet commie nomenclatura diaspora offspring detected.
> manlets
> skeletal structure the same
Fuck off.
I'm a black girl. I've never hurt anyone and I try to be kind to people. Why are you saying I'm not human? It hurts my feelings. ;(
an hero
Black people are objectively the same species, because we can produce fertile offspring with them, although maybe sub-species.
All your bible verses tell me is that the ancient Hebrews were redpilled on niggers.
> flag
You have to go back, indians are not negroid.
also Cham means black in Hebrew
Go back to where? My family has been here for centuries, started with slavery. I don't even look African during slavery my ancestors were occasionally impregnated by whites.
>Go back to where?
I mean they've got the same proportions, skull shape is the same all that. A nigger has longer legs and a smaller body, larger jaw, bigger nasal cavity, larger cranium.
Because you aren't
Tigers and lions can make babies, donkeys and horses can make babies, we are made up of the same building blocks but those blocks are used to make something different, the nigger lacks something the image of God, we are made in his image.
It looks like you aren't in America... so I'm nowhere near you.
T...thanks estonia.
And here i was loving your country and shit.
Hell my complexion is so white,your people wouldn't even realize i was a foreigner. Why the hatred?
If blacks aren't human how come the offspring of blacks and whites aren't sterile and can procreate?
>can't think beyond self-interest
I'd act surprised, if I was.
Lots of things can mix and make offspring, we do it with fruits and vegetables all the time. We are close enough that we can make offspring, much of the same building blocks were used but the bible is clear, God consisers them to be beasts he made them less human than us. Think about it, no nigger anywhere in the world can speak with a proper English accent, look at a oriental who was born and raised in Canada or America, if you hear him on the phone you might not be able to tell he's oriental, a nigger no matter what you can always tell apart. Why? Well he sounds different the same way a parrot sounds different when it speaks English, it just can't properly emulate our speech because he's a different species, he's made up differently from us
>how come the offspring of blacks and whites aren't sterile
That's easily fixed.
>any black skinned creature is evil, full of sin and a beast of the field.
yes, niggers
do you define human as homo sapiens? homo sapiens could procreate with neanderthals just fine, and probably homo habilis and all the rest.
That makes no sense. Just remember that hate is a choice. You don't have to go down this path. Goodbye.
Read all my posts, that's the point of this thread to show niggers aren't human there's no such thing as a "based black man" sure some may not kill you, there's friendly bears in the woods too but would you risk it and go say hi to a random bear?
Lethally inject coons
which colour is pic related then?
The shitposers are waking up I forgot it's 8am in Atlantic time
the niggest
Yo can you add
" Ένα γαμημένο φύλο "
To this? Literally means "a fucking leaf"
>Tigers and lions can make babies
but those babies can't make babies
>donkeys and horses can make babies
but those babies can't make babies
because they're separate species, but you know what can make babies
the offspring of two distinct subspecies of a species, for example Bengal tigers and Siberian tigers or Grizzly bears and Polar bears or white people and niggers
Of course racemixing isn't something I want happening, but it's possible whether you like it or not
Okay, you atheists think niggers are human, that's fine with me but God says they're not human God says they're evil, violent, full of adultery and that's why they're cursed with their blackness.
>a nigger no matter what you can always tell apart
It's because you can hear the nigger lips flapping in the background. If they were white skinned we would just call them ugly.
right, and the world was also created in seven days?
you really need to leave this dead jew on a stick meme religion behind you
I have previously stated many times that all we need to do is cut off our foreign aid/donations and eventually the nigger problem with sort itself out.
Niggers spawning more niggers should be a crime against humanity.
>any black skinned creature is evil, full of sin and a beast of the field.
glad to see we're in agreement
Kek at "supistas lapas"
It means "Contract your shoulder blade" in Finnish
Why waste Africa? It's prime real estate. No reason to leave it unsettled by man.
>because it is based on Platon's Greek philosophy which means Hellenic culture is still affecting the world.
Give up britard. You had a little empire and that's that. Just stop denying the existance of a superior being that gives the humans reason to exist.
No it's six days and Jesus isn't dead he is living in Heaven at the right hand of God
We need to turn back the clock and undo the damage liberals and secularists have done, humanity was on the right track but things went backwards very quickly back to the old Weimar days but throughout the whole western world now,
Niggers are entirely dependent on white people, if we stopped supporting them I am more than positive over half the population will be dead by the end of the year.
We are not superheros by feeding a dependent population. We are only making the situation worse.
So you solve half the problem.
>Go outside, get called a cracker
>Go on pol, get called a nigger
Its a hell of a life.
I appreciate that Portugal unlike other European powers at least tried to keep control of Africa as long as it could, not giving independence until the 1970's.
>any black skinned creature is evil
Starship troopers military coup when?
A fine example of "Homo erectus" right there
Fucking hell that woman apes face is creepy af, what's your theory in a nutshell canabro?
>Cham's descendants likewise had similar relations with the evil spirits after the Deluge, and from such connection sprang so many demoniacs and necromancers, so many mighty ones of the world, so many great, wild, daring men.
> There were already many people upon the earth. Cain was very old and had children. Abel also left children, and there were other brothers and sisters, the children of Adam. But God replied that it would not be so; that whoever should kill Cain should himself be punished sevenfold, and He placed a sign upon him that no one should slay him. Cain's posterity gradually became colored. Cham's children also were browner than those of Sem. The nobler races were always of a lighter color.
>They who were distinguished by a particular mark engendered children of the same stamp; and as corruption increased, the mark also increased until at last it covered the whole body, and people became darker and darker. But yet in the beginning there were no people perfectly black; they became so only by degrees.
nice post
>When Thubal, the son of Japhet, with his own children and those of his brother Mosoch, sought counsel of Noe as to the country to which they should migrate, they were fifteen families in number, Noe's children already extended far around, and the families of Thubal and Mosoch also dwelt at some distance from Noe. But when Noe's children began to quarrel and oppress one another, Thubal desired to remove still farther off. He wanted to have nothing to do with Cham's descendants, who were already thinking of building the Tower. He and his family heeded not the invitation received later to engage in that undertaking, and it was declined also by the children of Sem.
>Thubal with his troop of followers appeared before Noe's tent, asking for directions as to whither he should go. Noe dwelt upon a mountain range between Libanus and Caucasus. He wept when he saw Thubal and his followers, for he loved that race, because it was better, more God-fearing than others. He pointed out a region toward the northeast, charged them to be faithful to the commands of God and to the offering of sacrifice, and made them promise to guard the purity of their descent, and not to intermingle with the descendants of Cham.
> and not to intermingle with the descendants of Cham.
> and not to intermingle with the descendants of Cham.
> and not to intermingle with the descendants of Cham.
> and not to intermingle with the descendants of Cham.
Good job man, Taking verses from the bible out of context and using it as some sort of evidence that black people are "beast". Back in biblical times there were many tribes that acted like "beast", and were uncivilized that were not black. Saying that the issues we are going today is a result of straying away from god even though modern christian leaders support immigration from third world countries. In short your theory is bullshit psuedo racial science mixed with random versus from a book written by some brown hermit from the middle east.
Dogs and wolves can have no-sterile offspring.
Ham, the youngest son of Noah, is Hebrew for black (darkskinned). All his offspring is cursed.
Ham is the Hebrew rendition of the name of the Egyptians, which was Kemet in ancient Egyptian and Kimi in "modern" Coptic.
They named Noah's sons and grandsons after the most popular nations at the time and expanded them to include those nations' neighbours / kinsmen. So for example, Ham (from Kmt / Egypt) was the founder of Egypt and by extension all north African nations, Shem (from Semites) was the founder of the Hebrews and the Arabs, Japheth (from Iapetos) and his son Iavan (from the Greek tribe of Ionians/Iawones) was the founder of the Greeks and Europeans, and so on.
I'm not sure if Hebrews had been in contact or were aware of sub-Saharan Africa when the Old Testament was written.
Cant we just call them a different subspecies like science? White, Arab, black, East Asian seem like the human sub species to me.
Oh, and obviously the reason they cursed Ham and his sons was because of Egypt's expansion in Canaan at the time and the """"enslavement"""" of the Canaanites.
hey white racists,
any of you know sub-races scientifically among subsaharan africans?
serious question.
So are humans you ass, we've just been able to rise above the natural state of being for animals.
You mean the different peoples of sub-saharan Africa?
That would be the Bantus / West Africans, ie. the "black American", the Pygmies, who are the really short folks in pockets of Central Africa (more widely before the Bantu expansion), the Khoisan, who are essentially the proto-Human, Nilotics, who are really tall and pitch-black in skin, and the Horners who are essentially black-skinned wh*Tes.
Also no white, red or yellow.
Sto being racist.
Servals and housecats dont even share a genus and have fertile offspring
the largest and mst distinct ones are bantu, capoid, nilotic, ethiopoid, jet black niggers that were mostly killed by the bantu but still live scattered around in the deep jungle
ou could subdivide them by ercentage of mixing with homo habilis and other extremely primituve himinids but you will hav eto wait maybe 6 more years for that
Nilotics are the jet-black ones, and they are being killed by Arabs in Sudan, not Bantu
The one affected by the Bantu expansions and now living in the jungles are the Pygmies, the really short ones, who are also thought to be related to the so-called Negrito people of southeast Asia
so bantus (typical negroid) have been expanding and replacing other black subraces. interesting.
its a famous event called he bantu expansion
niggers were some of the larges scale genociders
More than 6 million genocided?
well in this case six gorillion is fairly accurate
I wouldn't say they replaced them entirely, but they were much larger in numbers and interbred with them, so finding "pure" examples of the old sub-races isn't very easy
So, for example the Xhosa people are considered Bantu, but they are obviously related to the Khoisan/Capoid people, and it shows both in their appearance and their language (which contains "clicks" despite the fact that it's a Bantu language). Likewise, many central African nations are short like the Pygmies (though not quite as short as pure Pygmies), but speak Bantu languages nonetheless.
If you want to see just how diverse Africa is in peoples, take a look at Cush people (Horners), Yoruba (very robust Bantoid tribe), San people (Khoisan), Dinka (Nilotics) and the Mbuti (Pygmies).
It literally means black, m8. And that his descendants were cursed is a well-documented fact accepted by all 3 Abrahamic religions.
Pic related is the islamic view, for good reference. Basically the same.
some of them are pure bantus and some of them just their rapebabies
I feel like I should've known about such a large scale genocide. They happen all the time in Africa yet people freak out about small scale ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia.
That's made-up
What I said is the 100% correct interpretation
Only the Tutsi are more or less decent folks, and maybe a handful of minor tribes. The ones that don't practice cannibalism and human sacrifice.
you should write an article about this topic and publish it on the internet. I can't find detailed sources in english. this is a very big lack of information.