Remember Hatred?

Remember Hatred?
The studio that made that game has made another small game, with the player defending the coasts of Europe from an ISIS invasion and the game trailer has been removed from youtube for a "violating YouTube's Terms of Service".
The trailer on steam:

>stationary shooter
>not even VR
meh, would probably get old after the first thousand snackbars

The game is whatever.

>This game is our small side-project and is our personal veto against what
>is happening in the Middle East nowadays. As well as an attempt at
>resurrecting a pretty dead genre of games like „Operation Wolf” or
>„Beach Head” – in a state of the art, modern adaptation.

it's a boring piece of shit game with shitty AI, gunplay and graphics.

Fuck off, it's a shit game.
Obviously the team had no idea what was fun about Hatred and failed to build upon it with a sequel

I'm looking at OP's pic; is this supposed to be the same Hatred guy?

I doubt it was supposed to be a sequel.

yeah, but it's 6 eurobucks. I'd expect something like that to be half that price, tbchon with you.

You're missing the point.
The official game trailer was removed by youtube for violating the ToS when it looks no different than any other shooting game.

Yes, it's just a promotional picture, he's not related to the game in any way other than the two games being made from the same studio

That's pretty gay, man
Jewtube at it again.
>Captcha: sold sold
merchants at it again too

can I play as ISIS?

if not, then it's a shitty game

You mean that game that generated alot of headlines but ended up being trash anyways?

>You're not allowed to openly hate ISIS got
>IS is a militia of peace!
>Killing Muslims is wrong user you're not allowed to play that
I find this hilarious since they didn't tag any of the homefront trailers despite the fact that it has NK commandos killing Americans and by the logic of above should net a take down as well.
Fuckin kikes

You're rooskie, you already are ISIS by default mate

Currently they're making some early medieval RTS, Varg will probably be proud of them.

>already are ISIS

murrifat reasoning at its best

Where is the studio from?


The game is meh but I did enjoy killing those goat fuckers.

Poland broland

The IS game is pretty fun its a modern take on old genre, reminds me of playing space invaders or missile defense except its 3D FPS and your machine gunning down ISIS fighters and other shit like derka trucks and Humvees.

>already are ISIS

Its okay my aidscuck friend, ruskies have no reasoning so we can't really blame you for your Chechen brothers.
Cant say your people are fat to on the account of all you guys always starving :^)

Hatred was an excellent game. People only pretended not to like it because they wanted to support the status qou and be contrarian at the same time. Only faggots dislike hatred.

I was under the impression they're Belorussians.