Why were there so many Jews in Germany in the first place?

Why were there so many Jews in Germany in the first place?
When I look at holocaust numbers, I don't get why there were so many Jews in Germany in the first place. What did it offer for the Jews to be attracted to Germany so badly?

you can thank 'based napoleon' for their irrevocable emancipation

Yeah but so many? Also how did they wait until 6 million of them died? I mean when hitler hit 1 million you expect literally all the Jews to have somehow ran out Germany. But no, they stayed back until he hit 6 million.
Very weird if you ask me.

It was one of the best places in Europe to be Jewish. German and Austrian Jews were very assimilated.

There weren't 6 million jews in Germany

That's the thing

They all went to Israel.

Most Holocaust victims were in Poland and the Soviet Union.

They had just gotten done running the country into the ground.

Why tho?

there were like 200,000 Jews in Germany you retard

they claim the majority of those killed in the holohaux came from across Europe

because Charlamgne started importing us over 1100 years prior. The pope banned the HRE's lords from lending money, so we were used as a workaround middle men that could make profits off usury and then be taxed by the lord
basically europeans never wanna admit that jews were their banking caste

Like the classic Anglo Christian. They hate Muslims who see Jesus as a holy prophet but love the Jews who absolutely despise him.

>import jews
>take loans
>expel them

The main centres of Jewish life in Europe had been the three cities Speyer, Worms and Mainz in Germany, collectively referred to as the Schum-cities (a pun based on the town names' Hebraic "initials"; the word Schum means "garlic" in Hebrew) whose religious councils would advise the Emperors on disturbances and power shifts among the Jews (they don't like to talk about it but there was a long time when various Jewish groups fought each other very viciously, but usually with covert means that only occasionally spiralled out into the broader population, hence also that old folk belief that -garlic- wards off "vampires") in return for getting special areas set aside for them to live in under Reich protection.

The medieval Hebrew name for Germany, Ashkenas, is by the way derived from the name of the Scythians who became the nobility of the Goths and Saxons and are said to themselves descend from the Persian Medes (first to be called "Aryans") that vanquish Babylon in the Old Testament. To this day Jews now call themselves "Ashkenazim", "Germans", so as to lay claim to our status as God's Chosen ("They who labour in the Earth", after Christ, translates to something a lot like "Ashkenas", "iron-worker" or "earth-mover", compare "Anunaki") and builders of civilisation while propagating its destruction for their Sabbatean masters from behind this guise; the Sabbateans themselves are an old heresy that teaches the destruction of society through just doing the opposite of what God commands until he'll be forced to destroy the world and "return" the Semitic race to their "rightful" position as real angels. It's the longest-standing Islamic psy-op in history and has now recently availed the cunts control over Europe and the protection of the US.

Tl;dr: They thought this was their promised land before America was discovered and then got subverted to once again destroy their host in the name of Satan.

Why do jews worship the devil?

Molech was a slaver god. He is what the horned guy in red was based on, the Golden Calf. Sabbateans, who now mostly control the Jews, teach that "God" (the cow statue made of gold) was shattered into tiny pieces during the act of creation ("holy presence" in Hebrew is "shekinah", their currency is called the "shekel"), which they are charged with collecting anew (this act is called "tikkun"; in German there's a term for any sort of doing profitable illegal commerce, "ticken", that supposedly derives from this) so that the temple may be suitably decorated once they have literally all the gold (note how they treat the word "G-d" as a joke while omitting one word from "God"'s name) to reforge it with. This is tied into a lot of Islamo-Masonic hoodoo bullshit but the gist is that they're still slaves of the human-sacrificing serpent cults they were supposedly liberated from when old Babylon fell at last, today referred to as the Rabbinate.

There were a lot more Jews in Poland and the Soviet Union.

Thanks for explanation guys. I couldn't find anything proper on the Internet.
But 1 more questions, why were the Jews so bad at hiding and how was hitler able to kill them outside Germany so easily? Because honestly, 6 million seems alot. You'd expect people to runaway as far as possible after 100 thousand.

Source, bro. Really interested in it.

This sounds like bs

Any source to confirm?

it was the intelligencia, academia and power hub of the world at the time like the US is now. They were staging the communist take over it was the biggest target again like the US is now today

yah nice Israeli education there bud, they literally indoctrinate you from birth to be massive liars, you think they actually tell you the truth top lel

There weren't that many compared to poland and ukraine. The two had so many because the polish nobility contracted them to serve as the bureaucracy of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth.

Israeli education probably reads like fan fiction where they are the heroes of everything I imagine, why do you all have such massive inferiority complexes? Prob has to do with their women rejecting them so much and their cuckoldry fetishes

it was a crime ridden cesspool with hyper inflation. it was not a place of academic progress post WW1 pre WW2

thats why nazis rose to power. the german government was incompetent and people wanted change they could believe in. hitler was 1/4 jew thats like being a nigger now days

>it was a crime ridden cesspool with hyper inflation

ummm who the fuck do you think made it that way?