How do we save Asian men?

How do we save Asian men?
The porn Jew has completely corrupted their minds

>weebs will defend this
Muh redpilled animes!

Birth rates have gone down almost everywhere

It's literally not that cool to have kids anymore. Not in this economy and society.

2/3 of the fucking world population is consecrate in that sickening shit hole, if any we need to encourage to nuke one another

most japanese marry before arrive at 30.
Al those stuff are bullshit, actually they have an increase of birth rate.

Kids are undesirable in a shitty economy combined with a high cost of living, severe overcrowding, and a work culture that leads to a hellish grind. Also contrary to popular belief around here nip women are also ruined by feminism, they're extremely demanding and self centered. Most of them bought into the career meme and abandoned the idea of raising a family. You're chasing the wrong kikes.

Build and secure Israel and save the world.

>The Jew has completely corrupted their minds
>Also please get married and have kids and get a job and pay all your taxes and buy them lots of things and focus on providing for them instead of living for yourself, that is the only positive way to live goy- I mean, friend.

>in their 30s
Most Japanese get married in their mid-late 20s. The whole christmas cake thing is legit.
t. lived there for 2 years

>high cost of living
It's literally a quarter of Sydney and most skilled jobs pay significantly more than the equivalent in Sydney.

Anime should be banned

Bring back dowries.

I'll tell you how we fix it son, we get a posse together, go over there and fucken rape a whole shitload of little jap men. We fuck em hard, uncut, we cum in their men. Toughen em up. Oh wow I'm already at full mast boys.

This is a global issue. Men are rejecting marriage world wide. If only we could figure out why!

Yeah but Sidney is a Chink filled shithole

Modern "men" refuse to grow up and take responsibility

It's also significantly cheaper than many US cities including Brooklyn, Washington, San Jose and Arlington.

I would fuck that Esca guy up the ass desu, he's cute

What responsibility do you mean?

To take responsibility for ugly, overweight, obnoxious, self-loathing, antagonistic, old and barren women.

Cut welfare, bring back dowries and you'll soon see women become women again.

This is highly unfortunate.

Because the boomer and gen-X "men" sure took responsibilty, right? Is that why the world is so great today?

Do you honestly believe that the anime betas would look for a wife if they couldn't jack off to waifus? They'd just either kill themselves or find some other autistic hobby to take the place of women at that point. South Korea banned porn and that country is still full of sexually and mentally fucked up people.

When you say responsibility, do you mean financially? I don't understand.

I mean everything. It's misogyny to blame women. You have full responsibility for them as a man. Everything is, and will always be, your fault.

That is fine if it's my fault, it doesn't make me care about them or their future. I'm just curious about this line between boys and men. How does one graduate from a boy into a man?
Obviously just turning 18 doesn't make it happen like magic.

Them wanting to get fucked by you, and you wanting to fuck them. So you need scale Mount Olympus and have no standards.

So having sex with women makes you responsible and a man. Got it.

The only way to save Japan is to give the people their pride back. That means yankee troops must end the occupation and go home. That means strong military with no restrictions. That means a strong nuclear deterrence. It will never happen.

To them.

That isn't a solution to the problem. But if banging whores from tinder makes me a responsible man I shall continue!

Criminalize anime.


>caring about 3DPD

>61% of unmarried men
>in their 30's
How many men in their 30's aren't married though? Picture doesn't give you that percentage.

The solution is actually more porn.

wtf im asian?

>how do we save asian men?
I'm much more interested in saving their women

they were already this way.

H-how will you save them, user?

> the formations of the earth
> Rain, ash, seas
> life
> humans
> Wars, femines, earthquakes
> The renaissance, enlightment, electricity
> almost near nuclear annihilation
> just so we all can raise ... PRO GAMERS

This just in, that's what life is about. We will have to fight in galactic esport moba wars, the winner will be rule the univerese, the losers will perish by black hole annihilation.

Asian women are not really that great once you get past the illusion. Sure, they make them selves up to look like Anime but after that they are dull and lifeless. They have no personality; no creativity; no urge to do more. Like American women, they bark; bitch; moan and demand to be pampered.

Asians are almost like parrots. You can see that in singing competitions and Olympic events. Technically they do an extraordinary performance. It is mathematically correct. But they have no soul, no charm; no warmth.

fully agree. oasties have so much prsonality.

Lol how is it physically possible to be a virgin past 13? Even in a dungeon you could get laid albeit with other men. Like what the fuck do you have to do to end up like this?

>american education


No women from industrialized countries have personality. That is why you drop Two Grand on a sex doll for a moan or two and get your intellectual fix from the Chans.

They can live their lives however they want, personal freedom and all that.

This image is really deep.

roastie free life is best life

>no nagging cunt to bother you
>don't have to play their mindgames
>no drama ever
>all your freetime and money goes into things that YOU like
>don't have to raise kids
>don't have to bother with all that shit
>just kill yourself when you get too old and life turns uncomfy due to illness or other things

It's so difficult to be a woman nowadays, OP. I look at Asian men and they are either too poor (Southeast Asians), too beta (East Asians) or just downright disgusting (South Asians). I look at western men and they are pretty much all cucks. I mean, they can't even save their own women. I don't want to marry a nigger though coz that's totally downgrading my genetic line. My only home now are Slavs. Tough times to be an Asian woman.

At least incels are honest in that they can't get woman.

No, fuck off.
Hestia is bestia.

Artificial wombs.

I want to pay someone to send me Sup Forums videos on a drive every week so I can stop watching porn for the sake of the hwite race. Please email me if you're interested in this. I'm paying $50 a week for you to mail me a thumb drive.
[email protected]

That's a tiny doggo, even for a pup . Maybe we should furnish them with larger doggos.

Also, daily reminder that German shepherd is the best dog.

If you're so fragile that porn alters who you are, then you were fucked up to begin with.