Do you want to be a multicultural neo-Soviet superstate run by unelected Marxists or are you just mad Britain has the balls to leave and you don't?
Why are Europeans on Sup Forums unironically pro EU?
Cause most Europeans, even the "based right wing" ones crave a nanny state.
Liberterianism could'nt be more dead over here. People just completely hate taking any kind of responsability. Just imagine if we had to save OURSELVES for our pensions instead of robbing future generations? If we had to help poor people ourselves instead of creating the welfare state? If we had to get health insurance by ourselves? OMMGG nazi racists go away
They view the eu as a great idea that went into the wrong direction they want a reformed eu and it might be a superpower as they hoped and it still a good idea
Not this European user.
EU != Europe
im not, not in the current state, it was good once, but now when they want to tighten the noose around member states its absolute shit
Only kraut is mad at you
I can't believe they let you in. You have a beautiful country, but your police are notoriously corrupt and your public finances aren't much better.
But hey-ho, the EU's purpose is simply to continue it's expansionist agenda and ensure it's own continuation.
Most Europeans cannot grasp the idea of being free.
Centuries of being in serfdom to landlord or a king leaves its marks.
because theres no one actually against multiculturalism OP, if the EU is destroyed it will just be replaced by another multicultural abomination probably led by russia. at least the EU has nice gibs while it kills you
people understand that in the near future small European nation will be completely irrelevant on the world stage and with the decline of the US need something big and powerful to keep them safe.
dont forget about the politician, they are the worst of the bunc, but even their level of corruption fades when it comest to the eu, and dont fool yourself, your politicians are no better, they just bother to hide the fact they are corrupt, ours dont give a fuck,
>in the near future,
user, we have been irrelevant ever since the world war, save for you i guess
The EU is the best thing that has happened to Latvia
>Do you want to be a multicultural neo-Soviet superstate run by unelected Marxists
any more buzzword lads,
I am anti-EU
Here's UK view on the issue:
>don't want to be part of multicultural Soviet super state
>leave so you can become a multicultural Soviet police state instead
Fucking Brits. "We're doing the exact same mistakes the EU is doing but it's fine because we're choosing to do so instead of being forced to".
You think regular brexit-voting brits want to like in a paki shithole?
It's the globalists forcing the same agenda either way.
EU is the single most degenerate thing that has touched this land
We'll spend your money and fuck off
Thanks /swamp people
i'm happy that you are out, go have fun on your own
How are your Muslims treating you Mario?
Only the brainwashed French and Germans are pro-EU because it props up their inflated industry.
Without EU regulations that put a chokehold on the East European economies that they need for skilled labour they'd be falling appart.
we are?
Eastern Europeans are more pro EU than anyone which is why I have a hard time believing the 'Based Slav' meme.
I want to see Europa burn down and drown in blood.
I want to see our people rebuild from the ashes or die. Either is better than this constant humiliation at the hands of zionist bolsheviks.
This. Its their last hope of ever beating the eternal Anglo and being relevant again.
It actually works for them? If it didn't have redeeming qualities no one would join. Seriously, standardizing things across the EU is a good thing economically, socially, ect.
Why do the majority of your UcucK bretheren allow the ever continual march of what can be charitably described as an orwellian hellscape. Seriously, even with Brexit you'll be getting tens of thousands of """Asian""" rapists imported and the average crumpet fucker won't do shit because they've got a stable job and happy life.
Most of us favour European unity. We recognize we have similar cultures, similar histories, and similar concerns.
But most of us regard the EU as an undemocratic social democrat* mess that only exists to power through socialism lite, with all the totalitarianism and social engineering that implies.
*funny how people who are nothing of the sort always have to put "democratic" in the name, no? Social democrats are as democratic as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
The problem is that there was no opposition to entering the EU... Or it was sidelined.
Croatian politicians have a tendency to ''fly like Geese into the fog''.
Our lefitst president at the time signed the EU entry agreement before the entry refferendum... Meaning it was rigged.
Of 4,5 million Croats on 1,6 million voted on the EU entry-refferendum. And some 55% of that 1,6 million voted to enter the EU.
Meaning it was rigged because half a year before that they passed a law so a refferendum takes only the people who actually vote into account instead of at least half ot the Croatian population.
Nah we cool.
I like Nigel and respect their wish at Sovereignity.
The media paints a different picture and people gobble it up.
Because they are faggot commies.
Because we are not a bunch of meme-believing retards.
This is exactly the sort of nonsense that makes me hate the EU. They preach and preach, but when push comes to shove, they act like bullies. Anyone who has ever seen a video of Verhofstadt raging in the EP can tell he's a dictator without any of the charisma.
I'm not, I hate the EU.
They have no balls the Jews took em!
>European Sup Forumssters
>pro EU
You seem to be comfusing Sup Forumsacks with redditors
We want to see the rise of the Vth reich.
I fucking hate EU. Most of the people who are pro-EU generally hanker for them shekels more than anything else.
Europe needs to be one superpower to match the US and Russia.
Because eu is needed to avoid ending up like the uk, teared up between its interests and what the jew/americans whisper in its ears.
Current eu is not that good since its a nest of commies importing niggers, but it can be better, once all eu nations have moved to rightwing the eu will need to change aswell.
Under who's command? The majority of an ethnic people? The absolute majority of eligible voters? Unelected corrupt marxists?
This is stupid. Europe should have pursued strength through alliances and pacts, not trying to merge into a superstate that will only result to the fucking tower of babel
>once all eu nations have moved to rightwing the eu will need to change aswell
That won't happen as long as Germany and France exist.
I remember when trump had a 0.001% of winning aswell.
The rghtwng movement only happened n the Anglosphere.
Meanwhle you people voted for Rutte Macron and Merkel
i hate the eu. eu lovers are mostly "muh economy is the only thing that matters" type of people, yet incredibly left-leaning nihilistic human trash.
We will not win this fight by eating each other. What are we, socialists?
Yeah dude anglos are so good, that's why us and uk have the most problems with niggers as of now.
if you have nothing to say just shut the fuck up, don't waste time with your meme pics to imply some sense of how superior anglos/uk are because the uk is literally in fucking pieces right now.
Uk needed to throw its niggers out and stay in europe, it went out of europe and made sure to keep the niggers in while moving skilled europeans out, good fucking luck with your future.
Fortunately the EU is nothing like you described.
>london =!= the rest of the uk
and how user do you propose we kick the shitskins out while part of the eu? they are the ones pushing for everyone to have shitskins in the first place
The concept of the EU is a good one. Free trade, reduction of non-tariff barriers, free flow of capital and services, free travel and even free movement of workers.
The execution is extremely bad. The EU over-regulates, doesn't help protect EU borders and even makes it harder for EU states to deport illegals. It meddles in national things it has no business to meddle and disregards the will of the people.
So I am unironically for the concept of an EU and 100% against how it turned out to work.
Not sure if this makes sense.
Your country has no border and your country has no currency of its own. Your laws are made for you in Belgium. Your country isn't really a country at all.
Our nation may be cucked but at least we are a sovereign nation. Italy is just a region.
Fuck you and fuck the EU you Moorish Wop.
That's not true, the uk started hoarding niggers wayyy before all this liberal refugee shit started. Your politicians used the eu as a scapegoat for everything, so people started to believe them and wanted out, and got out.
While you are here telling me it's impossible getting free niggers from the eu there are poor and weak states in the east bloc that as of today have totally refused to take niggers in, and you are telling me that the uk could not have refused niggers from eu?
Fact is the uk was compromised internally way before they could even decide to take niggers from the eu.
Well we need the EU if we don't want to become western-russia or eastern-usa.
Not that liberal merkelistan which we have now but a new roman empire which won't hesitate to eliminate anything what threatens its citizens.
The EU was always intended to crush nation states under the wheel of globalism. The EU was evil from the start.
i support a Europe where we trade with each other. That's it. No superstate bollocks. We shouldn't have any say over German laws and Germans should have no say over Swedish law etc.
>being uk
>import millions of asians/africans
>blame eu for immigration
is the uk a woman?
You can be butt hurt all you want, fact is the uk is in big trouble and its all its fault for wanting to get freebies from both eu and us instead of just acting like the other eu countries and work for the commond good.
These are probably the last days of the uk, britain will end up as some muslims shithole while other parts detach and join the eu, terrible moves led you to this, not some imaginary moorish wops that you need to hate to feel better.
Why are Americans on Sup Forums not white?
I am anti-Greece
>His government can see his web history
Bong, you're a literal police state with thousands of pakis, sandniggers and niggers coming to your country every year.
No, it's utter shit. The free trade is killing underdeveloped economies. It should have been mutual agreed upon tarifs for all trade agreement members.
Free flow of capital and services is stupid because you then redirect your capital to the least taxed country with minimal effort, thus removing money from an economy you essentially leeched upon. Meanwhile we can't all go like Ireland with insanely low taxes because that would kill Ireland overnight. Thus it is stupid as well
Free movement of workers is still stupid because it won't take into account that if you are legal immigrant, you are bound to have more upkeep costs (since you will be renting your house, it won't be yours) contrasted to the indigenous people, thus it only makes sense if you are illegal immigrant, working without any documentation, thus not giving money through taxation.
tl;dr EU should have been a mutual trade agreement (on the economic part), and a mutual defense pact of non agression between states.
Voila, problem solved without any of the EU cons, and without throwing money and power at marxist pieces of shit
>i support a Europe where we trade with each other. That's it. No superstate bollocks. We shouldn't have any say over German laws and Germans should have no say over Swedish law etc.
I have to disagree on that one. You cannot have anything like free trade if you don't harmonize your industry standards. One of the first important ECJ cases in the early 1960s was about the French trying to block German liquor being sold in France because they argued the recipe wasn't French enough. the ECJ said French law cannot include provisions to ban German products just because that protects French products.
This applies in many thousands of areas.
But I agree, the EU should have no say what English consumers do with marijuana in their free time or how their pension works or how many hours they can work or whether the U.K. wants to invade Iraq or who is a refugee and who isn't etc.
>expel polish, hungarian and other white people from the continent
>welcomes pakis, niggers and saudis with open arm
How do you explain your betrayal?
>Moor IQ
We were the second biggest contributors. How is that a freebie? Meanwhile your non-country is a part of the PIGS (nigger economies).
Enjoy the migrants you are shipping in.
You ll never see a swiss who is pro-EU
What wrong with German leadership? They seem to have a reasonable society. It would be even better if there wasn't guilt holding them back.
we are? nah, fuck that, bavaria-exit let's go!
There are more Poles in prison here than brown people.
We won't miss them.
Do you really think they won't be biased for Germanic interests? And also, don't get me started about German ethics and incorruptability (Siemens, VW and so on..)
Except when they fill europe with muslim trash.
SO you mean you let shitskins get away their crimes because you are afraid to be labeled as racist?
>britain will end up as some muslims shithole while other parts detach and join the eu,
So their options are be flooded by Muslims on their terms or be flooded by Muslims on Germany's terms. Great choice!
Paki spotted. No one calls them brown people because for a start that's a misuse of the word people.
The more likely explanation is that Poles are genetic trash.
And pro 15th month salary.
Sure, ahmed.
The freebie was the fact that the uk always wanted special treatments because otherwise they would fuck up every eu plan and go cry to mummy usa for some approval.
Insulting italy or using pictures to imply some kind of non-existent anglo superiority won't help you.
You are fucking terribly butthurt and it shows, enjoy your police state sustained by a muslim low class.
Sure as fuck you aren't convincing anyone that it's all bad europe fault and that the holy anglo is the poor victim here.
The uk played the stupid game of "two dogs strive for a bone and a third runs away with it" instead of just collaborating with the eu as all other eu countries do, now both the us and eu are like "not my problem".
I hope the good old uk can survive and get rid of its niggers because i loved the place, mind you.
You picked the wrong flag to wave while making this statement.
How come poland and other east eu countries are able to say no thanks and the uk apparently wasn't?
Obviously their gov was interested on having more niggers, they could have refused.
Your anger is showing and it amuses me. You are jealous that we are smart enough to leave whereas you Arab rape babies are imprisoned in Merkel's caliphate
>he doesn't even have his own currency yet thins he's a country
If the EU were codified in law to be less oppressive on it's members it seems just fine.
The trouble is when they start to make rules that don't impact cooperation.
German interests seem to be to have richer neighbors for more trade.
German ethics are a balance of east European flexibility in law and west European keeping up pretense.
I don't see a problem.
Blame populism. Merkel banning refugees would have caused riots. She decided to take the high ground, accept the rapes & crime for a bit to eventually lead people in understanding that EU needs better borders.
Good strategy, unfortunate execution.
Whatever dude, my bad for wasting my time thinking i was talking with a mature person, have fun.
Define 'European'
And I don't give a fuck. EU, US, Russia are all the same.
>A-Anglos are n-not superior
He types in English on the English internet to a country that created the biggest empire in human existence
Stay mad you 3rd world Pasta Moor. Go and use your mother's mustache to wipe away the tears.
>German interests seem to be to have richer neighbors for more trade.
Kek that's why they call you mountain Jews, the disingenuity is off the charts. Obviously you won't mind because you are basically Germans or French.
>German ethics are a balance of east European flexibility in law and west European keeping up pretense.
So like i said, they will promote germanic interests while maintaining the pretenses. You being a Germanic cousin affects you from neutral effects to positive effects. Stop being a kike
Funny how out of all anglos.
You are the most west european one. To the point of being Kraut/Sven tier.
Integration in the german supply chain is making them so much money, and the scars left by the communist block means they'd sell their mother for the free market
You can't call it populism when it's literally just a noisy minority.
The Germans get the power that the eternal Kraut constantly needs. And everyone else gets gibs.