Who is smarter, jews or east asians?
Who is smarter, jews or east asians?
Black African men are the smartest people on earth.
jew are innovate asians are like robots they have no soul
jews easily, asians are only good at maths.
All Jews do is steal scientists research and patent them, like the kike you posted.
Asians actually develop and innovate stuff you use daily.
are you bibi's son?
Joo fear da samoraii...
so East Asians
Neither are smart. Both are, in fact, very stupid and primitive.
I know statistics say otherwise, but seriously - work a year with Jews and a year with East Asians. You'll realize they are literally monkeys.
Homo Neanderthalensis is the smartest of the humans.
If not smart how come they rule the world?
>I know statistics say otherwise, but...
Listen to yourself. Imagine how you'd react if someone from the left started a sentence this way,
I hate jews as much as anyone else, but denying their IQ is just ignorant.
Pedophile blackmail
that jew looks like john lennon
>jews or east asians
Local Sup Forums Jew here.
Asians are emotional children. They're better at science and math, but also break down crying and rolling around on the airport floor when they miss their flight. Literally all of them do this.
This is my experience too. Asians are simply much more socially autistic than jews. You never see a good asian courtroom lawyer or public speaker wheras jews are great at these things. Jews have the high IQ levels+high social intelligence and manipulation skills.
> everyone is a pedophile
nope, they are just smarter, deal with it
Asians. Jews got btfo of the century after the whole mainstream news cartel failed to get Hillary on the podium. Even yair netanyahu has started spouting Sup Forums memes. Only low iq individuals succumb to such social catastrophes. Also, shill thread.
I'd personally rank race IQ like this
-Ashkenazi jews
-Northeast continental asians
-Anglo whites and nordics (tied)
-Slavic and dinaric europeans
-Southeast asians
-Native northamericans and polynesians (tied)
-Ethnic central and south americans
-West africans
-East africans
-Australian aboriginies
White people.
Nazis and their lies!
Denying the holocaust should = 10 years in jail
Allow me:
-Non-Anglo whites/Alpines/Slavs
-SE asians
-Northern Africans
-Sub-saharan Africans
-the average polack without an internet connection
I take the liberty of removing points for mental illnesses.
this isn't Europe, the truth does not fear investigation. also JEW DETECTED
Being a holocauster = 10 years in jail
Would sound crazy to a normal, free thinking, judicious person even if we agree that holocausters are doing this for personal belief and possible gain.
"Average" meme doesn't work.
There are more East Asian geniuses than Jews in total.
Jews are /our guys/
IQ power rankings
__________everyone below this line is borderline retarded_______
Asian IQ is no better than a powerful computer processor chip. It is an autistic, completely unimaginative form of intelligence. Jews seem to be more creative and fluid in their thinking.
> I take the liberty of inventing bullshit to put my race on top, when all facts point to the contrary
>ashkenazim higher on the list than northern africans
you deserve the shoah