my grandfather soldier of the wehrmacht
my grandmother worked with werner von braun
both witnessed jew killings. now there are those guys on the interweb who claim didnt happen.
who should i believe Sup Forums?
my grandfather soldier of the wehrmacht
my grandmother worked with werner von braun
both witnessed jew killings. now there are those guys on the interweb who claim didnt happen.
who should i believe Sup Forums?
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>reddit spacing
I witnessed you being a faggot.
My grandpa was literelly Hitler and he said he didn't kill any jews.
Tell your faggot grandfather he didnt kill enough kikes.
What? That would make you 50 years old!
Fuck off, kid!
Both? Sure they killed some Jews but it wasn't seven million
It's true. Jews were killed.
Just not with gas.
Your eyes. You didnt see anything so why believe it? Simple.
why does it matter? is shooting any better?
Yes, it's cheaper.
oh yeah ? they saw head crushing pedal driven killing machines ...tell me more about that !
ask why then didn't they kill them all
putting them all in a cage and drowning them is cheaper
or exploding them all at once
like isis does
Yes, because it shows jews are not special.
my grandma's bro was in the SS
What are you, stupid?
Yes, it is true. My grandparents helped develop the machines that were used to masturbate prisoners to death.
>implying that them and holocaust deniers can't both be right
Was it masturbation machines or minecarts that tossed groups of Jews into fires?
Oh it was just Jews being executed because they were communist traitors? Fascinating.
Erhäng dich du Verräter.
well they were definitely specifically targeted
Your parents are lying.
>paragraphs are reddit spacing now
This is reddit spacing
This isn't.
Fucking idiot.
Your newer than the flowers in your garden.
>hay Sup Forums wat aboot x?
She worked withvon braun and witnessed jews being killed ?
How is it related ?
The ingeneers and scientists took their pause, they were like:
" - hey herr braun, lets have a koffee
- ha, nein Hans, i would prefer to have a jew"
*proceed to kill jews*
Op is retarded
>I can't handle being wrong about things
Go cry for a hand-out Alberto the mediterranean nigger.
Bad at math, Muhammed?
If OP's faggot grandfather fought in the war as he claimed, it would make him 100 years old, by now, in turn making OP close to 50 years old.
And I'm here fishing with Bigfoot.
>who should i believe Sup Forums?
Why should I believe (((you))) ?
Locking them in a seal room and just letting them suffocate would have worked too.
>One post by this id
Fucking holocaust deniers, ya'll be brought to justice!
My grandparents were forced to develop the death masturbation machines by Heinrich Himmler.
What else are you going to use these machines for if not for masturbating someone to death and then creating lamp shades out of your victims skins?
He's right you know...
Retard flowernigger
Are you fucking retarded? I think you're fucking retarded.
>jews gassed and burned
Where are the teeth?Teeth don't burn,if that was true we would've found million of teeth...
If the Holocaust is easily provable than why than a ban of dening it? What is your government scared about?
>calling people niggers
you shouldn't and by the way Fuck Germany.
There is no such thing as a german people all i see is brown people, show me the proof.
man can someone shit on my chest please
you should be gassed. VOLKSVERRÄTER