How come the biggest retail chain and the richest family, Wal-Mart, doesn't provide a liveable wage and health insurance for their workers? How come all of their workers are on food stamps, the most workers on food stamps in the country?
How come the biggest retail chain and the richest family, Wal-Mart...
Redneck neo confederate
>implying either of those terms are an insult
Cleetus get the rope
Wrong, I am a yankee, fuck you nigger.
Pay for the wall so we can keep you out Juan Pablo Montoya
Because stocking shelves and cashiering is for young and healthy teenagers who work part time, not for people who need to support a fucking family.
Get some marketable skills and you'll earn a living wage. Nigger.
KILL yourself cracker
You're next peppernigger
Mart- Wal
Build it you dirty beamer
Lincon is my favorite president. KILLS confederate crackers and doesn't afraid of anything
I went to Wal-Mart the other day to pick up my new glasses. The lady giving them to me said, "I have never sold a pair of these frames the whole time I have worked here! I thought they were hideous!" Don't know whether I should kill myself or not
An appliance job at Sears could support a family. The wages were higher and they had health insurance & dental for the whole family. Wal-Mart has infinitely more money than the sears family so what's the problem? Teenagers don't work at Wal-Mart either. Wal-Mart wrecks a local economy and forces all mom and pop stores to close with their can't beat em low prices. To the point where the only thing to work at in a local economy is a fucking Wal-Mart. Cracker
Post your glasses
They are already solving this problem by having self checkout lanes.
Keep up your bitching and every lane will be self check with a few people just there to watch over everything. Or fucking spy cameras outsourced to Asia for monitoring theft.
You minimum wage faggots should be dead in a gutter somewhere. At 16 I had two jobs both above minimum wage.
Your fucking pathetic if you can't make it in America.
they do provide a livable wage, but the workers choose to work part time (because they are lazy)
How am I bitching? This is a starvation wage and I can't even get healthcare. Wal-Mart family is worth 130 billion you mean to tell me that this rich as fuck family can't afford $15 an hour?
>implying the workers can choose anything
There's no union
they can unionize by leaving the company but they won't (because they are lazy)
The problem, my melanin-enriched friend, is people who think they deserve more than they actually produce. They believe they're entitled to a living wage merely because they show up to work and do something a monkey can be trained to do for free.
Neither does Wal Mart "wreck" local economies. It's called competition, and it's a good thing. Nobody is forced to shop there, but evidently consumers prefer lower prices to higher ones. If mom and pop general stores are unwilling or unable to compete, they rightly go out of business. Wal Mart sells general goods. They don't sell everything a local economy demands. There is plenty of work with a Wal Mart around, you just have to have skills above that of a brainless pavement ape.
>can't afford $15 an hour?
That's a non-issue. The question is, why the fuck should they give your monkey ass $15 an hour?
Theyre the same frames I've been buying for 20 years
because they are liberal and pc, take can do whatever the hell they want, didn't you get the memo, corporations have been pc and liberal for at least the last 5 years.
They do offer health benefits but only to those that have worked there over a year. I was told this was implemented because ~70% of employees leave within a year.
The reason a lot of their workers are on food stamps/EBT is because just like any huge corporation they are only concerned with profit not the wellbeing of their workers like you might expect of a small store or something. This plus the policies they implement like having a limited amount of sick days even if you're working with people's food (deli cashiers etc) even if you puke mid shift they encourage you to stay and finish the shift so you don't get an "occurance" (being late, clocking out early or late, going home early)
He'll I think even if you committed all over a customer they probably wouldn't have you go home.
Source: worked there for over a year before getting canned because I got sick
I've been working at Walmart for over a decade. Feel free to ask me anything on the topic.
Capitalism was a mistake. I'm glad I have somebody fighting in my corner.
Makes no sense to argue with a billionare dick sucker
Looks nice enough, lady was probably into other kinds of glasses, pic related
why are you posting pictures of a millionaire dick sucker?
Democracy was the mistake. The Kochs are globalist shills entirely in line with Bernie's agenda.
Did you slip, fall and sue their asses yet? This job is only worth a lawsuit check
If monkeys can do the job then why don't they get them to do it?
And b4 , they do, they got niggers
because that's how they stay in business.
Black Lives Matter is Pretty much a Terrorist group as well. Human Lives Matter, You Negroidians at BLM act like out of control wild animals. You know what we do with out of control wild animals we put them down.
Walmarts in our area start at 12-14 dollars an hour depending on the position, Excluding manager and higher.
Socialism will fix your ass up good. You and your billionaire friends
Thanks user
Shut the fuck up
business it is
nothing personal
No, I haven't. On the contrary, i have to break labor laws and work for free 5-7 hours weekly in order to get my job done because management won't stop hiring literal Africans who are slow as shit and have to rely on me for customer service since they don't know shit for English. No wonder I get a hero's welcome when I return from a week off, because the place is a shambles and no one wants to put in the effort.
I'll probably die working, and if my mild chest pains are any indication, hopefully soon.
for the love of fucking god..
Capitalism is not a political ideology, it's an economic ideology which is the core foundation of every modern political ideology so far, even communism and Marxism (which was a critique of utopian communism)
Do you honestly believe Bernie or Any other politician would change the system, even if he could.
Grow up, the best way to tackle a corrupt establishment is to hit them where it hurts, their wallet, hence Trump's victory, because he was the underdog he ended up costing Hillary's countless billionaire donors trillions.
Tbh The alt right is more marxist than you are.
walmart is totally like the wild west during christmas
you're onto something here.
>He'll I think even if you committed all over a customer they probably wouldn't have you go home.
Auto correct
Hell I think even if you vommitted all over a customer they probably wouldn't have you go home.
Of course not. Got to make those sales for those exorbitant management bonuses.
The only thing socialism fixes is itself. It's our job to speed up the process.
Why does your broke ass love being poor?
>but muh walmart pays what employee is worth
>without welfare walmart would attract nearly 0 employees at that wage.
>welfare caused the destruction of mom and pop shop
>walmart is totally like the wild west during christmas
I seen myself a few strange going ons down at the Walmart a few months past. I saw me two big 'ol women draw down on a Greeter that wasnt even heeled. They axed him real hostile like "You best has some of dem Newports or imma blow you right out your briches". The Greeter never even heard 'em, he had one of them hearing aides as is the custom from the Walmart hiring the elderly folk. But im sure as hellfire he least saw the flash out the muzzle that took his life. Hard times we live in down here at the Walmart, an honest man could step down into the wrong aisle with his pricing gun unholstered and just bout give his life aways.
Hell I bet you never even heard of the Costco Kid. Came down to the Walmart during the Christmas Rush of '16, lured by them bargains like everybody else and got himself snowed in! corralled his Ford Focus out front in one of those handi-cap spots and figured he'd stick around and make a name for himself. Walmart folks don't take too kind to outsiders. Wern't before long that prices started to drop and we all knew it were him. Budweiser finds itself one silver dollar cheaper and folks start getting to talking. Only a matter of time so to speak, a man keep rolling that dice and labeling 10 packs of socks below cost you know darn well he be taking his life in his own hands.
Im not one to say he went lookin' for trouble but trouble sure found him. That checkout aisle so deep with shoppers you couldn't swing a cat let alone draw a price gun. All it took was a man to call him "yella". Fateful day that were and just before Christmas too. Costco Kid couldn't reach in time and found himself stone bang dead among the registers and non-denominational holiday decorations. Folks still say he saw the drop coming but didn't wants to fight. Guess he seen enough. They be saying he got to talking about a "Union" so he got what he had coming to him.
livable? you aren't supposed to raise kids working at wal mart.
you dumb fascist socialist commy.
Capitalism is the answer.
Go to school and learn biz and engineering.
lawyer n doc overpaid and all gov workers.
end public school
regulated crony private school is creature of democracy not capitalism
youtube yaron brook and walter block
gov has no place telling biz what to pay anyone
cancel all pensions they were never earned
I hate walmart. It ruined a lot of American businesses and in a way ruined communities. I make an effort to never shop there
I wish I could have seen that shit. Nothing exciting like the account you posted has been witnessed by me at my store in the 12+ years of employment there!
Don't have $10k in cash my local CC charges annually for tuition. Maybe next life when communism is routed out of higher education.
What's worse is that this shit is fucking true.
T: former employ.
Still a nigger
>How come the biggest retail chain and the richest family, Wal-Mart, doesn't provide a liveable wage and health insurance for their workers? How come all of their workers are on food stamps, the most workers on food stamps in the country?
Because it's mostly unskilled labor. You don't have to have any education or skills to learn to punch up a register, push carts, and put cans and shit on shelves.
This so much is true. I don't have a GED or anything, but since my pay is $14/hr, I'm probably going to be there until my casket closes.
Mom and pop stores that go out of business are usually very inflexible as they held a local monopoly until large department stores came around. The ones who went out of business likely refused to add value to their sales in the form of service and information quality. Most would have exorbitant markups for the exact same things sold at the departments stores.
They pay 15$ an hour where I am where the average wage for a similar job is about $8.00.
On the other hand they have shortened staff and now have mostly self checkout lanes.
>nigger beeps shit all day
>muh fif teen dollaz
Best thing about walmart currently is they are in a price war with Amazon. And Aldi opened near me and sold gallons of milk for $1.29 so Walmart is selling them at $1.00 a gallon now! If you take any amazon (or other competitors) price to them they will match or beat it. Its a gold mine if you are smart and you can ship to store to widen selection. The hispters are too busy overpaying to notice this.
Single mothers are the majority of the working poor. Obviously not smart enough to avoid being a single mother, has to settle for scab wages and STILL has to get government assistance as her poor decisions probably picked a man to impregnate her, who contributes nothing to the lost soul of her fatherless child.
A gallon of milk for $1.00? You might want to look real close at the label on that "milk".
Also Wal Mart doesn't pay a living wage because YOU pay it for them. Working 28 hours a week, so they DON'T have to give you health care, at minimum wage means you still qualify for all the government gibs. Food stamps, rent control, medicaid. Wal Mart gets cheap labor and the Democraps get loyal voters. it's win win, except for America and taxpayers.
What do you expect? it's a low skilled job meant to prop up teens and early 20 somethings while they figure their life out, shelf stacking isn't meant to be your career
I dont work there. The milk is fine its called a loss leader. They know people are going to Aldi for milk so they will take a loss to keep them in Walmart. L2bizness.
>tfw most of my co-workers are 40+
I'll be in that club early next decade.
I know what a loss leader is. In my city if you don't have a "limit 1" policy, then the Arabs would buy ALL the milk every morning and sell them at their liquor stores for $2.00.
Come on overnights and get a guaranteed 40 hour work week.
Not an argument.
The waltons donated to hillary.
Because the government passed a law saying that Walmart was allowed to do so, rather than allowing the worker to negotiate their wages.
That's how they became big and rich in the first place, you got it backwards
bait thread walmart pays better than most chains
also nigger
Because minimum wage laws have destroyed the spending power of the dollar.
there are certain wal-Marts in this country that pay $20 an hour
They can pay whatever really. They like to take out life insurance policies on sick employees. They make back what they pay 20+ employees on a single death.
Walmart employee here. Pay and raise is shit, but job is for retards. Health insurance for me is $13 a pay period and I get a $550 allowance a year before paying anything. So basically I have no copay or bills for all by health needs
Hey Breakroom! How comes you don't use your trip anymore?
The 2% annual wage increase across the board for all associates doesn't even meet inflation. I miss my .40 or .50 raises that I'll never see again.
Dead peasant insurance. The company's policy on me is probably worth a quarter mil at this point. It's shit like this that keeps me up at night and drives me to drink in order to do so.
What is the max pay for your position? You should be getting raises until you cap.
>that whatever-the-fuck-you-call-it blotchiness
Simply disgusting.
Tortoise Shell is what that is called.
Hmmm. You seem to discount the fact that all Walmart workers suffer from Nigger Brain to some degree. Every Walmart employee is an incel waste of space and Walmart is their punishment.
If you choose to work for them, you deserve to suffer.
"A rolling stone gathers no moss."
My Mom has worked in a Wal-Mart bakery baking donuts and decorating cakes for the past 22 years. It's been her first and only job, and she started back when I was in high school. She was a stay-at-home mom prior. She makes $17/hr, has health insurance (for her & Dad), lots of vacation time, quarterly bonus, a 401k, and stock options. She works the job simply to get out the house and socialize. Last Christmas she gifted me a check for $14k because she wanted "to see me enjoy an inheritance while she was still alive." She showed me her 401k and there was $400k+ in it. I was floored but then realized Wal-Mart isn't such a bad gig and doesn't deserve the bad rap that it gets.
>ITT: a bunch of lazy, whiny retards
I meant that my raises are halved after the pay structure was re-worked.
Single mom 4 bedroom house in a safe suburb with cable 3 cars and 4 phones isnt what wages should be based on.
4 families 4 bedroom house, gardening sharing cooking, child care, no cable 1 landline is livng wage.
thanks, yeah, that. Why people get anything apart from wire frames is beyond me.
Wow this thread was fucking shilled hard
Walmart workers could never compete in the regular workforce. Wal-Mart is work for welfare. It's workers are cattle who never develop past elementary school.
walmart was suppose to replace small town mom and pop family businesses with poverty. mission accomplished.
Strangely NatSoc since it allows for meritocratic advancement.
I wish he hadn't been assasinated so all you ogga boogas would be back in Africa
Meanwhile your entire country turns to shit, your sons and daughters are persuaded by degeneracy which is perpetuated by people getting desperate because of the objective lack of jobs - but alteast you can say "pull yourself up by your bootstraps"
>40% of Walmart employees are on food stamps
>25% of all food stamp purchases are made at Walmart
Not only does Walmart pay shit wages, they get compensated for it by American tax dollars. Americans are cucked by corporations.