Moral duty

Its our moral duty as whites to open our borders and give more aid to africa.

What does it feel like to be on the wrong side of history?

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You have a moral duty as a sentient being to show empathy , thorough screen is necessary.

take them in your house then

Why would it be our moral duty though?

we give them TOO MUCH aid because they're makinf babies like it was an incrememtal game, we need less niggers or the world will collpase under the weight of their gibs (and whitout wypyo there to help them they'll starve)

Mavey if the west stopped destabilising African governments in order to loot them of resources.

>It's our moral duty to inadvertently create a far more terrible genocide with our race as the victim

Empathy is for faggots

It's our moral duty to eradicate America and its influence from earth and make them pay for all the evils they have inflicted upon the planet. All of this is the fault of the United States and justice must be served

At least you listened my advice and changed flag from EU to UN. Still, your shitposting sucks. Try kekistani flag for extra cringe.

>Its our moral duty as whites to open our borders
It's a chr*stian mindset to let invaders in, don't burden others with that mindset.

Tony pls help

Pretty happy , and considering the history of the world since the cancer of Islam , it has nothing wrong to refused to be infected by a cancer . Try to learn about the mohamedien conquest

Helping people is bad for the planet.
Helping people is pointless unless the rest stop breeding more.

But you see, no matter what happens we win. Either we're proven right when the world regresses into being a degenerate and burned out shithole and everyone's misery increases tenfold, or we enter a new age of prosperity. Enjoy "winning" if it does happen m8.

>let's feed this monkey until his stomach ruptures and he dies
You're such a good guy, so moral.

Moral duty is to kill every one of them on boat to protect moral duty of natives.

Animals will overpopulate and destroy their environment. This process is merely exacerbated when you give said animals food.

The only answer to the problems faced by 3rd world nations is to make them deal with said problems. Opening our borders will merely allow our environment to be destroyed as well.

Yes, those who have no moral duty shouldn't be saved by those with moral duty.

>morals are a social construct
>it is our moral duty.

NO,it is our moral duty to help OUR people,not THE people.

Fuck outta here with this shit,each civilization has different morals because it helps them,not because it helps the world.

No, it isn't shill.

Negroes are cancer.

The end of western civilization is all thats going to be accomplished with fools like you around.....

let them feed themselves and ooga booga their low-iq inbred lifestyle like they have been dor thousands of years
the are the closest thing to goyim

morality is subjective

Shouldnt it be africas moral duty to atleast try a little? I mean cmon

what abouts the boats from china? Did he send those bacc?

First and foremost it is our duty to keep our culture in europe alive, to look after our people and neighbours. Because those are the ones who made our culture the best.

For this we can't take anymore foreigners who dont belong here. They dont fit in our culture because theirs is inferior and underdeveloped.

We need to protect our values, our rights and our lands.

Thanks to all the Schengen-States who kept to their promise - despite the pressure from brussels and germany - and protect our borders from scum like in OPs picture.