My friend is trying to get me to watch it and wont shut the fuck up, should i give up and watch it or is it shit?
What do you guys think of it?
Should I watch it?
yep... but if you don't have read the manga(offcourse this is a dumb affirmation) but first watch the first season and later root:A and maybe the ovas but there is only one... called jack or joker i don't remember
are you jumping directly to the sequel?
No, this was just the first picture i found of it
As someone who has not read the Manga I can say season one is p'okay
Read the manga first then watch the first season and skip Root A.
Season 1's pretty ok, leaves out some stuff, switches 2 arcs with eachother but the animation is ok.
Season 2 goes anime original, yet tries to copy the manga events, changing the outcome.
the story is butchered and the animation went to shit.
forgot to say read the manga.
This. Source material tends to be better most of the time. It's okay to stop reading at part 1; :re feels like an unnecessary sequel.
There's two OVAs you imbecile.
Look OP. Root A was trash. Don't watch it unless you're willing to read the manga (which you should) and have--at the very least--watched the first season. Otherwise, ignore your friend.
>It's okay to stop reading at part 1; :re feels like an unnecessary sequel.
Oh man i am laffin. People who think like this are disgusting.
If you were to stop at the end of part 1, then you'd be left feeling nothing but anger and confusion. Were you not reading it with Sup Forums when it ended? People were pissed and frustrated. If you ignored :re altogether then there would be so many plot holes and dropped plot points when you finish that you'd think the manga was prematurely axed. :re is necessary whether you like it or not. Whether or not you think it's shit is purely subjective.
>:re feels like an unnecessary sequel
In what way you autist? You literally learn nothing in the end of TG and :Re has been answering most of the questions.
And we get more of Arima and Kaneki's Arimafagging.
If you think the MC looks badass with white hair, he'll only get that at last episode. So prepare for 90% of the show with MC doing nothing.
also cliffhanger ending, so you're forced to watch 2nd season anyway.
gore wasn't very satisfying. most of them are already dead bodies. they had a chance to show fingers cut off or ear being ripped of chunk of flesh ripped from the body of their victims. Instead you'll get blood 'censor' and screaming. need to use your own imagination.
The story and the action is top notched. just watch it for the shits. most people like it so you're probably going to like it aswell
>Thinking anyone should take adivice from someone posting a tumblr image and reccomending they watch/read an edgelord franchise.
The anime is truly shit. The first episode is what got me reading the manga but it leaves out so much, even explanations of kagune. It also mixes up the sequence of events for no reason at all, then the second season makes a major plot point change but still manages to be the exact same as the manga.
Just read the manga. TG is 9/10 and :re is 7/10 but it ties up loose ends from the first series so it's a must read.
First season is complete shit.
Somehow second managed to be worse, it's unwatchable.
Don't touch anime, just read the manga.
Just read the manga you faggot.
I can't wait to see season 3 to see how poorly they animate the Kaneki vs Eto fight. Oh and they will also censor the delicious poneapples.
>implying season 3 is going to be anything near :re
It's hardly even confirmed.
Watched the anime when it first came out and I hated it, everything about it was bad.
A year or two later I gave the manga a go because I kept hearing good things about it and oh my god, Edgy Ghoul is a fantastic manga and you should read it. I highly recommend going with the manga before the anime, because the adaptation is pure shit.
take it easy, muthafuka nigger... there is joker and jack but joker it's only on manga you Exa-Idiot and the muthafuka root:A it's different to the manga, let OP decide if he want read the freaking manga or not and later he could shitposting about how the animu was
Bitch who gives a fuck about it being an edgelord franchise
Berserk is edgier than TG, but its also a lot better and a really amazing manga at the same time.
All you newfags from 2012 or some shit always trying hard to fit in an anonymous imageboard.
>implying they will animate Haise/Kaneki vs. Eto
They're probably just gonna end the 12th episode as soon as Haise "wakes up" then they'll cut all of the stuff in between and roll the credits. The post credits scene will show Kaneki with full black hair standing over her opened Kakuja and eating it.
With some hope: Season 3 will be 2 cours; one will be for the auction and the other will be for the Tsukiyama operation.
There really are only 2 OVAs you fucking imbecile. I already know Joker was not even animated and is, as you said, only a manga. Jack was animated, but that was only the first OVA.
The second OVA was Pinto.
Everything else you said I already stated.
Just die you ESL filth.
read it
ignore every other response in the thread
do not associate with anyone who has watched the show
now shoo!
OH shit, i alredy forgot that one... Freaking Pinto thanks faggot for remember me the "tsukiyama pet"