Does it get better? Im 4 episodes in, and until now it has mainly been abstract locations with abstract dialog...

Does it get better? Im 4 episodes in, and until now it has mainly been abstract locations with abstract dialog, a panty flash and a crab. Its rated 8.40 after all.

>inb4 mal rating.

Episode 3 is the best episode. If you don't like it just drop it.

I got into it after Snail arc. Dropped it for a few months around the same episode.

It's been awhile since I've seen Bake but I don't remember the show changing much.

>does it get better

if you didn't like episode 1, just drop it.

i dont get it either user

i get calling an anime a waste of time but...this show especially is just a fuckin waste

>Its rated 8.40 after all.
you should read/watch something because it's interesting, not because it has a high rating. the best thing about bakemonogatari were the thematic discussions, which will never happen again

>mal rating

>forcing shit you don't like on you
Also stop being an insecure faggot and do what you need to do without asking others.

If you don't like it by now, just drop it.

Watch it again if you want too later. Don't do something you don't want to do.

Thanks for all the replies. Appreciate it.

kill yourself

>MAL rating

that is very rude of you user


ITT: faggots who can't into the deepness of bakemonogatari

kill yourselves faggot, just watch it op it gets better.

>the deepness of bakemonogatari

nice meme, i watch this because it is a above average harem

It really doesn`t change much, if you don`t like it by now, just drop it.
I personally love every second of it, but can also understand that it's not everyone's cup of tea.

you should be ashamed

if you dont like it after snail you will never like it

If you didn't like its style by episode 3-4 then drop it because the change of style doesn't change at all, if anything it goes turbo mode in some seasons only focusing majorly on characters and their interactions.

Some of the locales are just photographs of places in Japan. If you don't like it now drop it and hide the threads. Also
>MAL rating.
You do realise most of that userbase is absolutely retarded and rates shit on the first episode alone without even finishing the show right? Shit shouldn't even be allowed.

I'll give it another try when i have the time for slow pace. I did enjoy the the first episode.

You guys don't actually think MAL rating doesn't even correlate to quality, do you?

Sure, the correlation isn't perfect, but it's generally not bad, with the exception of some popular/band-wagon shit that gets overrated.

yeah i know user. but its too tempting to just browse from the top rated when im out of ideas on shows to watch

>mal rating.
Please fuck off there and don't come here again retard

Fuck back off to MAL then.

what said

If you're not invested in it from e1 it's just not for you, drop it and don't waste your time

Nice false dichotomy.

Somewhat of a newfag here
What exactly is wrong with MAL? Or is it just something to hate because its popular?

I want to delete my MAL account already.

try to watch until episode 13, if you still don't like it drop it. Episode 13 changed my life

MAL has serious problems, but only newfags avoid it like the plague.

If you like nice hair on your characters don't bother watching.

I can get behind this. Sure, you should take every rating with a big pinch of salt, but not beeing able to use them as a general guideline is just retrarded.

If you don't understand what is wrong with MAL's rating, stay there

MAL is an easy way to see wincest though. I watch wincest anime because it's rated low there because MUH THEY'RE SIBLING IT'S DISGUSTING YOU KNOW. Though it's a bit disappointed that both NBRshit and BRshit get the same rate, so sometimes I get NBRshit anime.

MAL only good for that, and for tracking sales, and for backlogging.

I had the same problem. I tried episode 3 three times and I could never finish it despite the fact that I usually like series with lots of talking. Maybe I'll try again in a few years.

This 2 are accurate, if you didn't like it from the start but wanted to continue try it until episode 3 and if still you didn't like it, drop it altogether. The anime is one of the rare ones wherein if you didn't like it from very first episode just drop it. Monogatari is more of an acquired taste than a "3 episode rule" anime.

IMO bake was a quite different show than we have today. OP, keep going through it, it picks up in Nise when best girl shows up selling curses. After that, monogatari is way better. Season two has best arc with best girl.

I don't use MAL personally, but some of the highest rated anime on those sites tend to be popular shounen. There are more people who casually watch anime than there are who are serious about the medium and can rate shows with a broader perspective. They are scared and turned off by the avant garde and love the typical. Thus, ratings can be considered somewhat skewed.

However, if they support your own opinion of a show, then they're of course 100% accurate.

I like Nise better than Second Season. Bake was far more better than all combined.

Something being popular does not correlate to it's quality at all. Do you believe Harry Potter is the pinnacle of literature? Besides MAL is full of more cancer than most anime communities.

Popularity DOES correlate to quality. Correlate - not guarantee.

Note that quality series ARE popular, too. All of the 'best' anime is massively popular, it just doesn't have the kind of sales low brow stuff does. Or maybe it even does.

In any case, we're discussing subjective ratings, not popularity.

You're the only one who brought popularity into the argument dumbass. Rating is not the same as popularity, a show could be rated a 10 with only 5 votes.

Episode 12 is the best thing ever and the ED will finally make sense.

Kill yourself. With fire if possible.

> Sup Forums is not the most cancerous of them all.

MAL ratings are always massively skewed for popular & unpopular shows with westerners. Just about anything averaging a 9+ on MAL could be massively overrated in your own opinion.
Ratings and reviews on MAL are different, don't look at the score then say one autist explained his points so there for everything is justified, hundreds make reviews, tens of thousands click a button to rate and be done with it. A lot of reviews there also falls into the modern rating dilemma where 7= shit 8 = good 8.5= very good 9 = great 10 = amazing.

It's only merit is tracking things in your backlog and being a repository for looking up seiyuu and other staff history outside of wikipedia IMO. Also like that user said being able to add to the average score for a show before it's even finished airing is bullshit and skews the rating even further because tons of anime have great starts and then fall into being just mediocre - average.

Fuck off back to MAL. You're already affected by the groupthink mentality of their stupid "community".

Holy shit user, is this ironic or do you really have this little self-awareness?

Why did you shoehorn 'western' into your argument? How is that relevant at all?

In any case, the ratings aren't perfect, but to make the argument that they don't at all correlate to quality is completely asinine. Of course they do, in aggregate. We don't know the strength of the correlation, but I suspect it's stronger than "asshole on Sup Forums's opinions" - even substantially so.

Furthermore, that the scale is somewhat universal as you pointed out is actually good, even if it is in practiced normalized to 7 rather than 5.

here's what i do: start with some anime you already know are good, then look at some of the reviews on MAL. click on the users with solid reviews and see what anime they've seen or added recently. i almost always find something good that Sup Forums never talks about

for example, i started watching inou-battle wa nichijou, which is a comfy SoL with chuuni antics, and in all my years on Sup Forums i dont think i've ever seen a single thread for it

Because MAL is a site popular with western anime viewers and not nips, retard. Not even going to read or respond to anything else.

>People are still watching bakeshit in 2016
Gorespammer, where the fuck are you?

Western has shit taste after all and most MAL users are from western countries.

No, it doesn't. It's massively overrated harem shit.

The latter. I still posit Sup Forums is less conformist.

Did you actually think weeb: the post would be anything less than embarrassing?

I've got some bad news for you guys: You're western anime viewers

How shocking.


Do you know what a non-sequitur is?

Randomly putting facts into an argument that have no bearing on its content. Elephants are among the only animals that have been observed to grieve their dead.

But you're wrong newfaggot, it was talked here but people focused shitposting on kyoAni anime, and also it was forgetable anime.

We're not the average.

I'm sorry, but I'm not from wescuck country.

it's shit for pretentious memesters
so of course Sup Forums loves it

Monkey is best girl

I've never watched the series

Then you're from an inferior country - or at least one with an inferior literary tradition. Either way, you've lost.

At least mudslime wont cuck my country.

No. The first couple episodes were a struggle in and of themselves to get through but held some promise of something more involving. Everything beyond that is pretty much intolerable unless you're one of those new age weaboos that loves them some unconventional convoluted storytelling and characters just bantering at each other while some occasional fanservice and text flashes across the screen. It's practically the franchise that ended the very idea of decent late night TV anime as we know it since now there's tons of shitty LN's with annoying as fuck characters and prattling pretentious dialogue just flooding the market. Now everyone just chases after the fanatical demographics like Monogatari's.

At the end of the day this fandom is all about the circlejerk and trying to fit in with what's cool. That's half the reason people claim to like this franchise in the first place and make it one of their first watches upon entering the fandom. Nowadays most people only really watch LN shit anyway though so it's bound to enter their watch list at some point regardless

I should be asking you that but you're too busy throwing a fit because I used the word westerner.

Sup Forums is barely much better these days anyway. At least I'm not seeing much of a difference since about 2015.

I already did about a month back. Just got tired of dealing with a whole bunch of ADD sugar rush kids who don't know what they're talking about. Only reason I tolerate Sup Forums is because of anonymity but I'll probably quit here eventually too considering I barely even watch anime anymore and mostly just like shitting on all the ridiculously bad ideas and cash grab stuff it comes out with now.

Sup Forums is completely fucked to be honest.

95% of the posts here are shitposting/waifuposting. The remaining 5% discuss the show, with .5% actually being decent comments.

This board is terrible for discussing anime. It's not even a little bad - it's REALLY bad.

Wow, you must be a prophet!

Well, she's a petty lesbian tomboy, how can you not love her

Why are you here so?

Actually I mostly agree with you ;_;

I've been addicted to Sup Forums since I was 16 10 years ago.

>95% of the posts here are shitposting/waifuposting.
It has always been this way and it's perfectly fine that way.

>shitposter/waifuposter detected

The vast majority of people who aren't mentally ill just get really bored when some fag starts talking about his romantic attachment to a character two episodes in a new season.

Maybe you should consider going to reddit then where you can have deep discussions about your mature Chinese cartoons for mature people like yourself.

MAL along with Crunchyroll is like the chief example of why the anime fanbase is absolutely retarded and as hopeless as the medium they prop up right now. Bunch of braindead idiots who can't even think a single unique thought or opinion for themselves running around shouting hype this hype that and just making the exact same comments over and over again in threads by dozen. Basically take everything that's shit about Sup Forums, double it and remove any of the potential upsides, though again really practically the same thing nowadays once you strip away the bullshit and pretense. I'm just waiting for Sup Forums to become entirely like MAL in ultra shitty commercialized seasonal anime taste and commentary style so that I can quit here too. I'd say it's like 3/4 of the way there already. Should be totally converted by the end of this year just in time for anime to really go to complete and utter hopeless shitty mobage commercials, fujobait and even more samey popular wish fulfillment LN adaptations for 2017. You know instead of the mostly hopeless state it's in now with that one tolerable real show nobody watches because it doesn't contain cliche waifus and possibly Aniplex hype marketing to tell the community what to watch/like state that it's in right now.

Seriously though I've never seen the anime scene nor it's community look as hopelessly bleak as it does right now to the point where it's just like why even bother much. Not even back in 2009 when the global economy all but crashed, production dropped off and it looked like the industry could even potentially have some major bankruptcies. At the very least the community wasn't complete hot garbage then like it is now when almost nothing good was coming out for a couple years. Right now it's like almost nothing good has come out in nearly 3 and looks to continue that way at least on broadcast TV.

>le false dichotomy face

There's a difference between being annoyed by some mentally ill faggot whose posts are nothing but masturbatory vehicles for his teenage sexual frustrations and being a redditshittard.

This is the entire series. If you aren't into it, that means you're a normal functioning person.

That's where I couldn't get past either. I just found it annoying as hell to try to watch at that point and could not for the life of me understand why people liked it so much. Nowadays I totally get it though, it's that the communities taste is fucking ridiculously bad and doesn't even remotely resemble mine anymore despite ostensibly being oriented toward the same medium at least in theory. Really though I'm not even entirely convinced it's the same medium I got interested in in years past, I mean yeah the aesthetics are similar but the tone and overall message has changed for the excessively commercial and pointless.

Go back to your containment thread, anti-Aniplex-kun.

>a thread where I'm agreeing with Aniplex guy

I mean, you're fucked in the head too, but you're not entirely worthless.

The one key remaining difference between Sup Forums and MAL is that MAL is an exceedingly hype based community. Everything from ratings to reviews to commentary and it's frequency revolves around what is said to have the most hype currently whereas Sup Forums will just claim to like or hate anything on a whim. Same end result of ridiculous ways of reaching conclusions about shows, different methods of getting there where MAL has literally one path to follow and Sup Forums is just anything goes to fulfill the narrative necessary for the thread and what the OP is trying to do with it.

It's not a false dichotomy when it applies. I can only repeat that you should go elsewhere if you want deep discussion about your mature shows. Leave Sup Forums to people who aren't retards but aware of the nature of what they're watching.

>mentally ill faggot whose posts are nothing but masturbatory vehicles for his teenage sexual frustrations
This may be news to an obvious normalfag such as yourself but they're likely not teenagers. And I fail to see how this is connected to mental illness.

You're doing a good job outing yourself as one. You should go there because you'll fit right in.

>one tolerable real show nobody watches
Which would be?

>I'll probably quit here eventually too
You have a terminal addiction to shitposting, you're not getting out of here until you die.

Just read Zaregoto and don't touch Nisio's other works. They are pretty much all trash.

>I'll probably quit here eventually too considering I barely even watch anime anymore
Get the fuck out then. The less people like you are here the better Sup Forums is going to become.

Shitposters and people with severe mental illness do not have a monopoly on Sup Forums, nor do they have a monopoly on 4channel. I'm a NEET myself, but I'm not even remotely as fucked in the head as someone who can develop a romantic attachment to a fictional character after 3 minutes of screen time two episodes into a new season. Even if that's possible for you - why do we care? We don't. Fuck off with your dumb shitposting and obsession - we're not interested in seeing through the prism of your mental illness.

If you legitimately think Sup Forums isn't about DISCUSSING ANIME AND MANGA, you're a Sup Forums shit cancer fucktard and deserve nothing but the gas chamber.

>mal rating

If you legitimately think that talking about your love for an anime character isn't discussing anime, you deserve a mental facility.

Maybe, and only maybe, you will like Suruga Monkey or episode 12 more, but I think you can drop it without regrets.

Too obvious, 2/8.

>I'm a NEET myself, but I'm not even remotely as fucked in the head as someone who can develop a romantic attachment to a fictional character
People develop romantic attachment to real people in even less than three minutes. Romantic attraction is not based on reason.

>We don't.
I think you're projecting. I for one am very interested in who user wants to fuck.

>If you legitimately think Sup Forums isn't about DISCUSSING ANIME AND MANGA
And discussing the characters in regards to sexual aspects is discussing anime and manga. If you're unable to deal with that you should probably get the fuck out.

For future uses.