Have you gotten the Jim Carrey pill yet?
Have you gotten the Jim Carrey pill yet?
>if only you knew how bad things really are
I've never liked his acting or his politics. I find his style very annoying.
What rabbit hole did he just get of
Dumb and Dumber is the best movie ever.
I'd go back in time and turn her straight
oh shit he's gone full charlie sheen
Hard drugs, man......
the face of coke
I've unironically just come to the same realizations as him. All existence is is sex, consciousness never dies, that kind of shit. The only thing you know for certain is that you exist, the outside world could all be fake.
He took the Icke pill
Tbh it looks like hes tabbing out on acid
Has he really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Mr. Chinaski
He's enlightened.
I think its scary how sometimes you get that one actor, musician, or some other creative artist that just about to snap at the hypocrisy of how far-left and biased main stream really is. Seeing figures like Jim Carrey being that real, and authentically disconnected about how absurd such events are idealizing people who are act (lie), or sing (influence) should not be. Cult of personalities are the source of all the world problems. Destroys individual thought, and create tribal instability.
this guy is a self-absorbed asshole
he was dating a girl and she moved away from all her family and friends and he breaks up with her and she kills herself
and he goes off to try to find higher knowledge to cope with the fact he's a monstrously self-absorbed human being who leaves corpses in his wake due to his own unconcern with others
this video only solidifies that.
>snap at the hypocrisy
You mean being off the meds that make you not care?
>I believe its deeper than that
>I believe were a field of energy dancing for ourselves
>and uuh
>I dont care
"This is just a dream?"
>there are just things happening
>existentialism for insects
Dumb and dumber is almost like a satire of what dumb people think comedy is like.
I haven't heart that in about ten years.
>All existence is *BUUUURP* is sex, consciousness never dies, that kind of shit. The only thing *BUUUURP* you know for certain is that you exist, the outside world *BUUUURP* could all be fake.
am I having a stroke?
carrey in a nut-shell
Jim's been on track for a Robin Williams end for almost a decade, it's coming. Must tough to always be the funny man when existence is so cruel and meaningless.
On a side note, I hate watching these no talent hosts like this try to talk to celebrities when they go off the reservation and don't speak on cliches and platitudes. They can't think on their feet.
Is that from when the reporter shat herself and had an anurism on tv
No, he's a Canadian cuck just trying to be relevant.
That is some Bill Hicks shit right there.
Can't believe he hasn't blown his brains out yet. But he did make some girl kill herself, right?
It's one of the greatest memes. Enjoy that confusion feel.
I love how proto-memes make a comeback.
Holy shit. What the fuck is this hahah
>Those replies
I don't even want to give them (you)s
That's just shameful.
Fucking hell
comedians are all broken angry people
Its the same as inviting the personification of old Sup Forums to a gale party. Except he didnt appeared naked or raped/shot someone.
Stop using word recommendations on your tablet.
he looks ill.
You're new as fuck aren't you.
>All I see are clusters of tetrahedrons.
What did he mean by this?
>Has he really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
No, i think it came from /vg/ in 2009 but I cba checking. People thought he was trying to ask if any other game studio had ever tried more at making their graphics decent or some shit.
Nah, people shit on Bill Hicks but at least he was coherent in his bullshit. Carrey just went full manic there. He doesn't even make sense and proper sentences.
I know he is depressed but whoah dude, chill on the fucking pills there buddy.
I really really really like this post
Mind if I save it?
>Has he really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Look at her coffin photos, he is still trolling her her making exaggerated mourning faces while carrying the coffin.
I've always loved Jim Carey. I'd probably go gay for him.
That sluts voice is annoying as fuck.
Years ago he had a great idea and I was in love and he came and he was actually my hero.
hive mind
>shitposting in interview form
platonic solids
>I know he is depressed but whoah dude, chill on the fucking pills there buddy.
Its not the pills. I've had the same thoughts he's trying to convay there. It's just depression.
He fucked Jenny McCarthy when she wAs still hot
He was flirting with the interviewer.
How did she feel knowing a guy who infected his ex with STDs was flirting with her?
And ew, the guy is old. Nothing like back in the 90s
>dude we're, like, all made of energy of sumthin
Do drugtards really believe they're being original when they spew those memes?
>And ew, the guy is old.
You have to be 18 to post here.
He looks high as a kite.
But celebs tend to go nuts because they lack social control. They're respect and powerful because of their craft, and typically have the power to dictate pretty much anything to their immediate surroundings, and the wealth to make it stick. You also see this with Will Smith's kids. Completely bonkers, because there's never been anyone to tell them "Jayden, the shit you say is retarded and you dress like a faggot".
And while too much social control is stifling, too little of it amounts to a void of criticism, which makes people unable to prune their own shitty behaviour. And Jim Carrey is deep into that voice, just saying anything that pops up into his head.
What about:
>I believe were a field of energy dancing for ourselves.
Does that mean that we are the Earth's electromagnetic projection constantly shaping itself? That everything here is just an hologram of the Earth's core?
>have you been lurking for 8 years
No I'm wasting time while I have it the past few months, if I was shut in for that long I would have killed myself long ago
he came to the same realization alan watts did
alan watts died from an overdose of redpills
Nutty Professor - Jim Carrey reality style
What thoughts? Shit he says doesn't make sense.
Im also depressed form more than a decade and never took pills but i fucking sound like a normal humean bean. I don't go full fucking schizophrenic Charlie Sheen for no reason on people. I heard some bums make more sense than him.
Hahaha no fucking way you've been lurking for 8 years without seeing that pasta.
>muh everything is a partisan issue
you seem to have overdosed on the Sup Forums pill
the hostess was right when she said that at their best those "idols" actually do inspire people with their art and persona
all Jim has to contribute here, is that everything is meaningless, everyone is fake, dont bother coming together and trying to build something together - all this is a really similar message like the one of cultural marxists that want you to destroy the existing system, because its somehow flawed
where is his beard?
Must feel nice to be depressed with millions of dollars
Fuck off nigger go back to Uganda
This is worse than reddit spacing
His beard doesn't exist.
are we all living in a computer simulation?
>babbies first time seeing burp-posting
Newfag got triggered?
how eyses can be real if mirrors arent real
this basically
Is it a suppository?
Jim is a massive cuck.
She said "I heard you were desperate finding a gf", bitch doesn't know his gf committed suicide. That's why he answered this way
Nothing feels nice when you're depressed
So what's this faggot's view on Donald Trump?
Idols are stupid, but necessary.
Being an idol, not that kind of idol you weebs, must be a pretty shit life, always feeling guilty or even not feeling guilt anymore.
I love Kanye but he is a pretty flawed person.
Nothing. Donald Trump isn't real.
>being inspired by anyone at fashion week
>in the year 2017
You're fucking kidding, right m8?
I was thinking along these lines. It's not OUR world.
I like what hes saying and fuck that stupid bitch making faces
HOLYSHIT!! I LOVE JIM CARRY NOW!! He black pilled the retarded bollywood world.
You mean you're in the matrix?
well memed!
have an upvote :^)
Basically this.
Drop that meme-flag.
idols are fucking stupid there just some cunt who is whoring themselves out and putting all morals aside. I dont know how anyone is dumb enough to idolise someone