Compass thread

Compass thread



did it earlier today





Why the fuck does it say I'm canadian

It looks confederate to me leaf.


Anyone got any other good political tests?


I don't understand how is international gommunism has more centralized state than national?

>47% equality



do it for him

Market fascism? How'd that work?


Wew seems like my porn habits are unnervingly Hitlerian.

Fucking gold



switch Pride and Wrath

>sloth is not lib-left




What the fuck is capitalist fascism?

Fascism but with a complete free market instead of crony capitalism.

Is it something similar to Pinochet Chile?

very good





Its what libtards call a free market becaus since free markets trigger them, they call it fascist because it must be fascist and literally hitler because they dont like it and they are literally shaking when they think of freedom because freedom is slavery. ;)





Authoritatian left should be changed to "If you help me I won't put you in a gulag.


This place had changed me



Italobrehs why do lefties here use populist as basically an insult?

They try to break every group that doesn't like them down into derogatory terms.

I thought about it but I think it goes beyond that, I think that (((their))) goal is to twist words' meaning to a point that they get this specific sounds that automatically valids or invalids every possible argument that its emitted into, like, see "racist" they throw it out there thinking that its the switch that'll make you go "oh Jesus if I think that way I'm inherently wrong and I must be spewing bullshit".
Or again, "be tolerant!". Tolerance literally means having to bear something that annoys you, but the way that they use it and the tone that use it's like you should do someone else a courtesy just for the sake of good manners, when what you're doing is lowering your pants and bending over.
kek do the same thing with cuck now that I think about it

So not fascism at all


>Daily data mining thread
user, I...




Hard times are coming