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I just can't decide if we're in 1984 or Brave New World

Liberalism is a mental disorder, that's all that needs to be said really


yeah the buddist are the baddies here goyim...buddism is terrorism...peacefull mudslimes goyim...i tell you what the truth is goyim...we have to bomb these evil buddist monks goyim

clown world on steroids

Terrorists started to spread cancer along Budha land. Based monk got angered and retaliated. Nothing to see here.
Also they are almost like the feudal church in terms of revenue and dont take kindly to religious opposition.


You know there's something wrong with your religion when even Buddhists get mad at you.

>hey dude want to take a picture for cover of time magazine?
>we are writing about buddhist monks and shit
>oh boy ye sure why not
>you are now the face of buddhist terror

western media eats up the bias stories too

6 gorillian rohingya died despite the whole conflict starting because of muslim militias going around slitting children's throats

Worse. We're in reality.

>the second most peaceful religion in the history of the universe
>defend country and culture from tribal savages
>somehow evil for this

They're gonna run some fuckin muzzies over with their Tuktuks of Tolerance


oy vey just because little mohammed shoots you with an AK does not mean it's justified to defend yourself goyim

>the second most peaceful religion in the history of the universe
Who is the most peaceful religion then?

The religion of peace, of course!

It's fun to see libtards turn on buddhists when they were not the cucked ''if you hit your enemy, they win'' types like libtards themselves are.

This is fake, right?


Kill All Muslims!

If this isnt fake i wish a pox on time.

based as fuck

Muslims kill thousends of people all over the world
>nothing to do with islam
>not all muslims
>islam is a religiĆ³n of peace
Budhist defend themselves
>the face of budhist terror

Fucking amazing.


He's right you know

Almost like there's some kind of agenda

I feel like this is a you rage you lose thread.
Fuk I lost bad.
Fuk time magazine.
Fuk libtards.

Muslims are so violent that even fucking Buddhists can't take it

go Budda
fuck muslims

Buddha was S E R B

That's a good idea, what is the root cause of this terrorism? Aaah, it is muslims; get rid of all of them and the buddhist 'terrorism' stops.

>You know that it isn't possible to peacefully coexist with you when even Buddhists get mad at you.

Time is a propaganda machine. The Buddhists are openly against Islam saying "If we let them, they will take over".

The cucking left doesn't like that, they want us whites extinct

the hilarious part of this is how few outlets are willing to associate buddhists with terrorism, they know it just doesn't stack up in the public eye. something must be seriously wrong for buddhists to be waging war.

i fucking love this.

So Muslims are like the zerg in StarCraft? They devour planets and force "assimilation"?

Buddhist Terrorism is fucking Based.

But a lot needs to be done. Sadly, a lot of internet shitposters like you don't seem to understand that and think that once a single person on this website has agreed with you and validated your opinion then your work here is done.


post yfw buddhists are final boss

I am pleased that the Buddhist are taken it to their hands to defend their lands from invaders.
But it is annoying that this has allowed the MSM faggots to hop on the look we have "extermists" in all religions etc. bullshit.

Buddhism has a long history of militancy, but usually it is a different effort. They just want to left in peace for the most part. But the Buddah allows violence to stop evil, so if you piss them off watch the fuck out

Yes. Have you not been paying attention your entire life?

Now I've seen everything.

Time goes bankrupt when?

Fucking based

Worse... like a zerg rush but already spreading the zerg infestation...

Oh what did the Buddhists do? Killed muzzies? Oh God it's terrorism... Peaceful Muslims have never done anything wrong. We should protect them and offer them our wominz.

I like it when muzzies die.

They're just helping muslim blasphemers with their own ideals.

Reminder that there's no such thing as Islamic terror

Buddhism is a religion of peace!

We actually live in Bizzaro Sup Forums now. Holy fucking shit. The memes have become reality, yet again.

>tfw TIME and national Geographic sold their souls to the fucking muslims.

Wrong, this is the face Buddhist terror

Search this image in the history to get the full info bomb on the history of the conflict in that region.

It's a good read.

WW3 is gonna be against islam, that's the end game boys.
You might think (((they))) are trying to make you love muslims, but that is obviously not the case.
The powers at be know that ethnic clashes are always inevitable and the stronger you try to "hide" the "evil" from the populace, the stronger the backlash.
We're gonna be burning pislamists worldwide within a couple of decades, you can screencap this, this feel-good clown circus was never meant to last.




Well said.

>anna beech

Fucking cunt


Every Muslim I've ever met has been an aggressive smelly asshole while every Buddhist I know is a polite, courteous, and helpful, person. Now on 9/11 I get another reason to hate fucking Muslims.

based. I've always loved Buddhism. Think I love it even more now.


>flag checks out

>Buddhist retaliate against perpetually chimping Muslims

>Muslims commit terror attacks every month and are responsible for thousands of dead westerners.
Time: ...

Made me dink.

Was this written by Chinese Communist Party? Dalai Lama and Falun Gong did nothing wrong



>Buddhist and Christians tell Muslims they aren't wanted
>get called terrorists

This cover is from july, 2013!!!

If you apply yourself and think, you'd see the true cause of buddhist terrorism: CLIMATE CHANGE!

I'd say it's more like rabies.

>Buddhists deny refugees because Muslims have a high percentage of terrorists hiding among them
>Buddhists get shamed for it
>It's not enough
>Refugees start sinking their own ships, martyring themselves

Saving this. Good find user. This is redpill fuel

Don't need to be, apologists for the religion of peace has spread like a virus.
They either scream at or ignore you if you dare point out the punishment for apostasy.

>be mudslime
>think you sre tough
>get your shit slapped
>usa pla halp
Can they just not act like rats for once and die properly?

I knew it. Buddhists! Always the same hotheads!

It's just funny how they managed to attack both Dalai Lama and Falun gong, the same way CCP does it. CCP calls them terrorists and danger to peace


I wonder (((who))) swings that opinion.

A better question would be "who the fuck cares what a dumb kike calls you for not wanting to ruin your country with mudslimes"?

If they're that concerned, Israel can take them.

People don't realize that Buddhist have a long history of beinh warriors. They fought against the samurai and chinese encroachment and they will fight the barbaric muslims.

Buddhism is based on clarity and understanding. If even the Buddhists find it necessary to fight uou you know something is wrong.

I'm cheering for the Buddhists to win, if they succeed there's still a glimmer of hope for my beautiful country to get rid of Muslims as well.

Haven't you heard of the Albozerg? They literally outbred the Serbs and stole Kosovo, Literally zerg breeding tactics.

This makes me think

*In America there are conflicts with muslims, examples: 9/11 in the United States and attack on the Israeli embassy in Argentina.

*In Europe there are conflicts with muslims, examples: all the terror attacks of 2015 until today

*In the Middle East there are conflicts with muslims, examples: ISIS in Syria and Iraq, the lack of freedom in countries like Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan and hatred towards Israel.

*In Africa there are conflicts with muslims, examples: well, who cares about Africa? can't literally go three years without a civil war, and I'm sure that somehow islam is involved.

*And now in Asia there is conflict with muslims.

Anyone saying islam is the problem because it does not know how to live in peace with other religions/cultures is clearly racist and evil.

sauce? yt link for this?

National Geographic magazine has been controlled by 21st Century Fox since 2015

This is why there was a rapid decrease in quality over the past two years. Compare a modern cover to a cover from 5 years ago and you'll probably see an obviously uniform difference.

eh, found it:

Let's encourage it instead

>Islam is a race
Fucking asian monkeys.


Give this man a Nobel peace prize!

you fuckers are retarded if you think every buddhist is automatically a peaceful dalai lama

Have you seen the movie "Silence"? buddhists can be evil as fuck, just like any religion can.

>the jews side with muslims

how many levels of Sup Forums have you smoked today?

so do they just go shaolin on they asses or what

so peaceful

Buddhists are terrorists and Muslims are peaceful? Did I enter a dimensional distortion?

> Muslims try to over throw a countries culture and religion
> Buddhists fight back
> Buddhists called terrorists


It's only the media trying to give tbe Muslims a victim narrative with which they can guilt the west with. Nothing Jewish there at all.